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Posts posted by pinko

  1. Maybe one of these days people like you will learn that Sarah Palin NEVER said that. What she said was that one can see Russia from Alaska, which is true. But some idiots fall for the crap that Tina Fey spewed. And Ted Stevens was THE senator whose pork Sarah Palin opposed.

    A little bit more research and a little bit less hate would improve your misguided view of the world.

    My my aren't we sensitive. Sarah Palin is a vacuous flake and as phoney as a two dollar bill.

    Tina Fey does a great job in her impersonation of Palin.

  2. The best name for a bridge between Canada and the United States has been taken already: Peace Bridge.

    I traveled on it roughly 300 times when I lived in Hamilton (Ontario) and worked in Akron (Ohio) from 1997 to 2003 and commuted on the weekly basis.

    I found the guards on either side totally professional, polite and courteous. In my mind PEACE has never been defined any better.

    I also crossed into the U.S. over the Ambassador Bridge several times. If a new bridge needs a name, call it FRIENDSHIP BRIDGE, which would be similar to Peace Bridge, and - hopefully - an expression of the relationship which has long existed and, hopefully, continue to exist between our two countries.

    Have you travelled on the bridge to no where in Alaska?

  3. Re posts #17 & 18:

    The pissant fart Trudeau will be long forgotten (or else roundly despised) while Ronald Reagan will be remembered by reasonable people in the United States, Canada and the rest of the world as the one - along with Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II - who made Gorbachev to "tear down that wall" and liberated millions of people sold to communist slavery by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    More mythology from the right.

  4. That isn't evil, you may find it to be morally wrong but it is not evil.

    First you have to look at what conditions led to the pedophile becoming a pedophile to better understand him, maybe he was sexually abused as a child. There are reasons why he became a pedophile, there isn't some evil force behind it.

    For the record, I am not condoning that behavior.

    I used the pedophile as an example to emphasize the point I am attempting to make. You will appreciate that I don't buy into the answers offered through Christian dogma and while a person's upbringing may provide a more complete picture in mitigation of the behaviour manifested the conduct, per se, is clearly wrong. You appear to accept this when you indicate you don't condone such behaviour.

    Why is it that the Catholic Church has, within its ranks, so many individual priests who have violated young children apparently with the tacit acceptance of the Church hierarchy? How is it that this entity located at the Vatican uses its considerable financial resources to thwart the claims of victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by its employees?

  5. The famous fossil, Lucy, a human ancestor who lived 3.2 million years ago, was more comfortable on the ground than in the the trees, a foot bone from her kin reveals.

    Carol Ward of the University of Missouri and colleagues report in Friday's edition of the journal Science that ancient hominins of the species Australopithecus afarensis, including Lucy, had feet similar to modern humans.


    Researcher Carol Ward talks to Quirks & Quarks Saturday, Feb. 12 at noon on CBC Radio One.

    Lucy, a partial fossil skeleton found in Ethiopia in 1974, was the first of her species ever discovered. Her other bones showed she was able to stand upright. But no foot bones were found with her skeleton, so researchers have puzzled over whether she walked like modern people or was a blend of ground-and tree-dweller.

    Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2011/02/10/science-lucy-upright-fossil.html#ixzz1DbSRetbf

  6. "Oh okay. Thanks. It's just because of the introduction to this thread about Lucifer/Satan in that context."

    You're welcome. No it is not because of any reference to lucifer/satan. Those are again constructs of your misplaced belief system.

    Speaking of Lucifer....http://www.lucifereffect.com/

  7. Mubarak made his speech and refused to relinquish power. His right hand man, the head of torture, followed up with his speech.

    "Suleiman has been implicated as directly involved in the controversial CIA "rendition" program.[13][18] Journalist Stephen Grey in his work, Ghost Plane, states that after taking over as intelligence director, Suleiman oversaw an agreement with the US in 1995 that allowed for suspected militants to be secretly transferred to Egypt for questioning.[19] Although Suleiman's Egyptian Intelligence was required to provide "assurances" that prisoners handed over through this program would not be subjected to torture, at least one CIA officer has testified that such assurances from them were unofficially regarded as worthless as "a bucket of warm spit".[13]"


  8. Okay. I guess a better question would be.....do atheists in this modern world use the word "evil" to describe something abhorrent?

    I don't speak for all atheists but I think I recognize evil when I see it. Are you suggesting this term (evil) is solely within the purview of Christianity?

    Here is another excerpt from the article I refereneced earlier.

    Familial evil -- the genesis of narcissism

    Evil seems to run in families. But the familial pattern, if accurate, does nothing to resolve the old "nature versus nurture" controversy. Does evil run in families because it is genetic and inherited? Or because it is learned by the child in imitation of its parents: Or even as a defense against its parents? And how are we to explain the fact that many of the children of evil parents, although usually scarred, are not evil? We do not know, and we will not know until an enormous amount of painstaking scientific work has been accomplished. Nonetheless, a leading theory of the genesis of pathological narcissism is that it is a defensive phenomenon. Since almost all young children demonstrate a formidable array of narcissistic characteristics, it is assumed that narcissism is something we generally "grow out of" in the course of normal development, through a stable childhood, under the care of loving and understanding parents. If the parents are cruel and unloving, however, or the childhood otherwise traumatic (such as the enduring the experiences of sexual abuse), it is believed that the infantile narcissism will be preserved as a kind of psychological fortress to protect the child against the vicissitudes of its intolerable life. This theory might well apply to the genesis of human evil. The builders of the medieval cathedrals placed upon their buttresses the figures of gargoyles -- themselves symbols of evil -- in order to ward off the spirits of greater evil. Thus children may become evil in order to defend themselves against the onslaught of parents who are evil. It is possible, therefore, to think of human evil -- or some of it -- as a kind of psychological gargoylism.


  9. Don't get me wrong. I believe you when you say you've abandoned Christianity. I'm just pointing out that the usage of the term "evil" that you'd associated with an abhorrent crime clearly shows relevance of Christianity even now in 2011. You also seem to feel so strongly about it given the way you'd made a point of begging to disagree with the other poster.

    If I am mistaken, can you explain why you'd chosen that word.

    There are a variety of words (http://thesaurus.com/browse/evil) that could be used. The connection made to the bible is purely coincidental to the issue at hand. Consider the following analysis.

    Evil as a personality disorder

    Illness and disease could be defined as any defect in the structure of our bodies or our personalities that prevents us from fulfilling our potential as human beings. A good definition of such potential can be found in Abraham Maslow's description of "self-actualized" persons in his book, Motivation and Personality. He believes that the phenomenon of evil can and should be subjected to scientific scrutiny. Of course, if evil an illness, it is not only a disease; it is the ultimate disease. The existing broad psychiatric category of "personality disorders" currently covers those psychiatric conditions in which the denial of personal responsibility is the prominent feature. By virtue of their unwillingness to tolerate the sense of personal sin and the denial of their imperfection, the evil easily fit into this broad diagnostic category. There is even within this class a subcategory entitled "narcissistic personality disorder." It might be quite appropriate to classify evil people as constituting a specific variant of the narcissistic personality disorder. Many of the evil people seen by psychiatrists are diagnosed as having "ambulatory schizophrenia." And those who are personally exposed to those who have been designated as "ambulatory schizophrenics" most often define them as evil people. Peck believed that the time is right for psychiatry to recognize a distinct new type of personality disorder to encompass those which he defined as evil.


  10. Just the way you chose to use the word "evil" to describe paedophiles shows that Christianity is not irrelevant. Paedophilia is so abhorrent that you saw it as evil. I agree with you.

    Even though you've abandoned Christianity....you have not "totally cut the ties." I agree with Michael H. said, it is still in you. Paedophiles are not called "evil" these days....I've yet to come across media who would use the term evil to describe pedophiles. They are "sick" people.

    I am not much interested in what labels media gives to pedophiles. Other than the fact I was born Christian please be assured I have abandoned all the trappings of Christianity.

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