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Everything posted by ticker

  1. I guess you never heard the phrase fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
  2. there was a time when Canadian oil companies were sold the the US because it made economic sense due to the Venezulean factor. and as a result trudeau used discriminating policies on US oil companies to tell them to get lost when the feds realized it was not smart to put all you eggs in the same basket and plan on cheap Venezulan oil.
  3. ok it was "unecomonimical" to by from the US after the feds added their import tax to protect ontario. oh i forgot you made 400% off 5 dollars a month with the investment club oh wise one. and when Venezulean oil got expensive it was replaced with Canadian NEP oil.
  4. why wouldn't ontario use Alberta oil? It was much cheaper after PET and his NEP.
  5. could it be that ottawa refused to build a pipeline to the east because they could get a better deal from the arabs at the time resulting in these oil companies being sold to the US as they were not profitable if they didn't run at full capacity. Ontario had 80 years to build up their industry. Before the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement, the west was forced to buy goods manufactured in Ontario or Quebec, exclusively. If some product was available across the border at a much better price, a duty would be slapped on that product to make it more expensive than the Ontario product. And we had to pay the transportation costs, too. The population in the west was too low to make manufacturing here feasible without a larger market. The same control over pricing was never afforded the west. Even resources would not be given the same advantage. Coal is a good example. For decades Ontario Hydro's coal-fired plants burnt the foulest, most-polluting coal available because it was cheap and right across the border in Pennsylvannia and West Virginia. Only when acid rain became an issue did that practice stop. Alberta and BC have mountains of low-sulphur coal. But even to this day Ontario Hydro uses coal from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming.
  6. Trudeau led the way in creating a national debt
  7. BS Without a strong leader like Trudeau; we would probably not be the Canada you see today. As for worst Prime Minister; that honour belongs to Mulroney who sold us out to the Yankee dollar. Trudeau was a jerk and a commie; them the facts even if the socialist likes to dream in Technicolor. So ceaser is back to that no Quebec without PM turdo augment again I see. More like a 70c dollar and no Alberta because of turdo. I can see it coming blame Mulroney for the debt & dollar. The debt was 11 billion before PET took office. If there is one thing you want to celebrate it is no conservative could run up the debt 10 fold ... and PET was able to do it without the help of high interest rates.
  8. the NEP was an eastern Liberal policy; or was it ?
  9. MS is dreaming in Technicolor again if he thinks it worked. Yeh for most Canadians the NEP did work like a cheap oil bribe for Ontario voters. Crush those minorities for the benefit of the majority I mean upper/lower Canada.
  10. So baystreet bought the odd stock of a little oil company. The real funding came from NY when it was needed baystreet had other ideas on how to spend money. Just another myth of how the center of the universe makes everything possible... well not everything but at least Trudeau socialism People did come from Ontario like in the late 70's looking for work in the oil boom before Trudeau decided to keep the economic focus on Ontario by giving them an NEP reason to leave Alberta.
  11. In the age of Enron, Halliburton, "golden parachutes", Martha Stewart, Tyco, outsourcing, downsizing, layoffs,. tax shelters and widespread corporate malfiesnce: why should we? another selective example of a bad free enterprise company is research in motion from 10 US to 150US. wait its roots are in Canada so the left can claim it is not a ture free enterprise company but an example of canadian socialism at work.
  12. August has it right Trudeau was critical of the liberals in the early 60's before modifying his position in the mid 60's when he realized he needed to go to the liberals if he wanted a shot at power. The NDP stated they were looking forward to seeing his policies when he was picked as leader.
  13. you are right we should name a golf course after chretien it should be done in quebec where he was close to the people...I get all choked up over chretien...actually not as much as that protestor feels about chretien.
  14. Russia is just being threaten by the EU to play ball or you are out on you own.
  15. aren't there hills in quebec... maybe not as tall a BC but it is a start. name a hill in quebec trudeau and I won't complain either
  16. there si no doubt in my mind that trudea was a leftist, he was after all an ex-NDP'er. I don't think he was the best Prime Minister, and i think he is slightly over rated, but he did a good Job and I don't really mind naming a mountain after the guy, if we can name a street after Mario lemuiex, we can name a mountaina fter Trudea, but I agree, just plain mount Trudea sounds alot better. Caesar must be an extreme lefty if he thinks Trudeau was a moderate. As you say PET was an ex-NDP'er but switched to the liberals for a chance at power and the NDP said they were looking forward to seeing his policies I mean their policies when the liberals picked him. He was in the wrong party and should of just run for head of the NEP I mean NDP. Jack Layton was a liberal back in PET's time. And as a loyal lefty he would like to see the rebirth of the NEP like the NDP was calling for in 88. The question is does Layton have the influence on the liberals to equate to an ex-NDP'er camouflaged as a liberal leader.
  17. we have already done that.... oh my mistake I was thinking of the ceral boxes.
  18. I guess this was the left's secret agenda. get rid of petro canada so it can be replaced with another liberal symbol from the same era.
  19. but the banks didn't take the oil revenue that makes it possible to own those homes. if trudeau was still in the picture Alberta would not be a rich province. you got it wrong MS quebec can vote bloc and the feds will fall all over themselves for a chance to win those 75 seats but the same does not hold true for alberta with 25 seats that is insignifficant in the quest to form a government. so just vote liberal and that would solve the problem. like the liberals trying to accomadate Quebec even though the don't vote liberal. chetien could say quebec keeps voting for the wrong party but 75 seats is too much of a gamble to anger the voters and say they don't know who to vote for.
  20. but the banks didn't take the oil revenue that makes it possible to own those homes. if trudeau was still in the picture Alberta would not be a rich province.
  21. WTF?? When did Trudeau or Qubec ever expropriate the property of Albertans? the banks couldn't of done it on their own without the help of trudeau's commie NEP. what was the name of the energy minister; where did he come from. if we are all to share why didn't hydro "energy" fall under definition of "NEP". some are more equal then others.
  22. when russia had their revolution after the zar then taking peoples home and wealth seemed like a good idea at the time. quebec had their revolution in the 60's and revolutions seem to go hand in hand with robinhood policies of stealing then calling it sharing.
  23. As long is it is not in Alberta. so loosing your house for a commie policy is considered as sharing your wealth. didn't Russia have a policy of taking peoples homes for the good of the peolpe in the days of the revolution. so quebec has their revolution that means it is time to kick albertans out of there homes.
  24. I thought you were supposed to have control of your resources. Wasn’t that one of the great liberal promises they would steal haprers pledge to give you control of oil if you re elected the liberals. Or is that just like all the other promises of goodies that will take 10 years to see the light of day. It is better to take all oil revenues from the east coast and squander in Ottawa so they can keep those votes. Kind of like killing 2 birds with 1 stone
  25. It just needs to be a little bit higher for a while longer then we can have NEP2 when martin is out of the picture and replaced with another liberal PET or chretien... wait a min we already have that with Kyoto when we see the details. The politicians are quite happy to let the public think green house gas is smog therefore want clean air. Gas emissions are clear but why tell the public if it means they will not get on the environmental bandwagon for clean air. we need a smog bill where they shut down all the plants in ontario for the benifit of the public.
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