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Posts posted by Moonbox
16 minutes ago, User said:
You are still here hung up on the same two examples. That is all you got.
It is almost entirely behind closed doors things Trump is accused of saying or doing that can never be vetted as truthful or not.The obvious and public examples lends credibility to the ones behind closed doors. As you say, he's a circus clown that attacks people. He also has literally zero credibility, so it's fascinating to see people like you try to rationalize why you'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
The endless parade of critics he has from his former inner circle should raise questions for a reasonable mind, but instead:
16 minutes ago, User said:You want to believe what you want to believe.
I couldn't have said that better myself.
17 hours ago, athos said:
You are not even a citizen but a Subject Of His Majesty as such in the civilized world you are unemployable.
You are not even a citizen, but a poor Russian mud-person, subject of a small, sad, murderous little clown:
Comrade, you need to work harder. You are not convincing anyone. You are not worth the potatoes the apparatchiks are paying you.
4 hours ago, Army Guy said:
I've gone back through all my posts that have sources attached, and i'm sorry i can not find where my conclusions have gone sideways from my sources...perhaps you can provide an examples so i can see where i'm or you are going wrong.
The whole point of a debate is to read what the other person is saying, and respond to that. You're not doing that. You're just full-quoting me and repeating yourself, without even acknowledging my arguments about your (IMO) poor reasoning.
As as an example of your bad conclusions, just refer to anything regarding these maps and the near-zero progress the Russians are making.
4 hours ago, Army Guy said:below is an updated map that shows Russian gains in the last 24 hours, marked with pink with doted border, , yellow areas are gains but unconfirmed, if you don't want to use this map source i'll find another. Until then the cities i pick are Around the bakhmut area, Chasir yar,lysychansk area, and Donetsk area...these are the areas Russia is currently concentrating on....
You're definitely not reading these right. Here's an example of "recent gains" in the last 24 hours. They barely ever show up on these maps, because they're hard to confirm in that short a time span.
As for Chasiv Yar, the place where Russia is concentrating hardest, here is the ACTUAL progress Russia is making, according to YOUR SOURCE.
In 65 days, the Russians have moved forward 2.7km. That's 41m a day, and this is where Russia is advancing the fastest, and concentrating the hardest. Sad Vlad is throwing away 1000+ of his worthless donkey soldiers daily, so the Russian army can advance the distance I walk to go have a beer across the street on my neighbor's porch.
At this pace, it will be two years before Russia reaches Kramatorsk, the closest city of any importance, and they'll lose over 600,000 more soldiers (4x the population of Kramatorsk itself). "Advancing is advancing" is utter bullshit, and I think you know that.
I've said it multiple times before, and you've ignored it over and over, but Russia runs out of manpower and equipment long before Ukraine runs out of land at this rate - and this is with US aid delays.
2 hours ago, Army Guy said:
What was the discussion ? that Russian gains are meaningless... in my view Thats not the case...if your going to narrow the scope of the discussion then describe the arcs of fire..
They're meters per day. I offered to review those maps with you and show you, because you keep referring to them but can't seem to read them properly....
Unsurprisingly, you ignored my offer, just like you avoided any of the other points I made. 🤷♂️
1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:
Surely even Russian Trolls studied history. All I asked for was a source to confirm RFK actually said that.
Sure. I'm just telling you that you're not going to get any intelligent responses from him. He's literally a paid Russian troll, and he's been caught before copypasting the same garbage on other Western country's forums.
"Something something, Anglo-Khazarian Nazi something something..."
You can tell when he posts here that he's just copypasting trollfarm content, just because of the format of the text he uses.
Athos buddy, you need to work harder. Mother Russia is disappointed in your feeble efforts.
14 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:
Cite? I have never heard of that. I fear you have been misinformed. My recollection of the time is that Cuba feared a US invasion.
You are talking to a paid Russian troll farm employee.
38 minutes ago, Army Guy said:
Once again i've backed all my posts with sources....
Your sources and the information they provide are not the problem. It's the conclusions that you draw from them.
38 minutes ago, Army Guy said:and you have provided very little to make you point...
That's a pretty goofy thing to say when you're not even acknowledging the points I'm making.
6 hours ago, Army Guy said:that map i provided you illustrated the gains for 2 days, measured in KM
No it really didn't. The map you provided was an interactive present-day outline of the battlefront. That's it. It doesn't illustrate "recent gains". They do archive previous days' maps, however, so we can do that comparison for ourselves.
I'll tell you what. Why don't you pick a point on that map, anywhere, and I'll go dig up the old ones from June so we can compare them side to side. How does that sound?
Let's see how great you're doing backing up your posts with your sources....
19 hours ago, Army Guy said:
I have yet to see much in the way of evidence that counters what i have provided...
Once again you've uselessly dropped a wall of text repeating the same things you've already said a half dozen times, while somehow managing to avoid acknowledging even a single argument I made.
19 hours ago, Army Guy said:advancing is advancing , almost as stupid as saying they are not making any gains...when every media outlet on the planet is telling a much different story
When Russia captures the outhouse on the corner of Yuri's farm at the cost of several hundred soldiers and numerous armored vehicles, it's totally worth it because "advancing is advancing". How are you even taking yourself seriously saying this sort of nonsense? What a freaking joke.
1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:
They have seen the will of the population plumet, regarding standing firm on an uncompromising resolution with Russia.
and what about the will of the people in Russia? Nevermind, I forgot. Putin has 89% approval rating, everyone loves the special military operation, Russia's soldiers are super motivated and are happy their lives are wasted frivolously. The country is not driving itself even deeper into an accelerating demographic decline either. Everything is GREAT. 🙄
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:
And what beliefs are those that are tainting my reasoning?
You've already decided on a narrative, and you're going to ignore all evidence and reasoning that contradicts it.
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:You mean like Russia has been steadily advancing,
They're not. You've looked at the maps, and to see these "steady advances" (measured in meters) you have to zoom the map in to the point where you see individual houses. The best part is it's all being gained for the low low cost of 1200 dead and wounded a day. Russia runs out of manpower long before the Ukrainians do, and decades before the Ukrainians run out of land, at that rate.
"Advancing is advancing" is a stupid thing say in that context, especially as former army, when you actually know better.
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:that Russia arty is doing it's job,
If the Russian arty is doing its job, it wouldn't be suffering 10x the casualties despite firing 10x more shells than the Ukrainians, and they'd actually be advancing (more than a few feet per day).
"but but but 80% of the Ukrainian casualties are caused by Russian artillery" is not a counterpoint. All that means is that Russians suck worse at everything else.
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:NATO needs to step up it's support
Yes, that's the one thing that we agree on. Economically, NATO and the West can trickle tiny, barely noticeable fractions of their budgets towards Ukraine, and evidently that's enough to foil Russians, who are pouring ~30% of their GDP into it. Step up support just a little bit, and the Russians can't keep up. They'll go bankrupt, and you and I will never notice the money sent to Ukraine. THOSE are the economies of scale we're looking at here. Russia is a dirt poor shithole full of servile mud people.
The only thing Russia has going for it is that it has more lives to throw away, and Sad Vlad's desperate propaganda efforts to make the situation seem hopeless to simple minds in the West (with you obliging him).
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:
I've made a point to respond to all your posts, all your responses, points, remarks...out of respect to you....
You responded to my posts, not my points. Responding to my points requires you to actually acknowledge and address the specific things I'm saying, rather than full-quoting me and just repeating what you've already said.
14 hours ago, Army Guy said:you don't have to like my answers, but i think i've proven most of my points with valid sources, again you don't have to like them, but those are my answers in what i believe to be true or factual..
Your beliefs have no bearing on the debate, but do seem to taint your reasoning. The sources you've provided aren't necessarily false. It's the conclusions that you draw from them that's the problem.
1 hour ago, Goddess said:
There are a myriad of "sources" out there that confirm the 0.04....it's the same number climate alarmists use to scare the shit outta all the children.
I'll have to take your word on that. Nobody knows skience better than you. 🙄
2 hours ago, CdnFox said:
And of course that's not true. Unfalsifiable doesn't mean it's hard to disprove or you don't have that data right now, it means something which is by it's nature unprovable.
You know what the definition of unfalsifiable means, but the logical implications are beyond you. That tracks. You're one of the only people on this forum that demands cites for negative claims. 🤣
20 minutes ago, Goddess said:Just curious - I've read quite a few places that plant life on earth dies when CO2 levels reach 0.02 and that CO2 levels have risen from 0.03 to 0.04 over quite a few years
First, plants consume CO2. I'll assume you know that.
Second, CO2 in the atmosphere is measured in PPM.
You'll have to show us your "sources".
1 hour ago, Army Guy said:
You refuse to believe that Russian arty are having an large impact on the battlefield...in fact the largest impact for russian forces...
FFS, man. I've responded to this (lousy) point at least a half dozen times, and just you plough past and ignore that on your way to saying it again. Do you figure you're just going to bludgeon us into submission via repetition?
If you're not going to do me the courtesy of responding to what I write, there's no reason to read the rest of your post.
1 hour ago, Army Guy said:
OK Ukraine is doing more damage with less ammo, i think i said that a few times....Now your saying Russian arty is not translating into battle field effect....But Ukraine is reporting 80 % of all their casualties are from Russian arty...thats pretty effective in any world,
It doesn't matter that 80% of the casualties Russia is causing is with their artillery. This has been address multiple times, and you just sort of blow past it and keep repeating yourself. Let's try an analogy:
If your football team averages 3 points a game, and 80% of that is field goals (most of which are taken from 50+ yards and miss), are you concluding that your special teams are effective/unstoppable? No. You conclude that you have a dogshit offense, and the only points you're putting on the board are field goals.
1 hour ago, Army Guy said:Perhaps look at different maps, The maps that have been shown don't have a date stamp, nor do they show any true scale....not sure what to tell you... i see in some cases 10 t0 20 km of advances...ABC, CNN, BBC, CBC, most european media outlets, ukraines media outlets...basically are all telling the same story...
I showed you two timestamped maps from Dec 2023, and June 2024. You just ignored it went on repeating yourself.
10-20km of advances, over several months, (now more or less stalled) and costing the Russia and their meat assaults ~1200 daily dead and wounded - that's what the BBC and ABC are reporting. At that rate, Russia will complete their conquest of the Donbas in...what? 2040? It'll only cost them 7,000,000 dead.
4 hours ago, User said:
They're wearing leather. That girl is scarred for life! She'll be turning tricks in no time. 🙄
8 minutes ago, Army Guy said:
Your stuck in the math loop, I've already conceded to your point, russian Arty is not as effective as Ukrainian not sure what else i can say... They make up for that fact by firing more rounds....
but they don't, and the fact that you're still arguing they do means you haven't, in fact, conceded anything. They try to make up for it, but their numerical advantages aren't translating to battlefield effect. Ukraine is doing far more damage with far less ammunition, and that's a fact, rather than a "math loop", lol.
37 minutes ago, Army Guy said:Russian are suppose to be taking more casualties they are on the offensive, which means they are taking more risk....
Are they supposed to be taking stupid, useless risks, yielding negligible near-zero results? What doctrine is that from?
1 hour ago, Army Guy said:Advances are still advances, it means more territory that Ukrainian forces will have to take back, and yes each blade of grass is measured in blood and manpower
A nothingburger of a statement. You've been shown the maps multiple times. You can see Russia's "advances" over the last 2 years amount to a wet dogfart. "But but ABC is saying...." doesn't somehow change that.
On 7/1/2024 at 10:33 AM, User said:
Something is either right or wrong on its own... trying to change the subject to me is just a disingenuous tactic to avoid having to condemn the clearly condemnable.
Some things are inherently wrong, like murder, rape and stealing. Some things are a matter of perspective, like premarital sex, abortion, divorce, gay marriage etc.
When someone dresses up as a dog and let's a kid pet them, I imagine they're having their heads pat or something like that - silly, harmless fun. You, on the other hand, make it sound like they're angling for a reach-around.
9 minutes ago, Army Guy said:
For the record ,I already have stated that US made arty is much more accurate than Russia stuff...according to you say it's 1/10 as accurate, not sure where you grabbed that figure but you go with it
It's math. If they're firing 1/5th or fewer rounds (as your numbers would suggest) and if Russians are suffering 2:1 casualties (as most sources report) then that's 1/10th as effective.
11 minutes ago, Army Guy said:Ukraine military sources report that 80 % of all their wounded and killed are due to RUSSIA ARTY fire...
SO WHAT? This has nothing to do with the question we're debating, and it's the same on both sides. All it tells us is that the Russian airforce, navy and infantry are even shittier than their artillery.
If it takes 10 Russian shells to match the effectiveness of a single Ukrainian one, the numerical advantage you keep talking about is what's actually moot.
4 hours ago, Army Guy said:The fact remains they are advancing right
Irrelevant fact. If their "advancing" amounts to pushing from one blade of grass to the next, at massive cost in human life and materials, what does that count for?
1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:
I don't care for discussing personal matters, but I'm becoming skeptical that army guy ever serviced in the armed forces.
Don't be. He's been on this forum for something like 20 years and I have zero doubt he was in the army. We talked about Afghanistan back in Harper's day. He's really not one of the bad ones here, even if I think his biases blind him.
On 6/30/2024 at 10:51 PM, Army Guy said:
Not sure what you want to hear, Russia arty is less than 1/4 as effective as Ukraines, which is a moot point consider Ukraine states very clearly that 80 % of its soldiers casualties is from arty fire...it is also responsible from breaking up Ukrainian ground forces and their most of their attacks ...
The math shows it's 10th as effective.
Reconsider what you're trying to say here:
Russia is firing 5x as many artillery shells as Ukraine, but the fact that it's 1/10th as effective is somehow a moot point? Wtf...?
That's utter nonsense, and there's no point in responding to the rest of your post, or even continuing the debate if this is the logic you're running with.
2 hours ago, CdnFox said:
That's the elections act.
You know - the thing you said didn't exist.
I said the Elections Act didn't exist!?! 🤣
Everyone knowsCdnFox knows, the best and most convincing lies are the ones that are too shockingly stupid for anyone to possibly believe.Take a clown-bow. You really outdid yourself here.
3 hours ago, CdnFox said:
it literally is right there in the elections act. Third monday in october, 4th calendar year.
Who did you think you were fooling with this link?
Your make-believe doesn't magically become reality because you linked the landing page for a government website. 🤣🤣
Are you trying to prove you're the dumbest person on the forum? You're making a strong case for it.
Ukraine Can't Win the War
in The Rest of the World
Posted · Edited by Moonbox
I suppose it's easy for you to feel that way when you just ignore and blow past any criticism of your reasoning, without even acknowledging it. Evidently, that's also what you seem to do when confronted with facts that contradict your chosen narrative. See below:
YOU picked that place on the map, and it's ironically the place where the Russians are making the most progress. Anywhere else, and the "gains" are even more underwhelming.
You cannot do the same to make your point, because what you're claiming is not real.
Now, instead of rambling off another useless 5 paragraph essay, nut up and show us a place where the Russians are advancing kilometers per day, as you've claimed.
Alternatively, you can save yourself some time and acknowledge that your misinformed on that.