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Posts posted by pinko

  1. Yes...

    I'm watching CNN right now and watching,essentially,a riot between the anti-Mubarak crowd and what's being called the "Pro-Stability" crowd. :blink:

    The fact of the matter is that in chaos like this you need organizational order.The only organization I see meeting this is the Muslim Brotherhood.This would be the worst possible option.

    I guess I'm a cynic,however,after the euphoria of watching despotic Fascist dictators being overthrown I ask myself the obvious question of ,"What's next?"...

    Sadly I don't see democracy in thse places because these places seem to be places where extremism and authoritarianism reigns supreme.And I don't hav a good feeling about the futur when I see the potential for entire states to fall into the hands of Islamofascists,who are intent on killing anyone who is either and infidel,or not "Islamic enough"...

    The tactics employed by Mubarak's supporters are to be expected and perhaps were predictable. It is quite obvious when you watch Mubarak speak and observe his body language that he takes unkindly to a challenge to his authority. As I see it the problem is created through the oppression created over the decades and in particular during the reign of terror under Mubarak's watch. Unless I am misunderstanding you the fear you have is that a caliphate is in the making. There may be some merit to what you say but only time will tell. It may very well be this is a new beginning which may lead, in the long run, to a free and democratic Egypt.

  2. Sure it's occurred to me...

    But I have'nt seen a viable democratic option in Egypt because Mubarak crushed them all...

    Guess what's behing door #2?

    Good point and that is probably why it would be better for all concerned if Mubarak would relinquish his position today. Based on the link I have provided he and his supporters seem to wish otherwise.

    There may very well be a secular option that you have failed to take into account behind that door.


  3. Ayman El Zwahiri,for one...The Muslim cleric that speak for Hezbollah,for another...Osama Bin Laden,for another...

    These people learned ver well to co-opt a faith with the ideology of their Fascist taskmasters in the Ba'Athist regimes where they came from...

    I live in Winnipeg and don't ever expect to come in contact with this person. Has it ever occurred to you that in Egypt, for example, such an individual might be rejected in favour of others?

  4. Clearly the replies that followed after my Hawking post failed to see the ironic connection between the so-called fictitious Einstein anecdote, and reaction to Hawking's conclusion......

    ...or it just clearly demonstrate that they see what they want to see....

    ...or displaying the art of going the usual roundabout-usual twisting about - distorting - going off-except-to-the-point being presented....

    ...or that truth is relative (at least that's how Kimmy demonstrated it. Perfectly showing the typical mindset of some liberalists/secularists. It's okay to distort, right?)....

    ...or all of the above.

    Hawking has never had a proven theory, and yet his conclusion is accepted with open arms.

    Without any question.

    Accepted as fact.

    Their messiah fiercely defended!

    Oh such wondrous faith you all so proudly display.

    Your god will be so proud of you. :lol::lol::lol:

    I rest my case. Thank you very much.

    Which god is that?

  5. Except he operates within the framework of a parliamentary democracy within which he has a minority and is outnumbered by leftists. Basically, he doesn't get much done as he is beholden to the system and his inability to command more support from Canadians. Seriously, what planet do you live on? :lol:

    I live in Canada and am a resident of Manitoba. You can be assured that when the next election is called my vote won't be going to Harper and his band of trained seals. Were the Harperites ever to get a majority then those social conservatives within their ranks would show their ugly heads. Harper and his party have links to the Republican Party and employ some of the same dishonest tactics utilized down south.

  6. As much as I utterly despise this statute, I'm not sure that ruling it unconstitutional is the way to go. I haven't read the ruling yet but I strongly suspect it reflects the judge's political and policy beliefs rather than a reading of the Constitution.

    I'd much rather simply see Congress refuse to fund it. A constitutional challenge, especially one where the justification is weak, is undemocratic.

    Isn't one of the issues state rights?

    I agree with you that this should be settled in the political arena.

  7. "Politically it is the best organized and most powerful opposition party in Egypt but its popularity has always hovered only about at 30% of the Egyptian population, without about 28% pro Mubarak and the rest really not affilited with one particular party or another but anti Mubarak."

    Yes. Here in Canada we have the Harperites who represent 30% of the voting public at the expense of the other 70%. Harper is an autocrat much in the same mould as Mubarak.

  8. " Of course much of the aid has been in the form of military aid, and of course impoverished people can't eat bullets or live in tanks when they're hungry and homeless. Still, the money the regime saved through the aid, whether given in cash, military, or other goods and services, has benefited Egyptians."

    Good point. The problem is the money went to the elite and to suppressing the vast majority of the population.

    Mubarak announced he will not run in the next election.

    Power to the people.

  9. Takes TWO (or more) to tangle my friend, takes TWO...

    Hell, I remember a semi Super Power going half way around the world to take back a virtually worthless Island by force and they were both Christian countries... Takes two...

    That wouldn't be the Falkland Islands debacle by any chance?

  10. Would you befriend a man who felt women were chattel and should be killed if they transgressed his moral code?

    This isn't a person who I would seek out as a friend. I know of a number of individuals who apparently embrace Christianty and who seem to see both wife and children as property.

  11. You'd want to educate on what the Muslim Brotherhood really is.


    Al-Zawarhiri came up the ranks in the Brotherhood, which spawned Al-Queda and Osama Bin Laden.

    I am well aware of some of the literature on the Brotherhood. I have noticed that some folks tend to demonize those with different views to buttress a given position. The position you adopt seems to fit that profile.

  12. He added that “the people should be prepared for war against Israel,” - all part of the usual Islamist aim I suppose, but sure the Brotherhood wants power, they are waiting for the chance. They are anti west and anti Israel, I believe they care more about those beliefs than really helping Egyptians.

    The status quo isn't the best option but it's better than an Islamist theocracy, better to support M. now to keep stability, with the caveat that there has to be democratic reform. IMO the U.S. has a chance here to help stabilize the situation.

    It is unclear to me why you fear the aspiration of a political entity wanting to gain power. If the elections are free and fair who are you to challenge the result if the people of Egypt choose the Mulsim Brotherhood as representative of their views. That is how democracy works.

  13. That's very good or Godly of you....what cleared the picture for me is when I was researching a dictionary that was almost two hundred years old...the old spelling of GOOD was simply GOD....simple! I look at the God factor from a logical pragmatic view.....the vastness of existance...the trillions upon trillions of light years and beyound beyond....IF myself...on this speck of dust with that little bit of grey jello in my head - has self awareness...then for sure the vast endless universe also thinks...and that is good...or GOD....what's wrong with granting nature a consciousness?

    You are free to attribute whatever you want in defining life and our place in the universe.

  14. God does not give a shit if you are good or evil - this is trival stuff to the all mighty..it is us that bicker about who is superiour and who is not..who should rule and who should submit..as for God and Science - they are the same damned thing....and if you are a real believer in the cold and distant entity called GOD...you will not come up with crap like "How can there be a God when he lets an innocent child die" - or "Why do bad things happen to good people"? This has nothing to do with God...it is all about people.....as for the "innocent child" perishing...To God there is no life or death - He is eternity...as we as seasonal creatures look at God as a HUMAN - He is not..nothing worse than a Christian or others crying at a funeral..They are disgusting and have no faith...If you believe properly in God - there is no death....just life to enjoy.

    I don't share you belief in the entity you describe as god. Having said that as long as you aren't attempting to impose that view on others I believe in live and let live.

  15. No, I'm suggesting that all of these phony tears don't work in the face of history. Canada (like the USA), supported Mubarak and previous regimes in Egypt big time, and with big money. Another member fell into a logical trap when he claimed that it was American military aid that helped oppress the Egyptians....because the same aid was provided this year, and last year, and the year before that, yet Egyptians waited until now to protest? What changed?

    Do you know what really caused the revolt? Food prices and economic woes (i.e. unemployment), just like the food riots of before in Egypt. It ain't complicated.

    Thanks for clarifying your position. When people are disenfranchised as they have been in Egypt and there is rampant corruption and rigged elections, buttressed by financial support from external entities, these events are to be expected. The demonstrations today are peaceful and I am sure you will agree that it might be time for a new order in Egypt which recognizes fundamental human rights and the rule of law.

  16. Hating Israel is not the same as hating all Jews. I know you're a hardline zionist so you disagree, but the fact is that these women probably understand the difference between the policies of the state of Israel and the beliefs of the world's Jews. After all, their government doesn't really represent their will either.

    I was just in Egypt last April with my best friend and his brother, who are Muslim. Folks just assumed because of my beard and tan and because I was with them that I was Muslim as well, some folks would ask me if I was Muslim, I said I wasn't, but I didn't say I was Jewish (because I was being cautious, and I would learn later, too cautious).

    So when we would start talking politics, eventually Israel would come up, and they'd rail against it's policies towards the Palestinians. But every last person would always make the statement along the lines of: "but I have no problem with the Jewish people, Egyptians don't think like this - your media is twisting words, they think being against Israel is being against Jews" when I would tell them later on that I was Jewish, you should've see their eyes light up with joy, everyone was so unbelievably happy. Most shook my hand again and told me how happy they were that I felt comfortable enough to come to Egypt and to travel without the safety of a package tour. All of them said "please tell your friends to come! Especially your Jewish friends!" They really couldn't stand being portrayed as bigots, and I understand why - Egyptians are very relaxed and carefree, and frankly I don't think most have it in them to harbor abstract hatred against an entire group of people for no real reason. It's pretty sad, considering how incredibly nice even complete strangers were.

    I had a peak in on everyone's facebook whom I met on my trip after the church bombing - every single one of them had a profile picture of a cross and a crescent together, so did pretty much all of their friends. I think a lot of the fears about Egypt are overblown, and come more from our own assumptions - which are in turn based on an ignorance that assumes every Muslim country is the same, and that every one MUST be anti-semitic or a revolt away from Islamism.

    Well put.

  17. What about the substantial funding provided by the USA, EU, Canada, Australia, UNRWA (and all other Palestinian-only UN sub-bodies), and Arab countries to the Palestinians? Who do you think receives more in absolute terms, or more interestingly, on a per-capita basis?

    And no, the IDF isn't oppressing Palestinians in Gaza, which is what it seems you're referring to. There is no Egyptian or Israeli presence in Gaza.

    I take it you would have no objections to having the funding offered by the Americans to Israel and Egypt discontinued.

    Those polls you presented mean nothing to me.

  18. I remember years ago the company I worked for took on a project in Saudi Arabia. They were desperately trying to coax some of us employees to go work over there for a time but most of us weren't very enthusiastic.

    You see, we had found out that under Saudi sharia type law, if we were a passenger in a taxi and there was an accident, WE would be charged since we were foreigners and non-muslims!

    I'v always thought that as far as rights and laws go, I would feel much more comfortable in Israel than in most of its neighbours.

    Bully is as bully does.

    Thank-you for sharing your personal experience with me. An acquaintance of mine worked in one of the Arab countries and ran afoul of the law when caught consuming alcoholic beverages apparently in contravention of religious customs and law. As I recall he was sujected to the lash.

    I have not been to any of the countries in the Middle East and really have no desire to do so.

    I am wondering what your view is of the substantial funding provided by the USA to Israel. Is it not the case the IDF acts in concert with the Muburak dictatorship in oppressing the Palestians?

    What are your views on the democratization of the Middle Eastern states?

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