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Everything posted by BigDookie6

  1. A recall is legal. The people have that right! I'm sure if Gray Davis were a Conservative Republican, there would be no objection of a recall from you. Should Clinton have been impeached for sexual activity and adultry while in the White House, on the taxpayers payroll? Or were you one of those who tried to justify it? Where were you when Jimmy Carter was president? He should have kept it to himself. Well regardless of what people think as to why Bush made a decision to invade Iraq; we're there, we need to be there, and the world needs to work together. Not blame our govt. for 9/11 or unjustify an invasion, or justify terrorists because of American foreign policy, because that just fuels instability and terrorism, and confuses nations trying to be liberated. I guarantee that if Bush were not re-elected, and we pulled everything out of Iraq, and the Mid East (companies, etc.), Change policy, etc. Terrorists would still try to target the West. Any terrorism is unacceptable! And we're confronting it. May not be the best way, and people may not like it, but it can't be tolerated. Sadaam and his sons were terrorists to their own people, harbored terrorists and supported terrorism, fooled the UN and paid the price. We had to go to Iraq. If we just removed Sadaam, without invading we would have had to go in anyway. Instability would have caused terrorism to take over the oil, feeding their belief and hatred with an unlimited amount of funds to do whatever with. The UN was unreliable (afraid of being exposed: "Oil for Food") And the rest of the world is being subjective, based only because Bush is in office. "We love America but hate Bush; therefore we will not support!" What kind of message does that send ?
  2. Vagina over ass anyday BD! Cartman, homos & heteros can live in peace. I'm not anti-homosexual, just anti-sodomy. Homos & sodomy go hand and hand though. And when only 1-2% of the population are homosexual... something's not right there. Either, the parents sheltered them, let the boys play with dolls too long, not enough guidance, girls could never attract men and grew up lesbian, boys could never get a girl, parents told them it was OK to be homosexual, trendy. I'll never buy it that they were born that way.
  3. I don't care if it's natural or not, if your favorite color is blue, or if hetorosexual/homosexual is sick. Penis and feces don't mix. I don't care how you try to explain it, if I'm wrong or right, if it feels good or what. Butt sex is nasty! I will always label anyone (homo or hetero) NASTY if they partake in sodomy. And I'm picking on the homos because whether they are female or male, they're going have butt sex sometime! Nasty, sweaty, feces, stinking, sticky ass sex! Sodomy can never be justified.
  4. You are so right on BD! We don't know anything down here! I will never disagree with you again BD. Because if I do, I am ignorant, uneducated, homophobic, a war mongerer, human rights violator, a liar and ugly! And I can never live up to you or your country's standards! Please forgive me righteous one I'm just trying to make it to the "Big Leagues"
  5. It was my understanding that they thought it "Could" (keyword here) disfranchise minority votes, and had asked for a delay in the recall. Justice System shot them down because they had no evidence that the recall would violate the 1965 Voters Rights Act. Any delay would benefit Davis's chances of retaining governorship. Doesn't it seem coincidental that the ACLU would file a lawsuit (with no evidence, I might add) and requesting a delay? Hoping for a delay? Just my observation BD. Just seems odd to file a lawsuit to oppose a recall based on the possibility of the voting system might not accurately count the ballots, when the recall had yet to take place. I could see their argument after the recall, and request a recount, but that's not what happened. Why do you think those 39 states prohibit the marrying of homosexuals? Could it be that the state is looking out for the best interest of it's people? Let the other states challenge! Govt. is not stopping them. But to expect every state to rule the same, just will not happen. We'd might as well cecede from the Union. Wouldn't waste my time clogging up the court system. I'd carry it anyway, just wouldn't get caught. As far as the "slurring" of words... Do not take mine out of context. I do not call my homo friends faggots (only if I am joking...and they know that I am, and do not take offense.) Some of them even admit, "yeah I am a faggot." I've also called a heterosexual male a faggot. I asked you about the calling of a Jewish person a Jew. I'm Jewish (although I do not practice), but I'm a Jew, "Kaike", "penny pincher", whatever you want to call me. Doesn't bother me. I'm a "cracker", a Yankee, etc. All are true, and they're just words. (keep in mind, I watch what I say though)
  6. The ACLU's job is not to ensure that everyone's vote is counted. It was a delay tactic For Gray Davis. His Lawyers argued the samething. And there was nothing wrong with the voting system. Calif. was just switching from punch ballots to machines. Obviously it worked fine. So you've come up with one example of rights homosexuals do not have: "a State Not recognizing a legal marriage." It's a state to state issue. And I firmly believe that all states do not have to agree with the legalizing of gay marriage. Put it to vote. That's part of democracy. If 1% of the population is voted against, that's just how it goes. There are other states! I guess I'd better call the ACLU. I cannot carry a concealled weapon in Calif. It's a violation of my Washington State rights! The argument for "Partnership rights & benefits" for homos is false. I'm speaking for Washington & Oregon, and probably California, and gay couples have the same rights. Other states, I am not sure?? I do not call them faggot.
  7. (You can shorten it up a bit Eureka: BD6 will be fine) I would say a "narrow view on history" (Stopped after high school) So go easy on me, I can see "smear" coming! You're right, our justice system is somewhat of a failure. But that's another issue. Lets talk about recall... (teach me some history Eureka) How often does any politician get recalled? Actually, I think in Calif. it's probably quite often. If government were a plane, shouldn't it have an "eject" or an "emergency exit"? Is a recall against the peoples will? This religion argument is pointless. Probably because it does not affect me personally. Here's my take on it: I'm not religious one bit. I do not practice, preach or study. I do believe in something higher than myself though. I think religion has excellent morals and values. I have never felt that govt. has forced it on it's people. It's a choice. Nor do I care if politicians glorify their religious belief. I do agree that it is sad, when people base their vote off religion. Or make a decision based off what God told them to do. I even get irritated during an awards ceremony when the winner wants to thank God! But I just do not see it being forced on the people. I also do not see why it bothers people that a leader is open about their faith. Could it be "Christiaphobia"? Now if they were talking about demons in their head, or sacrificial beliefs...then we have some problems. Liberals love Jimmy Carter, and he was the most open about his religion and faith. (Another Liberal double standard) I really do not buy that God told Bush to invade Iraq, nor do I think that is what Bush meant when talking about his faith.
  8. How vain of you. So if someone does not want to hear what you have to say, you say it anyway huh? Must be Liberal. "Hey, does everyone want to hear how gay I am?" The reason I said, "I do not care..." is because it doesn't matter. Even after you still explained... It doesn't matter BD! The ACLU was trying whatever they could to not have a recall...Against the people's will. When have they ever ENTIRELY represented the people. Homosexuals will have their chance... When a Liberal is elected into office. What equal rights do they not have? Maybe they should try another state. I'm not going to contact the ACLU because Calif. will not allow me to carry my concealled weapon, even with a permit There's other states that are in favor of the rights they claim they do not have. Faggot is a slur... Homo is short for homosexual. Fine! We're an empire. The strongest and nicest the world has ever seen!
  9. back to the main topic: Taking it up the rear is just sick! Male or female! And if you want to marry animals...that's sick too! "Do as you will. If it feels good, do it." eh? No repression or self control. Lets give people unlimited choice! Liberalism is candy for society: "If you do what you wish, you not only will feel better but you'll be healthier and live longer because you will be liberated!" Even a dog will eat too much candy, get sick and die.
  10. Yeah I know and don't care if you do or not... don't want to hear your spin or posted weblog. Doesn't matter why. People wanted a recall, and those judges & ACLU tried to stop it. Sure BD.... just a difference in opinion/interpretation. I am far from religious, and don't feel it forced on me. Polticians are just sticking to their core values for political purposes, not forcing them. Homosexuals use the "separation of church & state" argument (backing up my main point) because they know they won't get it through voting. Now who's forcing what on who? Homos are homos (short for homosexual), nothing charming about it, it's a dirty word. Why do you think they changed it to "gay"? Do you call Jewish people "Jews"? So charming! You think we're an imperialistic nation, so I want my land from the country that we're supposedly taking over. I think you got the point! Sense the sarcasim? It was wreaking in the last post. Yeah, and homo fits the definition of being gay. But you don't seem to think so. We're not an empire.
  11. already over your head gambino... but thanks for the clarification. Next time I will put in parenthesis (do not take literally)
  12. Just recently, BD... In California I saw how the ACLU with three (very Liberal judges) tried to stop an election to recall a failed, corrupt governor. (Gray Davis ring a bell?) Affirmitive Action is another example. Liberals claim that minorities are not getting a "fair shake" in college admissions, based on skin color, instead of social class. If based on poverty, we'd all be getting a "fair shake"; black, white, brown, green, etc. But that's not the case! Is govt. forcing religion on us, like homos are forcing us to tolerate homosexuality? Yep! It does make it right! You call it what you want BD. If America is an imperial nation than I want my 40 acres and oil digging mules waiting for me in Iraq! You give me a break Black Dog... If Bush had some backbone and used our military might, then you'd have an argument of "empire" & "imperialism"!
  13. Far left Liberals hold the people and government to double standards They undermine God, country, family, and the military. They use the court system to undermine the will of the people. Whatever they cannot gain through the ballot box they claim "Unconstitutional!", and exploit the justice system. And if you believe in any of what they undermine, they claim it is a violation of their civil rights. It's OK for Liberals to come out of the closet and admit that they are homosexual, and engage in sodomy, Call our President a liar, but lie themselves (Michael Moore.), etc. But not OK for anyone to come out and say they believe in God, or are against being homosexual. (Dbl. standard!)- This is just one out of hundreds of examples. War is war BD... We're over there right now, whether you like it or not. Don't you tire from trying to unjustify the cause? Obviously our president is not listening to the likes of your kind, nor is at least 50% of Americans or Iraqi's.
  14. Same with the UN and "Oil for Food" program. So where were the "Whistle Blowers" then, if everyone knew what type of administration he was about to lead? The "War on Terror" is worldwide. You may be right about Iraq, but maybe they were planning it because Sadaam was not holding up his end of the UN Resolutions and kept kicking out inspectors, while the UN remained silent. Where have you been? They can do without the other... Their Admin have been pulling the strings going on 4 years now.
  15. Awww.... If it were not for double standards, then Liberals wouldn't have any standards at all! "War sucks, but freedom is worth it!"
  16. I know he's "buddy, buddy" with the Saudi's, but what terrorists is he making deals with? Does Wall Street believe that the economy is weakening? I'd believe them over what Bush says about it anyday! What draft? Hopefully a draft for more air power! Upon his re-election, Bush orders our massive Air Force to start a bombing campaign on the Mid East (heavy, heavy bombs) Then we could let the ground troops clean up and do their job instead of being human shields. Then we could fly over Iran, & N. Korea and take out their nuclear sites, and not have to worry about an "election year"
  17. There's a whole load of fallicious, meaningless, and unfounded crap coming out of this guy... but this has got to be up there with the worst of it. BigDookie6-- like many of your other assumptions, this one displays an alarming amount of ignorance. Canada is a democratic country, and we have such a thing as free speech; its guaranteed in our constitution. You may openly criticize the Queen, or our constitutional monarchy, if you wish (and believe me, many do)-- the Crown itself allows us this right! But, like in many other countries, you must be careful how you criticize. The only thing you might end up with if you publicly called the Queen a whore, without proof to back it up, is a lawsuit for slander slapped firmly on your ass (and maybe a good slap on the ass from Her Majesty is just what you need! ). What's your argument?
  18. Why is it that Lesbian partners seem to have a role? One plays "Butch" the other "Mary". Could it be that men need women, and women need men? If everyone were homosexual, how would we reproduce? Animals do not know anything about artificial insemination. Natural selection. She chooses another. Reproduction
  19. This is a good debate! Both of you have great knowledge, but where is this going?
  20. Is oral sex unnatural? I mean, a girl could be giving a BJ just to erect the male. I've seen dogs lick themselves, and the little red pecker comes out. If a male and female are clean of STD's & virus's, and have unprotected sex, are their chances very low of contracting a disease versus two men who are clean and perform anal sex? How is it that two clean men, "dook" each other in the butt, then six months later one of them is HIV infected? Both only had sex with each other; no one else. Then I guess homosexuals aren't born with the feeling. Chosen lifestyle & feeling for same sex.
  21. I stand corrected! Seems to be going on a lot. All over the world. I would hope that every community (here in the U.S; not sure how they would do it in other countries) contact their local and State goverment to push for some sort of civilian review of police departments/ officers. (Sounds like Internal Affairs isn't doing their job or understaffed) Otherwise we are leaving it up to individual departments/ agencies, supervisors, etc. who are not holding individuals accountable, no disciplinary action, dismissal, etc. This is the problem we have here in the U.S. (Goes for politics too) Americans are not very pro-active in making govt. work for them.
  22. Naturally speaking though... Our bodies are practically "perfect machines" and every limb, organ, tissue has a purpose. Vagina/ penis = orgasm/ reproduction. Anus has one purpose and one purpose only whether you get pleasure out of it or not. Would you agree that the anus (intestine, bowels, digestive system) carry more bacteria, and more septable to contracting STD's / AIDS versus oral & vagina sex? What would you say to those who have practiced sodomy; correctly & safely, and found no pleasure out of it? I'm not saying that is wrong or right, maybe perverted, and to each their own.
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