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Should Canada allow more immigrants into the country?


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A recent survey in Canada asked the following question:

Are there too many foreigners in this country now ?


20%: YES

10% : NO

70% :معهد الأمن العالمي بواشنط

Thats not even funny. Our country relies on immigration to survive an it will become even more important in the future. There is nothing wrong with immigrants. Besides that, and not that it matters, many immigrants are Caucasian.

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Thats not even funny. Our country relies on immigration to survive an it will become even more important in the future. There is nothing wrong with immigrants. Besides that, and not that it matters, many immigrants are Caucasian.

relies on immigration to survive? the country is just artificially man made boundaries. people have survived the world over without immigration for long long times.

look at it this way. does earth rely on immigration from other planets to survive? nope. so why would canada? i think the aboriginals survived for centuries just fine without caucasian immigrants. ;)

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relies on immigration to survive? the country is just artificially man made boundaries. people have survived the world over without immigration for long long times.

look at it this way. does earth rely on immigration from other planets to survive? nope. so why would canada? i think the aboriginals survived for centuries just fine without caucasian immigrants. ;)

Oh yeah, and they sure lived up to todays standards. if you really want to go back that far, everyone here descends from immigrants. Canada does not have a birth rate high enough to replace its populace. The world as a whole does. Without immigration we would soon begin to shrink and there would be no one to pay for things when you get old. Get the facts before you start throwing things like this around.

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Oh yeah, and they sure lived up to todays standards. if you really want to go back that far, everyone here descends from immigrants. Canada does not have a birth rate high enough to replace its populace. The world as a whole does. Without immigration we would soon begin to shrink and there would be no one to pay for things when you get old. Get the facts before you start throwing things like this around.

thats a stupid things to say. have you been to a reserve? seen the gas sniffing aboriginals walking down the streets of downtown centers? id say they were a LOT better off before caucasian immigrants "brought them up to todays standards".

and your math is flawed. pay for things when i get old? my pension pays for that. i pay into it. every pay cheque. and into my rrsps. and into my savings bonds. and ill have paid into the cpp for 40 years before i retire. so ill have paid for myself thank you very much.

i dont buy the "we need more people to survive" stupidity. there is a finite amount of everything on earth. so with your logic we could/would have to stuff canada full (eventually) till we couldnt walk or move to keep sustaining ourselves (exagerated of course, but, hopefully, you get the (big) picture). ;)

*edit* nevermind, i looked at your profile and noticed your age. you know everything right now. ;)

Edited by sideshow
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thats a stupid things to say. have you been to a reserve? seen the gas sniffing aboriginals walking down the streets of downtown centers? id say they were a LOT better off before caucasian immigrants "brought them up to todays standards".

and your math is flawed. pay for things when i get old? my pension pays for that. i pay into it. every pay cheque. and into my rrsps. and into my savings bonds. and ill have paid into the cpp for 40 years before i retire. so ill have paid for myself thank you very much.

i dont buy the "we need more people to survive" stupidity. there is a finite amount of everything on earth. so with your logic we could/would have to stuff canada full (eventually) till we couldnt walk or move to keep sustaining ourselves (exagerated of course, but, hopefully, you get the (big) picture). ;)

*edit* nevermind, i looked at your profile and noticed your age. you know everything right now. ;)

I live near a reserve too. To stereotype all native people as you saw on one reserve, or on a reserve, well thats just stupid.

Who will pay for healthcare? Who will fill jobs? Who will give the medical care? Your view is very short sighted and very wrong. My age has little to do with how I feel.

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I live near a reserve too. To stereotype all native people as you saw on one reserve, or on a reserve, well thats just stupid.

Who will pay for healthcare? Who will fill jobs? Who will give the medical care? Your view is very short sighted and very wrong. My age has little to do with how I feel.

i think that the ratio of jobs to people shrinks in accordance to the population...just like it grows. its supply and demand. the more people in, the more demand for product. the less people in, the less demand for product.

once you work for a couple of decades, maybe pay your own bills and raise a family, you will see things differently. life is not an internet/mtv fishbowl. ;)

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i think that the ratio of jobs to people shrinks in accordance to the population...just like it grows. its supply and demand. the more people in, the more demand for product. the less people in, the less demand for product.

once you work for a couple of decades, maybe pay your own bills and raise a family, you will see things differently. life is not an internet/mtv fishbowl. ;)

We need people to take care of us when we can't anymore. To pay taxes when we don't pay much to them anymore. Maybe when you move into the 21st century you'll see things differently. This isn't my opinion, you hear this on media of all types all of the time. There is nothing wrong with immigration and it is good for Canada.

I'm curious, what do you see as a problem?

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We need people to take care of us when we can't anymore. To pay taxes when we don't pay much to them anymore. Maybe when you move into the 21st century you'll see things differently. This isn't my opinion, you hear this on media of all types all of the time. There is nothing wrong with immigration and it is good for Canada.

I'm curious, what do you see as a problem?

Immigration is not good for Canada, even if you parrot the mantra 1000 times a day. We are producing a future powder keg. Stop worrying about who is going to take care of you and start worrying about who is going to take care of your kids.

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Immigration is not good for Canada, even if you parrot the mantra 1000 times a day. We are producing a future powder keg. Stop worrying about who is going to take care of you and start worrying about who is going to take care of your kids.

Immigration is very good for Canada, and you can parrot your mantra 1000 times a day, but it doesn't make it any less true. The majority of immigrants come here to work and pay taxes. We are very lucky to have them. I'm not worried so much about who will take care of me, but your generation. I also don't fear for my safety because I am not paranoid and I make sure I get the facts. Fact is, violent crime is falling. Canada is a very safe place and it will remain that way. Thankfully there aren't many people like you who have no tolerance for others.

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Do the math. Canadian women have an average of 1.55 kids. If every four Canadians only have 3 kids, how many generations before there is no one left? More immigrants or more babies just to maintain the status quo, take your pick.
I don't have an issue with immigration or the types of people that immigrate but I do have an issue with an economy that can only function if the population is constantly growing. Our current economy is a glorified ponzi scheme that will eventually collapse as the earth runs out of critical resources. We need to make a transition to a economy with a stable population and the sooner we do that the better. Limiting immigration to the levels required to keep a stable population would be a good start.

Frankly, I don't understand why the typical pro-Kyoto Protocol lefty is often also pro-unrestricted-immigration. If reducing Canada's GHGs is important then we need to limit our population growth. It would be cheap and actually deliver results.

Edited by Riverwind
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Immigration is not a bad thing in and of itself, it is the level of immigration that is the problem I think. Kind of like water.

I agree.

I feel our system is also flawed just letting people wander out of the airport with no job and families sponsoring in others with no job prospects.

work permits, yes.

open immigration point games and sponsorship, no.

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people have survived the world over without immigration for long long times.

Actually the history of mankind is a history of immigration. It is quite correct to say without immigration we wouild be in the same boat as homo habilis

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We need to take out ads to get people to homestead in the arctic to maintain a presence there and to keep out those pesky Danes and belligerent Russians.

I don't want to have to send my kids up there. We should keep our troops at home...er well..umm....never mind.

In answer to the question of why lefties support Kyoto and immigration, it is because they are both political solutions. Kyoto is not about GHGs it is about wealth transfer. Immigration in Canada is about homogenizing the global community and based wholly on lefty ideological theory. It's all about caring and sharing, don't you know! And void of all economic sense - which they never bother to consider because economics is only about profit and profit is about... ugghhhh....choke...c-a-p-i-t-a-l-i-s-m....hack.. hack..."People before profit" and all. You know the slogans, I'm sure! The economic factor is never given consideration.

I agree with the post that the current economic structure is based entirely upon expansion for its continuance. Expansion, economically, is of course necessary as long as population is expanding. Unfortunately, the cart is before the horse and the economic structure in order to be sustained requires population growth. An economically sound structure would sustain itself independent of population growth or reduction. It is necessary for government growth that population be increased as well, and governments do like to grow. More people means more money in the coffers.

Gotta run! Have a glorious day! :)

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One of the big hotels in our area is short 95 staff members, they can't get them. This is just one of the many large hotels here. And as I said before, Banff has been here raiding staff from these hotels.

Wouldn't it make sense that unskilled workers be brought in on permits?

Just this week alone there will be some 4000 immigrants bording off a plane at Pearson Airport with no job prospects.

Where are all these people going? What are they doing? Why are they coming where they know there are no jobs?

We have MORE of a supply of workers coming into Canada then we can even handle, the problem is, they also don't have a desire to work at a hotel.

This isn't their fault, its our fault for allowing this kind of immigration system which is simply illogical.

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with 5% unemployment, there should be 95 people out there to staff that hotel. If people werent so lazy and/or picky there wouldnt be this problem. but this is the atmosphere we foster in canada.

i worked 10 years at low paid, manual labour jobs before i found something that was good. this was because of poor choices i made in my mid teens. but with hard work and persistence i was able to finally get a great paying job. wasnt easy, took years of university, long hours, and lack of sleep. but it happened.

we dont need immigration to fill jobs and/or support us. we need to work harder as a society, and support ourselves.

non skilled trades/professionals need not apply. ;)

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I don't have an issue with immigration or the types of people that immigrate but I do have an issue with an economy that can only function if the population is constantly growing. Our current economy is a glorified ponzi scheme that will eventually collapse as the earth runs out of critical resources. We need to make a transition to a economy with a stable population and the sooner we do that the better. Limiting immigration to the levels required to keep a stable population would be a good start.

Frankly, I don't understand why the typical pro-Kyoto Protocol lefty is often also pro-unrestricted-immigration. If reducing Canada's GHGs is important then we need to limit our population growth. It would be cheap and actually deliver results.

I agree Riverwind, we do need to limit our population growth. We also need to ensure that people who emigrate here are skilled workers. We do not need more taxi drivers.

Canada's foundation was built by Immigrants, with the exception of the Natives we are all decendants of Immigrants.

MikeDavid perhaps the problems your province is having with immigrants are lax Provincial Laws, Nova Scotia had the grand total of 200 immigrants last year. Not exactly a flood of immigrants is it.

Margrace, is it a shortage of workers or a shortage of people who are willing to work in the service sector for crappy pay and hours? There are lots of healthy young males in Nova Scotia that get welfare and sell drugs to retain their lifestyle of "Idleness and Lazyness". If we adapted a policy of not giving "Healthy young men" welfare they would have to get off their arses and work or starve. Or move back home to Momsey's house.

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Just this week alone there will be some 4000 immigrants bording off a plane at Pearson Airport with no job prospects.

Not that I would ever doubt an unsourced figure form you....but you are saying that 80% of the immigrants in one year come through Pearson?

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We need to take out ads to get people to homestead in the arctic to maintain a presence there and to keep out those pesky Danes and belligerent Russians.

I don't want to have to send my kids up there. We should keep our troops at home...er well..umm....never mind.

In answer to the question of why lefties support Kyoto and immigration, it is because they are both political solutions. Kyoto is not about GHGs it is about wealth transfer. Immigration in Canada is about homogenizing the global community and based wholly on lefty ideological theory. It's all about caring and sharing, don't you know! And void of all economic sense - which they never bother to consider because economics is only about profit and profit is about... ugghhhh....choke...c-a-p-i-t-a-l-i-s-m....hack.. hack..."People before profit" and all. You know the slogans, I'm sure! The economic factor is never given consideration.

I agree with the post that the current economic structure is based entirely upon expansion for its continuance. Expansion, economically, is of course necessary as long as population is expanding. Unfortunately, the cart is before the horse and the economic structure in order to be sustained requires population growth. An economically sound structure would sustain itself independent of population growth or reduction. It is necessary for government growth that population be increased as well, and governments do like to grow. More people means more money in the coffers.

Gotta run! Have a glorious day! :)

I support immigration and not kyoto, hows that. You know I didn't think that racism really existed in the 21st century. This topic has proven me wrong as we all know we are not speaking of Caucasian immigrants.

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