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Everything posted by Radsickle

  1. No, sir. He was probably looking to be put out of his pain; the pain caused by the numerous wounds that would have prevented him from lifting his own hand let alone a grenade. Or the pain caused by being the childhood victim of a misguided, religiously-fascist father. I don't know. But he probably anticipated the West's lack of understanding and just wanted to end the nightmare. I'm so f'ing glad that didn't happen! The stupid people in Canada might now learn something about true patriotism vrs. blind, militant nationalism.
  2. Now that he's back on home turf, I hope Omar does make some of us very ashamed to be the Canadians who put him away. You twits.
  3. Omar doesn't hate Canada or the US. He was a kid caught up in a war. Whether he killed any US troops that day is still debatable and he NEVER killed Canadian troops. An honourable US Soldier saved Omar's life and he's been trying to co-operate ever since but has become the victim of North American hate.
  4. Only because the right wing up here only understands issues through American Media lenses. It's a handicap we've inherited from the Baby-Boomer's infatuation with your f'ed-up culture.
  5. Obviously, you don't get the reference. What I meant was that the Toronto Sun carries the same ideology in Canada as Fox News vomits in America.
  6. Beeep. This is a recording.... Beep Do you have any other cliches, trite phrases or colloquialisms to add to this enlightened discussion, Shady one? Is it a crime to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Omar didn't kill anyone but many rabid Canadians want to kill him for being where his father told him to be. Canada's less of a country than it used to be; more shady, less true.
  7. blah blah blah Quite a persuasive statement... too bad it's bullcrap.
  8. In my opinion, The Toronto Sun is a right-leaning paper that promotes right-leaning viewpoints. It's like Fox News, but North of the 49th (that means in Canada for all those who can't understand the reference). Yes, those who agree with me are more enlightened than the right-wing war-mongerers who think Omar's been treated properly these past few years. And the `Forensic Psychiatrist' you mentioned is very much a twit; he says the same thing about every muslim person. He's playing America's xenophobia for his own career's advancement. I think he's been mentioned before in this forum but I don't care enough about the shrink to check.... Don't you have another example?
  9. Oh, goody, another BINAR trying to simplify the world into stupid, partisan, left/right divides....
  10. Why don't you go back and read the first 142 pages of this forum topic before accusing someone of ignorance. You keep mentioning one documentary. I've seen it and others and discussed them already in this forum topic, newbie. Here's another American who didn't think Omar deserved to be in Gitmo (just to do your research for you): Gitmo Torturer felt guilty about Omar....
  11. Where the heck is "Canuckistan" anyway? On some stupid American TV show?
  12. I think you're `touched'; Khadr may have interpreted for others but you're grasping at dung-covered straw to suggest Omar was a "religious leader". He was simply a friendly kid. Please provide a link to such silly suggestions that he `further radicalized'.... You binars can only think in ones and zeroes, eh? "Exact Opposite"?! What incredibly juvenile, manipulative, fascist language.
  13. Do you have an example from someone who isn't a celebrity-seeking, cliche-ridden idiot? Your `expert' is a fool. Do you have another fool to quote? (Preferrably not from a right-wing, crap newspaper.) After all, you said he's "but one example"...
  14. Here's one source: one source... Another source: another source In fact, why don't you doubters do your own friggin' research? Because you're still trying to promote a failing opinion? Sure, get semantic with me; not `every' American agrees; I spelled "Capital" wrong; I made it sound like Canada `locked him up'; I made a slight mistake on this or that fact.... If that's what you need to re-inforce your delusional, pseudo-moral opinion on why a Canadian kid should be thrown under the bus, go ahead, tough guys.
  15. How can the moral compass of democratic nations be so easily manipulated? Are we still feeling the effects of the 911 fear-mongerers? I thought Canadians were smarter than that; Omar is a child-victim of history, not an adult-villian. Only the close-minded assume a person cannot change.
  16. Your grammar sucks too, PIK... If you can't put a CAPITOL letter on Canada and Canadians, then your opinion isn't very valuable and you, yourself, are a `stupid canadian' too. Or maybe you're just a 14-year-old. Either way, there are millions of middle-eastern immigrants in Canada who construct better sentences than you.
  17. Oooo, A "Harper Government" eh? Guess they won't be the "pathetic" ones.... they'll probably just make the kid rot in prison instead. Or let him out with a grandiose `apology'... eventually, suddenly... quickly enough that the Canadian public doesn't ask too many questions.... cause it's still quite well `under wraps'.... excellent job by the `image handlers', well done (you rats).
  18. How else can a government admit it wronged a civilian? We won't miss your kind if you can't see that point. "Don't come a' knockin' around my door. I don't wanna see your face, no more. I don't need your war machine...." And, yes, the First Nations of Canada are owed Billions for similar reasons. No "I'm sorry" is going to cover that....
  19. You never stop blaming Omar for `choosing' which side he would fight on.... as if a 14-year-old actually has a `choice'... Did you not try to be like your dad at 14? Would you not admit to almost anything after being deprived of sleep and your civil rights for so long? His case has been shady from the start and EVERY American involved in his incarceration says he's "A GOOD KID". Why is Canada procrastinating AGAIN on doing the right thing and bringing him back?!?! Because they know they owe him, BIGTIME. BTW, your grammar still sucks, sir.
  20. But he was an indoctrinated child soldier. Why did Canada just lock him up? Hypocrisy? A divided country? A Conservative wing-nut's anti-Liberal ideology? Xenophobia? Racism? A Country-wide juvenile awareness of world issues and UN conventions? A slow entropy in the quality of our country's leaders? An extra-judicial torture/treatment put upon him because his Dad cavorted with Bin Laden and we wanted to squeeze as much information from this immature fruit bud as possible, disregarding his civil rights and UN rights? ....A subservience to whatever America wants? Did I just re-open the can? .... Sorry, but Omar deserves some compensation for how Canada treated him.
  21. is interested in your opinion...

  22. I see this as a necessary step towards Harper wasting billions on the private prison industry knocking at Canada's door. It's typical create-a-crisis politics. First, change the laws so more people are in prison for longer times.... still waiting to see stats on C-10 since it's only been weeks. Then, while critics are waiting to prove basic math, crowd the existing prisons even more by closing a few of them. By the time the stats are out on how C-10 panders to the security industries, Canadians will be clamouring for more prison spaces to alleviate the `inhumane' overcrowding. Along comes Harper with his `private' partners to save the day and build `new' and `improved' prisons. (when money-saving renovations to Kingston and others were all that was necessary.) Bill C-10 will require new prisons; mandate incarceration for minor, non-violent offences; justify poor treatment of inmates and make their reintegration into society more difficult. Texas and California, among other jurisdictions, have already started down this road before changing course, realizing it cost too much and made their justice system worse. Canada is poised to repeat their mistake.
  23. I hope Khadr sues us for millions once he's back. We ignored his rights as a citizen and as a child soldier. Recent Globe and Mail article
  24. Funny. Seriously though, little Stevie ran away when Iggy said ok, let's have a tete-a-tete. He pro-rogued again. See, Stevie can play poker but he can't talk without his speech-writers present (a slight flaw in the wiring.) No, seriously though, he knows Iggy will nail him for not resigning the moment he was found guilty of contempt of parliament. Resigning would've been the respectable and proper thing to do. Little Stevie shrugs it off... for now...
  25. Thanks for that visual representation of what you described earlier. Yes, that is definitely a condensation trail. Well done. I watched the whole thing! But it has nothing to do with the video evidence of the curious chemtrails I cited.
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