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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. I always thought that was a stupid expression. After all, they still speak German in Germany, Ukranian in Ukrane, etc. etc.

    Professors are smart, but sometimes shill. If we want to complain about them, let's not supplant didacticism with hoariness, eh ?

    Your choice of language is comical enough, but the fact that you're nitpicking the use of an expression just pushes it over the edge. If not for our military, democracy as we know it may not exist.

  2. what? You would deny their free speech?

    Strawman indeed. Nobody is denying their right to express their opinions. They're still idiotic opinions nonetheless. To suggest that giving children scholarships whose parents died serving Canada 'encourages military imperialism' is the biggest pile of steaming poo I've heard in a long time.

    These professors are snivelling and contemptible worms so far removed from the real world that they'd probably have a panic attack if they ever left campus and went to a public place.

  3. I say we don't need tax cuts when they put us in deficit. I'd say there's no good way to go into a structural deficit. This deficit (for almost every government in Canada) wasn't really the fault of those particular governments, whether they were cutting taxes or increasing spending.

    I'll agree with your first point, that being there's no good way to go into deficit, but I have some problems with your second point. While it was almost unavoidable to go into deficit due to stimulus spending for the recession, program spending was going sky-high leading up to it in the first place, particularly in Ontario but on the federal level as well.

    Recession and stimulus can account for a few years of deficit, but when it takes close to 10 years to get back to the black there are obvious structural shortfalls.

    On the federal level, much of our continuing deficit comes from tax cuts. Personally I'd rather they use what they would have earned without the cuts to prevent or pay back the deficit, but that's another story altogether.

    In Ontario, however, we've had significant tax increases since McGuinty came to power, and we're still going to be running a deficit longer and harder than even the federal Conservatives are. The main thing you and I seem to argue on regularly (and I'm sure we'll never convince each other otherwise) is that you seem to think program spending and big government is inherently good whereas I take a much more cynical view and see it as wasteful. I don't think I could think of a better example than the one you brought up of drug rehab centres. Those are the epitome of useless and wasteful spending. The success rate for these abominations is something like 2-6%.

    I'm almost positive you could come up with a 2-6% rehabilitation rate without any rehab centres at all.

    I could go over all sorts of things like this that I consider wasteful government spending and you would probably disagree on all of them. There is no slight intended to you when I say this, but it would be very interesting to see how your opinion changes when you're a little bit older, have a career/family, and are paying any meaningful taxes yourself.

  4. Although I have little use for the Liberals,I don't mind Iggy too much based on some of his past comments before his return to Canada.What really frightens me is the very real possibility of Bob Rae becoming Liberal leader and eventually..... :o Prime Minister.

    You and I both being from Ontario probably know that this would not do the Liberals much good.

  5. Yes, because that's always so much better than needed program spending....

    Much of what you say is 'needed' I (and many others) would say is 'wasteful' program spending. If we're going into debt, I'd much rather it be because I saved money instead of because of handouts and spending increases for lazy deadbeats. When Mike Harris went after welfare, teachers (who at the time had probably the cushiest jobs in North America) etc, I was in heaven.

    As long as basic things like healthcare are looked after, I'll vote for anyone who's going to make government smaller.

  6. The system is fundamentally flawed. To have a fair system, money should be created at the point labour is complete. This only makes sense because once your done working, you have already "paid" for your service. Then to create a functioning circular system, at the point of sale of any good or service, have the money return to the bank. No conspiricy theroy here. Money is created through a signature to pay the money back with interest. The bank doesn't just hand out money. Well ok maybe a little but well below their profit margins.

    I'm not sure you understand the system all that well. If money was created at the point of labour, we'd be creating money non-stop and causing ridiculous inflation. The system as it stands right now is designed to promote economic stability. The fact that the government is able to control monetary policy helps smooth out shocks to our economy. The situation you're explaining applies perhaps to new money being created, but the VAST majority of money at any given time has been in the system forever.

  7. The Bank of Canada is also watching inflation, if it starts to rise, then he'll rise interest rates.

    A growing economy causes inflationary pressure. That's what Carney is talking about. As for Carney's criticism against Canadian private enterprise, he was criticizing their relatively weak capital investment numbers despite the low interest rates. He fears if Canadian business doesn't keep itself up to date and modernized/efficient, it will fall behind the rest of the world.

    Other countries took advantage of the low interest rates to modernize their factories, build infrastructure, train people etc and Canada for some reason didn't. That's a whole other story altogether though.

  8. the Nazi bitch and her sympathizers run for cover...admittance to the new lair is by pre registration only...oh ya her excuse is increased interest we need a bigger facility...

    Anyone who resorts to Nazi references to get their point across is utterly devoid of rational or worthwhile thought. You're the type of idiot that morons like Anne Coulter actually make an impression on. Sure, you're ideologically opposed to her, but that just means another moron like Michael Moore influences you instead.

    She's not a Nazi. I'm sure most of her followers aren't either. She's just a right-wing idiot who, like I said before, is cunning enough to persuade the stupid but not smart/principled enough for anything beyond propaganda.

    Trash like Anne Coulter feeds off idiotic comments like the one you posted above. It encourages her and her followers to see the dumbest elements of society rabidly oppose her. It makes it look like what she's saying is right.

    I'll say it one more time, and then be done with this retarded thread:

    Anne Coulter is a joke and she should be treated as such. Laugh at her, roll your eyes, and forget about her. She deserves nothing better.

  9. Or maybe, they're just padding the numbers.....


    If I had to guess, I would say that may provinces will eliminate their deficits ahead of schedule.

    I'm not optimistic. Spending increases under Dalton were pathetic even leading up to the recession. Harper and Flaherty were no gems either, but at least we were headed for red because of tax decreases. At least everyone enjoyed some benefit to that. McGuinty increased taxes and still blew us out of the water.

  10. She isn't at all absolutely disgusting. If all you do is read a sentence here and a sentence there of a larger more satirical opinion, then yes, you may interpret that as disgusting. But on a larger point, I find it pathetic that people pay money to watch Michael Moore's movies. But I would never fight against somebody's right to play or watch them.

    Interesting that you would bring up Michael Moore, because he is to the left what Anne Coulter is to the right -- a zealot cunning enough to persuade the stupid, but too dumb/unprincipled to have any integrity in the way they present the world to their viewers/listeners. They're both jokes.

    As for the right to free speech, I agree. People should let her say whatever she wants. Going rabid and frothing at the mouth because a crazy ***ch comes to down just makes YOU look stupid. The people causing these antics are probably the same people who believe everything Michael Moore says -- idiots. When enough of the local retard crew shows up to protest her it almost makes her look good.

    Give Anne Coulter the respect she deserves -- sneer in contempt, roll your eyes, laugh at her, and then forget about her. That's all she deserves.

  11. I think it's safe to say that 300 people can be considered a mob. But the biggest obstacle to the event taking place was the constant pulling of fire alarms by these mouth-breathing liberal fascists. Anyway to silence free speech.

    And those of you making excuses for them are as pathetic as the actual leftwing thugs themselves.

    I agree with you that it's pathetic shady, but what I find just as pathetic is that people would actually bother to go see this moron.

    I generally respect and agree with most of your opinions on this forum, and maybe I'm missing something here (I'll believe for my own sake you were going to see her for laughs) but the woman is so full of shit and propaganda that it's leaking out of her eyeballs. She's absolutely disgusting.

  12. couldn't have said it better!

    Really? I thought the usual response was to laugh and sneer at the poor-me idiots who waste their time outside with retarded signs thinking they're making a difference.

    I'll admit there is from time to time useful and worthwhile protests, but most of them are generally filled with the biggest losers society has to offer. Pogie moochers and going-nowheres are the norm.

    Even so, I'm surprised Shady would go to see Anne Coulter. She's probably the nastiest and most full-of-shit Republican I've ever heard and I'm constantly surprised how people actually take her seriously.

  13. All the big banks on CBC during budget day all pretty much said that these numbers are valid if absolutely nothing goes wrong.

    Okay...so if all things are equal...Flaherty's projections were right according to them???

    1.5 billion might as well be 0??????????? Are you nuts? Here I thought Conservatives were fiscally responsible.

    On the federal level it's a drop in the bucket. Take a look at our national debt level. Tell me if 1.5 billion is a big deal relative to that. :blink:

  14. No way is this going to fly and I hope Day realizes this strike could be going on when the G8 and G20 is going on and the government will need the civil servants.

    We're talking about new hires here. They can take the job or not it's up to them. The pension plan is already grossly unfair compared to the private sector so I say go ahead with it. Let them strike. I'll survive.

  15. Indeed, no economist but flaherty (who isn't even an economist, he's a lawyer) and Harper believe that the deficit is going to be wound down by that time.

    Wrong. It seems some of the biggest names in economics in Canada are agreeing with him, or are even more optimistic.


    I'm at work and can't use the normal link function sorry. At any rate, these are just a handful of the people who DO think it's possible/likely.

    Even then, the target is 2015 and even at that, there will still be a 1.5 billion deficit. So, at least the Ontario government is shooting to be deficit free.

    1.5 billion on the federal level is peanuts, so it might as well be zero. Regardless, the target in Ontario is 3-4 years BEYOND even Flaherty's half-assed stab at the budget. Personally I'd prefer to see it gone in 2ish years max and see a cut back in program spending, but nobody is offering that option.

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