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Everything posted by nova_satori

  1. Nuclear, what a GREAT insult! LOL. Try again. I bet they didn't teach you superstrings, fold theory, quntum mechanics, Calculus BC, Physics C at your school. lol.
  2. Do the American-irish armies of the US (400 men per) that invaded canada, and the real armies of the war of 1812 ring any bells? Btw, the US got its butt served to it on a silver platter in both invasions. Mexican war before the civil war? How about our chasing the violent Mexican bandit that killed 50+ american civilans? We sent ALOT of troops after him, in full violation of the law. Not religion. Diamonds and other resources. Belgium King Leopold's colonial rule in Congo was funded partially by the US. Throughout the colonization, 6-7 Million congonese were butchered for their lack of cooperation in exploting the land. The US and Belgium are directly and indirectly responsible for 6-7 million dead congonese. They didn't teach you that in school did they? You'd be suprised how many people the US has directly or indirectly killed. No, they didn't give us any leaning. They simply gave us the facts. And the book we used was pro-right. Also, the US was one of the first countries to start using Biological warfare. Let's infest blankets with SMALL POXs and give to the Indians! hehehheeheh. it worked. WELL. Other then anthrax cultures I don't know of any others.
  3. Sorta. Blair is the key to uniteing the EU into something resembeling factions that actually work with each other. The EU is so disunited, even the people that live in EU member countries think that it will take 50-80 years before they catch the US. Blair is the key to making that time much shorter. Wow, you are completely ignorant to the changes that have occured since 9/11-Iraq. Typical American, I can't expect any more of you. Does the word HYSTERIA mean ANYTHING to you? Mention WMD and the whole world USED to listen to you, when EVIDENCE mean something. The problem with democracy is that a group of hysterical idiots can ruin the lives for millions that are not part of their juristidiction. A charastimic idiot can overrule the rational side. (but bush isn't charastiamic or an idiot). The system works when rational people that have foresight are in charge. This is not the case. Should you actually study US history (which is obvious that you have not), you will see that the system designed 200 years ago, that worked 200 years ago, was not meant to run in a time like this the same way. I grow tired of debating with someone who actually believes state propaganda.
  4. Thank you for moving to different quotes, removing their contexts and then fusing them together to suit your arugment. You DO see the problem with this right? 97% was starfish. 99.9 is chimps You cannot know either of the two. You can simply know what the theories state and what is wrong with them. However, there are plently of cases where there are gelogical evidence of evolution. Does the word "MUTATION" mean ANYTHING TO YOU? How can I have a the same gene if it is a MUTATION? I don't share 100% of my DNA with the average baby. There are genes he/she has that I don't have. While those may be less than 100, that automatically disqualifies me from sharing 100% of my DNA. If we want to go into combinations, there is no way I even share 98% of my DNA combinations with a baby. Yes, you DID fail biology. Both of those philosophers who very few of us will understand, were thinking on a different level. They underestood that fundementally, we are animals, but we transend their level of thinking. That still does not make us not animals. We are simply really smart animals. You're saying we are not animals in any sense. I'd like to drop my last years's AP bio book that weighs 6 pounds of your head and see if you think humans aren't animals. If we aren't animals, why do they do drugs tests on animals for human consumption? Why do people get impants FROM animals?
  5. Should GOVERNMENT funded schools be allowed to disgrard GOVERNMENT laws?
  6. If you said that in Congress or the Senate, you'd be laughted at so hard you would cry.
  7. Craig Read: Because the world will be solved by igniting every land in the hateful fires of hell right? The world will be saved when everyone who disagrees with you is purged? The world will be good when only extremists right wingers exist? Wait. your side condones genocide. Forgot about that!
  8. And it is clear you haven't watched or researched since. Not all Palestines support terror. Many do because there is no other choice. You have no sympathy for those who have had their land stolen from them? People who have seen their rights (different context this time) and freedoms litterally destroyed by the Isrealis? You have no symapthy for people who have the same desires as you? A better life, the return of property and freedom? The end to a oppressive military rule? You live a sad life. If the palestines simply stopped attacking Isreal for two months, they would see Isreal destroy itself. What militant organizations could not do, Isreal has done to itself in a fraction of the time. The only thing keeping Isreal together is a threat of Hamas and other militant groups. Black Dog: Do not degrade yourself to the level of ignorance, arrogance and utter stupidity of right by calling them names. Actually a new poll says 64%. However, let's examine this source. "Jerusalem Media and Communications Center." HMMMMM....drumming up a bit of propaganda? Find me a North European or New Zealand report, Luxemborg will do as well. Those people are the few I still trust. As long as the IDF embraces violence, they will be met with violence. So when the Middle East becomes a nightmare from Hell after they knock off Arafat, I get to laugh and point fingers at you Craig? Because if they took the time to write it, it MUST be true! Craig, the world will fall due to people like you. Hatred doesn't solve anything. Well, which woul you rather have, a thousand people comming to kill you, or a million? However, every right-winger. Have you even spoken to a Middle Eastern person on their views of "terrorism?" It seems none of you even have a clue how they see it.
  9. wow, in 3 days, i've sided with the right wing three times. Weird. Oh well, I can accept that. AA is.....reverse discrimination. Should AA exist as many years as slavery did? Should AA even exist? Should college apps even have race on them? Should we be condoning this discrimination aganist people just as intelligent, if not more? My answer to all of those is no.
  10. The Us hasn't walked softly for years. Teddy Roosevelt kinda killed that with his fleet of battleships.
  11. Mr. Farrius: Airlines are there to make money and fly planes, not run spy agencies. They cannot to watch everything. They cannot afford to keep track on all baggage, including carry ons. Sooner or later this was going to happen regardless of our best technology. Two years America has learned that technology will not save our souls.
  12. I have a question, do people at where you work/ go to school condone your extremely hateful and narrow-minded view towards other religions?
  13. Well the contra scandal was bad. The government that US overthrew wasn't pro-soviet. It was pro-environment, and enacted controls on exports, exports to the US that the US didn't like. The work that the new government did was phemonal. Life was much better under them then the previous pro-American government. Food was abundement, working conditions much better, wages better. Life was overall better. HOWEVER, the US not liking this new government, funded terrorists. That is from my heavily pro-american spanish teacher who is a moderate right-wing supporter.
  14. is 14 do nothing, and 15 instant war? lol.
  15. pre-emptive warfare simply allows the agressor nation to do whatever he wants by circumventing international law (not that international law means anything anyways). Simply state that you have some "evidence" (where by evidence you mean lies) and you can invade anyone you want. You want cheap oil? Saudia Arabia has nukes, ATTACK! You want cheap electronics? S. Korea has WMD, ATTACK! You want cheap diamonds? Congo has WMD, ATTACK! You want cheap gold? South Africa has WMD, ATTACK! Great world we live in, don't you think? lol
  16. It's not acting in the extreme right-wing manner that Craig expects of the world. Thus, it should be destroyed. lol It saddens me that people like him exist.
  17. Ha, one of the most right-winged officals comming clean Hmmm....hey craig, are you going to say Rummy is wrong and he's an idiot and should be killed like you say about everyone else who disagrees with you?
  18. Is there anything of substance here that hasn't been so distorted and warped by propaganda, bias, complete lack of understanding of their side, and just unbridled hatred? It saddens me that there are people like Craig who would rather shoot first then ask questions.
  19. I insult your education on US history is because no one with a decent US history background could be proud of a country that has commited more atrocities then Hilter. Since you are proud, it's obvious that your US history is severly lacking. Because you can obtain weapons from someone who never had them past 1999? Yes, i'd like to us my nuke that i don't have. A few? More like thousands upon thousands? Do you understand how much more the world hates the US after the Iraqi invasion? Here's the FIRST problem that automatically disqualifies this as proof. BUSH ADMIN. That obviously can;t be correct. Prisoner intergations? (forced eh?) Defector statements taht Saddam led them to believe. Documents that are 10 years old? LOL. NO PROOF OF JOINT TERROR OPERATIONS. NEED I GO ON?
  20. Usually. The thing i see wrong with Craig, is that everything liberials have ever done, or touched is corrupted and must be purged. He believes that liberals have done nothing good, are a plague to the world, and must be killed. He also fails to see the other side about 80-95% of the time. Sometimes he's hypocrtical, but everyone is like that. I remmeber one post, he went #3: Liberals like to use (lots of and LOTS of insults) Then ended with a vulgar personnal attack. LOL Also, he seems to think, (this thread shows it), that if something makes a single mistake, it should be destroyed. Now if we applied that to everything, no one would exist. He's great isn't he?
  21. Not necessarily civilians, but militants from around the middle east. However, some civilians see Arafat as a method to regain their land and freedoms from Isreal. The creation of Isreal via Britain and the UN essentially stole the land out from under the palestinies living there. Many want their land back and freedoms, but some are willing to support "terror" as we see. They see it as legitamte freedom fighting aganist a oppressive army and government. Of course, however the right doesn't think so. If you were a Arab or a Muslim, the odds of you supporting the downfall and reinstation of the palestines would be high, but whether or not you support "terror," is something I haven't gotten to in my conversations with Middle Easterners. Well, either Arafat or the people with no power, like Abbas. Not much of a choice. You'd be suprised how much support he can rally if he was exiled. That is why Isreal is extremely hesitant to exile him. He will be more of a threat on the outside. Killing him might be the worse option.
  22. Perfect example of why the Church should stay clear of the State: Iran. Not the other way around. Do you want a theocracy running your country?
  23. Does it suprise you that many of the unethical companies are run by right-wingers who are very religious? lol.
  24. To all the rational minded people here: Stop bothering trying to show the right-wing that martyrs are bad for Isreal. Let them see how bad it gets when they do kill them. Then we can laugh at their stupidity and lack of foresight. Just when you thought that suicide bombings couldn't get any worse....they kill arafat and the whole area goes to hell. Simple minded right-winger. Do you understand the plight of the palestines or do you simply believe whatever the media says? have you spoken with any palestinanes? Many of the palesetines simply want their land and freedoms back. They hold no relation or support to the militant groups, yet Isreal oppresses them as well.
  25. Let's compare: Thus, #3 is both a right-wing and left-wing fact. Syria and Iran? Syria doesn't make that much sense. It has been one of the few Middle Eastern countries that has thrown its full weight behind the "war on terrorism." It has opened its doors to the West, shutdown offices and means to transfering funds of known terroristic operations, arrested supposed terrorists, and backs the US. So, once again, we'll go after our ally ? Iran makes far more sense then Iraq ever did. The Russians have termiated their pact with Iran dictating that all nuclear waste be returned to Russia. We KNOW they have stockpiles of RGP and RGU. Their centriguge projects are probably more advance then Iraq's during the 1999-2003. Also, they run one of the most, if not thee, draconian government the world has ever seen. The "leaders" of Iran have preached death to America since the overthrow of the Shah. However, unlike Iraq, the youth of Iran WANT America to remove the Mullahs. They are protesting and being violently beaten by military and paramilitary forces. Many of their student leaders are taken away and never seen again. The University of Tehran has seen multiple military/police invasions. The people have spoken, and are being slaughtered. If the US wants to show that it really means to free people from tyrannical dictators, Iran is the perfect example. Iraq is not. However, Iran has less oil. *ponder*
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