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Everything posted by Shwa

  1. OK, so... Newfoundlaners, moving to Alberta to work and live and spending "a lot" in Alberta, were somehow responsible for Newfoundland getting "back on it's feet?" Is this the new math? That's great. But if they are spending their money on clubs and parties in Alberta, how would this contribute to the economy of Newf? So instead of those Newfoundlander workers in Alberta getting Newf back on its feet after the Cod fishery collapse, they are really only responsible for a "mini-boom." And since the workers causing this mini-boom, went to Alberta "in the 70's/80's" which is prior to the date of the fishery being closed in 1992, it wasn't even that "big chunk of its skilled workforce" that moved there after the fishery was closed. Does that about sum it up?
  2. Show me a five year old that can do that, and I'll show you a team of TimBits.
  3. I wouldn't be the least surprised to see the cons fly in Saulie Zajdel. A nice Jewish boy from Montreal, how could they not like him on the Danforth? He's practically an MP anyways...
  4. You mean the high standard of western living that has resulted in rampant obesity, autism, increased cancer, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.? Yeah, I think there are some things that we could do without in our high "standard" of western living, don't you?
  5. Since the mainstream Right is the default for most people, and that the Left can only win popular elections when people are in dire straits and desperate for an alternative, then guess what causes the dire straits and desperation? Good for you August, you are finally getting a clue.
  6. I always wondered if we got our money back on Dome Petroleum. They got a 1 billion dollar bailout in 1982, a hefty sum.
  7. Of course, but the top (read "elite") players in NCAA baseball regularly get over .400 batting averages:
  8. True. But a kid can learn to kick, head, knee and 'chest' a soccer ball much easier than learn to skate.
  9. "Buzz off?" Is it suddenly the early 70's all over again? {shudder} Well, so you do celebrate something and you know what? That is perfectly OK.
  10. I'll say. I approach golf and I go mental. Likely why the 19th hole is so popular.
  11. But the principle is the same, hitting a round ball with a rounded bat.
  12. From what I understand, there is a question about the Canadian Soccer Association's ability to gather elite athletes for any length of time for elite level training and instruction. I am not sure what the national team camps are like time-wise, but I would imagine geography comes into play.
  13. Maybe, but they would still be able to hit the ball before a baseball player could skate well enough to take a meaningful shot. Of course each elite sport has specific requirements to achieve that elite level. (For example, the top NCAA baseball players regularly hit over a .400) However, the difficulty in playing the sport is something else altogether. Hockey players of any age would have less difficulty playing sports that do not require skates than the players of those skateless sports playing hockey.
  14. One might have rudimentary eye-hand coordination from birth, but any technical expertise is learned.. just as head/eye, chest/eye, etc., and the technical use of a gaming implement such as a hockey stick or bat. However, all of this rests on the eye's ability to gaze and sort information. The football would have been better to discuss the technical skill of holding on to the ball with one hand while simultaneously getting hit by a 250 lb linebacker. I have it on good information that part of our problem is the elite development program itself and it's inability to properly train athletes at the levels required to develop that technical proficiency.
  15. But I would wager that an average professional hockey player would get a big league hit before an average professional baseball player learns to skate. Plus most professional hockey players would love to have a .300 shooting percentage. The top NHL scorer still have a shooting percentage under 25 on a regular basis.
  16. Where - in this entire thread, or any other thread - have I said that hockey is "the most difficult sport?" Do tell. Do provide me with a link to that post I made. Go ahead Boges. Or are you misrepresenting... again.
  17. "of course" it "pales in comparison" Sounds like he has been punished enough, what with being burdened with all that sadness.
  18. Really? Sending all their money home and the like, building up the old Newf economy? That's very interesting. Of the 35,000 in Newfoundland that lost their jobs, how many ended up in Alberta? Do you have any numbers?
  19. So you DO celebrate something, even IF it is low-key. Right?
  20. So you are saying that 5 year olds throw 90+ fastballs to other 5 year olds?
  21. And, rightly so, it will be challenged in court. The clause you cited isn't the result of some activist judge's rant, it is because it is an unclear clause.
  22. These were all management decisions. Likely by grossly underpaid CEOs.
  23. Yes it does: "that would exclude any kind, type, class or grade of wheat or barley, or wheat or barley produced in any area in Canada." People can opt out whenever they want, they just can't sell their wheat or barely outside of the monopoly.
  24. Nope. True that baseball and golfing require one to learn the use of the game implement, hockey, or ice hockey as we are discussing, is still more difficult to play because it requires skating.
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