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Everything posted by KO2

  1. "Hingeing culture on such trivialities as hockey and musical rides is shallow at best." That is something that is true to my heart. Have you ever noticed how our Canadian politics ressembles hockey? It seems to be and endless series of rushes of one side at the other. The game alwasy remains the same, only the score changes. Constant conflict for entertaiment's sake. And like hockey, CBC controls and markets it all.
  2. You are always ready to deny the facts and turn this in condemnations of me. I say that this is the mark of a true believer fraudulent at the core
  3. You are fond of my fetishes? I have an inclination to sprinkle a little crude humour here and there, in order to lighten up a somber seething mood.
  4. The lure of violence will always guarrantee future conflict
  5. Canadas economic future? What will it cost us?
  6. I'm curious as to why this column has recieved no posts. Is the subject to close to the heart of posters here? Does it embarrass those whose political leaders attended this ethnic love fest? I always wonder as to the true identy of the people involved in this moment here in our common cyber space. Imagining the furtive clicking away at their keyboards, it gives me mental insights to explore. Have we no lives? Does it mean that no one loves us? Are we angry, uphoric, bored, boring, losers or shakers? Are we the dog wagging the tail, or is the tail wagging the dog? Are we nothing but self deluded time wasters, or do we have an input? Into what? Well, if we look at the numbers of views, you'd be right to chide me as being self deluded. Do you believe we are all potentially, each of us, a single source of of cataclysm, from which a Tsunami of change might spring forth? This is the medium, which for the first time has truly given humanity the ability to communicate and break down all manner of borders. What are we doing with it? When the thought of my immediate actions asserts itself in my consciousness it tickles me with wonder. When I hit the post/send button, for me the impression is that of flying metaphysically at the speed of light to all corners of the planet simultaneously. Or is that the wonders of Marijuana? I wish this site had a wider readership and a better standard of exchange. Does anyone know of a wider participation on another site?
  7. You guys should read the Dr. Zeus book, "The star bellied sneetches and them without. It provides a more focuued understand of what is going on here in this column, in laguage that evenyou can understand. Besides its quite funnny/entertaining, as good a read as any post here
  8. Caucasians? Are Asians with cock, aren't they?
  9. With my limited knowlege of molecular biology i see disease as something something to be shared in order to keep our immune system in the exposure loop. We would soon be unable to fend off the quickly evolving pathogens, if we stayed out of the exposure loop
  10. Protect it from what? Evolving as every other culture? If you guys had your way there would be a proliferation of gated communities here in NA. Wait a minute, there is a proliferation of gated communities protecting White culture.
  11. If the institution is made up of humans, there will be racism, hate of the other. The KKK was a white Christian organization, what about the Rawandan Genocide, hitler's and german christians against the Jews Open your eyes and look around and see the world seething with religions of all stripes and hatred. None are blameless, rather their strategy is to blame the other. Good morning ScottSA, lets keep filling the knowledge pool today. I'm ready to learn something new, how about you?
  12. How can you believe in religion: Close your mind and learn to hate the other
  13. The power of prayer is the power of self delusion.
  14. I don't believe anything that has no basis in observable fact or established in repeatable results. Again I say, that I feel it is important to constantly seek wisdom, the truth, without expecting answers. The moment one resorts to believing something fed to them by another, without testing and examining it closely, they have abandond their search. This puts them in that persons hands for their ethical understanding, This leads to large dangerous flocks of believers, ready for anything from the suicides of Jim Jones to the riots over the Prophet Mohammed's cartoons. You'll find these dangerous crowds trying to impose their belief systems on others at abortion clinics, through school boards, in front of our parliament buildings. These dangers of the Religious masses have been at the root of most blood letting in the last two millenia. Yet this information doesn't fit into a believers understanding because they are mindless minions which don't belive these recorded these facts about themselves. If they do then they never question how these parts of their tradition fit with the picture they paint of their god,
  15. You people have a double Standard. Our PM has no problem calling people insulting and denegrating names, in order the hurt them politically. You don't see yourselves dengrating me here by always resorting to my personal habits, not what I've said because you can't challenge my truth successfully. And I have a perfecrt right to point out the fraud perpetrated here in these forums when someone claims they are not religious to me and in another Forum they pray. When that person continuously attacks me personally, I can point out their fraud. Unlike some people who complained in the morning to the moderator about me, and where I then took a higher path, I have never complained about your insults here. I just let you snare yourselves on your words and hold you up to the world to see what kind of people Christians are. This is what frustrates small minded believers, holding a mirror to themselves and showing them there own behaviour. The racism and hate for others which I see here are symtoms of religion. Christians have never enjoyed people telling them the truth about themselves. As long as they confronted with believers under their spell it is all lovey-dovey, but the moment there is a rational person before you, challenging your self serving nonsense which you try to insert into the laws of my country, its all slimey accusations about how I'm insulting you. Its not nice looking in the mirror , eh?
  16. KO2


    Oracles never hurt their patients
  17. It will all come again, as soon as this cycle is over.
  18. How can you believe in Religion? Close your mind, learn to chant, and attack all those who are not of the star bellied Sneetches type.
  19. Doing pretty good cognitively, while under the influence, eh!
  20. Why is this so personal for you? Although I've got your goat, and I let him go he doesn't seem to want to go home Focus on the forum thread my friend and let your intelligence shine with positive, enlightening input. Take your turn adding to the pool of knowledge.
  21. Diseases are shared not spread. In sharing disease we are actually exercising our immune system. To remove yourself from this normal exposure loop for any length of time would be fatal. The diseases would evolv, while your immune system would not be able to build up defenses that are necessary for the next exposure when it comes. That is why we should not try to eradicate the mild strains of bird flu as they appear occassionally. The best thing for our species would be to allow nature to take its course with the harmless variants to keep our immune system primed for the deadly one.
  22. No I really haven't been calling you the kind of names you have been using on me. But I have been scoring points where you feel the sting of self realization when I point yourself out to you.
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