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Everything posted by Argus

  1. Florida man arrested at arena, despite warnings, traumatizing his children over a stupid mask.
  2. Crazed anti mask idiot arrested at daughter's school for attacking a female student.
  3. RCMP arrest anti masker, but really should have punched the obnoxious cameraman in the face.
  4. Another anti mask loony is arrested by RCMP after trying to make a 'citizens arrest' of a store manager.
  5. Imagine being this fuckwit. Imagine buying your ticket, seeing the clear warning you had to wear a mask, seeing the same warning when you enter the airport, seeing the same warning as you board, being given the warming by the stewardess, then throwing a temper tantrum like a two year old.
  6. Because it's become patently clear a significant portion of the population has lousy judgement and would ignore all precautions if given a choice. When you have thousands of morons angrily protesting outside a hospital you know that the population has a strong strain of dumb buried within it. People have to be ordered because otherwise you'd have these morons, the kind I see on videos every night screaming at airline stewards and shop clerks and acting like the request to wear a mask is the greatest imposition since the Nazis made Jews wear yellow stars. Most of them wear the masks now because they have to. Without mandates none of them would. Nor would they social distance. Nor would they get vaccinated or even tested. They're convinced it's 'the flu' and have no care or concern about who they might infect. Like this idiot. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/anti-vaccine-mandate-protester-attended-cornwall-ont-protest-with-active-covid-19-1.5576153
  7. Can I first express my amusement at the delicious irony of you using a Bloomberg chart - that never to be believed enemy of Trumpism, to counter a story in the National Post - Canada's supposed conservative voice? Doses administered and people fully vaccinated is not the same things, as you note. Israel has also been actively pumping out booster shots to endangered populations, so some people have had three shots. And every story I read says most of the cases in Israel are among the unvaccinated. How you use this to pretend vaccinations aren't working is beyond me.
  8. If I were the Liberals I would be looking for a way to help Bernier's campaign, even feeding money to him under the table. He's the best thing which has happened to Trudeau in the last two years.
  9. if necessary, yes. Though the amount we pay for health care is not out of line with our European peers. I believe there is a lot of inefficiency and waste here. And I want to see more private health care as they have in Europe. I want more doctors and shorter wait times all around, especially for urgent care. Put the GST back up to 7% and give all the money to the provinces for health care. But also change the Canada Health Act to allow the provinces to experiment with private health care while still requiring them to meet goals for the public system. I'd also like to see some user fees.
  10. What is the obsession the alt-right has with Israel? Is it just because they're Jews? Israel is the 33rd most highly vaccinated country. It's about 61% vaccinated vs Sweden at 58%. But unlike Sweden Israel has a problem with religious freaks, mostly Orthodox Jews and Arabs, who live in big families and are vaccine hesitant. The death rate is highest among them and children, it's among the unvaccinated. I've already explained this but your obsession remains. Since April, Israel has fallen from first to 33rd in Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker of populations considered fully vaccinated. The program plateaued amid hesitancy from some in the Orthodox Jewish and Arab communities. About 61% of Israelis have been given two doses, lower than in European laggards earlier in the year such as France and Spain. Infections jumped because of the prevalence of cases among the unvaccinated, especially children. There were also so-called breakthrough infections in those who have been vaccinated, and the drop in efficacy of vaccines. That said, unvaccinated people account for more than 10 times as many serious cases as those who have received two doses, showing that even with immunity waning, shots are providing protection. The highest rate of new cases in recent weeks is among children under the age of 12, according to Ran Balicer, chair of the expert advisory panel to the government. There’s also a record level of testing. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israels-covid-19-surge-shows-the-world-whats-coming-next
  11. Are you even aware of how priggish and arrogant you sound here?
  12. He's not a journalist. And you had to go back four years to find it. And you constantly take this sanctimonious, superior attitude to question finer details even while being unable to dispute the bulk of the allegation which is angering you. You search back for years for a few contrary opinions on a single subject and then gleefully wave them aloft as if this is anything more than you being pedantic.
  13. It's really quite amazing that you don't get the contradiction of using this to counter my argument about a lack of diverse opinions allowed in Canadian media on social issues like immigration. The postmedia and Toronto Star papers in sync decrying someone daring to question mass immigration, outrage expressed, the billboards immediately pulled down. But a columnist in the Sun says people should be allowed to talk about immigration and you hold it up gleefully as if that disputes my complaint.
  14. Says who? Or maybe just dismissing arguments and disagreements over major policy ideas as 'culture wars' is the new attempt at distraction. I knew you would do this. It seems to be your thing that if someone points out how a particular attitude is utterly prevalent you'll hunt up a single case or so and brandish it triumphantly aloft as if this trumps all. It doesn't. I read Ivision. You clearly do not. I've read his many columns extolling the virtues of ever higher immigration. A single column in another paper questioning the quadrupling of elderly immigration sponsorship does not negate that.
  15. Those are occasional contributors. and three are with the Financial Post. I note John Ivison is one of them. He's one of those I spoke of who don't have a sliver of daylight between their social views and that of the NDP. Are you really going to suggest Rex Murphy, for all his grumpiness and sarcasm, is a terribly conservative guy? I'm not saying no one ever expresses a non-progressive view in the Post, but if you read what Kay wrote, doing so is becoming more and more difficult, even for high profile columnists, even at the Post. So what kind of pressures do you think are on lower level writers there and at other newspapers? Perhaps my view is a little skewed in that I read the British and American journalists who actually ARE conservative and seem free to express counter-cultural viewpoints much more freely than anything I read here. A poll last year suggests 2/3 of Canadians don't believe systemic racism exists. Yet our media is unanimous that it does. Other polls have suggested half or sixty percent of Canadians believe immigration is too high yet not a single journalist dares utter such a thing. Do you not believe that kind of thing is dangerous in that it tells people they cannot find a reflection of their own views and beliefs in mainstream media? To quote Barbara Kay: And a writer shouldn’t have to feel like she is imposing on her editor, or asking him to exert himself as a special favour, merely so she can give voice to mainstream principles that most Canadians believe.
  16. The National Post has virtually no columnists who write from a conservative viewpoint on social issues. BTW, the biggest newspaper in Canada is the Globe, followed by the Toronto Star This Barbara Kay? Thanks to the excommunication of James Bennet and (effectively) Bari Weiss from The New York Times, the vicious hounding of Margaret Wente at Massey College, and the CBC’s sadistic shaming of veteran broadcaster Wendy Mesley, the poisonous phenomenon I am describing here is by now well-known. Every editor feels like he is one Tweet away from getting mobbed and fired. And so the range of permissible opinion shrinks daily. Many columns now read as if they were stitched together from the same few dozen bromides that one is still allowed to say. In a Canadian media industry that regularly lauds itself for courageous truth-telling, the goal is now to hide one’s true opinion rather than declare it. As recently as today, my editor assured me that my job was not at risk. But every week seems to deliver new restrictions and anxieties. And a writer shouldn’t have to feel like she is imposing on her editor, or asking him to exert himself as a special favour, merely so she can give voice to mainstream principles that most Canadians believe. Even when my columns appear in the National Post without any kind of delay or objection, I feel a lingering worry that some stray word or phrase will cause an editor to suffer blowback. If I were a less experienced writer who needed the money or the exposure, these are concerns that I would accommodate. But I’m fortunate enough to not be in that position. https://bayobserver.ca/2020/07/25/national-post-columnist-reveals-why-she-is-quitting/ All of it from the progressive side of the question. I disagree. Most fiscal issues are open for discussion. I can't think of one which isn't. Two tier health is really presented as a social issue - ie, either equity for all or the system is immoral. But if there were conservative oriented mainstream media these and other opinions could be freely expressed. There isn't.
  17. You have to first start by accepting nothing we do is going to make the least difference to the level of CO2 in the world. We're just not that big and only contribute 1.5% of CO2. And the levels being put out by the developing world are growing by leaps and bounds, completely eclipsing the cuts made by the developed world. Hundreds of coal fired power plants are being built as you read this. So our efforts are not really about accomplishing anything so much as looking good. The goals the Liberals recently increased are not really achievable, especially given we're adding 400k people every year from immigration. That's more than four million more people in the next ten years. That's going to pump out a lot more CO2. But this is the style over substance government. The goals are meant to be impressive. That we won't actually achieve them is not really relevant.
  18. Fine. Tell me where are the right wing/conservative news organizations expressing right wing/conservative views. Name me some names of conservative columnists on the 'unacceptable' side of social issues. Who dares to write on the wrong side of gay rights, abortion, immigration, gun control, multiculturalism, the death penalty, etc.? Except that no nuance is allowed in this question. If you fail to accept that Canada is systemically racist you will likely be anathematized from and by the mainstream media. Admit you are a racist and take a goddam knee!
  19. Diversity of opinion is not tolerated by the Canadian media. All mainstream reporters, commentators and opinion makers are required to hold the same left wing values and beliefs on all social policy issues. And they insist all politicians do too. Any opinion not supported is anathema, and uttering it blaspheme. Look at what happened to Stockwell Day's commenting gig when he ever so hesitantly pushed back against the idea Canada was 'systemically racist'. Gone! Never to be seen again!
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