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Posts posted by pinko

  1. Public sector unions need to have their collective bargaining ended. Theyre not the same as private sector union which operate under the same economic realities that the rest of us operate under. Theyre basically monopolies.

    It's about time they came to an end. People have seen huge rises on their property taxes year after year. And in some cases lost their homes. All because these freeloaders don't want to pay for their health benefits and pensions like the rest of us do. It's pretty disgusting, especially in these economic times. That's why the vast majority of the public us on the side of Crisitie, Cuomo, Brown, and now Walker.

    You are misinformed about property taxes. Your complaint rests with your city council. By the way your anti-union rant shows your animus and a small mind.

  2. Firing the greedy air traffic controllers did not hurt Reagan's chances for re-election.

    Scott Walker should do the same.

    After all, how can a parent trust his/her child in the care of a liar, who calls in sick, but walk the picket line and yells inane slogans?

    After all in most civilized countries collective bargining and freedom of association and expression are basic human rights.

  3. Which nation had states or provinces with legal access to abortion first? 1988 is way too late in the game. Morgantaler has already been discussed here numerous times.

    You are not your son. You are not as well informed as you may think. Go ask your son why some Canadians have to get abortions in the United States.

    Yes...I am from the United States.

    With respect to your quiz I will allow you to provide the answer to your first question. I will expect you to provide proof for your alegations.

    I have no need to ask my son about the abortions you infer are done in the USA. By the way would you provide the specifics for these abortions conducted in the USA on Canadian citizens.

    Do you have any statitstics? If so produce them.

    In most urban centres abortion services are readily available at hospitals and clinics.

    Finally it may very well be American citizens visit Canada as result of retrictions in your country. The USSC, with its overabundance of Catholic Republican justices, has been eroding Roe v Wade for some time now.

  4. Then your understanding on the issue is very limited...abortion is flat out illegal or restricted in many other nations. Abortion law in Canada actually lagged behind the United States, and even to this day, Canadians seek abortion services in the US for a variety of reasons and restrictions back home.

    How's that for "extreme"?

    I have a good understanding of the law both here and in the USA. I am also aware of the restrictions which, in Canada, are quite often related to provincial regulations rather than federal law. As you may know Justice Dickson made his seminal ruling in 1988. Here is a link for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._v._Morgentaler.

    Dr. Morgentaler subsequently became a recipient of the Order of Canada.

    My son's medical specialty and his practice in both the USA and Canada has provided me with the necessary background has informed me on this issue.

    Are you from a confederate state?

  5. Which is an interesting touchpoint. Can the force of logic - the cold hard calculus of reason - profoundly change a person's outlook or do they retreat further into that warped world?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with the discussion and reasoned responses to contentious ideas. But sometimes arguing with an addict is completely useless I suppose.

    Once the religious element is introduced reason goes out the window. I wonder if Besty condones the shootings of several Canadian and American doctors by religious fanatics.

  6. As I recall Betsy indicated she was brought up as a Catholic and has embarked on a journey of immersion in biblical text. When one reads her views on abortion it is not difficult to conclude that the hatred portrayed in her commentary places her in the camp of the extremist. In this world a woman's right to choose is ignored and the providers of healthcare are demonized.

    Besty is just another warped Catholic and the evidence of that is in her posts.

  7. Is this the same socialist/capitalist hybrid system that Mr. Hardner finds so perfect? Why would you be demanding change to his Utopia?

    Capitalists are merely a special interest that lobbies government no differently than other special interests but has the added advantage of being able to fund its efforts itself, if necessary. I suppose what you would like to see is it's profits taken so it has less influence in it's lobbying efforts. Economically that only means your GDP will shrink and goods and services will be more expensive. It is self defeating in that the profit level will be maintained.

    I suppose you are an apologist for crony capitalism where the state allows the corporate crooks to operate with impunity.

  8. Because I had a violent temper and terrorized my family until they kicked me out of the house. I was violent for years, in and out of jail until I decided to get some help and go back to God.

    Were you a youth when you were removed from the family home?

    Once on the streets what effort, if any did you make in securing employment?

  9. I disagree, I think the systems are threatened, in that most Western countries are deep in debt and only going deeper. Western economies seem incapable of producing the revenues that the governments want to spend on all the various social programs we have invented.

    Would you not agree that part of the problem relates to the crony capitalism prevalent in major economies such as Britain and the USA?

  10. I was conservative from the start pretty much. There were brief times when I looked into socialist ideas and agreed with some of them, still do. However I could not get over the whole take my money and give it to the lazy thing back then and that still is part of me. I worked hard for my money why is it taken from me at gun point?

    When I was homeless I never blamed anyone else for my situation. It was my own fault, I was responsible. If I was going to improve my situation that was also my responsibility. I made use of all the resources available as well. Drop in centers, libraries etc. It was through a drop in centre that I got hooked up with a program at the YMCA downtown on Grosvenor to go through a job training program. That is what started to help me get off the streets.

    Someone on the left would instead blame someone or something else for their placement in life.

    Why were you homeless?

  11. Well Bonam, here's the logic of what you said.

    You're born to eat. You eat to survive. You survive to reproduce. Then you die. Is that the meaning of your life?

    I don't know what you mean by "hopelessly stunted." But if you imagine I'm a zealot, by definition I wouldn't be logical. But that's an ad hominem argument anyway, so we'll just ignore it.

    Not too worry you are anything but logical.

  12. If only it actually worked that way. I live in an area where the majority of people are on social assistance, and they are at least second generation in that. It doesn't the way you describe on a reserve, and it doesn't seem to work that way on metis settlements in the Province of Manitoba either. There is a huge problem here, and I'm not saying this to pick on anyone. Alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling addictions, anything bad you can think of, it happens where I live, and in so many other places that I've been to and seen. It is true that to be on welfare you can't have assets. But that doesn't mean you can't find someone with which to have children, and then live off of that for the next 18 years. Don't tell me it doesn't happen, I know these people, and I'm in a situation where I know their finances. There is a great deal positive about them, but the negatives in so many places are huge.

    I notice you live in Winnipeg. I am also a resident of the City of Winnipeg and in my neighbourhood I see young adults attending school and working in the service industry to support themselves. Contrary to the picture you wish to portray I am sure the vast majority of teens want to make a decent living through gainful employment. You seem to infer, perhaps through your employment, a knowledge of the personal finances of certain individuals 18 years of age without attributing the nature and scope of this knowldege.

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