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Manitoba NDP Shopping Spree

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The provincial NDP apparently now has a blank check. Two bills are on the works, one allowing for the public funding of political parties and the other allowing the NDP to raid the profits of Crown Corporations to fund gov't programs. All this while getting big transfers from Ottawa. It would be nice if Winnipegers would realize the provincial government is not another city council.

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The provincial NDP apparently now has a blank check. Two bills are on the works, one allowing for the public funding of political parties and the other allowing the NDP to raid the profits of Crown Corporations to fund gov't programs. All this while getting big transfers from Ottawa. It would be nice if Winnipegers would realize the provincial government is not another city council.

1. The public funding is nothing new. its done federally and in other provinces. What it does is make parties less reliant on big business and peole of influence.

2. Crown corporations belong to the people of Manitoba. The money should be used to our benefit.

3. According to Winnipeg City Conciliator Harry Lazarenko, a very small portion of the Provincial budget (less than 2 percent) is spent on Winnipeg. There is a great deal of infrastructure work being done all over the province.

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The provincial NDP apparently now has a blank check. Two bills are on the works, one allowing for the public funding of political parties and the other allowing the NDP to raid the profits of Crown Corporations to fund gov't programs. All this while getting big transfers from Ottawa. It would be nice if Winnipegers would realize the provincial government is not another city council.

Sounds Great. I would like to see the same initiative in Ontario. The Public Funding Idea was one of the few ideas from the National Party that found its way into the federal scene. Not bad for a 1 year party. I would like to see all Provinces follow suit.

Has Manitoba already stopped corporate and union donations? Like in Federal Politics?

Depending on your perspective of the monies, I see smaller parties getting monies for votes, from the people who voted for them, but would never give them a dime :)

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The provincial NDP apparently now has a blank check. Two bills are on the works, one allowing for the public funding of political parties and the other allowing the NDP to raid the profits of Crown Corporations to fund gov't programs. All this while getting big transfers from Ottawa. It would be nice if Winnipegers would realize the provincial government is not another city council.

The NDP government has been great for Manitoba. The conservative leader hugh mcfayden made an election promise to spend millions of taxpayers money to "bring back the Jets". He wanted to spend millions of dollars to get an NHL team into winnipeg that only wealthy people could really afford to buy tickets for anyway. Gary Doer the NDP leader instead pledged millions of dollars toward small community rec centres, pools etc that will be available to everyone on every level of the income scale. It shows that the NDP understand Canadians priorities a lot better than the silver spoon conservative crowd does. Our highways that we all travel on are fnally starting to come back up acceptable standards after years of conservative neglect. Also the people of manitoba would all be a lot better off if we still owned our own telephone system that Gary filmon of the conservatives sold off to private interests.

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Sounds Great. I would like to see the same initiative in Ontario. The Public Funding Idea was one of the few ideas from the National Party that found its way into the federal scene. Not bad for a 1 year party. I would like to see all Provinces follow suit.

Has Manitoba already stopped corporate and union donations? Like in Federal Politics?

Depending on your perspective of the monies, I see smaller parties getting monies for votes, from the people who voted for them, but would never give them a dime :)

I should not be forced to bankroll a party that I do not believe in. Remember it goes both ways, that would be a hardcore dipper being forced to support the tories. That tax money could be placed somewhere's else, such as back in my pocket or in hospital beds. A donation cap takes care of corporations and people of influence.

Yes the crown corporations do belong to the people of Manitoba, they also have a monopoly here. Raiding the profits of the Crown Corporations to balance the books is going to result in higher insurance rates and higher hydro. Why not have them profitable so we can have cheaper power and insurance? The debt in Manitoba in 2008 has increased by half a billion dollars. On top of that there are the transfer payments to be addressed.

MTS being privatized is great as well, it's a public company so a person can buy shares in it. We are getting great services from them because they compete with other agencies. The dippers also neglected the highways and they are still garbage around Winnipeg.

The NDP gov't has been great if your a Winnipeger. Policy is just as important as spending, and the NDP has been in the way of economic growth in rural Manitoba, , they'd rather spend money funding political parties.

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The NDP gov't has been great if your a Winnipeger. Policy is just as important as spending, and the NDP has been in the way of economic growth in rural Manitoba, , they'd rather spend money funding political parties.

Thats what you say, but its not supported by the facts in recent studies.

Also, the roads are getting better. Its a long process, but they're getting better.

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The provincial NDP apparently now has a blank check. Two bills are on the works, one allowing for the public funding of political parties and the other allowing the NDP to raid the profits of Crown Corporations to fund gov't programs. All this while getting big transfers from Ottawa. It would be nice if Winnipegers would realize the provincial government is not another city council.

Do your criticize the federal Tories for the same support of public funding and also reducing what private citizens can donate?

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The NDP gov't has been great if your a Winnipeger. Policy is just as important as spending, and the NDP has been in the way of economic growth in rural Manitoba, , they'd rather spend money funding political parties.

sorry the NDP has been great for ALL manitobans. I live in rural manitoba, nearest neighbor over a mile away, certainly no winnipegger. Our community just recieved 1/3 million dollars from the province to build a pool. The NDP are BUILDING Manitoba , we should elect Jack Layton so we can start BUILDING Canada.

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sorry the NDP has been great for ALL manitobans. I live in rural manitoba, nearest neighbor over a mile away, certainly no winnipegger. Our community just recieved 1/3 million dollars from the province to build a pool. The NDP are BUILDING Manitoba , we should elect Jack Layton so we can start BUILDING Canada.

Under the NDP, our community received a new Class 2 Water Treatment Plant. The surrounding communities are now being hooked up. Construction a sewage treatment facility is about to begin.

Highway 328 that connects us to Highway 6, our closest Winnipeg access, received $4 million in upgrades. Highway 276 from here (Waterhen) to Skownan IR is now a seal coated hard surface road (paved). Flood protection is also being put up all over our community to prepare. Each house will be getting its own dike. The main community has already had one built, and roads and drainage systems are being improved.

We also now have a Primary Health Care Centre and 3 (and soon to be 4) full time paramedics for our ambulance (and the entire provinces ambulance fleet was replaced).

Oh, and we get a new fire truck next year to go along with our other not so old one and a new public works tractor later this year. The community next to us (Mallard) just got a new firetruck and tractor also.

I cant forget to mention the high speed internet hat they just paid to have installed all over the province. Manitoba really is moving forward.

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sorry the NDP has been great for ALL manitobans. I live in rural manitoba, nearest neighbor over a mile away, certainly no winnipegger. Our community just recieved 1/3 million dollars from the province to build a pool. The NDP are BUILDING Manitoba , we should elect Jack Layton so we can start BUILDING Canada.

And this is where my tax dollars on 2000 acres of property tax and two yardsites are going... Meanwhile the ag sector which is bankrolling this province is under attack from the NDP. If you are in southern Manitoba, you aren't allowed to buy pigs.

Alberta has been tory for 35 yrs. They don't believe in punishing individual people for succeeding. Why should I be poorer so people can have a pool? Great my property taxes go up and my hydro goes up because Manitoba has put itself 1/2 a billion more in the hole this year on crap like that. I'd really hate to be an Ontarian, Albertan, and Newfoundlander hearing this.

The government should not be building a province, that is up to the citizens of the province. Had Manitoba had that philosophy we wouldn't be so far behind the Albertans. Saskatchewan HAD an NDP because it looked across the border and seen how a province that has the same resources should be run. Sask, still has catching up to do.

By that logic I should be taking an 8 million dollar loan out from the local Credit Union and turn my farm operation into a state of the art facility.

Do your criticize the federal Tories for the same support of public funding and also reducing what private citizens can donate?

I believe private donations should be capped, at the same time I shouldn't be forced to fund the NDP or you forced to fund the tories.

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I believe private donations should be capped, at the same time I shouldn't be forced to fund the NDP or you forced to fund the tories.

Why should they be capped? Are you not a conservative?

And the taxpayer pays at the federal level for the NDP. Are you going to vote Libertarian next time because the Conservatives won't end this practice?

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Why should they be capped? Are you not a conservative?

And the taxpayer pays at the federal level for the NDP. Are you going to vote Libertarian next time because the Conservatives won't end this practice?

The tories suggested that political donations be capped as far as huge corporate or private donations go, everyone donates the same thereby keeping the special interests somewhat at bay, I think it's a good idea, it keeps politics somewhat more honest.

Personally I wouldn't want any political parties to exist period as it was in antiquity, that way an elected rep is more accountable to his electorate and can vote how the electorate wants to go and not have to worry about partisan nonsense.

I vote tory because they most closely follow my views.

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The tories suggested that political donations be capped as far as huge corporate or private donations go, everyone donates the same thereby keeping the special interests somewhat at bay, I think it's a good idea, it keeps politics somewhat more honest.

And it means that your tax money supports the NDP federally.

Personally I wouldn't want any political parties to exist period as it was in antiquity, that way an elected rep is more accountable to his electorate and can vote how the electorate wants to go and not have to worry about partisan nonsense.

I vote tory because they most closely follow my views.

And your vote means continued support for the NDP through your taxes.

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And it means that your tax money supports the NDP federally.

And your vote means continued support for the NDP through your taxes.

Then how is it the federal tories have swarms of money and the LPC is broke, if the LPC is publically funded they wouldn't be in financial trouble. I thought the law was for max donations of x dollars and that was it. Public funding is as bad as having large private and corporate donations.

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Then how is it the federal tories have swarms of money and the LPC is broke, if the LPC is publically funded they wouldn't be in financial trouble. I thought the law was for max donations of x dollars and that was it. Public funding is as bad as having large private and corporate donations.

The Liberals are publicly funded. So are the NDP. So are the Tories. It is based on the votes you get. The Liberals get millions from the taxpayer.

Chretien started the process of limiting large donors and Harper accelerated it by trying to limit donation to even small amounts. It is this extra money to run operations where the Liberals are suffering. They have plenty to run their office but not enough to run ad campaigns when not in an election.

Harper was against limits before he went back into office. He is only against it now because his party benefits from it.

Please read the legislation. It is exactly what the NDP is planning on in Manitoba and what the Tories practice in Ottawa.

One difference: you are against the NDP for doing this and don't seem interested in the Tories who also do this.

Edited by jdobbin
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And this is where my tax dollars on 2000 acres of property tax and two yardsites are going... Meanwhile the ag sector which is bankrolling this province is under attack from the NDP. If you are in southern Manitoba, you aren't allowed to buy pigs.

Ahh the Hog Factory Moratorium, another great NDP idea that I fully support! We have had too many years of unbridled hog factory expansion in Manitoba and it is polluting our air and our water supply. Good on the NDP for putting on the brakes. The huge hog factories are causing the price of pork to drop bottom, and forcing all the family pig farms out of business. I know I have worked in one of the huge hog factories, and frankly it disgusted me. Pigs raised in crates to grow as fast as possible and use up as little space as possible. Regular innoculations of antibiotics. These operations have practically destroyed all the small family pig farms, where the animals were raised a lot more humanely, and without all the antibiotics. The meat even tastes better when the animals are allowed to walk around. The NDP just realizes that our environment is more important than further enriching the pig factory owners by continuing to let them expand their operations past the point that our environment can support. If Canadians were smart enough to elect Jack Layton as Prime Minister they would probably be so happy with the results that we would elect NDP federal governments for the next 50 years.

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Ahh the Hog Factory Moratorium, another great NDP idea that I fully support! We have had too many years of unbridled hog factory expansion in Manitoba and it is polluting our air and our water supply. Good on the NDP for putting on the brakes.

It was the NDP who promoted the factory farm for hogs as policy over all those years of unbridled growth, as you say.

There have been several job plan ideas the NDP have supported over the years that went bad. They promoted call centers, internet pharmacies and hog farms. Lots of money were thrown at these industries and all ran into problems.

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I should not be forced to bankroll a party that I do not believe in. Remember it goes both ways, that would be a hardcore dipper being forced to support the tories. That tax money could be placed somewhere's else, such as back in my pocket or in hospital beds. A donation cap takes care of corporations and people of influence.

Well Blueblood. I got your goat. Sorry for baiting. I don't like the public funding of political parties. I agree with you about spending public monies on public services.

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sorry the NDP has been great for ALL manitobans. I live in rural manitoba, nearest neighbor over a mile away, certainly no winnipegger. Our community just recieved 1/3 million dollars from the province to build a pool. The NDP are BUILDING Manitoba , we should elect Jack Layton so we can start BUILDING Canada.

Anything is possible if your very existence depends on relentless sucking on the public federal teat, which Manitoba has done for a generation, and continues to do.

Don't thank Doer or Layton or yourself for your prosperity, thank Canada.

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Manitoba=shameless, relentless sucking........and proud of it.

I love the baiting and trolling that goes on. Have a problem with transfers? Take it up with Stephen Harper. He has enriched the transfers. Stop voting for the man.

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It was the NDP who promoted the factory farm for hogs as policy over all those years of unbridled growth, as you say.

There have been several job plan ideas the NDP have supported over the years that went bad. They promoted call centers, internet pharmacies and hog farms. Lots of money were thrown at these industries and all ran into problems.

I agree, Doer is nothing but a bandwagon jumper, give the MB Libs credit they are consistent.

Apparently no business owner is allowed to get ahead in Manitoba according to the NDP. Family farms in Southern Manitoba can't buy pigs either. Placing the environment ahead of our prosperity is a recipe for the poorhouse.

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Manitoban sure seem to like the way us NDP'ers do things, they have given us a bigger majority every time! The conservative party is practically extinct in Manitoba. Good. The cons sold off our telephone system and if they ever get back in they will sell off our power company. They are puppets of the silver spoon crowd. Yeah bring back the Jets, thats what manitobans care about pfffffft! The conservatives fear mongering crime ads really helped them a lot too didn't they? We are not a bunch of scared little pussies who are afraid of poor people, well except those overfed,overpaid, trust fund babies that regularly vote conservative.

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