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Canada's Gas Prices

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Are you for real?? I see you are in New Brunswick, a welfare province. Tell you what, no more transfer payments. Don't like it, eat less!

I agree 100%. We should not have transfer payments. I'm glad we agree on something.

You are from Ontario I'm guessing? Can you do me a favour and tell McGuinty to shut up and stop whining for welfare money from the federal government? no welfare money for Ontario either right?


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Trudeau enacted some law in the 70's to send in the army against Quebec. A law that could be used against any other province just as easily. I doubt very much the politicians would willingly remove a power allowing them to crush armed dissent.

Last time I checked Ontario and Quebec holds a huge influence on the party who forms the government. If gas prices keep going the way they are it is only a matter of time before the people of Ontario and Quebec wake up and know it is in their interest to elect politicians who support the passing of a similar law to the US requiring oil production be used and transported to Canada.

The War Measures Act could no longer be invoked because of the Charter of Rights.

It is possible though the federal government could pass other laws or regulations to invoke state imposed interventions in the name of national security.

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The War Measures Act could no longer be invoked because of the Charter of Rights.

It is possible though the federal government could pass other laws or regulations to invoke state imposed interventions in the name of national security.

That's what I thought, thank you for confirming it.

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I agree 100%. We should not have transfer payments. I'm glad we agree on something.

You are from Ontario I'm guessing? Can you do me a favour and tell McGuinty to shut up and stop whining for welfare money from the federal government? no welfare money for Ontario either right?


Is New Brunswick in Canada? I thought it was in the Maritimes...

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I agree 100%. We should not have transfer payments. I'm glad we agree on something.

You are from Ontario I'm guessing? Can you do me a favour and tell McGuinty to shut up and stop whining for welfare money from the federal government? no welfare money for Ontario either right?


What people don't understand is the amount of GST, Gas Taxes, Income Taxes paid by 12 million people in Ontario and 8 Million people in Quebec versus Alberta's paltry population of what? 1.5 maybe 2 million. On the one hand the Federal Government Takes and on the other the government gives back in the form of Transfer payments (if you qualify).

The way I see it, any GST, Income Taxes, and Gas taxes should remain in the province collected. People don't listen to Duceppe to closely. All the Federal Government has been doing over the years is giving Quebec back its own money. It just so happens Ontario is about to be in same situation as Quebec. Sending more Tax money to Ottawa and receiving it back in the form of a Transfer payment.

As for New Brunswick, they send no surplus tax dollars to Ottawa but they receive transfer payments. Translation = Welfare!!

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What people don't understand is the amount of GST, Gas Taxes, Income Taxes paid by 12 million people in Ontario and 8 Million people in Quebec versus Alberta's paltry population of what? 1.5 maybe 2 million. On the one hand the Federal Government Takes and on the other the government gives back in the form of Transfer payments (if you qualify).

The way I see it, any GST, Income Taxes, and Gas taxes should remain in the province collected. People don't listen to Duceppe to closely. All the Federal Government has been doing over the years is giving Quebec back its own money. It just so happens Ontario is about to be in same situation as Quebec. Sending more Tax money to Ottawa and receiving it back in the form of a Transfer payment.

As for New Brunswick, they send no surplus tax dollars to Ottawa but they receive transfer payments. Translation = Welfare!!

Actually, its estimated that by 2010 Ontario will need Equalization while Newfoundland and Labrador will not. So Ontario is about to become a "welfare province," as you put it.

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What people don't understand is the amount of GST, Gas Taxes, Income Taxes paid by 12 million people in Ontario and 8 Million people in Quebec versus Alberta's paltry population of what? 1.5 maybe 2 million. On the one hand the Federal Government Takes and on the other the government gives back in the form of Transfer payments (if you qualify).

The way I see it, any GST, Income Taxes, and Gas taxes should remain in the province collected. People don't listen to Duceppe to closely. All the Federal Government has been doing over the years is giving Quebec back its own money. It just so happens Ontario is about to be in same situation as Quebec. Sending more Tax money to Ottawa and receiving it back in the form of a Transfer payment.

As for New Brunswick, they send no surplus tax dollars to Ottawa but they receive transfer payments. Translation = Welfare!!

Alberta has over 3 million, but that doesn't matter to you I guess, after all they are just Albertan's right?

I guess your Canada includes Quebec .... but that's about it eh?

Ontario is going to be receiving transfer payments, possibly this year, Quebec already does and HOW!

Yes, that's right - a 'welfare' province as you like to state. Will you still ask for transfer payments to stop then?

Why don't you just get right down to it and admit that you want the federal government to pay for your gas. Who cares about Albertans. Who cares about NB, the 'welfare' province.

In fact, who cares about your fellow Ontarians? You want welfare and you want it now.

Hey, that could make a good chant!

You call us a welfare province and you are asking for welfare?

wow, you must have interesting conversations with yourself.

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Actually, its estimated that by 2010 Ontario will need Equalization while Newfoundland and Labrador will not. So Ontario is about to become a "welfare province," as you put it.

No, because Ontario will still send more taxes (GST, Income, Gas, ET, CPP, etc) than it would receive back in transfer payments. The Federal Government will only be giving back ontario its own money. New Brunswick on the other hand sends no surplus GST,Income, Gas, ET, CPP, etc but receives a transfer payment = !WELFARE!

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Alberta has over 3 million, but that doesn't matter to you I guess, after all they are just Albertan's right?

I guess your Canada includes Quebec .... but that's about it eh?

Ontario is going to be receiving transfer payments, possibly this year, Quebec already does and HOW!

Yes, that's right - a 'welfare' province as you like to state. Will you still ask for transfer payments to stop then?

Why don't you just get right down to it and admit that you want the federal government to pay for your gas. Who cares about Albertans. Who cares about NB, the 'welfare' province.

In fact, who cares about your fellow Ontarians? You want welfare and you want it now.

Hey, that could make a good chant!

You call us a welfare province and you are asking for welfare?

wow, you must have interesting conversations with yourself.

So I guess you were fine with the US slapping a 30% anti dumping tariff on Softwood Lumber because the US didn't agree with how Canada calculated its stumpage fees? Wait is it possible the US wants us to do what they do? Damn right! Do as they do. Pass a copycat law requiring all oil produced in Canada, remains in Canada, for Canadian Use. Any unused Oil is then put it on the world market.

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So I guess you were fine with the US slapping a 30% anti dumping tariff on Softwood Lumber because the US didn't agree with how Canada calculated its stumpage fees? Wait is it possible the US wants us to do what they do? Damn right! Do as they do. Pass a copycat law requiring all oil produced in Canada, remains in Canada, for Canadian Use. Any unused Oil is then put it on the world market.

OK....but your price at the pump may actually go up, not down. Good luck!

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No, because Ontario will still send more taxes (GST, Income, Gas, ET, CPP, etc) than it would receive back in transfer payments. The Federal Government will only be giving back ontario its own money. New Brunswick on the other hand sends no surplus GST,Income, Gas, ET, CPP, etc but receives a transfer payment = !WELFARE!

care to prove this?

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So I guess you were fine with the US slapping a 30% anti dumping tariff on Softwood Lumber because the US didn't agree with how Canada calculated its stumpage fees? Wait is it possible the US wants us to do what they do? Damn right! Do as they do. Pass a copycat law requiring all oil produced in Canada, remains in Canada, for Canadian Use. Any unused Oil is then put it on the world market.

No we do what's in Canada's best interest to do, sell our Oil for the best price possible.

you don't like paying for it, you don;t have to. Don't ask me to subsidize your poor decisions.

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No we do what's in Canada's best interest to do, sell our Oil for the best price possible.

you don't like paying for it, you don;t have to. Don't ask me to subsidize your poor decisions.

Unless you work for the Oil Company and live in Alberta, how are you benefiting from the Oil prices in Canada? The Oil Companies get the money not you! What you are doing is subsidizing shareholder profits at Canadian expense. What you are doing is lowering the cost of Oil for the rest of the world at Canadians expense. What do think would happen to world oil prices if Canada consumed more of its oil? Oil prices for the rest of the world would simply go up to compensate for the reduced supply. Any oil exported from Canada would then cost more and the oil companies would still get its money regardless!! But I doubt you would comprehend that fact. If you are talking about the taxes being paid on gas at the pump at the current gas prices we could make up those taxes by slapping on an export tariff on oil. I see how you roll, you are not for Canadians. You are one of those special interest group elitists sucking on the government tit for his income. Get a real job, parasite.

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No we do what's in Canada's best interest to do, sell our Oil for the best price possible.

you don't like paying for it, you don;t have to. Don't ask me to subsidize your poor decisions.

Oh wait you are sucking on the government tit, You are in New Brunswick. My Bad

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Unless you work for the Oil Company and live in Alberta, how are you benefiting from the Oil prices in Canada? The Oil Companies get the money not you! What you are doing is subsidizing shareholder profits at Canadian expense. What you are doing is lowering the cost of Oil for the rest of the world at Canadians expense. What do think would happen to world oil prices if Canada consumed more of its oil? Oil prices for the rest of the world would simply go up to compensate for the reduced supply. Any oil exported from Canada would then cost more and the oil companies would still get its money regardless!! But I doubt you would comprehend that fact. If you are talking about the taxes being paid on gas at the pump at the current gas prices we could make up those taxes by slapping on an export tariff on oil. I see how you roll, you are not for Canadians. You are one of those special interest group elitists sucking on the government tit for his income. Get a real job, parasite.

Far be it for me to cast doubt, but I really don't think you have a clue about the subject or maybe you tried and failed marxist economic theory....either way Canada as a whole has beneifted tremondously from the oil patch.

First off millions of Canadians are shareholders either directly or indirectly in the energy industry. These Canadians are investing in the Canadian Oil energy for their retirement, for their childrens education, for new homes. This is a very good thing.

Secondly tax revenues. Whether at the pumps or from the profits earned by companies like Encana, tax revenues are fuelling Canada's coffers. Not to mention that over 200,000 Canadians are directly emplyed in the energy industry and their payrolls are taxed like everybody else.

Slapping a tax on our export oil. 1) NAFTA soesn't allow it unless the same tax is applied to our domestic oil. 2) The mmarket doesn't like it either. Funny how that works, how the cheaper price gets bought while the higher collects dust...

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Far be it for me to cast doubt, but I really don't think you have a clue about the subject or maybe you tried and failed marxist economic theory....either way Canada as a whole has beneifted tremondously from the oil patch.

First off millions of Canadians are shareholders either directly or indirectly in the energy industry. These Canadians are investing in the Canadian Oil energy for their retirement, for their childrens education, for new homes. This is a very good thing.

Secondly tax revenues. Whether at the pumps or from the profits earned by companies like Encana, tax revenues are fuelling Canada's coffers. Not to mention that over 200,000 Canadians are directly emplyed in the energy industry and their payrolls are taxed like everybody else.

Slapping a tax on our export oil. 1) NAFTA soesn't allow it unless the same tax is applied to our domestic oil. 2) The mmarket doesn't like it either. Funny how that works, how the cheaper price gets bought while the higher collects dust...

I don't see why 31 million Canadians should subsize the lives of 3 Million who live in one province. A fraction of which may work for the oil companies. Alberta's prosperity has been at Ontario and Quebec's expense. In the 90's our dollar was 60 cents thanks to mulroney. With the Free Trade agreement it created an advantage to manufacture in Ontario. Rising Oil prices has pushed up the value of the dollar and George Bush wrecked the US economy pushing the US dollar down. This cocktail has devasted Ontario's manufacturing. Most companies in Ontario are operated by Foreign entities. Unless there is something in it for these companies why would they they be pressed to invest in people or provide a decent income for Ontarian's. All they care about is extracting money from Canada. Since there is no more money to be extracted they have left Ontario throwing hundreds of thousands of people into lower paying employment.

There is nothing stopping Canada from slapping a Tariff on Oil going to countries outside of NAFTA. Nafta appears ok with the US Law (OCS Lands Act) requiring all oil produced in the US remains in the US for US use. Somehow if Canada creates the same law we are violating NAFTA. Nonsense!!

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Far be it for me to cast doubt, but I really don't think you have a clue about the subject or maybe you tried and failed marxist economic theory....either way Canada as a whole has beneifted tremondously from the oil patch.

First off millions of Canadians are shareholders either directly or indirectly in the energy industry. These Canadians are investing in the Canadian Oil energy for their retirement, for their childrens education, for new homes. This is a very good thing.

Secondly tax revenues. Whether at the pumps or from the profits earned by companies like Encana, tax revenues are fuelling Canada's coffers. Not to mention that over 200,000 Canadians are directly emplyed in the energy industry and their payrolls are taxed like everybody else.

Slapping a tax on our export oil. 1) NAFTA soesn't allow it unless the same tax is applied to our domestic oil. 2) The mmarket doesn't like it either. Funny how that works, how the cheaper price gets bought while the higher collects dust...

So we Carbon Tax our Oil, and Don't Carbon Tax the Export Oil.

Funny how that works too.

NAFTA doesn't allow alot of things, but that doesn't mean squat when we win. No Enforcement Mech.

Just Tax the Export Oil.

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There is nothing stopping Canada from slapping a Tariff on Oil going to countries outside of NAFTA.

I am not certain that is true. We are tied to many various agreements and orgs. But I think its time to shed these foreign consumption deals and save the planet.

Tax the export oil.

Nafta appears ok with the US Law (OCS Lands Act) requiring all oil produced in the US remains in the US for US use. Somehow if Canada creates the same law we are violating NAFTA. Nonsense!!

Canada is a minion. We supply the US oil. The US is also very nationalist and protectionists which can rise up very fast during periods of economic hardship and failure.

We see that now, as they shut down CDN operations to support US operations.

The US oil Should be on the Open Market. We import alot of oil. We pay a higher prices for our imported oil and they protect their domestic and foreign supply.

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So we Carbon Tax our Oil, and Don't Carbon Tax the Export Oil.

Funny how that works too.

NAFTA doesn't allow alot of things, but that doesn't mean squat when we win. No Enforcement Mech.

Just Tax the Export Oil.

Vietnam I thinks has slapped an export tariff on rice. a lot of commodity producing countries are starting to slap export tariffs on their commodities. Whynot? Why should countries give away their resources for corporate/country greed.

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Vietnam I thinks has slapped an export tariff on rice. a lot of commodity producing countries are starting to slap export tariffs on their commodities. Whynot? Why should countries give away their resources for corporate/country greed.

Can I run my motorcycle on rice? Some older harley riders call it a Rice Rocket. I will accept Tarriffed Rice if it works. :P

Tariffs are a no no and countries have been working to remove them. However, with the "environment" becoming the defacto issue, and gas shortages, voices will build to secure "their"oil, and tax oil exports.

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