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Five myths that sanction Israel's war crimes

by Jonathan Cook

(Tuesday, July 25, 2006)



copyright infringement

This is an illegal post.

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A violation of copyright law.

Please fix this.

Edited by Charles Anthony
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That explains your hypersensitive reactions.


While I don't advocate the style which Aras has used here - what in the world does the above mean? Are you insinuating that since he is Pakistani his is by default hypersensitive?

That's rather bigotted of you isn't it?

(Note: I am not calling YOU a bigot - just your post above and it's inference).

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This is an illegal post.

No link is posted.

No excerpt of the article is used.

A violation of copyright law.

Please fix this.

Who died and made you mod??

Here, I'll post the link (which is really easy to find by pasting the title into google!!!)

Five myths that Sanction Israel's War Crimes

There see - how easy was that?

Or... could it be... that you didn't happen to like what you read in Cook's article? Why? He speaks the truth, rather harshly yes, but sometimes truth hurts sunsettommy.

Instead of wanting to censor - yes censor - this article you could easily have simply told Aras that on this board, links should always be added and only part of the article should be quoted.

Instead your comment is quip, juvenille and kinda whiney!!! :P

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"Iran held a drawing contest to mock holocaust and it gave the Jews a taste of its own medicine. "

"You insult a culture, a people. You can take away all the laws but Jews will react very strongly to anyone who denies holocaust. Is it somekind of law?"

'You had no response to the rest of my post, eh? Revealing."

So Aras you never responded to me. Amazing how when you try suggest others ignore you and that means something also applies to you. Imagine that.

Then again since you have come on this board you have made repeated hateful comments at all Jews as with the above comments to show just a few examples abd yet you have lectured others for being racist against Muslims.

According to your reasoning, you can be anti-semtic, but no one should be anti-Muslim. Think its consistent?

You think you have any credibility coming on this board to allegedly criticize Israeli policy but engage in name calling and baiting of all Jews and then lecture others about being intolerant?

There is a reason you did not respond to me so before you point the finger at Jefferiah point it at yourself.

He did not respond further because you did not understand his initial point.

Now then Aras are you telling us all insulting Jews and denying the holocaust happened is a way to get oeople to respect Muslims and for that matter what you are saying?

You think that is rational?

Do you think being angry and insulting people and challenging them and threatening them will make them sympathetic to anything you have to say?

All that happens Aras when you call names, is you attract other people who may want to engage in the same name calling either back on you or against Jews. Either way it simply adds to the negative hatred you are advocating.


There is one poster I give a hard time to on this forum precisely because I do not want her turning into you. I don't want her to become so blinded by her message she forgets what she knows inside-that all people suffer equally and for the same reasons.

Are you capable of acknowledging that or are you so angry you can't?

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So Aras you never responded to me. Amazing how when you try suggest others ignore you and that means something also applies to you. Imagine that.......................

Are you capable of acknowledging that or are you so angry you can't?

Aras sleeps wit da fishes.....

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While I don't advocate the style which Aras has used here - what in the world does the above mean? Are you insinuating that since he is Pakistani his is by default hypersensitive?

That's rather bigotted of you isn't it?

(Note: I am not calling YOU a bigot - just your post above and it's inference).

Buffy hold that thought. I hope you understand the fact that I argue as strongly as I do with some should not be labelled in the same manner i.e., I hope you can see that applies not just to the Aras' of the world but people like myself who many call Zionist and assume because we are Jewish we are hypersensitive about anything to do with Israel.

Your criticizing Israeli policy is not and will never be the issue with me. If I think it blurs the line between Jews and Israelis and adds to negative generalizations I will challenge it but for the same reason you did above.

If you think I am accusatory with you I apologize. I am just debating you. If you genuinely believe I have become an Aras then blast away.

Edited by Rue
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While I don't advocate the style which Aras has used here - what in the world does the above mean? Are you insinuating that since he is Pakistani his is by default hypersensitive?

That's rather bigotted of you isn't it?

(Note: I am not calling YOU a bigot - just your post above and it's inference).


It is obvious you did not read the first 4 pages of this thread.

He was overreacting to other postings.Sometimes arrogantly.

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Who died and made you mod??

Here, I'll post the link (which is really easy to find by pasting the title into google!!!)

Five myths that Sanction Israel's War Crimes

There see - how easy was that?

Or... could it be... that you didn't happen to like what you read in Cook's article? Why? He speaks the truth, rather harshly yes, but sometimes truth hurts sunsettommy.

Instead of wanting to censor - yes censor - this article you could easily have simply told Aras that on this board, links should always be added and only part of the article should be quoted.

Instead your comment is quip, juvenille and kinda whiney!!! :P


But is a legal requirement to provide an excerpt and a link BACK to the source of the quoted article.

Everything I said was correct.

It was illegal in its format.

There was NO link provided.

I have no idea why you got snippy about it.

I had no objection to the article he posted.Just the FORMATTING of it.

By the way. I should NOT have to do the work to find the source of the article.That was ARAS responsability.Surely you knew that.

If what I did was so horrible to YOU.You are welcomed to run to the moderator about it.

By the way the Moderator has edited ARAS post in another thread and said if was because of COPYRIGHT infringement.The very same error ARAS made in this thread.

Go here and see for yourself:


Edited by sunsettommy
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Okay, I was feeling kinda bitchy yesterday. I just think you could have been nicer about it. Remind Aras in a polite way - instead you were kinda rude - just like him.

You could also simply pm Charles and allow him to either remove it, or add the link and cut it too an excerpt. When I've acted as mod I have often placed a link where members forgot and then warned them to please include one next time.

Pardon me if my tone was rather bossy. I'm not usually so finicky. Though I am sensitive to censorship and thought the Cook article was a rather good one, and didn't want the baby thrown out with the bathwater. Too bad that Aras posted it though - as I think he was here to only troll and deface.

Anyways, sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Buffy hold that thought. I hope you understand the fact that I argue as strongly as I do with some should not be labelled in the same manner i.e., I hope you can see that applies not just to the Aras' of the world but people like myself who many call Zionist and assume because we are Jewish we are hypersensitive about anything to do with Israel.

Your criticizing Israeli policy is not and will never be the issue with me. If I think it blurs the line between Jews and Israelis and adds to negative generalizations I will challenge it but for the same reason you did above.

If you think I am accusatory with you I apologize. I am just debating you. If you genuinely believe I have become an Aras then blast away.

Yeah, whatever, this is this is the biggest pile of kosher baloney that I've ever seen. Your Kerouac-esque stream of conciousness diatribes have done much to lower the level of debate here a couple of notches alone. I'd sure love to debate Israel here in a reasoned manner, too, if it weren't for the fact that certain people like to laden their responses with like fifty accusations of anti-semitism.

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This is an illegal post.

No link is posted.

No excerpt of the article is used.

A violation of copyright law.

Please fix this.

Yeah, Einstein, it's also against FORUM RULES to quote massive blocks of posts like you did and just type a few words of your own. Maybe you should smarten up before you go around telling other people what's "illegal" around here.

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Your Kerouac-esque stream of conciousness

Ah c'mon. Rue is simply trying to dig this zen forum for kicks while he slides across the slippery surface of this American night, with a thousand buddhist saxophones wailing the notes of eternity, in and out in constant flux, receding into the Void of the great Cowboy highway, where angelic moonlit children buy Coca Colas from the cosmic soda machines of freedom.

Edited by jefferiah
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Ah c'mon. Rue is simply trying to dig this zen forum for kicks while he slides across the slippery surface of this American night, with a thousand buddhist saxophones wailing the notes of eternity, in and out in constant flux, receding into the Void of the great Cowboy highway, where angelic moonlit children buy Coca Colas from the cosmic soda machines of freedom.

Whoa...(reaches for his copy of The Electric Koolaide Acid Test)



The trouble with super heroes is what to do between phone booths.

---Ken Kesey

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Actually though, even though we do not always see eye to eye on every issue, I think Rue is an excellent poster. He may have a run-on sentence once in a while, but when you are posting on the fly and with emotion sometimes that happens. I think he is particularly excellent when it comes to posting about Israel.

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There's really very few 'bad' posters. If we agreed all the time this place would soon get as dull as a Crimean War veteran's parade.


Once again I was hoist with my undeserved reputation for derring-do, my fraudulent record of desperate service, and once again I couldn't refuse.

---Sir Harry Flashman

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Yeah, whatever, this is this is the biggest pile of kosher baloney that I've ever seen. Your Kerouac-esque stream of conciousness diatribes have done much to lower the level of debate here a couple of notches alone. I'd sure love to debate Israel here in a reasoned manner, too, if it weren't for the fact that certain people like to laden their responses with like fifty accusations of anti-semitism.
There is a serious school of thought that modern-day anti-semitism is sugar-coated as "anti-Zionism". Where were the calls, during 1942-89, for the USSR to leave "occupied Estonia", "occupied Lithuania" and "occupied Latvia", much less Poland, Hungary, et. al.? Why is it only a Jewish state that poses a problem for people like you? Why are the "Palestinians" rights more sacred than the rights of Tibetans, Hungarians, Cubans, etc.?


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Yeah, Einstein, it's also against FORUM RULES to quote massive blocks of posts like you did and just type a few words of your own. Maybe you should smarten up before you go around telling other people what's "illegal" around here.
Why don't you read a poster's posts before leveling a personal attack. This poster is in agreement with you more often than not. Why are we eating our own in our posts?
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This thread is typical thinking: try to shut everyone up who doesn't agree with you.

The Canadian Islamic congress recently filed suit against Macleans because of something written in their columns.

Give it a rest. It's call FREEDOM OF SPEECH and it's protected in the charter of rights. If you don't like it, perhaps their are countries in the world more receptive to your idea of censorship and one-sided thinking.

As far as the Zionist ideals "spreading like wildfire" - what colour is the sky in your world.

American and Israel are quickly becoming the minority of common sense in this world.

By the way - throwing around viscous words like "racism" is a common tactic of people who wish not to discuss ideas, but rather to demonize everyone who doesn't agree with thei point of view.

Welcom to democracy, have a nice day.

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There is a serious school of thought that modern-day anti-semitism is sugar-coated as "anti-Zionism".

So what? There is a serious school of thought that humans were planeted here by beings from outer space.

Where were the calls, during 1942-89, for the USSR to leave "occupied Estonia", "occupied Lithuania" and "occupied Latvia", much less Poland, Hungary, et. al.?

During that time there was something that is usually referred to as the "Cold War" in which the Soviet Union was generally accused of unjustly occupying and oppressing the all of the people eastern Europe, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania included. I guess now that almost 20 years have passed since the demise of Communism, it's easy to forget just how critical the West was of the Soviet Union and its empire.

Why is it only a Jewish state that poses a problem for people like you? Why are the "Palestinians" rights more sacred than the rights of Tibetans, Hungarians, Cubans, etc.?

I'm sorry, but I don't know what a "people like you" is--please elaborate. I think it is really a misperception on your part, probably because of what you are and how that defines your identity, you are more sensitive to remarks about Israel, and you are more inclined to be biased in favour of Israel and therefore will consider any objective remark about Israel as being a subjective, bigoted attack. Just like your friend Rue, you likely don't pay much attention when I would bring up something about, say, The Netherlands, and how the Dutch after freeing themselves from the supposed oppression of Nazi Germany, decided to go back to southeast Asia and kill 250,000 people in a colonialist war. There are aspects of almost every country's history that one can be highly critical about, but most don't have the relevance to western society that Israel does.


Give me a break.

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Why don't you read a poster's posts before leveling a personal attack. This poster is in agreement with you more often than not. Why are we eating our own in our posts?

Until I came across that post and his snot-nosed comments, I'd never read one of his posts; whatever the case, the fact that the poster is supposedly "in agreement with [me] more often than not" makes no difference; I don't buddy-buddy with people on message boards because one never knows who they are and what they really think. I'm here to express my own opinions and debate issues I'm interested in.

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So what? There is a serious school of thought that humans were planeted here by beings from outer space.
Yes, Denis Prager, who wrote a widely read book on the subject, Why the Jews, is from "outer space"? He gives convincing arguments that the attack on Israel from intellectuals is a respectable cover for anti-Jewish sentiments. Else why is Israel singled out for criticism for actions that would be innocuous if done by any other country? I think there's a lingering view that Jews are not worthy of "national status", unlike Quebeckers, Azerbijanis, Turkmenis, Serbs, Monenegrans, Kenyans (what the h*ll is a Kenyan aside from a resident of a land that some thug named Jomo Kenyatta took over yelling "Harambi" or "bring us together), etc?
During that time there was something that is usually referred to as the "Cold War" in which the Soviet Union was generally accused of unjustly occupying and oppressing the all of the people eastern Europe, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania included. I guess now that almost 20 years have passed since the demise of Communism, it's easy to forget just how critical the West was of the Soviet Union and its empire.
And how many people decried the "inordinate fear of Communism"? How many UN resolutions were passed against the USSR for the Iron Curtain, China for Tibet, and North Korea for starbing their own people?
I'm sorry, but I don't know what a "people like you" is--please elaborate. I think it is really a misperception on your part, probably because of what you are and how that defines your identity, you are more sensitive to remarks about Israel, and you are more inclined to be biased in favour of Israel and therefore will consider any objective remark about Israel as being a subjective, bigoted attack.
Given the above-referenced selectivity, yes.
Just like your friend Rue, you likely don't pay much attention when I would bring up something about, say, The Netherlands, and how the Dutch after freeing themselves from the supposed oppression of Nazi Germany, decided to go back to southeast Asia and kill 250,000 people in a colonialist war. There are aspects of almost every country's history that one can be highly critical about, but most don't have the relevance to western society that Israel does.

Give me a break.

"Supposed oppression of the Nazis? Give me a break.

And as far as the "colonialist war" in which they allegedly killed 250,000 people, do you really tihnk the people of Indonesia are better off now than then? How much less of the money the world poured its heart out donating after the Boxing Day Tsunami would have been squandered under the evil colonialist Dutchmen? You are a fool seriously misguided (edited because I thought better of the characterization).

Edited by jbg
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