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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. I think you are brainwashed by corporate media here.

    Millions China Man/Woman move to Canada/US and tell their stories (not Red Chinese stories but real stories). I hear China stories from Chinese students all time.

    Few Western Man/Woman move to China, because not really allowed. Red Chinese don't want free people living there. We no want to anyways though. Rather move to South Korea or Japan.

    The YouTube video (

    ) is from a video that had been broadcast on TV, you can contact Ezra Levant who was in the show to confirm.

    If you want me click your link, explain what it say first. If not, it just pointless link.

  2. We can't be there for Canada's interest and if so what? I think we should pull out and regroup and IF Afghanistan ever becomes a honest country with honest people running it then perhaps go back. We are just wasting millions of dollars and lives right now. Seems fairly stupid to go into a country, lose many soldiers to death and injuries, and give this same country millions and millions of dollars, why?

    I don't think they realized how messed up a country it actually was. At this point now, it's all trying to get out while doing the least damage possible. Bailing out of nowhere will make it worse or at BEST no better than when they started.

    I think the soldiers that died there would appreciate it if what they did made some sort of difference.

  3. That's a good point. Some people did that just because they are unable to give any persuasive arguments.

    No. It because you brainwashed China man and try to persuade us with made up lie. Hard to trust anything you say.

    Yes, there are children need to be help. But I suspect how much help CAS did overall. Most what I heard, and what I find are negative. The problem they created is most likely larger than the problem they solved. Any if they believe they did a good job, why they fear Ontario Ombudsmen to investigate complains? It is a private company, so it is no doubt that profit is their ultimate goal.

    It has been clearly show in the video of post #84 (


    When use Youtube videos to prove points, shows how stupid your argument is. Shows you have no proof and not understand how to argue well.

  4. EXCEPT that is bull since Afghanis did not attack the US. They were Saudis and the US is still friendly with that enemy....




    Mhmm...and al Quaeda wasn't training and operating from Afghanistan at all right???

    I mean obviously we're in Afghanistan for their vast natural resources and bountiful land...........................

    The place was a wasteland worthless to even the ancients.

  5. When I say "middle-class folk," there is no reason, aside from petty-mindedness, to take that as encompassing every individual from the middle class.

    Certainly not, but it leads us to question where you're drawing the lines. None of what you said really has any bearing either on my original premise, which was that the energy rate increases will hurt the people who are riding hardest on the green energy bandwagon.

    The irony seems to escape you.

  6. Taxes are a fact of life. Revenues are required.

    Its just a matter of WHO is going to pay.

    It's us.

    I read your whole post and I agree with lots of it but I have an issue with this point here.

    Taxes and revenue are required, yes, but the question is how much is required and how much spending is just an outright waste of money, then there is the patronage and crap that goes along with it. I'm not saying the NDP's ideas are all bad, but there are a lot that make me cringe.

    Free trade is a great idea, in principle, providing there is a level playing field. Trade with China, however, or Mexico etc, is probably doing more harm than good. You're right, I can get cheap jeans and buy more shit, but generally it's just shit I don't need and never use. My life hasn't been improved at all.

  7. Rather, I was contending that the continent is not beset by legions of poverty-stricken "whiners" calling for higher corporate taxes (which is the claim that was made); rather, those calling for higher corporate taxes (wrongly or not is irrelevant here) are middle-class folk.

    Really? Just the middle class folk eh? We're all calling for higher corporate taxes? That's why the Liberals have been so anti-corporation for the last decade or so??

  8. At any rate, it is not this baleful entity you refer to as "the poor" who call for higher corporate taxes: it's the middle-class majority who feels this way.

    My point was that the people clamoring the loudest for environmental change and Green Energy are the ones it's going to hurt the most. FYI I'm part of the (young) middle-class majority. I'm not speaking from an altar. I just can't relate to idiots who run themselves off a cliff.

    Also such poverty-stricken envious individuals as Warren Buffet and George Soros.

    Warren Buffet's so rich right now he can safely say whatever he wants. The world could fall down around him and he'd still be a billionaire.

  9. Oh sure, we hear it every day....well, every week...ok, now and then...maybe once in a blue moon...


    Well, that's the difference between you and that more compassionate and thoughtful entity, known as the majority of the human race.

    It has nothing to do with compassion. If the collective majority is going to WILLFULLY screw itself and bring me down with it, the only thing they'll get from me is sneering contempt.

    It's very easy to be "compassionate" with other people's money, but let's see what people think when their hydro bills go up and it ends up being THEIR money as well. :blink:

  10. Security concerns are necessary, it is a responsibility for people, if not why need install body scanners in the airport?

    Body scanners are so that people don't carry bombs and weapons on to planes to crash planes. That's security.

    Filtering internet traffic so that your people can't see anything that the government doesn't want them to see isn't security. That's the government being scared that the Chinese people will figure out the world outside actually IS better than in China (which is why millions have left China for North America).

    Why don't people want to move to China???

  11. Since the poor have far less of a voice, the majority of the whining you actually hear is from more moneyed interests.

    As usual.

    Yes obviously...I mean we never here people whining about lowering corporate taxes or anything like that right? Right??? :rolleyes:

    I'm sure you are looking forward to the continued hardships of people with lesser means than yourself. It's great sport.

    When they willingly screw themselves? Actually yes.

  12. There are some very simple questions that bjre needs to answer before anything he/she says will be worth ANYTHING.

    First, why are tens of thousands of Chinese moving to Canada every year, and why aren't any Canadians moving to China.

    Second, why is Chinese internet traffic so strictly censored, if not to keep the Chinese people ignorant to the realities of the world?

    It's quite clear the government of China is terrified of the Chinese people thinking for themselves.

  13. Just wait until our draw down of natural capital starts hitting home, then it will become more apparent where the real drain on the economy is occurring and who's actually draining it the fastest.

    When the waterhole shrinks the animals get meaner. I think we'll also see who the real crybaby's are too.

    The crybabies are going to be the ones who are in the worst position fend for themselves -- namely the poor people who are already whining all the time anyways.

    The funny thing is that while these people are the ones bleating on and on about green power, they're also the people hurt most by higher energy prices. In a way I'm almost looking forward to how stupid it will look on them when they have trouble paying their hydro bills. It will just be annoying for me. For them it will actually hurt.

  14. Well I'm sorry but I don't support fraud as you do. Canada needs a reformed refugee system. Even immigrants know the system is broken. The only ones who wouldn't want it changed are the ignorant, the so called refugee support groups and immigration lawyers who are making a killing off our current system.

    Yeah I would have to agree with that, especially the part about immigration lawyers.

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