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Everything posted by Argus

  1. Give us a break. You Trumptards would put a fascist dictatorship in place in a second if you could, with no democracy and no rights for anyone other than straight, white Christian men. Any news media which insulted your great leader would be shut down and anyone who dared to disagree would be imprisoned while you applauded enthusiastically. I know what you are and have always been.
  2. Phhht. They were rounding up non-compliant citizens in the US a hundred years ago and vaccinating them by force. They were breaking into houses, pinning people down and jabbing them against their will. They were stopping people on the street at gunpoint and vaccinating those who hadn't been vaccinated. I thought you 'back to the glory years' people regard America and Canada as having strayed from the ideals of freedom and liberty you used to have. This is nothing compared to the abuses of back then.
  3. I find this a confusing answer as the numerous posts you have made in this and other forums in support of trans rights have contained no exemptions or doubt on any aspect of what activists are demanding, as far as I can recall. Gee, that's mighty white of you. Would you also suggest there are topics on legal rights, issues and societal belief which women should not comment on because the discussion should be exclusively male? I don't accept the woke belief that every identity group must remain within its own 'silo' and speak only to its own issues and problems. And if this is 'angertainment' it is only because of the fanaticism and extremism of the trans supporters, their determination to punish wrongthink, and their refusal to accept any compromise, The rest of us are just ordinary people reacting to stupid ideas, unrealistic demands, and illogical positions.
  4. I don't disagree. By end of year vaccinations will be approved for children. That should end most restrictions. As long as we can keep the number of lunatic anti-vaxxers low. This is no threat to liberty. A hundred years ago the authorities were vaccinating people at gunpoint on the streets of New York and Boston, and Montrealers were rioting against mandatory vaccinations. It didn't turn us into a dictatorship.
  5. Montrealers are always rioting too. See? https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/08/10/montreal-vaccine-riot-smallpox/
  6. How is the government interfering with any of that? I mean, YOURS is, but not here, as far as I'm aware.
  7. We wouldn't need government pressure if it weren't for the anti-vaxxers. Nor would we need to worry about lockdowns. Pressuring these people into getting vaccinated is designed to ensure we don't need any more lockdowns - which I agree cause enormous financial hardships and problems for mental health. Yes, but where that's not workable then there are laws. Personal responsibility wouldn't require stop signs at isolated roads because people would slow down and ensure the way was clear before proceeding. But too many idiots means we have to force the issue. Just like we have to do checks on trucks so that the idiots who run those big monsters with bald tires and rusting brakes are taken off the roads. Same goes for a thousand other ways government can't just rely on personal responsibility. Some people, you see, don't have any. Sure. And we are open in areas where vaccination rates are high. And will stay that way. Only the anti-vaxxers threaten that. It's more the risk that these children will pass it on to others who are more vulnerable to serious infections. The high number of asymptomatic people who can nevertheless pass on the disease is a major complicating problem with covid.
  8. It's not a subject which comes up on this forum. No it's not. The policy was changed because they are now considered legally women the moment they claim to be. That includes right after being arresting for sexually assaulting women. A trans supporter is someone who believes a man who claims to be a woman has to be instantly taken at 'her' word and considered 100% the same as other women, even if they have never sought or received any counselling or therapy, any medical intervention, any hormonal or surgical changes, or is contemplating them. They must be allowed into women's dressing rooms, prisons, showers and baths, sports and other activities, as well as shelters for abused women, rape crisis centres, etc, and anyone who expresses the slightest doubt is being transphobic. Does the above accurately sum up your own views on the subject or would you care to point out areas of divergence? It is? Let me se, the rest of my post consisted of the following: I thought your position was that anyone who self-identified had to immediately be accepted as whatever they claim to be. No doubts or hesitation is acceptable! Now do you accept that I'm a woman or not? This is merely requesting clarification on your position. and: All members of the public have a right to have input into the rules and laws of their own society. You cannot say that if a fundamental injustice does not effect me personally I should not care nor offer up my views on the subject. Which sums up why your attempt to suggest straight men had no legitimate cause to discuss this is wrong.
  9. The Liberals are panicking early because the Tories are rising in the polls. They've gone full negative already and accusing O'Toole of wanting to introduce "American style" private health care. Twitter has already labelled their video as misleading but at least it got headlines. O'Toole replied to a question that he was willing to let the provinces experiment with real health care reform, including some private health care. That's how every European country operates, but of course, to the Liberals and the rest of the Left there's only us and the Americans so the shrieks of 'American health care' have already started. All Western European countries seem to have better systems than ours. We have longer wait times than any of them because we have far, FAR fewer doctors than they do. We have fewer diagnostic machines, fewer hospital beds and generally come at or near the bottom of every comparison list. This is what the Left defends. Canada has 19 doctors per 1000 people. For comparison purposes, Look at some of the European countries which have "private health care' incorporated into their generous public systems. Denmark 32 Germany 35 Sweden 36 France 37. Italy 37 Norway 39 Netherlands 39 Switzerland 40 Belgium 42 https://ottawacitizen.com/news/john-ivison-trudeau-continues-to-rebuke-otooles-healthcare-plan-despite-twitter-fiasco/wcm/1def7fea-c9b4-4816-93a7-8852e848a984
  10. Conservatives believe in law and order. You don't believe me? Ask one if you ever meet a conservative looking in the window at one of your alt-right meetings.
  11. I guess being a Trumptard means you don't believe in law and order like conservatives do. But that's okay, Shady. There's a prison cell waiting for you and the other criminal types.
  12. There are huge protests in Paris practically every weekend over something. why would we care?
  13. China is engaged in an online disinformation campaign aimed at convincing people that the Corona virus was developed and released by the United States. This campaign has been fairly successful in China, and they are now moving it overseas through the creation of fake facebook and twitter entities. Experts say Beijing is seeking to bring non-Chinese audiences into the dispute about Covid-19 origins to further muddy the waters. A clear example unfolded in July, when Chinese state media outlets began relentlessly reporting on criticism written in a Facebook post by "Wilson Edwards", a user claiming to be a Swiss scientist. "Mr Edwards" argued that Washington was "so obsessed with attacking China on the origin-tracing issue that it is reluctant to open its eyes to the data and findings." But the Swiss embassy in China later said that there is no registry of a Swiss citizen with the name, and urged Chinese media to remove "false" news reports. Experts believe "Wilson Edwards" likely does not exist, but is instead a fictitious propaganda profile. His Facebook page was launched on the day that he published the Covid-19 post. A new Twitter account under the name of "Wilson Edwards" also tweeted out the same message on that day. The "Wilson Edwards" story appears to have first been reported through an obscure Fiji-based Chinese-English bilingual outlet, the Voice of South Pacific. Though it is unclear whether Voice of South Pacific is backed by the Chinese state, its mobile app is developed by a wholly-owned subsidiary of state news agency China News Service, the first major Chinese state-owned outlet to report on Edwards' claims. The BBC found that even before Edwards' Facebook post drew wide media attention, it had been shared by hundreds of Facebook accounts which claim to be based in Southeast Asia, for example, "Eastman Tyla" in Malaysia and "Tyree Schmidt" in Indonesia. "Tyla" and "Schmidt" also circulated a long and identical list of pro-China news stories on their Facebook pages, praising Beijing's handling of the pandemic. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58273322
  14. So you already knew that The writers often distort or misinterpret the information within the snapshots of the documents they use to push a number of conspiratorial narratives. Am I a medical expert or health care professional? Do I care enough about your bullshit conspiracy site to bother to put any major effort into pointing out exactly HOW it distorted and misinterpreted data just so you can then come back with some other bullshit conspiracy? No.
  15. Unless you've got the IQ of a flea I would have thought it was obvious it's better protected than the non-vaccinated.
  16. Who says I'm uninterested in prison conditions? Would you like me to lay out my own beliefs in how prisons should be operated? I've thought about it frequently. Do you think the violence in prisons is something that doesn't bother me? Violence against the helpless always bothers me! Injustice bothers me! And would it not be very simple, if you believe this is an issue that would allow people to be 'led by the nose' into anger to simply make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen? Why do you and the other trans supporters refuse to even contemplate the most elementary guidelines on how or why or when transgender claimants should be accepted at their word? Are you allowed to ask that question without being a transphobe? I thought your position was that anyone who self-identified had to immediately be accepted as whatever they claim to be. No doubts or hesitation is acceptable! Now do you accept that I'm a woman or not? All members of the public have a right to have input into the rules and laws of their own society. You cannot say that if a fundamental injustice does not effect me personally I should not care nor offer up my views on the subject. And what's this referring to 'we' men business, you transphobe!
  17. Almost half of Canadians pay no income tax. Naturally, their votes mostly go to whatever parties promise them the most stuff - since they aren't the ones paying for it. In addition, the left benefit from the fact public servants and their families will generally prefer parties which want big government with lots of employees, and are generous with salaries and benefits. There are there and a half million people employed in the public sector in Canada. Given the above, it's actually astonishing how the Tories manage to get elected at all.
  18. The Daily Expose is a U.K.-focused conspiracy site created in November of last year, and since its establishment, it has promoted a standard portfolio of COVID-denialist, anti-vaxxer, and Great Reset myths framed as breaking news. It has grown to be extremely influential in the alt-news ecosystem, with its articles getting thousands of shares per day on Telegram, Twitter, and other private chat channels. Although the website is less than a year old, it has grown by more than 300,000 page views per month since January, with the last data available suggesting it had more than 1.5 million total cumulative views. Unusually for a conspiracy site, The Daily Expose produces original content several times per day, rather than resharing memes or articles from elsewhere. On its “about” page, it claims to use only official documents from government or scientific sources to write its stories. The writers often distort or misinterpret the information within the snapshots of the documents they use to push a number of conspiratorial narratives. For instance, The Daily Expose has claimed that vaccines were approved without any sort of safety checks and that vaccines are causing mass death. The writers and contributors don’t request interviews with scientists, government officials, or other qualified experts to make sure they’re interpreting these documents correctly. Nor do they give the right of reply to any of the institutions or figures they are reporting on, which is an expected journalistic practice. https://www.logically.ai/articles/actors-behind-uk-misinformation-site-the-daily-expose
  19. Your question is utterly disingenuous. Yes, rape in prison is an issue, but it's insane to put a violent, male bodied person in a cell with a female bodied person. That you would try to excuse this by doing a 'whatabout' male prisons is just an indication of how extreme your views are about this issue, however much you pretend otherwise. And yes, I have read your many replies on this issue to Kimmy on that other group. So let's test your resolve. I have just decided I'm a woman. That seems to be all that it takes for you. So now I'm a transwoman and i expect you to treat my views with the proper reverence you would display towards that of a transwoman. You may no longer suggest I don't care about trans people's rights because you must treat me as one. If you refuse then you are putting limits on who you will believe is a legitimate transgender person. Something you evidently do not believe anyone ought to be able to do.
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