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Everything posted by Higgly

  1. The only country threatened by Saddam was Israel - Saddam was giving $US 20,000 to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. Other than that, the years of sanctions and constant bombing by the US and Britain had him completely on the ropes. As for Saudi Arabia's days being numbered, what do you think the US is going to do? Depose the Saudi royal family and end up with a Sunni fundamentalist government? The Saudis have a lot of US fighter planes and other state of the art military equipment. Don't expect them to be going anywhere any time soon.
  2. You don't need a draft to come up with a couple of thousand recruits. Not exactly a major challenge given the number of dropouts and dead-ends out there in our society. How many jobs can you get with a grade 10 education? The real question is how long will they be there for? Afghanistan is not stable and it is likely to go to pieces if foreign troops pull out. Most Canadians are smart enough to know that this whole shooting match would have been over long ago were it not for George Bush's little adventure in Iraq. We are bascially doing a job that the Americans would have been able to get done if they had stuck to their knitting instead of invading Iraq and if they had not made so many stupid mistakes - for example handing over security in Afghanistan to the same warlords who have keeping the country in turmoil since the time of the Raj.
  3. When Chaim Weitzman, the founder of the modern state of Israel (and the guy who talked the British into the Balfour Declaration) went to the UN in 1948 for the all important vote that brought Israel into existence, he used two tactics - one was to bring a million dollars to pay bribes, the other was to go around saying that anybody who voted against the proposal did so because they were anti-semites who hated Jews. There is nothing new about this line of twaddle. And nobody believes it anymore. Wolf! Wolf!
  4. Why? What makes the Mullas of Iran any crazier than the crackpots running China, Russia or Pakistan? Or the psychopaths running Israel, for that matter. Sharon... Netenyahu... Begin...Shamir... not to mention the ones running Shin Beit.
  5. You clearly know nothing about what it was like to live in Iran under the Shah. I doubt you will find many Iranians who yearn for the days when that psychopath was running the country What is your reference here? It was Saddam who attacked Iran (with plenty of US encouragement), and not the other way around. I too find the references to Chamberlain tiresome and specious. Israel and its Zionist forebearers have been "taking a firm hand" with the Arabs since the first Zionist Convention in 1899. This is the result.
  6. The point is that John Tory is a reactionary who will whine about damn near anything. The point is that John Tory has no point.
  7. Man this guy just never stops whining. The McGinty government put through legislation to stop thieves from stealing peoples' homes by title deed fraud. About time! And yet here is John Tory whining about it. I live in Toronto and once saw Tory driving along St Claire Avenue in his Jag with his mother sitting in the back - like chauffeur and mistress. I think that just about says it all. Momma's boy.
  8. Well how quickly we forget that the state of Israel was founded by terrorists - Irgun, the Stern Gang, etc... There was a famous and rather hilarious moment at the Madrid Peace Conference when the Syrian Minister of Defense held up a wanted poster the British had once put out with Itzhak Shamir's sour puss on it. Just so much is the pot calling the kettle black. Yawn.
  9. What an odd thing to say given your constant whining about leaders who want to wipe Israel off the map. What's sauce for the goose... I've seen mention here somewhere of Israel's 1982 bombardment of Lebanon but no reference to the 17,000 civilians that the IDF slaughtered(under Ariel Sharon and Menachem Begin). Even Ehud Barak was forced to admit publicly that Hezbolla came into existence as a direct result of Israel's brutality during that little adventure. Here it is 5 years after 9/11 and we are still remembering the 2,500 killed by the terrorist attacks. How do you think the Lebanese feel about their thousands of dead and the country who did it to them? And as far as Hezbollah goes, I think it needs to be noted here that they did not start to fire rockets into Israel until the IDF started bombing Lebanon. Imagine what the Lebanese were thinking when that started to happen. I get a kick out of the leaflets the IDF dropped telling people to get out. The last time Israel invaded it took them 20 years to leave. And when they did there were idiots inside Israel saying they had given up land for peace. The Lebanese know all too well that there are a lot of people in Israel who consider south Lebanon a part of Eretz Israel that should belong to Israel. The Lebanese have seen what happened to the Palestinians who left their homes in 1948. Funny how soon we forget what Israel has done in our rush to point fingers at her enemies.
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