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Everything posted by xul

  1. Great idea. One of the problem is: I exist in this forum with a frankly and honestly manner for several days and there seems no one try to assimilate or integrate me yet.
  2. Unreasoning happens not only on tantruming kids, but also on some tantruming adults. Sometimes unreasoning is the plead not the cause. Perhaps frustration of lack reason is the cause of spanking. So, our adults must stop tantruming first, then we may reason our kids soon.
  3. Sounds like a old American Indian chieftain said to the first British immigrant.... Fortunately you and your friends are really the "minority" in Canadian People, so Canada will not take the trophy of "the most proudly racist countries in the world" ......
  4. I don't fear any unfriendly saying and welcome saying honestly and frankly. I was talking about how Hiter achieved his dishonest business. Jews were the minority in Germany. Just like other races, not every Jew are good guy. Perhaps there were a few of them committing dishonest, criminal or racism, etc. Hitler dishonestly magnified the fault of a few Jews to the whole of race of Jews and advocated racism in the majority in German to serve his political ambition and exclusive Teutonism dream. Being a Canadian is a good thing, I agree. But acting the way as Hitler is a bad thing, even people commited it unintentionally. Oh, don't speak so absolutely. I have some friends in Canada, they have gotten "white-collar jobs" for many years and they said their white skin employers or colleagues were both honest and friendly. Of course, I also know some Chinese do low paying job or come back to China just as you said. Look, not every Chinese are the same, not every white skin Canadian are the same. This is the fact. Sounds terribly. If this is the fact, It seams you and your friends has no reason to get headache. lol. If these were the true, being Canadian would likely be not a good thing..... I don't know exactly how many chinese in Canada. According some post above, it seems only 1%-2% percent of votes from Chinese Canadian voter. I can hardly think that Canadian politicians would need to cater those immigrant voters to violate "Canadian peoples will". Don't "Canadian peoples" vote? Where is "my" community in Canada? Where does it locate? That's easy. I can say it really honestly. The first reason: Our country seems to be overpopulated. Beijing is as big as Toronto, but the population here is as many as the half of Canada. Economy develops rapidly, but contamination also accumulates rapidly...ect. The second reason: I know that not every Canadian thinks about immigration as you and your friends' way....
  5. My son is nearly 5 years old and I have never spanked him once. Kids are not unreasonalbe. They just can not be reasoned by some complex and boring adult doctrine. If someone try to reason his kid, he must shift his reason to the reason that can be understood by a kid. For example: One day my son was playing with several other kids in a public garden, a caterpillar crawling on the ground drew the attention of these kids. They began curiously to fillip it by some thin stick to make it crawling faster. Worrying about the caterpillar would be killed soon, I told my son that he would not do that because the caterpillar would die. But obviously a kid of 4 do not have any concept of the abstract meaning of "die" and the result of died, so he continue did his work. As shifting the thinking of my mind, I told him:"The caterpillar's mom is waiting him to go home just as your mommy doing. If he died here, his mommy would not see him again and would be brokenhearted." My son looked like considering it seriously for several seconds, and then he obviously adopted this interpretation. He stoped to abuse the caterpillar and told what I said to other kids. Some parents suffering their kids' ill behaviour are caused by that they try to impose their adult thoughtway to their kids' mind. Sometimes these parents don't not understand that a kid adopting their opinion needs time, just as the same as they sometimes need time to understand their boss' idea. So if a person can not persuade his kid one time, he can try it another day. Spanking usually lead to some reverse action on our kids. If a kids did not like school, spanking him only could made him fear to go to school. The right way is to connect the school with some things that can make him cheerful, even though these things have not logical connection with school on our adult sight. You could say:"If you don't go to school/kindergarten today, you will miss your best friend xx ." or "After kindergarten, you can see the big plane that you like best flying over our house. " Though this plane appears in the sky at that time everyday. These way are always useful to the kids in the "unreasonable" age.
  6. To the command officer of Canadian troop in Afghanistan, estimating how many percent support the millitants have from Afghanistani is an importment thing to make his decision. If his judgement was that if a Afghanistani is a militant, all Afghanistani are militants, the works would become easy. He only need to order his men to extinct every one they met in that country and then he can triumph in two or four weeks, not need to 2009.... If number or percentage had not significance, people would deduce out many absurd things. When I read a tragic news story in Thestar about a white man slaughtered his wife in Toronto, I could deduce that whole of husbands lived here have this hobby. When a British man read that a America plane bombed a British tank, he would deduce that USAF wants to destroy all British army. When a beaver made a dam and flooded a farmer's barn, Canadian would deduce that all beaver species is subverting humanbeing so it need to be extinct....this line of thought is absolutely wrong. If Mr.H was a Jew, the minority of Germany, he could not lead any revolution to eliminate Teuton from Germany. At that time, people all over the world was suffering for the Great Depression. People lived in Germany were the most suffering because they need to pay for their defeat in World War I. Hitler used this situation and came into power by misleading the majority of German people to condemn Jew being responsible for their suffer. Hitler did not take power on horseback. He was elected by the majority of German people who were misled to believe the minority Jew would harm their benefit so they need Hitler and his Nazi to protect them . Finally, they really be deprived, not only their proceeds but also their liberty. But Jew didn't do these, Hitler did. Why are you concerned with that? If Mr.Chen advocates any racialism, the right way is to sent him to a court. But I must confess,I don't really know what Mr.Chen is. I have not had one chance to open the link successfully yet. The exist of Hitler is not a terrible thing. People who were misled to believe his fairy tale and hateful doctrine are really a terrible thing.
  7. I'm a Chinese and now I live in Beijing, China. I have never been to Canada. I come here because I has submitted an application to immigrate to Canada, so I try to get some concept and understanding of people living in this great country. I suggest somepeople here don't warry about my appearance so much as to get headache. I am sure I have enough assets to live and carry out my carreer in Canada and will not need to spend any Canada Government money from Canadian taxpayers unless I become a taxpayer as others lived here. As I was a teenager, My parent told me never do anything to hurt an innocent people. I hope, or perhaps I should say I believe this part of "cultural" are the same in Canada and no "integration" are need. I'm very curious why some people here are very concerned with Mr. Chen's "Party", just as when I heard a mongol who suffered mental illness claiming he was Jenghis Khan, I would not deduce that Mongolia will ruling the world. In a chinese language immigration forum which I often visted, someone posted a topic about this event. It got only 15 replies. 9 positive, 4 negative, and 2 doubt whether Mr.Chen is sincerely. If any one may conclude that most of Chinese would support Mr.Chen's party from these statistics, I can tell him/her that the forum I mentioned has 3,966 registed members. There are only 15 of 3966th people take care about Mr. Chen's party, and only 9/3966 expressed the supporting will. But I doubt even those nine will realy willing to pay PARTY MEMBER FEE to Mr. Chen for his political ambitions. I assert Mr.Chen will not get enough support form Chinese immigrants, because the idea of "Chinese Canadian based party serves for chinese immigration's benefits" is realy absurd and illogic. As an individual, every Chinese Canadian or Chinese immigration certainly has his/her own benifits differing form others. For example, as a Chinese, I can say:"Canada Federal Government is the representative of Canada." But I can't believe Canada Government can represent every Canadian. If Canada Government increases inport tax to a certain Chinese goods, it benefit these Canadian producing same goods competed with Chinese goods, but it also hurts those Canadian who buy these goods. So Politician is hardly to found a policy to benefit all Canandian. We can imagine a white skin consumer will "stand with" those chinese producer to oppose the policy because it will empty his purse, while a chinese immigrant working for a Canadian producer would welcome the policy according to his white skin colleagues because it will inforce his occupation and benefit his salary. I believe I have a fully understanding of some pelople here who concerned with the impact to your society and cultural from other different cultural accompanied with immigration. Because in my homecity Beijing, the second largest city in China, there are one third inhabitants was borned outside of the city. As I workiing for a research istitute belonged to Chinese Central Government, most of my colleagues are from other areas of China and Chinese who lived in differnt areas dose not have the same culture and convention as western people thinks. Sometimes I realy fell I am a "minority" in my hometown. Fortunately, to Canadian, Canada is a country not a city, so your government can control who can immigrate to Canada and how many people can be admited to benefit people liveing in this country rather than in other country. I don't believe there are any Canada politician need to neglect the benifits of majority of Canadian to cater to minority's will. For the issue of accommodation and integration, I suggest some people here perhapes might chang their way of thought. If you believe BEING A CANADIAN IS NOT A BAD THING, you should have confidence of that most people in the world also have the willing to pursue a good thing. Though time perhaps be needed.
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