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Posts posted by pinko

  1. This has nothing to do with any President. These are state level issues that are bankrupting the states. And therefore being resolved by the states.

    Are you suggesting the meltdown in 2008 hasn't precipitated these events? Are you familiar with the history in California as it relates to the neoliberal model? Reagen and his pal Pete Wilson were instrumental in this.

  2. I've EARNED my Canadian Citizenship, unlike the boobs, who by sheer luck were born here.

    And yes, I heard the mantra, time and time again, from those who have been Canadian Citizens far shorter than I have been: Go where you came from/move.

    I am probably happier with my life than you are with yours.

    After all, I EARNED my citizenship, you on the other hand had the blind luck to be born into it.

    I EARNED all the benefits in my life without union thugs terrifying decent people on my behalf.

    I opted out of unions as soon as as I could, unlike you who swore fealty to them.

    I saved me lots of dollars by not being a slave to the Rand formula, unlike you and your ilk.

    Let's face it: Jealousy will get you nowhere.

    I am a third generation Canadian and some of my relatives came to Canada(USA) at the turn of the 20th century from Eastern Europe. I have lived in Canada all my life and just like you spent over 30 years in the work world. The picture you portray of unions is largely fictional and for the most part a figment of your imagination. I suspect the reason you didn't move to a non-union shop is that the comfort provided in a unionized workplace was more to your liking.

    You fool no one with your story telling.

  3. Exactly. Just like it's already hit in New Jersey, New York and California. Each of those governors have been dealing with the same type of situation, and each has gotten major concessions from the public unions. Even though they've received death threats etc, and been called every name in the book. But it has to be done. It's not about ideology, it's about math. Some people still don't understand that.

    It would seem to me that those governing the USA aren't particularly good at math. I should add that based on performance since Ronald Raygun they aren't very good at distributing income in the appropriate manner.

  4. As someone who escaped from the Communist paradise, I can say with authority, that under the Communist rule, unions enjoyed the same privileges as they do under our decreasingly free so-called capitalistic system: Extort membership dues. Force everyone be a member. Stifle any resistance. Break legs, arms and heads to show who is boss. Stuff your own pocket and piss on the general membership.

    Sorry for spelling a capital "D" . Does that mean that what I said applies only in America? Hardly.

    The last time I looked the so-called New Democratic Party used the same spelling.

    And BTW, after about 40 years are they still "NEW"?

    When did you come to Canada? For your information the trade union movement in Canada precedes your entrance to our country. The rand formula has been in place for decades. I would have expected a self reliant computer programmer would be better informed about the nature and purpose of union dues.

    By the way if you are so disenchanted with life here in Canada then move.

  5. Really? Did you not say that I live under a rock, or something to that effect?

    I am now and forever be willing to speak up for SELF-RELIANCE, i.e. finding your worth in the market-place on your own merit. If I could make a moderate success of my life, as an immigrant with scant knowledge of English, without any help from unions, so can and always could anybody else who has enough spine not to rely on leg-breaking, money-extorting and bullying union thugs. Did I say union thugs? Pardon the redundancy.

    pinko, if I committed the sin of belittling you, it was only because you earned it. Probably the only thing in your life you earned without help from the union.

    How saintly. How are you any different than any of us who have been in the work world? You are nothing special.

  6. when it comes to real as opposed to imagined social mobility, surveys find less in the United States than in much of (what we consider) the class-bound Old World. France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Spain—not to mention some newer nations like Canada and Australia—are all places where your chances of rising from the bottom are better than they are in the land of Horatio Alger's Ragged Dick.


  7. It's generally understood that we live in a time of growing income inequality, but "the ordinary person is not really aware of how big it is," Krugman told me. During the late 1980s and the late 1990s, the United States experienced two unprecedentedly long periods of sustained economic growth—the "seven fat years" and the " long boom." Yet from 1980 to 2005, more than 80 percent of total increase in Americans' income went to the top 1 percent. Economic growth was more sluggish in the aughts, but the decade saw productivity increase by about 20 percent. Yet virtually none of the increase translated into wage growth at middle and lower incomes, an outcome that left many economists scratching their heads.

    Here is a snapshot of income distribution during the past 100 years:


  8. Your post proves that you are envious about my residence. And everything else I have that I earned without Union assistance. And just for the record, my parents ARE proud of me. They always taught me the worth of SELF-RELIANCE, something incompetent union lackeys can't ever know.

    BTW, if your parents had been responsible, they would have chosen the unionist/liberal/Democratic/Communist view, and they would have aborted you.

    I have no idea where you live nor do I really care. You seem to have a need to display your self worth by belittling others.

  9. If they raised taxes for three years or so and put all that revenue into paying down the debt only. After which time they returned the tax rate to it's previous state more people would be fine with it I'm guessing.

    See the problem is that when a government raises taxes it also raises spending. If it didn't raise spending then yes it would work well but that isn't what happens.

    The fact of the matter is the uber rich have been given a free ride over the decades and this in turn has caused a considerable shortfall in government revenues. The deep pockets of the Koch brothers are evident in this dispute in Wisconsin and you can be sure their wealth will be used in a manner in keeping with their place in the world of the rich. The teabaggers are financed by folks like Dick Armey(http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090415_obamas_cup_of_tea/).

    The Americans need to get out of the wars they have financed on the backs of the middle class and the poor and regulate and redistribute income in a much more equitable manner.

  10. I don't see why some people are against the Tea Party.

    They want lower taxes and for government to show more respect for their hard earned tax dollars.

    How is this a bad thing?

    If the debt is to be reduced tax increases will be necessary as a matter of necessity. If you have been following the events from the Ronald Raygun era onward you will realize that the trickle down theory pushed by morons like Reagen and that old whore Thatcher haven't worked at least for ordinary folks.

  11. ..and still laughing about your lack of knowledge on this. Why didn't you just ask your son before embarrassing yourself like that?

    Don't let some smart ass American make a fool out of you again!

    You certainly don't qualify as a smart American. Where I live in Manitoba there are no private hospitals. The distinctions made by others aren't material to our discussion.

  12. Wrong, chimp:

    The Cambie Surgery Centre is the most modern and only free standing private hospital of its type in Canada. Located in beautiful Vancouver British Columbia, the Cambie Surgery Centre is a multi-specialty surgical facility specializing in arthroscopic surgery. The centre allows patients rapid access to world class Canadian health care expertise, and offers doctors and nurses the ability to work in a facility equipped to standards that equal or exceed those in major hospitals.


    I don't live in B.C., chump.

  13. I've specifically address the issues related Wisconsin. Not of other, unrelated places or countries.

    Anyways, nobody's discussed the racket that's involved in these public unions. These unions provide electoral support for politicians that agree to keep the goods flowing back to the union. If that isn't corruption, I don't know what is. That's another part of this Wisconsin labour issue. Unions don't wanna see some of their benefits cut, and Democrats don't wanna see some of the political power shrunk. It's pretty disgusting. They're each used to greasing eachothers palms. At the expense of Joe and Jane 6-pack.


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