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Everything posted by kengs333

  1. Oh the old "times change" argument... so basically all that you value and cherish is all relative, too... You neighbourhood fills up with people who have customs you don't agree with, start forcing you and your family to accept their lifestyle as "normal" and let's see how open to change you really are...
  2. This is a pro-Conservative message board, so isn't that basically just what all you guys do, too? Yup!
  3. I, uh, don't recall writing that... I think Army Guy may have hacked into my account...
  4. don't believe everything women tell you...
  5. Why should the US act as our global police force...? Hmmm... let's see... lengthy stints at sea in really close quarters with a crew of equally sex-starved men... shiver my timbers, indeed...
  6. Awww... hell... why not just nuke 'em???? Seriously, the use of overwhelming force against bedraggled third-world thugs is starting to get a little passe... people who make such suggestions have no right to consider themselves "civilized"...
  7. Oh goodie, goodie, goodie--Indians make ship go BOOM!!!
  8. Nobody here is really interested in your family history, so...
  9. Do we really need another thread on this?
  10. The nature of the beneficial sort of militarism that I agree with ended with the war, which started in 1914; that doesn't mean that I've suddenly lost respect for the men who were brought up in that system, because they were victims of political circumstances beyond their control. Anyone with even the vaguest sense of what WWI was all about knows that these men were misused for a useless, trivial cause. It may come as a shock to you, but many men who served in the Canadian Army during WWI became ardent pacificists, and I think it really disparaged their legacy that we have not learned from their suffering. This is something that is completely lost to you, I think; seem seem quite content with wrapping yourself up in the usual mindless patriotic bunk and deluding yourself that because you simply don a uniform you actually have any real connection to those men--real men who served two, three, or four years in the trenches enduring unspeakable conditions. You guys only go over for a few months at a time, spend much of your time in a protected compound eating hamburgers and slurping Tim Hortons coffee; and yet half come back with some sort of stress disorder. Who was that guy who claimed that he had PTSD because he couldn't go out on patrol with his buddies, so he comes back and beats the tar out of his three young kids? Or why is it that every time there is a ramp ceremony, everybody is balling their eyes out? That's weak.
  11. Awww... you went and added the "unfortunately" did you? Don't want to be seen as being too symapthic with me? That's okay...
  12. Change is inevitable; when there is a natural, stable evolution--that's one thing. But that's not quite what's happening here--or for that matter, during a few other periods in Canada's history. The arrival of large numbers of eastern European immigrants c. 1890-1914 caused significant problems that haven't fully been resolved. For one thing, they were instrumental in allowing Communism to take firm root in this country...
  13. You see, you still won't even list specifically what's so "twisted" about my "view". All you can do is wax on about Canada using vague, cliched language... Canada is a "tolerant" nation because it was founded on certain principles--Christianity, the British political and legal system...--that are systematically being undone; if you want Canada to remain a "tolerant" country, then certainly you must be concerned about its balkanization, ethnically, culturally, and politically. History shows us many examples of how balkanized regions are inherently unstable; why would you want that to happen here?
  14. Actually up until about the 1890s it consisted of two distinct nations: the French and English... Yeah it did, actually... The vast majority were still either French or English. Then you have no clue what Canada really used to be like. Instead, you're just happy to apply your modern sensibilities to a falsely idealized notion of what Canada used to be in your opinion. I guess that's what we should expect, though, with only one year of history manditory in highschool in most provinces...
  15. Still, start listing what's so "twisted" about my expectations of Canada...
  16. Exactly how is it "twisted"? Yeah, I would serve "if needed," too--but there's now way that it would be on the condition of "my country right or wrong". Would you serve Canada if it became a Communist country? probably not. Neither would I. You guys are all supposedly conservatives, but the values that you regard as "Canadian" are pretty liberal if you ask me... edit to add: We live in a country that awarded its "greatest" honour to someone who performs abortions... so wake the bloody hell up!
  17. I stand corrected: 250,000 to 1.1 million by 2011, and 1.4 million by 2017. Ten or twenty years--whatever... either way it is a relatively short time frame.
  18. You seem to be missing the fact that Poland is a "nation" in the true sense of the word: common heritage, common language, common race. This is NOT what Canada is becoming, and I think many Canadians--although they won't admit it publically--is that they don't want to serve a country that has become so ideologically and culturally balkanized... What exactly does Canada stand for nowadays? Gay rights? Abortion? Postcolonialism? Radical Feminism? Moral relativism? I for one would prefer not to risk my life to up hold such questionable "values"...
  19. Funny you should say that because Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and unlike the rest of us there are still many muslims who live in the 12th century and have no problem using violence against those who don't believe... and as it happens, during the last ten years or so, Canada has allowed roughly 1 million muslims to immigrate to Canada. Why? Basically because the people of Canada are not reproducing at the rate that is needed... Shall we discuss why that would be the case????
  20. Personally I would prefer if the blocking extended to when members include quotes in their posts. There's a reason why I have, for instance, blocked Rue; I prefer not to see his entire rambling posts quoted by other members.
  21. So if I drove down to Ottawa and walked into a Variety Store and asked the owner how his day was going, if he'd hear of any criminal activity in the neighbourhood, this would give me expert knowledge about about backroom dealing by politicians, businesspeople, and diplomats. Geez, I think I'll give Mike Duffy a call and tell him he's wasting his time with his extensive web of contacts in government--what he really should be doing is chatting up any old person he happens to run into at the local Tim Hortons... Honestly, you're the last person who should be giving anyone history lessons. I've asked you to name one British soldier who died in Afghanistan fighting to preserve a British Empire that no longer really exists, which was founded on a social, racial, and ideological outlook that I'm sure you don't care the least about. Well, you have yet to do so. And one things for sure, were you to die before your tour ends, in 100 years time you'll no doubt be long forgotten as well. Chances are is that Canada will probably be an (or a series of) Islamic republic(s) by then anyway, and so not only would you be forgotten but the the whole nature of Canada's mission in Afghanistan subject to islamic revisionism, just like Canada's Anglo-Saxon past is subject to postcolonialist revisionism. But I guess for someone like you, these broader concerns don't mean anything, do they? Suit yourself. Okay, you just completely contradicted yourself here. First you call me lazy for having the conviction to not do certain things, then you state that one does not have to do certain things to have the "same objective". For all you know I could be in Afghanistan right now. Look at the closest person to you--that could be me!!! I stated several well known examples, so why are you asking me for "proof"???? Again with the homo-eroticism. Coming from someone who knows jack all what he's talking about...
  22. If you guys are finding that Rue speaks on your behalf I sincerely have to say I have no respect for you. You people obviously don't know the implications of siding with someone like him. And yet here you people think that you're all great Canadian patriots...
  23. I disagree. Racism in this country is always discussed in terms of only non-whites being victims. Well, except for Jews. I think that given the fact that this country is rapidly becoming non-white, this should change; but I see no real evidence of this happening. People are locked into the mentality that whites cannot be victims of racism--because this mentality has become an ingrained ideology rather than an objective outlook or it simply suits certain political agendas.
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