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Everything posted by joan

  1. Canadians are not poor, but extravagant and conspicuous wealth is not generally valued here, thank goodness. Perhaps there are more rich Americans, but there are also more poor ones and the poor ones are poorer than here and many without medical care, though more money per capita is spent on health care there than here. That is because our government health care system has 'economies of size' and spends far less on administration than the many private plans in the states.
  2. This is not segregation. We have no segregated schools that students are forced to attend against their will. This is freedom of choice, providing alternatives.
  3. Sorry Wilbur ... I don't agree. I think it is selectively applied to cops. They just don't think they should have to answer to the public and I think that stinks. Clearly the prosecution is in collusion on this, paying off favours to cops no doubt. Why should the cops not be accountable for crimes? Why do they so strenuously avoid civilian oversight? What are they hiding? There is something very wrong in our policing system, imo. This is sick.
  4. Thanks for staying on topic. I am sick and tired of hearing this excuse for cops not going to trial. These cops in particular ... that drug squad ... has a long reputation for corruption, were in the news a lot when they were charged, but then it just gets buried ... NO TRIAL no nothing. Disgusting. Why should we trust our police when they are not subject to the same system of justice as us? I think the cops better get their act together and realize that their credibility is in the toilet and that might just be related to increases in crime.
  5. I had some odd feelings listening to Ms Manners. I felt she was imploring her people to assimilate to the dominant view so we could 'all be together'. I do not think the civil rights movement was intended to teach Black people that they must assimilate and go along with the majority. I think it was fought to gain respect for Black people and their own culture. 'Going along with the dominant culture' is not working out well: Black kids are dropping out in dozens from the curriculum and the culture that does not value them. Alternate programs for kids in danger of dropping out are common. This is just another one designed to address specific needs identified by the population at risk. I hope it works for them.
  6. Army suicides up 20 percent in 2007, report says DELETED by moderator http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/01/31/army....f=ib_topstories
  7. ... when other cops or the Prosecution routinely delay submission of papers so that officers charged for corruption routinely get off!!???!!! http://tinyurl.com/2d5clm The other cops, prosecutors and judges are all suspect in this corruption of justice, imo. :angry:
  8. Including photos of the 15 year old's throat with abrasions on his adam's apple indicating application of considerable force against his windpipe.
  9. This is only the prosecutor's version. Where is the rest?
  10. yadda yadda yadda is right at least! 52 ... and he might not be happy to be called a 'geezer'
  11. Wow! Thanks for the update. I am glad he is suing. This will be interesting, since Justice Linden said the same thing about the OPP in the Ipperwash Report. Hay was basically repeating what the report said, and related it to his own experience in the OPP and RCMP. About questioning orders ... absolutely, you're right. They are responsible for such actions for sure, although the presence of threat has to be considered too. And that is why I am glad the OPP made a decision to keep things clear for themselves and uphold their Oath, regardless of political pressures. Unfortunately, the RCMP's only Oath is to follow orders and instructions. However, our government needs to be held accountable for exercising political pressures on police, and for misleading all of us about the law too.
  12. Only for bail, prelim, no evidence, no trial yet. It's a commonly used expression in some circles, eh?
  13. I was told there is some video, outside the house, of the builders waiting at their vehicles.
  14. I heard it from a person who was watching. It will be interesting to see if the builder is charged once all the facts are in court.
  15. Cripes, you people who are still whining about bilingualism are going to have to drag yourself out of the 1950's sometime! Canada's edge in the new economy will be having employees who can do business in many languages. It's just simple economics, and French is a very useful employment skill, as are the many other mother tongues of Canadians.
  16. Not if you tried to kill a fifteen year old first! That is the other side of the story not told to the media, because they didn't ask. The 15 year old had abrasions on his adams apple. His windpipe was nearly crushed. The builder got a club from his truck and laid in wait for the boys, and attacked them because they were going to hang a flag on his house, despite the fact that the OPP had ordered the builders off the site hours before. Really mature! So if you were 18 and your 15 year old brother was being threatened with death, would you grab a club and knock the guy off him? I think so. EVERYONE would. It's just a friggen flag! Interesting that the builder's brother has never said what he saw, I suspect because what he saw was his older brother attack and nearly kill a 15 year old kid for trying to hang a flag.
  17. Among law enforcers. Oka is known as the pivotal time when they found out that "The Indians would shoot back." It was a huge wakeup call for governments that their plundering of native land was going to be challenged, and it has been challenged ever since. I expect the army was under orders not to shoot, so they used bayonets instead, so as not to frighten the neighbours, I suppose. But now they have tasers so they can shoot as many as they want, apparently, and as many times. One teenager was recently tasered 3 times to take him down, and three more times when he was on the ground, which was totally out of line. The jolt of electricity makes a person's body jump, and watching the vid, it seemed to me that the final tasers were directed at him because his body was moving from the jolts. 6 times? The cops still manage to get their 'jollies'. HOWEVER, I want to go on record here to say clearly: The systemic racism and misplaced aggression against Indigenous People among our cops and soldiers is only symptom of the systemic racism and aggression of our governments. I do not fault the troops nor the cops on the line, but the attitudes and directions that come from government. At both Oka and Ipperwash, politicians were up to their eyeballs in giving 'direction' to the cops. Local politicians were in it at Caledonia too, prior to April 20, 2006 and the raid on that day was politically motivated too, effectively ordering OPP officers to violate their Oath of Office (Loyalty to the Queen, uphold the Constitution). I am very proud of the way the OPP have taken back control from the politicians and now uphold Constitutional rights of all involved, and respect the Queen's treaties. This is the law. Canada's position right now is that "existing Aboriginal and Treaty rights" under Canada's Constitution could bankrupt the country and leave us with no land mass of our own, and thus no country. This is the real issue for the politicians ... that and the fact that they can hardly wage an all out war of aggression against them as still happens in some countries. Lily white Canada would not want to be seen doing that!
  18. blah blah blah poor me the big 'Indian' SCARED me (18 months ago) ! boo hoo hoo ! There is a small group of people from Caledonia who carry on like this all the time. They care nothing for the legalities of the issue, who is right or wrong doesn't matter to them. It is just the most excitement they have ever had and they keep trying to get back those glory days of 18 months ago when they had something to complain about (though nowhere NEAR what Six Nations has to complain about). However, their tales of misery are getting old and stale and boring now but they continue to repeat them hoping for more excitement.
  19. You don't 't know that. In fact, you openly admit that your don't know or care about the history at all.
  20. That reflects the agreement. However, the government negotiators have not even claimed that any payments were made.
  21. In the Supreme Court of Canada. Get familiar with the laws, eh? Some governments have to follow them too! And no bingo, we can't change them. Point being: What Canada owes only to Six Nations could bankrupt the country. Final point: The more Canada jerks them around, the more expensive the settlement gets.
  22. Interesting backtracking going on here! "You are lying. It didn't happen. We don't use bayonets." (Yes it did) "Well then she must have been in the wrong place." "She shouldn't have been carrying her infant brother." Ya right, and that is why she was bayoneted, to teach her a lesson for carrying her infant brother. Sure. yay soldier!" I am curious what other flimsy excuses people can come up with. Fact is ... our governments have been only too willing to use brutal force against elders, women and children if they are Indigenous people and they dare to challenge Canada's oppression and theft and fraud. It is our governments who order force, our governments who are desperately trying to cover their criminal tracks. AND despite your lies and made up excuses, YOU ALL KNOW IT'S TRUE! You also know that they can bankrupt us, and obviously we are all concerned about that. However, the appropriate way to deal with it is to be truthful and humble. But our governments choose to continue their arrogant and criminal charade.
  23. Well, if you were Prime Minister and would do this, Angus, we wouldn't have a problem! However, our governments do not negotiate in good faith. Instead, they lie, cheat and steal. That IS the problem, and always has been. The government insists on making Indigenous People dependent on government funds and refuses to pay them what is owed in land and money.
  24. When they are acting to correct 200 years of Canadian government injustice, theft and fraud. It is no more extortion than the billions in development fees the municipalities fraudulently collect each year on land for which they have no jurisdiction. Think about it: Haldimand County collected millions for development on land THEY KNEW WAS NOT THEIRS, FOR DECADES!
  25. http://www.rrj.ca/issue/1991/summer/125/ This incident erupted less than 24 hours after the retreat-on orders from the: army-of a couple of dozen reporters, photographers and camera operators to a vantage point behind a shoulder-high wall of sandbags half a kilometre from the firing line. Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre Daigle explained that journalists "were simply getting in the way." But the journalists behind the wire stayed there in defiance both of the army and the example set by their more compliant colleagues. They were determined to provide an independent version of events in the Mohawk camp. Without them, as it turns out, the Canadian public would never have known what really happened the night the Oka standoff nearly became a shooting war-the time that came to be called the Night of the Bayonets.
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