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Everything posted by Saipan

  1. Substitute Marx for Christ and out comes Atheist
  2. People of countries with plenty of food, like Thailand for example, immigrate here. Often it is. The gypsies that were "discriminated against" in Czech Republic and came here, found out there are no "free houses" for immigrants (as the rumours went) "plenty of work and lot of money". Most went quietly back. Tamils (FOR EXAMPLE) paid tons of money CASH to smuglers to get them here. Enough money to eat for years. More money than most Canadians have in their accounts. Those who are really hungry never make it here.
  3. How do you provoke someone, who's already fighting, to fight?
  4. Nothing to do with gun control. You broke the rules.
  5. Canada should legislate more FREEDOM. If someone wants to work for $5/hr and no vacation who to dictate him he can't? We live under increasing number of rules, laws, by-laws and the noose is getting tighter by the day. Now even boating with electric Min-Kota now requires a licence (money) with the usual exception for one race only (that cannot even be mentined here)
  6. What catastrophe he "protected" them from? Pinochet made FAR more generous move when he voluntarily stepped down AFTER bringing Chile from the tail end to the foremost place in South American economy. In fact the #1 economy. The changes came from Hungary and later Czechoslovakia. Not Gorbachev. And btw, Yugoslavia had NOTHING to do with it. Milosovic was in power long after whole Eastern Europe free itself.
  7. So the rule is not quoting anything just make things up as you go, right? Feeling uncomfortable?
  8. If you're Caucasian, and 'specially male they don't. And that is a fact.
  9. Depends where and when. In Northern hemisphere warming ends by end of July. Then it's "global" cooling. NO ONE does. It's going on for millions of years. I.e. millions of years before we started using SUVs. Dramatic is in the eye of a beerholder. Nothing to do with the subject. Of course. But mankind is the pricipal cause of animal, human, and economic sarifices as well as rain dances. Actually it didn't. It was much warmer for example during the Great Depression. ALSO some 1,000 years ago when Vikings were happily faming Greenland. And even more so during the Holocene Maximum, 4-6,000 years ago. No SUVs then. The real disater for mankind on this planet is COOLING. And ice ages are consideraly longer on this planet than warming periods. We are VERY lucky to live in this time. But is won't last forever before another cooling sets in. And there are some indications already. Burning fossil fuels was linked to global cooling in the 70's. "New Ice Age" era of the "energy crises" of Jimmy Carter. "pollution causes equivalent of nuclear winter" (we all gona freeze) At that time all Midwest rivers froze preventing more effecive distribution of heating fuel by barges. Emergency situation! "We will be out of out of oil by mid 80's "scientists" forecasted. Florida swamps were selling like hotcakes. Panickers heading South. Animation of the ice moving South was shown on TV. "Will be" and "will happen" were the buzzwords of the day - just like now. If the scientists say the sky is green there will be many sceptics at first, but eventually more and more people will see it green. Sort of greenish indeed...... Shouldn't we be experiencing increasingly more severe hurricanes every year since Katrina. What happen?
  10. Like they did in Soviet Union and Cuba.
  11. That's very positive. Scout leaders here bring 12 Ga. shotgun to children's campground. And they carry it loaded when child has to go to outhouse at night. Thanks to Ontario government we have blackbears coming out of our ears.
  12. Just as "Rev." Jesse Jackson defended commuter train mass killer because he was also a "brother". After all he was only shooting Asian and Caucasians men.
  13. Peter Sedge sues Toronto Police They seized his gun collection for no valid reason Welcome to my weekly news Bulletin! As always, I will be including links to online resources Text like this means you can click on it to view a resource online if you want more information about the topic that is being discussed. Now for the latest... In May of 2008 Peter Sedge was the victim of an illegal seizure of his gun collection by the Toronto Police Service. The humiliation of the arrest at midnight, in his boxers, was witnessed by all his neighbours as 120 of his legally-owned firearms were seized. The charges were later dropped, of course, but not until after his public humiliation was reported across the country. Mr. Sedge’s landlords, James and David Cranton, had brought prospective buyers Brandon Tataryn and his father to look at the property. Tataryn said he “saw a number of rifles and a great quantity of ammunition.” You’d think the police would at least punch in the address to the gun registry and see if anything came up for the address or its owner. Or is it that maybe the gun registry isn’t as useful as everyone claims? No, doing something so simple isn’t part of the protocol for the Toronto Police Department. It’s nowhere near “in your face” enough for them. Guns are present; that’s good enough. As for Tataryn, why can’t people just mind their own business? So the guy has a lot of guns and ammunition...that doesn’t mean anything! It certainly doesn’t make him a criminal. A big pat on the back and words of encouragement to Mr. Sedge as he now pursues a lawsuit against Toronto Police Services members Terrence Wray, Dennis Doyle, Stephen Gibbons, Stephen McGran, Jeffrey MacDuff, Michael Ramsay, Jason McIntyre, Lesley Zimmer, Bryan Smith, Neil Thornton, Paul Scudds, Roderick MacLean, Ron Clifford, Darryl Linquist, Michael Press and Oliver Febbo. Mr. Sedge is seeking $3 million from them for “negligence, negligent investigation, false arrest, false imprisonment, unlawful search and seizure, breach of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and aggravated and punitive damages.” As well, Mr. Sedge is suing Tataryn, his father and the landlords for $3 million “for malicious prosecution, defamation, conspiracy, trespass, trespass to goods and aggravated and punitive damages.” I’m so happy to hear that Mr. Sedge is attempting to hold these inconsiderate people accountable for their actions. I pray the court sees this as justice; necessary to remind the police and tattletale busybodies that as adults we must think before we act before damaging a person’s livelihood or their reputation, job, mental health and bank account. Such irresponsible actions must not go unpunished. Katey
  14. I would venture to guess someone who wouldn't even think of putting explosives into his underwear or shoes.
  15. How is shooting women in soccer field "human"? Is public hanging of gays "human"? Make it good.
  16. Long gun registration comes to mind. "multiculturalism" and "art" are also in that category. Glad we agree on something. Would you pay for national conservative broadcater if we did away with CBC?
  17. Indeed. It has nothing to do with Ark.
  18. Because many people don't want to pay for liberal mouthpiece.
  19. The first Arab terrorist, Marc Lepine was Canadian citizen. And so was Demianiuk. Even Chief Ahenakew ('though he want to deny it sometimes)
  20. No connection to Creation/Evolution.
  21. Criss Angel Building Levitation REVEALED!!!
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