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Posts posted by pinko

  1. The thing is, costs are rising... and the only think being realistically discussed right now is a private option. So where do you think we're going to go ?

    If someone (with power) can offer a real alternative to "trust the experts" then that would probably go a long way.

    The problem with the position you stake out is that you present no tangible evidence that the private option you refer to will result in savings. Why should I place trust in a proposition lacking proper analysis?

  2. Federal politicans from around the world have shown no ability to stop spending in an unsustainable manner. The only time this changes is when they achieve bankruptcy and have no choice but to alter their spending habits. At that point they will allow the private sector in to operate freely in canada and their will be a two tier system for rich and poor.

    Canada is following the same path as several other countries, our oil resources are just prolonging this point, give us another 10 years and we will 'achieve' the state Greece, Ireland, Italy and California are in (we'll have lots more company in 10 years too).

    If they just allowed the private sector in now we would have a much better public healthcare system in 10 years time, guess people need to learn the hard way, there's no way any politican can propose this nowadays.

    More unfounded comment with not an iota of proof.

  3. Each province is different but if I were someone in my 40s/50s with elderly parents, I would want to have a few contacts in the health system to know how it works, and who to contact. Any parent in their 20s/30s with children should also know how the system works.

    It helps to have someone in the family, or a trusted neighbour/friend, in the medical system. The rules are arcane and difficult.

    To my knowledge, there is still no direct bribery although an invitation to a condo in Arizona or Fort Lauderdale (among friends) is welcome for very critical cases.


    Evening Star, four million Canadians (according to Statscan) have no family doctor. If you have a family doctor, and you can make an appointment, then you believe the system works. "You're alright". And if 60% of Canadians (let's say) have such access, then politicians will get re-elected.

    For most now, the perception is that people wait but the State takes care of people. This will change.

    I have seen the Soviet system, and Canada's health system. There is little difference. Sadly, people struggle to solve their own problem while State bureaucrats struggle with the organisation. Our health system will meet its Gorbachev.

    My advice is to have good contacts.

    That is quite the opinion you offer. I am wondering if you could expand on your so called knowledge of the Soviet system. Secondly what background, if any, do you have in the healthcare system?

  4. But I seriously wanted to find people who were interested in my idea and wanted to be one of 250 electors.

    Why have you chosen this forum to solicit membership in a nascent organization?

    As far as I can determine this party you wish to create has no structure or by-laws. You have shared your views and rationale with individuals here and have received some well reasoned critique of your proposal. If there is such a groundswell of discontent in the Atlantic region as you seem to imply then what you need to do is go door to door in your locale seeking the requisite numbers required to meet the minimum threshold.

    Have you sought any advice from Elections Canada?

  5. It appears individuals from Atlantic Canada are disappointed in the nature of the political process and have the false belief that estbalishing a new party will be the answer to the perception offered. It should be noted that several of the Atlantic provinces already enjoy disproportionate influence if one looks at representation in the Senate. While I don't begrudge anyone wanting their interests properly represented in Ottawa I don't see the need for such parties. Unless sovereignty is the ultimate goal what possible purpose can there be in creating such a party?

  6. You don't puff out your chest like John Wayne and march forward pushing all aside...it's a western attitude...the eastern attitude is more submissive....or in appearence to some degree...You fake fear ...you retreat...you allow the western ego to swell to the point of utter foolishness...then with a burst of energy you attack with explosive force...using your energy combined with the opponents.....OR to put it more simply ...when the Germans were advancing into Russia...you retreat...and fain weakness...beg for mercy...and by the time ....enough time has passed...winter has set in and the enemy simply stops moving due to temperature....you let nature assist you in the conquest.

    Thank-you for that lesson in culture. I will have to remember that if I ever to decide to fight in the cold. Such a prospect is highly unlikely.

    What are your thoughts of Joseph Stalin? Did he display the qualities described in your post?

  7. If we could lower life expectancy then we wouldn't have to increase the retirement age.

    In any event I don't ever expect to retire myself, though I also expect them to figure out immortality in the next couple of decades.

    If you don't intend to retire then I am wondering why you feel the need to increase the retirment age. Mortality is ineveitable and once you accept that you will be much further ahead.

    If you are Metis as your name suggests you will know that the data shows lower life expectancy for First Nations and Metis people. Are you offering up your people as the model for lower life expectancy?

  8. Well what I was getting at if the Centrist Party of Canada became a new party I can assure you that voter intention would increase and we want to try to bring it to 65% and it is not displayed on our site but it would win us Conservative ridings in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario and pretty much Liberal ridings in the West and we would be competitive there as a result.

    As a lefty I fully support your desire to split the conservative vote. I also support your desire to increase voter turnout. I am wondering if you could indicate what specific steps your so called party will take to increase voter turnout. Would you please indicate whether your party has a constitution and by-laws and if so where those may be viewed.

  9. Did you even see the platform on the site http://www.centristparty.piczo.com/?cr=5 and that it said we would want to propose proportional representation and even reform the Senate so no party can have an outright majority since they would need to consult with the independents and form a coalition government with them and with the other parties in the Senate.

    Why would anyone vote for your party?

    Where does the funding for your party come from?

    Will you list the names of the donors and the amounts donated by each?

  10. Maybe since we spend more money on immigrant services, then we do health care, he could say enough with the goldplated handshakes for new people and since I have heard that our debt is about the same we have spent on biligualism, we could get some control on that , since in the beginning it was just to be that a person could be served in french for goverment services, not having to speak french to get a good job in this country.The money is there people ,we just need to spend it properly and get off this idea ,that we have to bend over for the almighty immigrant.

    Could you be one of those Reform Party types? By the way at one point in time your ancestors were immigrants.

  11. Well we are at the point where we need about of the 250 electors we have 25 so far and we need one more officer and a president but so far we have the other things which are the leader, vice-leader, 2 officers, an agent and an auditor.

    The website is on http://www.centristparty.piczo.com/?cr=5.

    Good luck with your party. I am willing to bet you won't make it out of the blocks. By the way do you recall the name of the political party Mel Hurtig created during the Trudeau era?

  12. Sorry...the brain transplant queue is full this week in India.

    Here is one of your fellow religious fanatics. This clown shot doctors in Vancouver and Ontario as well as here in Winnipeg. There are many of these lunatics floating out there inflicting their views through the barrel of a gun in your gun crazed society


    see http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/abortioninfo/history.shtml

  13. That being said, to repeat BC's statement, if you seek a third trimester abortion in Quebec, you will be turned away. You have to go to the US.

    You ignorance of the obligations in Canada is duly noted and your premise is just plain silly. Abortions are available in each province and while some are more restrictive than others Canada remains more open to providing choice for women. There is plenty of literature available on the internet and I would suggest you inform yourself before you head down the path of obfuscation you have constructed. Unlike the many restrictions in the states Canada by and large respects a woman's freedom of choice.

  14. Doesn't matter...you can't make a doctor perform the procedure in Quebec if they choose not to.

    You certainly like going off on a tangent. Here is some information for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._v._Morgentaler

    By the way doctors in any province may opt out of doing abortions. One of my son's specialties is in that particular field of medicine. Try to present a more cogent position.

  15. Right. When was the last time you heard of a NHL player having to wait for a MRI? They use the two tier system....an american sports clinic...

    So you are taking a situation involving a hockey team with significant financial resources leveraging those resources to expedite the return of a hockey player(asset) to his occupation on the ice to support your position.

    Surely you should be able to come up with a better argument than that to support the weak position you advance.

    Please explain to me how such a situation impacts your access to care in Quebec.

  16. Who defines "need"?

    Or, do you think Canadiens/Oiler/Maple Leaf hockey players go through the same medical system as you or I do?

    There is an amazing hypocrisy/denial in Canada. It is different in English and French Canada but it exists in both.

    Need is determined by circumstance. In the case of a workplace injury (i.e. the hockey player) several jurisdictions allow for this through workers comp legislation. So the answer to your question is yes the hockey players utilize the same system you and I do.

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