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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Whatever, eh! Well defended. You brought up the point of right leaning people blaming everyone else for anything that goes wrong during their administration. I am just bringing up valid points as to why an administration would have a legitimate reason for complaining about a previous government. In this instance, I have provided the reasons why the Liberals would complain. The surplus really was not there, I am just clarifying the points you have made. I cannot comment really on Alberta's problems, do not know enough about them, but I am hoping you can shed some light on these secret "funds". Could you provide some information on like what are these funds called, what are they "supposedly" used for, how much money is hidden and how they are hiding the money from the public. I guess unfortunately for the Klein govt. they have been able to hide it from the general public, yet they are unable to hide it from your prying eyes. Of course all governments use creative accounting, just like businesses, just like individuals, nope not a surprising revelation there. So tell me is there anything that you disagree with personally about Jack Layton or the NDP party or do you just grin and nod at all that he says and all that the NDP stands for. I think we both agree that no one is perfect especially in politics, so it would be refreshing to hear you be critical of one of your own for once. I know I have no problems diagreeing with ideas or policies that the government I voted for promotes.
  2. Viewpoints that make no threats against anyone cannot be outlawed that is fine everyone has that right, but when those threats are directed at someone or this country (treason) they should be dealt with immediately, might I add her family is treading a very thin line already. Its only a matter of time until she slips up and says something that will allow the country to take action which is 100% justifiable. Its time for Canadians to stop trying to walk in everyone elses shoes and demand that these people walk in our shoes, after all they moved to Canadian society (and no I am not talking about taking away their language, culture, beliefs yadadadada) where these views should be condemned everytime they are spoken until they are not spoken no more.
  3. Ahhhhhh Black Dog tisk tisk for not doing your homework. Actually I would say being a left winger is even easier, you never have to do any research before you make a statement. Time you realize you cannot take most things politicians say to you at face value, even your "enlightened" NDP ers too, sorry thats reality. As for the BC economy you must peel back the layers of the NDP onion and see the real facts behind the case of their huge surplus. I cannot off the top of my head give you the exact figures. But when a member of the provinicial government namely the the finance minister can manipulate the the expected revenues of a crown corporation i.e. BC Hydro then we can all make surpluses. The minister's wonderful expectations were unrealistic and surpassed those of the head of BC Hydro. Hmmmmmm I dunno bout you, but I am more likely to believe in the figures of the guy who works directly with the crown corp than believing the guy who works for the NDP and wants to be re-elected. I guess the Conservatives and Liberals can learn how to maintain a surplus budget, just dictate all future revenues of all crown corporations. No wonder the NDP is afraid of privitization of crown corps, means that money no longer grows on trees. And since there is more than one crown corporation that means more than likely there was more money growing on many trees for the NDP. And if you want the numbers go look for yourself, its time you learned how to do some research.
  4. Don't try to make sense of it, she has been brainwashed into thinking that way all her life, she is on a different planet when compared to the way we think. But those thoughts if they pose a threat to our society, should be outlawed and necessary action should be taken (i.e. deportation) to mitigate the risks that this person poses. I believe she has proclaimed too many crazy viewpoints that are unfortunately shared by way too many people in this world. Hey if she wants to die a Matyr in a far away land, then go ahead.
  5. No one that I know of is doubting the resurgence of the NDP whether they be left or right wing. But you have to realize where that resurgence is coming from. Just like I stated before the "resurgence" is a result of the always gonna vote NDP crowd + the Liberal backlash crowd. That is a fact of politics in BC that seems to reverse its course every election. The "resurgence" of the NDP is strictly due to the outrage of some citizens against the policies of the Campbell government not by the actions of party that barely registers on the radar. You barely ever hear from the NDP anywhere, they are staying out of the limelight and letting many of the people of BC do the finger pointing for them. This is a clear indication that this "resurgence" for the NDP is not a lasting phenomenon. If the NDP takes the next election they better tread lightly cause they will have only a shelf life of 4 years too if they repeat their mistakes. Of course this idea is scary to the rights of this province, an NDP government means higher taxes, more silly social programs, more health care spending without any fundamental reforms (just means more cash gobbled up for the same or worse results), catering to public sector unions, tuition freezes (yikes!) etc. etc.
  6. In order to understand politics in BC you have to look at its history. BC jumps from side to side in politics NDP Left, Liberals Centre-Right, Social Credit Right. When the Liberals were elected in 2001 taking 75 of 77 seats, it was not so much a clear indication of staunch Liberal support as it was a combination of Liberal support coupled with NDP backlash. The same will result in the upcoming election in 2005 in favour of the NDP coupled with Liberal backlash, hopefully the Liberals will win but free themselves of Gordon Campbell. These provincial results are far from indicating an emerging support for the NDP as you would have people believe. For too many people its the choice between the lesser of two evils. They do have a vested interest in making sure the NDP remains on the sidelines. There are a few things that the NDP is noted for here in BC, supporting silly programs that are paid for by raising taxes, hmm I cannot see people or businesses supporting that. Also they are noted for condemning governments such as the Liberals as being in the pockets of big business, while they themselves are in the pocket of unions, funny that seems hypocritical now doesn't it. Thankfully I cannot see a federally elected NDP ever leading this country and that makes me sleep better at night.
  7. How is this an example, like I have stated before all the owner has to do is prove he has kicked someone else out that is heterosexual for the same reasons, then people on your side of the political spectrum have no case. I have no doubt that homosexual people love each other in the exact same way as heterosexual couples and I think they should be given all the benefits as heterosexual couples under a civil union thats fine with me. They are here stay and I really do not give a rats ass. I do not go around asking people what sexual orientation before I will consider them a friend, but today its being crammed down the majoirty of peoples throats. The threat of violence happens to many people, this is not exclusive to the homosexual community. The reasons (race, sexual orientation, the amount of money in your pocket, list goes on and on) behind violence are usually stupid regardless of who it is directed towards. Violence is genarally isolated in nature, there is no government conspiracy to suppress anyone anymore. As for the disdain, what disdain, is it that people disagree with you and you cannot handle that. I have not read any posts that promote violence or hatred towards this group. The only thing I have seen here are opinions, which are as valid as any of yours Black Dog. Why do you highly doubt it Black Dog, the difference is when most of us get discriminated against, we just go home and go to bed, we do not sit around and bitch about it. Young people, old people, rich people, short people, ugly people, smart people, virgins as previously brought up, poor people, list goes on and on, all of us have been discriminated against in one way or another. So boo-hoo life is not perfect for everyone all the time, whoever said life was. And no you do not have to be homosexual to feel the pain of being discriminated against.
  8. Well NDP Newbie I think a peck or kiss is fine for both types, thats it no more. But I do believe in order for the owner to feel like he is justified in kicking them out, it was more likely they were playing tonsil hockey. There are degrees to kissing, some of which may require that the barkeep enforce "HIS" rules of "HIS" bar. This may be one of them. There may also be many reasons for not kicking out those hetero couples that your friend is talking about. Firstly, they may not be having an all out kissing session in plain view, so the owner is unaware and therefore it does not disturb him or his patrons. Secondly is the degree of the kissing, a simple kiss on the lips is not treated the same as a five minute lip lock, so that may have something to do with it too. Surely some people would love to say that I am homophobic so go right ahead, but personally I do not wanna see any type of couples making out in front of me. Save it for home.
  9. How do these people experience this discrimination on a daily basis. Please provide examples. Lets be clear that there are many cases of discrimination, while there are many that are not. Society has become too sensitive today and Lesbian and Gay communities are at the forefront of being too sensitive. I mean we can all make the case that we have been harassed or discriminated against at some point in our life. Look at some of the silly examples round today, you cannot pin up a calendar of hot girls at the office anymore, even at jobs that have strictly males working there, because someone might be offended. You cannot tell a sexual joke at work or you could be slapped with a complaint, just because the joke was in earshot of some person just waiting to complain. Things have gotten out of hand, way out of hand. Like I stated before all the bartender should have to prove is that he has kicked out a heterosexual couple for the same action, case closed. This kind of behaviour is unacceptable for both types.
  10. Well I definately support the barkeep on this one. All the barkeep has to do is show that he has kicked out a heterosexual couple who performed that same "silly" act. But then again maybe those couples could petition for a human rights offence, I mean why not, its the in thing to do now. This kind of action does not need to be tolerated by anyone. Sad that many people could make this into a bigger deal than it is, course after all the barkeep just has to be a homophobe right. I do not see him causing them bodily harm, nor do I see him publishing hate speech, also I do not see him intentionally embarassing the two women in front of the other patrons. So in the grand scheme of things WHO CARES, its all about the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  11. Well I do not think the government should decriminalize marijuana. It is a drug plain and simple, yes alcohol and tobacco are too and we already see the problems that many people have with those two. But those drugs have been around for a long time and permeate our society, we do not need to add another drug in the mix. If the government did decriminalize, I hope they would take over growing and distributing it and taxing the holy hell out of it. I mean, we would see a spike in people driving under the influence of weed. I know it doesn't make you a better driver, even if you are doing 30 in an 80 zone, freaking out about cops being at every light you come to, you are still a threat to the thousands of other people on the road. Also many of those people have the the respect and decency not to further increase the risk of potentially taking one of your loved ones away from you in car crash because they were high. So if weed becomes less of "evil" in society be prepared for headlines of fatal car crashes attributed to weed, man. It does have a cost. Secondly weed is a drug, when its smoked, you are breathing in carcinogens. Do we all know what those lead to, yup you guessed it cancers. With an already failing medical system in Canada and aging population, we are only going to see more and more cancers, draining more and more of our financial resources. Do we really need to add to that strain by allowing people easier access to these drugs. I mean look at how many fat lil kids we have running around, get ready for more heart disease and diabetes, more strain in the future. The government needs to take preventative steps these days, not dealing with it after the damage is done. Unfortunately people are not smart enough to take care of themselves, look at whats happening in the states. People suing tobacco companies for giving them lung cancer, porkers suing fast food joints for making them fat, only time til that thinking reaches here, then we are in trouble for real. There are some solutions, the medical system should be allowed to exempt people from certain medical care if they choose a lifestyle that habitually uses marijuana. They should not be able to seek treatment if they come down with afflictions that are directly attributable to marijuana use, such as certain oral and lung cancers. I mean why should the rest of pay for people who knowingly harm their bodies. This can be a new approach. Or the the amount of taxes that are collected from the government sale of these drugs can fund a certain number of hospitals across the country for treating people with the direct afflictions of these drugs, but once the money runs out TS.
  12. I never said it was right, I would love a world without war, but thats just not realistic anytime soon. LOGICALLY speaking it is understandable that someone would have to make that decision in the time of war like dropping the A-bomb. Several thousand lives are not equal in value to several hundred thousand future lives being taken, if thats what they predict the future will hold. Like I stated before it could have been used to blow up a small island rather than a city and saved many peoples lives, but I am not priviledged enough to know all the facts before making that decision and I do not believe anyone other than wackos would relish making that decision. But there is a huge difference between what targets are chosen, blowing up buses, weddings and cafes are far different from blowing up hideouts of terrorists that have by strategically placed amongst the population. Yes they both result in cases of innocent deaths, but on one side the innocents deaths were NOT INTENDED. Using the Japanese as an example, they were fighters to the death, history proves that. Kamikaze pilots come to mind. Why would Americans risk losing thousands of troops when they would move to invade Japan. If we believe in the equality of life of all people then unforturnately killing the thousands of Japanese with those bombs may have saved many more equally valuable American lives. No one can see the future to see if the numbers would back those decisions but who knows maybe it would have, I do not think it was right to drop the bomb, but it was logical. Indescriminate killing of Israelis is not comparable, these are random senseless acts of terror, nothing more. Is it really logical to continually attack innocent people is it moral also. I do not think so.
  13. Well I just graduated last year from University in BC, I have seen the tuitions go up considerably. It had to be done. Course I did not want to pay more for my schooling but luckily graduating with a commerce degree, helps me understand the reasoning for it. You have to pay more to keep or attract the best teachers, you have to pay more to lower waiting lists and have new classes scheduled. Who do people think should pay for this stuff, I do not think it should be the public, they already pay enough. People always say, well it will benefit the economy, true if you were forced to stay in Canada the whole time throughout your career. Why should Canadians pay for a persons degree and have them leave to go outside of Canada for work, sounds like a waste to me. I mean people have to open their eyes as to why the NDP govt. was able to put a tuition freeze in place for so long. The only reason they could maintain it was through the influx of foreign students to our schools. Lots of students bought into the government working for them, ahhahaha, did anyone notice that BC citizens were not able to get seats in classrooms, wonder why eh? Maybe because a foreign student pays 3 times as much as a domestic student, they get a seat, domestic student does not and hooray cheaper tuition is maintained, too bad I cannot actually get accepted to university.
  14. Religion existed of course at those times but it did not make them fight each other. Resources and the control of the land did which N/A and Isr./Pal have in common. This war has greater implications than just between Israel and Palestine. This war has results that will be felt in the whole neighbourhood called the Middle East. Europeans are the more violent ones, no not at all, we were just more efficient at making weapons that could kill more people per conflict. There is no group of people on this earth that have been untouched by conflict and violence at some time. Well 2 groups of people living adjacent to each other makes a huge difference in this war, people are not far removed from the action and see it daily and that has a huge impact on people's emotions and actions. I never drew that comparison you did, but are you telling me that the Palestinians have a central figure who would be able to stop suicide bombings by asking their people to cease and desist, hahahah right, how many times has the peace been broken by a bombing. There has to be a central and strong government on that side who can come to the table and get results through negotiation. Until then its useless trying to negotiate with a fragmented people. I believe thats true, but hmmmmm Israel and Palestine are they married? Are you saying that Palestinians are not. Actually yes there is logic to it. If we consider everyones lives on this earth to be of equal value, then it is logical to kill several now, to save several thousand lives later. Unfortunately I would not want to make that decision. But people have to and also unfortunately no one can see the future and the impact of making two different decisions and see if their predictions came true. Canadians love to take the high ground, while the Americans do the dirty work, must be nice to have that relationship. As for Rwanda, the world didn't give a crap, sad isn't it. I guess we are all entitled to dream. And no not every single Muslim hates Jews but the MAJORITY do. They are taught to right from the time they are born in many cases. Just like many are taught to hate the West, do you watch the news, if you do you can see it nightly. Hmmmm obviously you did not see the comments from movie goers in that area after watching the film, who cares about the stupid reasons why they would say it, what matters is how rampant those views are. Who is promoting torture? When you make comments and draw in these strange comparisons make them clear as to a point, that will definitely help me get your intended meaning a lot better.
  15. No not because I say, its just simply looking at the situations and seeing that it would be comparing apples to oranges. Here are a few glaring differences: 1.) Religion 2.) Scope of the war 3.) History 4.) Killing is not rampant here in N/A when fighting over land 5.) The number of people involved (Millions) 6.) Lack of authority and control on one side of the equation 7.) Different factions within each group have their own agendas and will not compromise until those agenda are completed. 8.) Each group has religious zealots the list can go on and on....... Hey I am not doubting they want what they believe to be their land back. I just find it strange that you view Hamas as a group of freedom fighters, rather that what they truly are. But then would you agree with aboriginals performing suicide bombings here is North America in order to reclaim their land, its easy for us so far removed from the situation to pass judgement. But I know that the targeting of innocent people is wrong there as it would be wrong here. Do you support Hamas and all they stand for? Are you serious when you say religion is not important? Wow thats naive. I wish that were the case but I am sure if religion was not an issue then there would be peace as unfortunate as that sounds. Yes you are right they would hate any religion, because of what is dictated by their leaders perverted view of their religion. But the vast majority of Muslims have a distaste for Jewish people, this view is not isolated to Palestine. Go perform a survey in Muslim countries see what reaction you get by asking the question "As a Muslim what are your views of the Jewish people", see if you make it out alive for asking that question. I mean really which side do you think that Middle Eastern countries support, Israel or Palestine? Do we even need to answer that one. Why do you think that Mel Gibsons movie has been breaking box office records over in those areas its allowed to play. Because they like that the movie is "suppose" to be anti-semitic because of all the hoop-la before its release. I mean these places were not suppose to allow a movie with a prophet in it to be shown on the silver screen, hmmmm looks like they let that one slide, I wonder why? Without a doubt the purpose of the Bristish Empire was to control the wealth of those places to benefit England. Yes those are facts, but that was then this is now. Tell me what is so beneficial to setting up Israel. Puppet state eh! Every country has their hands in the Middle East. Ever wonder why Germany, France and Russia vehemently opposed the war in Iraq. Yup you guessed it France, Russia and Germany had their companies inside Iraq making money. Wow lucky for us the Europeans are above all those simple issues of wealth and make decisions solely on sound principles. I am not necessarily agreeing with the way Israel was carved out the existing land, but I have no problem with their existence, they are here now and I support them.
  16. Sure they do, all of them existing members together comprise the governing body whether it be through some democratic process and they then decide on what the standards will be. No I couldn't agree with you more, we are force fed a lot of garbage about how wonderful Canada is. I mean we have horrible politicians, I do not hear young Canadians saying I want to grow up and be Jean Chretien or Paul Martin. Our politicians for the most part are as useless as tits on a bull. Canadas productivity is laggin way behind where it should be, we are starting to see that the social systems we have set up, start to fail. Canada's GDP is not growing like it should be for the resource rich country we are. The Canadian standard of living is falling way behind US, yes based on GDP figures, not the best measurement but its the most commonly used. We love to poke fun and claim that we are glad not to be Americans yet we are so dependent on them economically its not funny. We love to point the finger at them and claim the high ground on subjects and watch them be ridiculed, yet we are assured of our protection and free rider status just because we share a border with them. Must be nice that Canada can enjoy all those benefits of that situation and not have any of the responsibilities. As for one last thing, this is a serious question, can someone tell me what is so great about diversity, something that Canada prides itself on, I hear it all the time? There is no intention to offend anyone by that but I am really curious cause I do not know what it has done for me, yet I am always told that it is so great. Could someone shed some light on that and provide some insights that I may not be aware of. Never heard of that one sorry. I believe Canada is not great country right now,its good but far from great, but definitely has the potential to be the best. If we only had strong focused leaders I think that would be a huge start. Well times have changed August, you are living in a society where you no longer have to accept responsibility for your actions, someone is always at fault for your anything you do wrong. "I" is the most important thing in our society today, whether its how rich you want to get or whether or not you will do anything to become Prime Minister.
  17. Gramps August please take your heart medicine! No kidding governing bodies do not have anything to do with an immigrants lack of qualifications only the immigrant himself does. Governing bodies state the qualification that need to be reached thats all, before anyone can work in a given profession. Some people think that those qualifications should not be so stringent, or tough especially for the immigrants, ahhh I think standards should remain as high as can be and we expect as much from immigrants as we do ourselves. You are losing me on this one, could you explain the point of all this?
  18. Hamas targets, I repeat targets INNOCENT CIVLIANS. If you look like an Israeli or reside in Israel you are a target. They would target you and me if we were in a crowded street. Do you think we could justify with a logical reason why we would be considered targets. NOPE I CANNOT, Just because I am not Palestinian is all I can come up, I am their enemy because I am not Muslim or because I support them. Innocent people will be killed in a war, bombs cannot avoid destroying the flesh of the innocent. But the targets were bomb making factories, not a Jewish wedding. Bridges, Nazi Headquarters, etc. are all strategic war time targets, these are not comparable to Jewish Cafes or buses. Can you not see the difference, on one side you have everyone as a target, and on the other you have strategic targets which unfortunately result in the loss of innocent life. As for Hiroshima, I think that detonating that on an Island to show their power would have been better and could have saved lives. But hindsight is always 20/20. Who knows maybe the Japanese would not have surrendered, I mean the Japanese were fighters til the death they showed that thoughout all the island hopping fights. I think we both agree that everyones lives on this earth are of equal value, so bombing hiroshima may have killed 130,000 Japanese but also maybe saved hundreds of thousands of Americans lives had they not dropped it and instead moved into to invade Japan. All these scenarios can be played out again all we gotta do is try learn from history.
  19. to answer 1.) When immigrants do not pass through Canadian schools, they do not have a Canadian education thats all, but may have the proper or close to proper Canadian qualifications. They may have gained these necessary qualifications at home or when they get to Canada and are subsequently certified by a association in Canada that oversees that line of work. to answer 2.) Well Canadian qualifications I believe can be met by the vast majority of immigrants, if not, its their fault for not understanding our system better. For the most part I think we both agree that meeting qualifications is attainable for most immigrants, there are no secrets or barriers that prevent this. There is no reason why associations should certify people that lack the necessary skills that have been outlined. The lack of transferrable qualifications has to be deal with the immigrant and has nothing to do with governing bodies. As for the Canadian experience, yes they will not have that nor would they if they never lived or worked here. Thats why its up to the individual immigrant applying for a job to convince that company which may potentially hire them, that their previous work experience is transferable to the job they would do here in Canada. I have a hard time thinking Canadian employers expect immigrants who just moved here to have Canadian work experience. But they do want previous transferable work experience and the people paying the bills decide that. I do not understand how you think immigrants moving to Canada would have the same chance at getting a job as a Canadian educated, Canadian Trained, Canadian Certified, Canadian Experienced worker. There is nothing tricky there, Employers know what they are getting with that worker, unlike the immigrant worker, thats a risk that may be deemed unacceptable. Thats easy to answer, in my view they would have the exact same chance of getting a job as any Canadian or other immigrant with comparable qualifications and experience. The employer makes those decisions.
  20. Religion, the approaches that each side takes, history, the scope of the issue, size of land claims, number of people who are involved, various different groups within groups each wanting their own agenda fulfilled, one side with a lack of authority or prominent leader, thats just a few of the differences. Yes freedom is what they died for, they died to make sure people like Hitler did not have a stranglehold on the European continent. To ensure that the European people would not be subjects to a tyrant. They did not promote the killing of innocent civilians nor did they propagate the war to last any longer than it had too. There was a clear goal with a clear finish line. Looking at the issue from a Western Standpoint the only standpoint I will be able to look at it from, indescriminate killing is totally appalling and wrong. And I feel there is no viewpoint that can justify that. Well the history of that area is troubled, group after group taking control its never ending struggle with no clear end in sight. Yes Europeans did the holocaust. Yup thats fact. The Israeli's cannot show the Palestinians that they will never succeed. People that are not afraid of dying and revered as matyrs in death will only continue the cycle. Unfortunately group have perverted the beliefs of their respective religions and those differences will keep this struggle alive and well. There is no way for everyone to win. Palestinians win when they either accept a peaceful resolution or completely take over the area. Israel wins with a peaceful resolution where the two groups can coincide together or unleashes its forces more and more frequently to annihilate the Palestinians. Hamas wins only when there are no more Jews on this earth. BTW who is leading the Palestinian people, that to me seems the biggest hurdle to peace, lack of autority and restraint for the Palestinians, I believe that more focus should be spent on uniting Palestine under one group that can speak and act for them.
  21. Nothing is unfair to grads with the way things are now. Canadian standards need to be met by all people Canadians or immigrants, thats a good thing. Well since Canadian grads going to Canadian Schools, getting a Canadian education probably write Canadian tests that qualify them for those Canadian certifications, thats a good thing. Thats great that they do not need to get certified by being charged to take a test later on. Again thats great, less bureaucracy, I do not see anything wrong with that, we are after all in Canada. See the point you are not getting is that this is Canada, we should never base our standards or immigrants work experiences as a standard for Canada. Canadian immigration should be responsible for making sure we let in the right people into this country, people able to support themselves and love this country. It should not be immigration Canada's responsibility to convince businesses to hire immigrants. Immigrants applying for jobs after they have been certified here, have to convince the individual business to hire them based upon relevant work experience in their home country. It seems that you think that business and government are a single entity with exactly the same standards. Its the businesses with the final say on who they hire since they pay the billls, got it? Canadian grads go through all the hurdles that Canadian businesses understand. If I am an employer I am not going to hire someone unless the meet the standards specified for Canada and they meet company standards as well and it can be proven to me by them that their work experience is beneficial to my company, the onus is on the person applying for the job, no one else.
  22. Here I ll explain it to you, I would think it would be great if those two groups could get along, they won't thats a fact of life. You brought up the historical facts and I am explaining to you that just like you think the Palestinians have a right to live there, I advocate the same for the Israelis. You cannot even compare the issue of Native Americans to that conflict over there. As for your support of Hamas (as you see them Freedom Fighters), I am asking you to enlighten us with their background, what is that they believe, their ideologes and goals. I want you to show people on this board what it is that you support. I know that Hamas is determined to make sure there is no peace, that there will never be an Israeli state, they will coerce their own children to suicide bomb, they will continue to suicide bomb. Here is a clear depiction of Hamas thinking: Hamas offers believers a clear vision of a Palestinian state from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, its way of life grounded in the values and principles of Islam. Hamas uses antiquated European anti-Semitic terminology to describe the Jews and Israel and expects to fully eliminate them from the Middle East by violent means.
  23. Thanks for the History lesson but do realize that the Hebrew people were the first to settle that area many many many many years ago, before Arabs. Looks like you need to look through your history books. I mean I am no Biblical Scholar or preacher here, but I do know that Bible is roughly 2000 years old and the Hebrew, Jewish people were there in those lands well before the Arabs. Secondly I am glad to see that you think that Hamas is a group of freedom fighters thats wonderful, I would love for you to state the Ideological and Philosophical basis for their founding please. Let all of us on this board watch you post those. Hey no sugar coating it either. I mean I can see a group who is hell bent on destroying the Jewish people until they are completely eliminated, yes thats a wonderful group. They got my support oh, and yes you have to love those suicide bombings they do too, I mean they practically wrote the book on those. Great work Hamas you bunch of freedom fighters guys.
  24. I say this because of your comments like this. Why do you propose government should intervene with an independent professional association? (Sounds like a leftist type of thinking) Why do you say they should make it EASIER for them to get certified? I mean tell me I am reading your statements wrong, cause I am only reacting to what you are saying. Sounds to me like you want immigrant standards applied here and yes I think thats a horrible idea. I am sure that many immigrants meet a base standard, but in today's world its not good enough to meet just the base standard, you need to be above and beyond that to get where you want to be.
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