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Everything posted by Higgly

  1. Yes, inquiring minds want to know. Yes I believe it is Gitmo writ large.
  2. Incredible. Just simply incredible. Ignatieff has next to no political experience, no management experience and has spent half his life showing that he would rather live somewhere else. As for Rae, I have yet to hear very much about what he stands for. I would venture to say he knows more about the Canadian political process, and running a government, than Ignatieff does. The fact that Mark Steyn likes Ignatieff should be the kiss of death for your average Liberal. Next thing you know Barbara Amiel will be singing his praises
  3. A new US Law is being signed by George Bush today which suspends right of habeas corpus for suspects who are not US nationals. Such suspects will no longer have the right to hear evidence against them or confront their accusers. They may be convicted by hearsay and they may be tortured (although not raped or subjected to certain kinds of torture). The law may be applied to crimes other than terrorism. Tony Blair has asked for and received an exemption for British citizens under these laws. Steven Harper has not asked for any special considerations for Canadians.
  4. Actually what they did was abide by the pertinent UN resolutions and Geneva Conventions. So now all is forgiven. It is because they believe that once the Jews return to the land of their forefathers, the final judgment will be nigh at which time, Jews will have the option of converting to Christ or being cast forever into darkness. These people are idiots. Too bad none of the Israeli leaders since Rabin feel that way. He hasn't spoken out against the new law in th US which means Canadian citizens will be subject to imprisonment and deportation without right of habeus corpus. Even Blaire asked for and got this for Brits from Bush. How about when the IDF was Haganah and Irgun? How did they behave then? The rockets were fired from locations more than 200 meters away from where the civlians were seeking shelter. That's quite a mis-fire. I don't recall anybody here defending the Hama massacre. Who was fighting who in Algeria? Including yours.
  5. Yeah I particularly like the parts about staffs turning into snakes, voices coming out of burning bushes and mannah falling from heaven.
  6. Nice loadup with code words and code names. Thanks. Do you deny it is true? This warrants a comprehensive response. The Jews seem to be the only group that people find reasons are not sufficiently "exploited" or "disadvantaged" to deserve rights, such a state, and self-determination. Every single African or Asian tinpot leader of an "independence" movement, just about, received a state, combined with, at world expense, a national airline, UN seat, and armed forces. Indeed, rather than develop their countries, most of these leaders diverted almost all the aid they received, or resource revenues, into the military, either for self-preservation (the leaders', not the countries') or for conquest. There is, in point of fact, very little "national" significance to most African or Asian boundaries. The boundaries were chosen to correspond with colonial boundaries. The given excuse was to aoid bloodshed. The real reason was to ensure a lucrative role for the leader, including receiving booty from the UN. No one on the left has questioned Mugabe's right to rule a state, or questioned Zimbabwe's boundaries, for example. Mugabe is no doubt a very wealthy man, measured in Swiss Bank accounts. Zimbabwe is a country with no historical or ethnic basis other than boundaries laid down by the British. Similarly, when Biafra, a Christian and animist enclave, sought to secede from Nigeria, and use the oil wealth to better the people, the Leftists in the West were quite content to allow Nigeria's dictator to starve the Ibo tribesmen into submission, and wage a bloody war against them. Where is the outrage? During WW II an unholy cabal of leftists and rightists butchered the Jews for no other reason than their religion. There were survivors in the camps. Does anyone rationally think the Jews could have returned to the very villages where their neighbors identified the victims as Jews so they could be rounded up and placed on trains to virtually certain death? The land that is now Israel was largely festering swamps and desert during the mid-1800's. The land was largely owned by absentee Ottoman landlords. The Zionist movement raised money and purchased much if not all of this land on the open market. They invested labor, money and love. Arabs came, drawn by employment opportunities. This land was a natural place for the Jews, displaced by the Holocaust, to move to. As it is, the land promised them was reduced by more than half in the early 1920's, with Transjordan being severed to give the tinpot leader of the "Hashemites" a kingdom. They themselves were a minority. Then, in 1947, as Britain prepared to dump the mandate, even more land was taken off, to attempt to appease the Arabs. In the interim, immigration had been restricted at the same to as Britain, Canada and the US largely slammed their doors. Thus, 6 million people, utterly trapped and without an exit, were killed. Now, the rest of the world wants to sever even more land from the Jewish State, to appease the Arabs yet again. Keep in mind, the Arabs have never stated that any round of surrender would be the last, and that they would live side by side, in peace and recognition, with a remaining rump of Israel. Meanwhile, the Arabs are on the march against the West elsewhere. On September 11, 2001, October 2002 (Bali), March 11, 2004 (Spain), and July 11, 2005 (London) the West has endured horrific attacks. The attacks were aimed, simply, at killing as many innocent people as possible. In view of this history, posters have the gall, the "chutzpah" (a Yiddish expression that translates roughly into the emotions one would feel towards a murderer who kills their parents pleading for mercy on the grounds that he's an orphan) to suggest, by use of code words and Jewish names, that the US's policy is being run by Jews? What is wrong with the West's superpower, for once, doing what is good for the West rather than what is good for those that would deprive us of our freedoms, or kill us? Have these posters no decency or common sense? With respect to the Zionists buying some of not all of the land - at the time of the UN partition resolution, it is estimated that about 10% of Palestine had been bought in this way. With respect to the African countries you cite, almost all of them are populated by the people who were there when the boundaries were drawn. The tinpot leader of the Hashemites you seem to care so little for was, along with his father and son, the first to make and honour agreements with Israel - both before and after the 1948 war. Like many Israelites, you make the mistaken assumption that all of Palestine belonged for some reason to the Jews. Your statement about severing more land from the Jews no doubt refers to the West Bank which was never given to them by anybody and which is by general world agreement occupied territory. It is illegal under the Geneva convetions for Israelis to settle there and there are UN resolutions telling Israel to leave (242 for starters). The people who bombed Bali were Indonesians and Philippinos, not Arabs. Why not check into the others and report back. Is the bit at the end supposed to be (finally) your response to my question? Facts are: The policy of attacking Iraq and taking out Saddam Hussein was first proposed by Paul Wolfowitz in a paper he wrote while working in Richard Perle's group for Netanhayu. Wolfowitz then went to Defense where he tried to sell Bush Senior on the idea. He did manage to sell Cheney and Rumsfeld who eventually sold Bush Junior. Not surprisingly you blow it out of proportion into somebody trying to say Israel runs US policy. Suits your sob sister/persecution complex agenda I suppose.
  7. Israel sent 'agents' to plant bombs in mailboxes and cinemas in Egypt shortly after the 1948 war in order to destabilize the Nasser government. Will that do?
  8. Learn the language fer Crissakes. This is standard terminilogy. If you can't read the friggin signs, take a friggin cab.
  9. Nor extra-judical execution based on unnamed informers and the hunches of the Mossad.
  10. Higgly: Have you lived there? If so Id like to ask you how often french is used. If someone wanted to use it would most businesses/people be willing to do so? Im planning on moving to Ottawa in a few years for school in part because I want to be able to work on my french. Sure you are. Go down to the market and buy some tomatoes.
  11. I missed the thread you reference. Petitiion the admin for a move.
  12. Orhan Pamuk, a writer who had the balls to level a 'j'acuse' at his own country for the Armenian genocide, has won the Nobel. He has withstood the slings and arrows of outrageuos fortune. Damn fine. Wikipedia entry on Pamuk.
  13. Are you saying you can match Heather and the Schwartzman? This I gotta see.
  14. Fox neutral? Good one. Conservative talk radio has done well because nobody at the office wants to listen to these freaks.
  15. Yeah. That is a good point, Dancer. Would sure be a great linkage.
  16. Codswollop. Anybody who thinks Ottawa is not French friendly has never lived there.
  17. Sorry for your loss, but this is a point of law. Can you prove a negative?
  18. You know, this just seems to be a really dumb topic. Does anybody really hate the US? Why? I mean you can disagree with the American government, or some of their laws, or some of their more prominent citizens. But why would you hate the whole country? On and off, I have lived in and done business with the US since I was knee high to a grasshopper. A great bunch of guys. There are regional differences, to be sure. You got yer salt of the earth mid-westerners, yer east coast fishers, yer new yawk pain-in-the-assers, yer west-coast-entertainers, yer north-east coast spectaculars, yer southern-gentlemen, yer texan right wingers, yer New England Yankees, ... I thought it was a great place. You want a great holiday, try New England in the fall. Oh man.... On the other hand, George Bush is an idiot. Thank ya. Thank ya very much...
  19. OK. How would you rank it in terms of priority. I'm with you on the tartan, or maybe Madras. On the other hand, there is paisley....
  20. I am not a lawyer, but my undertsanding is that you cannot prove a negative. In other words, putting the onus on the offender to prove they are not dangerous is a contradiction in law. Am I wrong?
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