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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. So, Transcanada Pipelines branched out into the US. They likely got involved with the US through the whole Enron debacle. What is actually odd, is before enron, hydro rates didn't get all that much attention. More amazingly hydro does not seem that big of a concern anymore. The point is, Enron wreaked havoc on the volatility of hydro rates. I suspect the same operators from the Enron days are involved in oil prices. Same games According to all the reports, Canada has the second largerst reserves in extractable oil. If that's the case, building the pipelines, and refineries to deal with this oil makes sense. Our politicians whine and cry about the sovereinty of Canada, here is their chance to take a stand and do something for Canada. Money to finance the construction of a pipeline and refineries can be found through Canada's banking system. If there is one thing Canada has, is strong Canadian banks.
  2. We already have a transcanada gas line to supply homes. It's time we have a transcanada oil line to supply refineries
  3. Well, the premise of this thread is to enact the same law as the United States. A law which states all oil produced in the US must be made available to the US for Use. The logistics on how to make Canada's oil available to Canada is something that would have to be investigated and addressed.
  4. If we don't have enough refining its time Canada does something about that. The problem with Canada its been hallowed out. Most companies are foreign companies interested in pillaging and plundering Canada for their own gain, whatever that is. These companies are not for Canada over the long term and these companies put profits before people. Canadian politicians pander to their own interests. It's time these dumb ass politician find ways to prop up Canadian innovation to take control of Canada's energy resources. Companies who put the interests of Canada first. It is obvious where gas consumption and prices is going. The fact is, Canada has the oil to address its own needs. At the moment other than tax revenues what benefit is Canada getting from its own oil, Zippo.
  5. If Canada refined its own oil, it would have the by products of refining (including aviation fuel). Why would Canada need to import this when they apart of the refining process
  6. http://www.indexmundi.com/canada/oil_consumption.html According to this site Canada's oil consumption per day is 2.3 million barrels per day. http://www.capp.ca/raw.asp?x=1&dt=NTV&dn=103586 Acccording to this link Canada is producing about 3 million barrels per day http://www.energyandcapital.com/articles/c...-production/647 I thought this to be an interesting article
  7. The Governor General is technically the head of state in Canada. Canada being the weasel it is, found an informal way to run the Country. We elect people in each area; if these people are members of a party, the party with the most seats, gets to form the Cabinet to run Canada. The role of the Prime Minister is not specifically dealt with but through pass practices, Canada operates how it operates. Canada broke away from British control through subtle changes and world forces. Canada is not exactly free because of some great act making it free. The fact is, the Queen is still involved in the appointing of the Governor General. The Queen is still, technically the head of state. What is technically accurate and what is done in practice is two different things.
  8. It is obvious you hate Canada! You attempt to delude and distort the reality of Canada with your delusions. You want to revise history to your delusions but you are trumped by the documented records of the United States and pre 1759 maps and other information relating to Canada. You should learn to just accept the facts.
  9. If regulating the returns of the oil companies combined with stiffer EPA standards for vehicles brings about stability it ought to be pursued. It is within Canada's means to regulate for the greater benefit of Canada. Canada has a history of doing this so it's not that outlandish. The logistics of Canada requires the use of a car. Canada is not Europe. We are larger and we don't have the train infrastructure they do. Canadians require cars. Investors will invest because they may only get a 10% return from oil used by Canada but this return would not extend to oil being sold on the world markets. Supply and demand being what it is; Every drop used by Canada will be less available to sell on the open market. This shortage will drive up the price on the remaining oil to be sold to the world market. The investors will still make their returns but instead of Canada subsidizing world oil prices, the world will be subsidizing Canada's oil prices. .
  10. If you are refering to the statue of westminister it is actually very particular on the path to cease being a British Colony. Sorry pal, Canada failed to meet any of those provisions. I believe some of the provisions were the parliamentary support of 5 countries in the common wealth: Australia, South Africa, and some other ones I forget. I think Canada should adopt a new animal in place of the beaver to symbolize Canada: the weasel. Because, really in a nutshell that is Canada's character
  11. Through Inspiration, Cartier created the word. If Canada was in use and documented Elsewhere provide the documentation supporting this. Obviosly, a ruler by the authority of God, love the word so much he used it, to refer to what is now Quebec and Ontario. Canada appears on French Maps and writings. Canadian apears in the documentation of George Washington refering those of Canada. All Facts buddy.
  12. Looks like she lost her fight for citizenship http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/s...a7-8f41438934d8 It's a shame she has been so brain washed to not realize she is more Canadian than she knows.
  13. Who won Canada? Canada was a British Colony until the British Monarchy became politically irrelevant after World War II. Canada only became its own country because of world forces not because Canada won some great victory and liberated itself.
  14. If this what keeps you going with your delusion, you're a class one loser. You are an idiot. The First Nations people do not share the same alphabet as France and they did not speak the same language. Just because you are a British history revisionist and Canadian wanna be is no excuse to propogate your delusions. Sorry pal, Canada was in fact a nation within Nouvelle France. In 1759, Canada fell under British Occupation. In 1774 France initiatiated an effort to retrieve the colony. Hearing? Well considering France was apart of the Ancien Regime of Europe who supposedly ruled by divine authority. The kings and Queens of Europe had some form relationship of relationship with GOD via the Vatican/Pope. Therefore, Jacque Cartier was a walking talking soul using the language of the Country he was a subject of and serving FRANCE! Jacque cartier used his soul and mind to arrive at the word Canada. Those of your thinking know the word you are refering to is actually kanata. So knock yourself out with that word and your delusions! That is Good Quebec and France are both celebrating. Hopefully, these warm feelings will translate into passports from France Hmmm, 1755 was before the plains of Abraham buddy. Nouvelle France Fell under British occupation in 1759. I know someone as ignorant as you are will have a tough time realising that fact. You sir, are the Imbecile.
  15. How is the government subsidizing the use of oil? Your logic makes no sense. There was a day when they built the transcanada pipeline and homes were being hooked up for natural gas. At that time the returns the gas company could make were regulated. It could have been 10%, I am not sure. Hydro has always been regulated to the KWH they could charge. For you to find fault in suggesting the returns on oil being sold to Canadians not be regulated is hypocritical when that is what Canada has a history of doing. There is nothing wrong with regulating a 10% return for oil companies in selling Canadians their own oil. That has been the practice of Canada and the provinces in the past. So why should it not be the practice of the present. The attitudes of the likes of you goes to this The organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was In charge. Each organ took a turn to speak up: Brain......... I should be in charge because I run all body functions. Blood........ I should be in charge because I circulate oxygen for the brain. Stomach... I should be in charge because I process food to the brain. Legs......... I should be in charge because I take the brain where it wants to go. Eyes......... I should be in charge because I let the brain see where it's going. Asshole.....I should be in charge because I get rid of your waste. All the other parts laughed so hard and this made the asshole very mad. To prove his point, the asshole immediately slammed tightly closed and stayed that way for 6 days, refusing to rid the body of any waste whatsoever. Day 1 - Brain got a terrible headache and cried out for relief Day 2 - Stomach got bloated and began to ache terribly Day 3 - Legs got cramps and became unstable Day 4 - Eyes became watery and vision became blurred Day 5 - Blood became toxic and poisoned the body Day 6 -The other organs agreed to let the asshole be in charge. MORAL OF THE STORY: "NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, OR HOW IMPORTANT YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU WILL FIND THAT IT IS ALWAYS THE ASSHOLE THAT IS IN CHARGE" Not to worry, if gas goes as the CNN documentary "out of gas" states, the people of Canada will rise up to head off $10 a gallon gasoline. You can count on a new party evolving to take the reigns of Canada that will do something about it. Count on it!
  16. Yeah, I guess France's use of Canada is not official enough for you. Look at the date, 1600's http://www.uwgb.edu/wisfrench/library/articles/maps/map3.gif Your opinions and fabrication of history to suit your propoganda shows you to be the ignorant one. Just because you pirate a name and use it does not make it valid because you say so. Canada was not born in 1867, it was born in the 1600's and Canada is being celebrated in Quebec this year. Actually, you are calling George Washington a liar with your continued defiance to retract your garbage stated earlier. George Washington, uses the word "Canadian" to describe those of Canada of Nouvelle France. Deal With it. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/P?mgw:...p/~ammem_z186::
  17. Buddy, it is a fact Canada fell under british occupation in 1759. It is fact, some Canadians fought with the Americans for independence. This fact is proven in the documented writings of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc, etc. It is unfortunate that more Canadians didn't take up arms but that goes really to the sales job being done on them. The Canadians fought alongside the Americans for 4 years, only to be disappointed in the end. The canadians have been subjected to British brain washing ever since, and now this brain washing is being done by wanna be canadians. It's ok, say what you want, think what you want, the library of congress isn't going away anytime soon. The truth is documented. History will not remember you, but it will remember those documents written by the founders of the United States. Unbiased Historians will draw their conclusions based on logical thinking and facts, not your delusions because history will forget about you.
  18. Really the iroquian used the same alphabet as France? So Jacques Cartier and France drew the inspiration from natives in it arrival for a name for what was once Quebec and Ontario: Canada. Fact is, Canada is a word derived and created by the French, period. Yeah, sure pal. Keep spinning your british history Actually, you are missing something. Quebec was renamed upper and lower Canada to make way for the Tories (Loyalists to the British crown from the United States) and the newcomers from britain, the britons. I suggest you read history to see how Quebec/lower Canada felt about that and if they had a say in the matter. Quebec was forced into this Confederation. Sorry bud, the original Canada existed since 1604/1608 and fell under occupation in 1759. Canada existed in that form for 150 years!! So you are calling George Washington, the first president of the United A fucking a liar? Wow, you got some balls buddy. Isn't the library of Congress great? The documents speak for themselves. I suggest you go to that link and type in Canada and Canadian and read what comes up. Don't rely on the transcription, click on the image to see the words as they were handwritten. In this case, the hand of George Washington. History, and the future Historians will look at the documents surrounding the United States independence and they will arrive at logical conclusions based on the facts. Spins things however you want it changes nothing.
  19. well, you are certainly a history spin doctor. I think the "events" speak for themselves. People see what they want to see. The fact is France bankrupted itself in its support to bring an independent United States. France Tried to recover the cost through the French people which gave rise to Napoleon. Part of the bargain for France's help to the United States was the return of Canada. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. The fallout of this for the Canadians was/is the struggle with the immolation. The American's had to demonstrate to France they were making an effort to get Canada back. That's a funny statement, considering Nouvelle France and the United States coexisted for more than 100 years as neighbours. If France was instrumental in the United States freedom why would the United States be concerned with them at their border? Your logic here makes no sense. It is of historical record King Louis XV wanted Canada back, Marquis de lefayette of France tried to make that happen but the Americans were not keen on making that happen for whatever reason. The fact is the intent from France was there and the United States failed to live up to its side of the bargain. The only one who is ignorant is you. Why should you begrudge someone from getting a hand from France. If France wants to provide passports, awesome. When do I get mine.
  20. George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799: Series 2 Letterbooks George Washington to Robert Jackson, August 2, 1755 http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/P?mgw:...p/~ammem_z186:: Here is George Washington talking how he was defeated in battle by the "Canadians" in 1755. Not Canadien, but Canadians.
  21. They did, I suggest read history further. So what, Louisiana eventually was sold to the United States by Napoleon. Sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that. Canada was a French Colony up until 1759 when it fell under british occupation. In a move to get Canada back in 1774 King Louis 14 or 15 silently financed and provided arms to free the United States from British Rule. The original Canadians (some of their decendents are now identifying themselves as quebecois) fought along side the Americans for four years to secure American Independence. For various reasons Canada was not freed from British Occupation. However, the Marquise Lafayette of France with the knowledge of King Louis the 14 or 15 spearheaded a final compaign to free Canada from British rule. This campaign failed because the Unites States didn't care enough anymore because they got their independence recognized. The Canadians, The quebecois have suffered this occupation for hundreds of years. If France wants to ease the Canadains/Quebecois's yoke by offering a passport. DO IT.
  22. I believe we have a moron here. The money paid for the oil at world prices comes out of your pocket (at the pumps) and into the oil companies pockets (world oil prices). Follow the money idiot. Now, if you are refering to the gas taxes, corporate incomes taxes, and other income taxes, get a real job you government tit sucking parasite.
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