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"Canada's a dangerous place"

Guest American Woman

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Guest American Woman

A country of petty thieves, rabid animals, rapists with a gun problem and dangerous drivers who are under threat from terrorists, tornadoes, earthquakes, avalanches, forest fires and freak storms and with only spotty police enforcement to protect them.

That's the true north strong and free.

Travel reports for Canada issued by the foreign offices of Australia, the United States and Britain depict it as a dangerous destination from sea to sea. link

The tone of this article suggests that there are some in Canada who are miffed by Canada being seen/depicted as anything other than 'nice' and 'safe' (but I'm guessing there are also some Canadians who are more than happy to lose that stereotype). Truth be told, I don't think Canada is as safe as it used be; I think there are more gun-related problems/violent crimes in parts of the country, and I think these travel reports are an indication that others feel the same way.

And I think Canada is also at risk for terrorist attacks. This idea that Canada isn't at war, that Canadians are only engaging in peace-keeping in Afghanistan while the U.S. is killing people because that's what we do, is not being bought into by other nations.

Edited by American Woman
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Canada IS a dangerous destination. Winter road conditions and avalanches often claim lives, particularly in the mountainous areas that attract huge numbers of tourists who want to ski.

Much of the rest makes me laugh out loud, though.

Rabid animal bites? People being bitten by wild animals is such an extraordinarily rare occurrence in any event, and rabid wild animals must be doubly so. I think Australians and Americans would probably be much safer among Canada's allegedly wild animals than amongst the venomous insects and reptiles that can be found in most areas of their homelands.

And threat of terrorism? Because of all the terrorist attacks in Canada?

Earthquakes? "Honey, I just read that Canada is dangerous because there are earthquakes. Maybe we should go someplace else. San Francisco sound good?" :)

The warning regarding winter travel and mountainous areas is spot on. The rest, though, I think is pure comedy and probably belongs under the heading of "legalese" (cover-your-ass type warnings, so that if some hapless tourist catches rabies after losing a fight with a raccoon, they can't turn around and sue claiming that "You never warned us that Canada was infested with rabid raccoons!"


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I find this an interesting topic since I have a niece living and working in Australia and has been there for nearly 10 years. When my granddaughter got a schoolarship to a Sidney College the first thing they warned her about was not to go out alone at night. My Niece also warned her. She told her that it was a very dangerous place.

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Guest American Woman
Canada IS a dangerous destination. Winter road conditions and avalanches often claim lives, particularly in the mountainous areas that attract huge numbers of tourists who want to ski.

Much of the rest makes me laugh out loud, though.

[.... ]

A lot of it made me laugh out loud too, I have to admit.

But then I got to thinking that there likely is truth to some of it. Every country has had zero terrorist attacks until the first one occurs. I think the idea that Canada couldn't experience an attack is to give a sense of false security. Like I said, Canada is at war; Canada is occupying Afghanistan. If other western nations are listed as 'at risk' regarding terrorist attacks, then I think it's appropriate that Canada is too.

And if places like Toronto are experiencing an increase in gun/violent crime, then I think it's appropriate that that be pointed out too. I think it's just a matter of losing the stereotype that Canada is a 'safe' country filled with nothing but 'nice, polite' people. I think some would like to hang on to that reputation, but I think that's going to be changing a bit.

But some of it, like the rabid animals, seriously cracked me up. I pictured squirrels and racoons running around Canada foaming at the mouth, threatening the safety of unsuspecting tourists everywhere. Makes one wonder how so many Canadians manage to live to a ripe old age. :P

Edited by American Woman
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But then I got to thinking that there likely is truth to some of it. Every country has had zero terrorist attacks until the first one occurs. I think the idea that Canada couldn't experience an attack is to give a sense of false security. Like I said, Canada is at war; Canada is occupying Afghanistan. If other western nations are listed as 'at risk' regarding terrorist attacks, then I think it's appropriate that Canada is too.

If one follows that line of thought, then it seems logical to me that potential visitors to Canada should also be warned that defunct satellites and meteors have also crashed in Canada and therefore that visitors to Canada are at risk of being bagged by space-junk.

There are places (in the Middle East, Africa, southeast Asia, particularly...) where the risk of political violence (usually carried out in forms that would be considered terrorist attacks) is not just a hypothetical but a fact and a frequent occurrence.

To me it seems like they're doing a disservice to people by putting Canada in the same category as other places where the risk is actually real.

And if places like Toronto are experiencing an increase in gun/violent crime, then I think it's appropriate that that be pointed out too. I think it's just a matter of losing the stereotype that Canada is a 'safe' country filled with nothing but 'nice, polite' people. I think some would like to hang on to that reputation, but I think that's going to be changing a bit.

Well, that one I'll agree with. As a tourist there are areas of Greater Toronto or Vancouver that I'd be as nervous about being lost in as I would in areas of Detroit or D.C.


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hey! Have you ever seen "when animals attack"?

Sooo funny! There was a squirrel terrorizing and attacking people... I don't remember whether it was in Canada or the states though -- sure was funny watching a grown man be all scared of an itty bitty squirrel. :lol:

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Guest American Woman
There are places (in the Middle East, Africa, southeast Asia, particularly...) where the risk of political violence (usually carried out in forms that would be considered terrorist attacks) is not just a hypothetical but a fact and a frequent occurrence.

To me it seems like they're doing a disservice to people by putting Canada in the same category as other places where the risk is actually real.

They aren't putting Canada in the same catagory as the other places though. I read the government sites to see what was actually said, and really, the author of the article I cited has his nose out of joint over it. That part of it cracked me up, too; iIt's so obvious that the author was annoyed that Canada was being perceived/portrayed as anything short of 'sugar and spice and everything nice.' Like I said, it's just making people aware that Canada has potential for a terrorist attack too, along with the rest of the western nations that have been/could be targeted.

hey! Have you ever seen "when animals attack"?

Sooo funny! There was a squirrel terrorizing and attacking people... I don't remember whether it was in Canada or the states though -- sure was funny watching a grown man be all scared of an itty bitty squirrel. :lol:

It had to have been in Canada. Your itty bitty squirrels are agressive! :P

Edited by American Woman
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They aren't putting Canada in the same catagory as the other places though. I read the government sites to see what was actually said, and really, the author of the article I cited has his nose out of joint over it. That part of it cracked me up, too; iIt's so obvious that the author was annoyed that Canada was being perceived/portrayed as anything short of 'sugar and spice and everything nice.' Like I said, it's just making people aware that Canada has potential for a terrorist attack too, along with the rest of the western nations that have been/could be targeted.

It had to have been in Canada. Your itty bitty squirrels are agressive! :P

Following your advice, I've gone to the Australian Foreign Affairs site and found their travel advice for Canada, and I agree with you. The tone of the article is pretty over the top considering the common-sense content of the travel report.

If anybody wishes to make up their own mind, the site is: http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/view/Advice/Canada


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hey! Have you ever seen "when animals attack"?

Sooo funny! There was a squirrel terrorizing and attacking people... I don't remember whether it was in Canada or the states though -- sure was funny watching a grown man be all scared of an itty bitty squirrel. :lol:

Find it funny Drea that a human who gets bitten by a rabit squirrel can die? I don't find that amusing.

They forgot to add the HRCs to the list, with thought police running around looking/trolling to find something to offend them I'm sure a Aussies wicked humour would offend the Perpetually Offended. Good Day Mate might offend those oh so sensitive Canadians.

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Find it funny Drea that a human who gets bitten by a rabit squirrel can die? I don't find that amusing.

They forgot to add the HRCs to the list, with thought police running around looking/trolling to find something to offend them I'm sure a Aussies wicked humour would offend the Perpetually Offended. Good Day Mate might offend those oh so sensitive Canadians.

...speaking of perpetually offended... geez Moxie I was only joking about the squirrel. Pfft. Feeling a tad sensitive/no sense of humour today? :lol:

Booga booga!

Scared yah didn't I? :blink:

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...speaking of perpetually offended... geez Moxie I was only joking about the squirrel. Pfft. Feeling a tad sensitive/no sense of humour today? :lol:

Booga booga!

Scared yah didn't I? :blink:

Never mind the squirrels, here in Edmonton our neighbourhood has been terrorized by huge gangs of bull-rabbits!!! Sure, they sit all quiet and cute and fuzzy and white in the snow on your lawn, but look at them the wrong way and they'll go for your throat, I'll tell you. The have the look of death in those little bunny eyes they do!!! And those little buck-teeth...SHARP!

You ever see one, you best off to cross the street and just keep on walking. Those little fluff balls are killers.

Australians are better off to stay home and take their chances with those Funnel-Web spiders. :rolleyes:

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Its sssooo dangerous here that hubby forgot to lock the door when he came home from work last night and....


How scary! We just cowered under the covers until we became brave enough to (omg!) go-to-the-livingroom-and-lock-the-door. *whew* I am so glad we are still alive, we barely survived the hordes of terrorists at the door!

... and there was a spider too! in the bathtub... I killed him with hot water... I am sooo brave!

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Like a lot of inaccurate statements there is an element of truth to some of them.

Fires, yes we have them but no mention of grass fires trying to burn down half of Sydney and Southern California on yearly basis. How many were killed by wild fires in Greece last summer? Lots. How many in California and Australia? A few. How many in Canada? None.

Yes we have earthquakes on the west coast but no major ones so far of the type that have hit Alaska and California (or even Seattle).

There is a problem with gang and property crime in many of our cities that really needs to be addressed IMO, but most cities have areas where you don't really want to go.

Rabies? Yup, we got that to but no worse than the most of the US or Europe.

Heavy snowfalls and avalanches. Could be why the place is one of the top destinations in the world for extreme skiing and skiing in general.

Windstorms and floods. Second biggest land mass of any country on earth so it stands to reason there will be a variety of weather but don't these people read their own weather reports?

No mention that Aus has more deadly critters than just about any country on the planet.

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Yes it was over-the-top. I believe that Canada was ranked under Latvia and Chile as well by the Aussies. However, I think this might be sort of a revenge thing, because Canada also has warnings about tourism in Australia, including the spiders James Rahn mentioned.

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Guest American Woman
I find this an interesting topic since I have a niece living and working in Australia and has been there for nearly 10 years. When my granddaughter got a schoolarship to a Sidney College the first thing they warned her about was not to go out alone at night. My Niece also warned her. She told her that it was a very dangerous place.

Australia's travel site says: The crime rate in Canada is similar to that in Australia. Crime is more likely in large cities. Would you say that's false, then? Or do you think there are cities in Canada where you would give a warning similar to the one your neice was given in Sydney?

Yes it was over-the-top. I believe that Canada was ranked under Latvia and Chile as well by the Aussies. However, I think this might be sort of a revenge thing, because Canada also has warnings about tourism in Australia, including the spiders James Rahn mentioned.

You really think a country would do something like that out of revenge? Do you think Austrailia was upset overt what Canada had to say on your travel site? And the article was complaining about things the US and the UK said on their travel sites too. I really see it as Canada getting its nose bent out of shape because Canada's being portrayed as less than completely safe and nice. Maybe I'm wrong, but as a non-Canadian, that's how I perceived it-- so I was curious about others' take on it.

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Guest American Woman
Yes, I do.

So Australia, the US, and the UK are all saying what they are about Canada on their travel advisory sites out of revenge?

So why is Canada saying what it does about Australia and the spiders on its web site? What reason did Canada have for issuing that warning?

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Much ado about nothing,

Exactly. Big deal. So the Australian government has cautionary entries on visiting not just Canada, but 79 other countries. For example India.


Canada may have even provided some of the information used in the Australian travel advisory. From the same link:

The travel advisory was made using assessments from Australian missions overseas, inputs from intelligence agencies and advisories prepared by consular partners such as the US, Britain, New Zealand and Canada.

How many people read those advisories any ways?

Apparently,not too many

I saw an online poll this morning on this exact question. I think it said about 35% check the DFAIT site before traveling.

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Rabid animal bites? People being bitten by wild animals is such an extraordinarily rare occurrence in any event, and rabid wild animals must be doubly so. I think Australians and Americans would probably be much safer among Canada's allegedly wild animals than amongst the venomous insects and reptiles that can be found in most areas of their homelands.
Non-rabid animals pose a greater threat. Two dog breeds developed in Canada or named after parts of Canada, Newfoundlands and Labrador Retrievers, are among the world's most vicious animals and alone make Canada a dangerous place.
And threat of terrorism? Because of all the terrorist attacks in Canada?
Jewish areas of Westmount and Forest Hill, especially, breed terror attacks.
The warning regarding winter travel and mountainous areas is spot on. The rest, though, I think is pure comedy and probably belongs under the heading of "legalese" (cover-your-ass type warnings, so that if some hapless tourist catches rabies after losing a fight with a raccoon, they can't turn around and sue claiming that "You never warned us that Canada was infested with rabid raccoons!"


I thought all Canada had igloo conditions.
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