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Everything posted by Saipan

  1. Of old age? The babies too? Quite a science. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IlHgbOWj4o
  2. Speaking of loan sharks. Canada goverments (all three levels) and 'specially municipal are charging 15.5% interest in times of 1% prime rate!!!!!
  3. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/caon0678?ref=topnav_weather_savedcity
  4. "Good enough"? I though it's very precise. What it read right now for Marathon, ON, Canada?????
  5. Shouldn't, for example Phuket, Thailand, be much warmer than it is now? http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/thxx0001?ref=topnav_weather_savedcity
  6. No. I have family in Europe and Asia as well. I stay there often. But that is NOT the point. Show me it's warmer in SouthEast Asia for example. There are daily reports on actual temperatures. We don't worry about 0.03C change. 5C or 10C is the problem. Large body of water, like say Lake Superior pretty much averages the daily, even monthly, temperature. No need for Smoke & Mirrors "science". If the ice clears later for shipping you KNOW it's colder. And if it's too cold to go swimming all summer long, you know it's colder. Now even if all that was just in someone's head, WHERE'S the global warm up? Why the 'scientists' never point to inhabitated area? Why is the global warm up always somewhere like way up North of far in the ocean or high above the Earth? Like the old time magicians "don't look there look here"....
  7. Too many cold summers. So how can there be a "global" warm up. I trust thermometer lot more than any scientist.
  8. Yeah, what happen to mammoths? Just scientific answer please.
  9. That he didn't kill as many while accomplishing nothing? What a good Communist!
  10. I can't believe it. The guy seems to be in perfect health. Even biking! NDP may have hard time to replace him.
  11. Obviously, coming from the Little Ice Age. Would freezing be better? Not for me. But now it's colder than some 20 years ago. The hot summers when we went swimming full four month of the year are just fond memmory. Now we can't go at all. Except in 1/8" wet suit. It got so bad that last year we had fire in the woodstove EVERY month of the year.
  12. It's always "would" and "could". That way no one can ask 'hey where's the global warm up'?
  13. Are you a landlord? Do YOU rent to someone on minimum wage or welfare?
  14. That is ALWAYS the reason. Isn't money you were moaning about? Of course there will always be those unable to make any, and try to 'distribute" other people's money.
  15. They are too good. They should have say NOTHING. Not at all. It's the pinkos and Islamists who have hard time to find someone who like them.
  16. I didn't ask what "would" you pay. I asked what DO you pay?
  17. Wouldn't happen to me. One window smashed and I step on a gas.
  18. Where are the coelacanths?
  19. He probably won't answer, but I can. If you can't prove your claim don't ridicule yourself by asking for the same. Take for example case of Ezra Levant.
  20. Isn't that the best incentive ever to start business? What else would you want to dictate, prices too?
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