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Everything posted by KO2

  1. jbq can you not understandstand what I meant? When will this oppression of reason by religion ever end? When will we see the end of ideological strife? When will the human race ever climb from the caves of the holymen and declare, peace?
  2. How you Anal-Retentives "Feel" has nothing to do with the facts... Cigarrettes are a powerful drug, a killer to your health, totally addictive but no one is claiming they impair anyone. So why don't we see an actually test of a bunch of marijuana users at the task of driving as we did for the alcohol campaign? Too expensive to set up a closed course? Afraid of the results, or only interested in hearing your own ignorance? The RCMP came out with a statement this year that cronic marijuana users are likely not impaired enough to be concerned about their driving. (That was after I challenged Dr. Jeffries, their toxicologist point man for proof of their assertion that THC impairs. MADD set me on him when I challenged them for proof. He couldn't come up with any, only bs like yours. Small minds belive anything) I'm the only one calling for proof and delivering it here. You seem to know it all, but have no urge to show any proof. Cellphone use impairs people's ability to concentrate on driving and is documented to do so. Ask any byciclist about the dangers of cellphones. Where is the campaign for public safety here? Nowhere insight, because demonizing pot is a political campaign designed to oppress one segment of the population by using timeless lies. What people, as prejudiced as you believe, is only a measure of your ignorance, the same condition which has caused oppression for ages. The same self-righteousness that comforted a crowd as the screams of another "witch' was burned at the stake, in the name of god, must exite your insides when you hear of another pot bust. This is what I find in your idiotic factless conversation. Who really gives a fart-in-a-windstorm about what small minds like yours regurgitate. Enjoy your oppressive circle jerk.
  3. Or you are too dimwitted to understand it perhaps? you guys can have this board back . I don't suffer fools well. all I see here is childish bickering amnd inane comments, boring stuff, eh! I've put a little rotor in this slug board now im gone. You can correct each other's spelling mistakes in peace.
  4. "Remember Johnny Fever? Booze and pot make you MORE competent" You must be American,you get your facts from old sit-coms. I have flown high for hundreds of hour both powere and soaring cross country. I have driven since the mid sixties under the influence of marijuana more often then not, and have retired an unblemished proffessional liscense. I current ride bycicle in busy traffic and have never had an accident since I began 53 years ago. Marijuana has been a part of my daily enjoyment since 66. The only reason I'm a criminal is because there is a special trait in humans that causes them to always want to oppress one segment of the population in order to set themselves up a notch higher in the pecking order. They can judge themselve better and have all the lies to prove that the problem class is the problem. Since the sixties I watched and warned of things to come. Organized crime and violence grew exponentially, while fools like you spouted lies as to how dangerous I was. The same believers that believed in WMD's and all the crap your leaders spewed at you.
  5. Yeah I guess you got me........ You are just as clever as the Neo cons to the south, aren't you? All those loud mouthed idiots telling everybody how right their god appointed mission was and allowed no dissent. You guys aren't even original because you regurgitate everything. This may be amature science but nothing any of you have written shows anything new in your trained rhetoric. You will forever be locked into your narrow filtered view, driven to shout your righteousness to the world, even declaring war to gain your goals. Follow it up from the bottom to "Do humans have a political gene?" and criticize to your myopic mind's content, my friends. Have fun correcting the mistakes too. http://technocrat.net/d/2006/11/3/10052
  6. I gave you facts: the university students see no signs of impairment in their prof, The gold medal winner, that's two to zip. If there were a rash of marijuana induced driving fatalities, then lets see the evidence from the coroners They must have been testing (for our safety- to base legislation on) these last coup of decades anyways. Not to have been gathering this information would have been criminal negligence on the government's part. I'll bet that they don't wish to release these figures because they would actually prove that statistically the least often drug found in a dead or injured driver's blood is marijuana. The rare occassions that some evidence is found of marijuana in the blood, it is promoted to high heaven as being the cause. Why not scream from the statistical mountain of evidence from the inquests into traffic fatalities, if its is there, rather than shout from the occassional rare isolated incident? The reason my gullible self deluded friends is that no such evidence exists. Actually the government tests that have been done show and abscence of evidence, where a normal background should be. Read the friggen literature that your government paid to scientifically develop. In Brittian fighter pilots were tested on a simulator and did so well that they were deemed capabale of having flown the mission under the influence. Thes were not habitual users , at least they weren't supposed to be. You let people tell you that you are impaired, believe them and act accordingly. It is the power of mass marketing lies, even those who should know better conform to the pack's standards. It's always easier to go with the flow, than to stand up for reason.
  7. GhostHacked sounds severely opinionated but extremely shy of facts as all these know it all puindits with loud mouths are. "Because I know it impairs you, therefor it is dangerous." Your type of thinking is the cause of our current dilemma, violence, organized crime, crime driven addiction and addiction driven crime. the viscious circle of insanity thrust upon the world. "Every other living thing does fine as we have until recently without prohibition laws" Every single one of my ancestors, right back to the first thing that wiggled, did fine without Prohibition laws. In fact until these legal abominations against man and nature were brought into existence we had no problems with huge criminal organizations and Crime drivel Global addiction. You are plain wrong when you think that marijuana prohibition was brought in Big Oil. These laws were brought in as an aid for racial discrimination. The lies of these KKK offshoots still ring strong in this forum. Big OIl? What are you smoking buddy? It was the friggin Temperance movements that brought in the concept of Prohibition. Those early dogooders and oppressors of niggers, spic, and chinks (read Janey Cannuck) met often in their church basements. You are either poor in your knowledge, or clever propagandists disseminating ancient fodder. http://www.thedailyobserver.ca/webapp/site...tname=Editorial
  8. I don't know what subspecies of humans are in your circle, but up here in BC we have guys that test positive (same test as is used for impairment on marijuana today) and win the Olympic Gold Medal in Snowboarding! That my freind is a fact, unlike your trivial, biased opinion, coloured by decades of government propoganda. Ross Revliati, was his name. He beat the entire field who were stone cold sober! If you call that impairment, I want to be high! All you do is spout propaganda and BS. I asked for scientific evidence , perhaps you don't understand the definition of that term?
  9. This is the crux of my hope, that "religious Ideologues" the likes of Randy white, and many others, don't get to insert their moral views into the criminal code, healthcare ethics, and other issues that have no business being judged for their conformation to anyone's religious creed. I long for the day when Canadians will oust the current Chameleon, he ran on family values but has no real help for families now, although he is fond of being photographed in uniform today. Have you forgotten the Income Trust Promise, his solem oath based on his religious ethics, I take it, eh? Oh, and what about same sex marriage vote? A little bit awkward, so we let that slide into oblivion with a little parliamentary finagaling. And the Equalization payments, another solem promise from a solid Christian MP, Mr. Harper. Such rock solid examples of the worth of both the current PM, and Religious Ethics, eh! You bet I can't wait to see this dangerous autocrat go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. And I thought we were through calling each other names.......
  11. "Must have been "Big Oil" in 1927 Canada...LOL!" One size fits all. eh? Never hear of Emily Murphy? Janey Cannuck? Are you guys really this naive on this topic? Must be Americans, eh?
  12. So, can anyone actually supply scientific replicatable evidence that Marijuana impairs someone, or, is this only another lie , promoted by repetition from those with an agenda and accepted blindly by the bovine believers? I've never met anyone who used pot regularly that was impaired to any degree after using it. No one I know makes irrational decissions when under the influence as those using alcohol do. The fact is the Prohibisionist use this bit of logic to confuse people" ""It's illegal, a dangerous drug, it must impair you."" The fact is that a lie, based on a lie, does not equal the truth, but only a mountain of lies. http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n772/a09.html
  13. Yet you feel that your values are automatically worth more than mine based on your tradition of religious dominance, because you can't understand that it is not a valid reason to say this based on a belief system. ".....the head of the Catholic Church to ask Catholics to adhere to their teachings when making decisions. That is his job." That is exactly why we have so much trouble in the world few people are actually capable of using rational judgement. "That is his job" It is only his job if you are a believer. To a person of reason it is an abomination. A member of parliament if he is worthy of the title should represent the electorate, not his particular allegiance to Rome. You misconceive that doing what is right means applying your particular religious creed. Doing what is right in this case means for the people of Canada not what the Pope believes. How dare you would ignore the plees of a majority of your electorate to vote the way the pope wants you to. Who are you to suggest that this abomination of a religious idea, that Pope rules in Canada, trumps my reasoning. "You are entitled to your opinion but that does not render your opinion of any particular value." Neither is yours, to a thinking man who can use logic. "Calling people or groups names and hurling out accusations does not validate your opinions." This has been the tried-and-true method used by all religious fanatics, of every stripe and every era; "Heathen, Savages, Infidels, Evil Doers, godless drug addicts, Al-Quada supporters to Jack Layton when he proposes a different policy." You people don't look in the mirror very often do you? It's really easy to snare you by the words of your mouths.
  14. "to coerce a government or international organization, or to intimidate or endanger a civilian population" The trouble with you forum dominators is that you can paste word's, but can't apply them to real life situations. Did I not say that the Pope interfered with our government by truing to coerse catholic members of parliament to vote their religious creed? Maybe you think that Romes decrees should have precedence over my rights in Canada, but I don't. I can call that religious terrorism, because the Pope wishes to terrorize Canada with religious rule direct from Rome. Of course others might see that as benign concern, his right because he is god's rep on earth.
  15. I have always wondered at people's need to have a complete story that they can grasp from begining to end in order to be reassured about what? Why not be satisfied as "god" reveals something small that you can grasp, to you personally. This personal relevelation might come to those who are able to receive it as a reward for truly seeking, not by following mindless belief. By allowing no possibility of expression reflecting the real world of evolutionary change, only rote memory, every theology becomes a stagnant backwater of irrelevant answers written in beautiful, insightful (for its times) prose. Is this world of religious violence and chaos really the result of a supreme being's careful plans? I see only man's attempts at early political control in religion, instead of countries with borders, primitive societies were united behind a mental fence, all in order to apply, even in 2007, the concept of the "other." Still today the sun never sets on The Holy Roman Empire, although it has no physical borders. And still the believers who crave the simple, yet all inclusive, answers, rather than expend the energy to be on a personal openminded quest, rule the world. When will this primitive madness ever end?
  16. You people seem to be uninformed on Marijuana. There are no studies indicating marijuana impairs anyone enough to affect their driving. In fact Proffessors who lecture on it due to medical use, chronic use, are said to do better than those who don't! Prof deserves better and Students defend Prof http://www.excal.on.ca/index.php?option=co...d=2737&Itemid=2
  17. I wonder if we will reach 100 sacrificed soldiers before we get to vote on this again? I don't agree at all that Steve the GWB's buddy, has the mandate to say Canadians want this war. He barely got a third of those eligible to vote for him. I'd say one third of those were discontented Liberal voters driven to Harper because they saw no other alternative. To me, who knows how to train a dog fairly well, voting for either of these party dictatorites reinforces their feeling of entitlement and allows a campaign of blaming each other with lies. That way they never have to deal with the issues but only spin against each other. We've tried them both several times more than necessary. Had enough of Bulroony, Chretien? It doesn't matter who, but it is time to teach them all that our patience is fleeting. Give either of the other two parties your vote and maybe we'll get a good mix. The lesson these MPs must learn is not to ignore us, to talk truth and not bullshit, and do something constructive that actually means something to the Canadian people. The only way to train them is to turf them occassionally, so that they don't feel like they are the ruling class. The true dangers are those institutions like religions, whose leaders-like the Pope, wish to subvert our individual power of the vote, the very foundation of freedom, by telling us which Candidates are "approved" by the Catholic Church. The last Pope had the audacity to call on our elected members and demand they vote their religious concience on the same sex issue. The sophistication of our government led it be silent over what is a direct attempt to interfere in the sovereignty of our country. Think about how you would feel if Osama Bin Laden had rallied his troops to vote a certain way on certain issues, openly. Many people like our Prime Minister are blind to the following facts, because they are ideologues unable to use rational deduction to solve problems. They feel that using their own religious beliefs would serve all well. I know enough about the religions practicing in this country to be able to call them all terrorist organizations. As the Pope felt, so his church believes. In the catholic creed of beliefs, as in many others, there is the statement "Should man's laws conflict with God's laws a true believer is bound to follow the laws of your religion" That my friends is the textbook definition of a terrorist organization. Any Organization that says its laws are above those of the state is by definition a terrorist organization. Bet you haven't reasoned that one out before? What do you think drove those guys to fly into the world trade towers, shoot abortion doctors and other acts of oppression and racism practiced by our church groups on natives? By their religious laws they were entitled to do as they wished, as today in BC, the Mormons in Bountiful get to raise young woomen for sexual purposes against our criminal laws. Because they are religious nuts, a generic group of which our PM subscribes to, they don't have to obey the laws, like those people who wish to grow their own herbal medicine/intoxicant. Why these Conservative nuts have deemed this action of consuming a benign safe herb immoral and warfare a great future for Canada, is hard for me to understand. I don't wish to ban the bible, I think that it is a great piec of literature and human wisdom. Although I know many people have been killed by religious nuts of all stripes, I would stil not wish to criminalize someone's freedom of choice and the right to suffer the consequences. Harper, though, has no quams like any ideologue dictator, running over my right to freedom of choice, although using marijuana has never hurt anyone and with only about 1/3 of the vote available in this country, oppress me with state force and allows organized crime to flourish so that his religious moral foundation is satified. Think what this GWB, clever wannabe, would do with a majority? Where would we be in ten years? 3000 of our men and women dead and victory just around the corner with the Taliban on the run? Oh, but now we would have so much more of a reason to honour our committment and stay "the course." Atrophied thinking from myopic men doesn't do you, or me, any good.. The blood will flow and we will dither and do as our role model the USA wants us to because we owe them. They are always claiming that we would not be independent if it wasn't for the Americans looking out for our safety. Are we a country with an independent ehtical core or not? Isn't 140 years enough of this continuous bullshit? Lets turf the crooks we know so that we can try to teach the next generation of MPs to listen to the voters, not the lobbyists and American bosses. When do we get another chance to roll the dice?
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