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Born Free

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Everything posted by Born Free

  1. I'd say it was more about Harper hoping it would all go away. When Guergis' conduct at the airport came to light soon followed by her executive assistants scuzzbag actions, it was time to get her to step down. Ethics be damned says Stevie! He chose not to do anything but defend her. Bad judgement on his part. Really dumb!
  2. ...as Barney Frank said on Leno the other night...Rudeness is not a substitute for thought.
  3. .....just ugly...you could be from St. Esprit Quebec as far as I'm concerned...
  4. ....and your turdlike responses are never a surprise. Every web form has to have a troll.... and yer it! Cheerio....
  5. Not only are you boorish, your memory fades like water dripping on hot cement...
  6. Dont you know what you write or do you simply peck away to exercise your gun happy trigger finger?
  7. .... and yer still trying to understand why you need a Homeland Security...
  8. You dont even know what your own stupid POTUS thought let alone what Chretien thought. Chretien's decision to stay out was probably the only smart thing he ever did. Your attempt at rewriting history is unique and should be displayed on Jay Walking.
  9. You can leave out the Canadians in your diatribe. Our guys knew the intel was FOS. Try to remember that.
  10. Its everybodys playground ... political or otherwise. Dont you know anything about the US?
  11. Aboriginals aside, surely you arent of the opinion that we now should consider the race of a perp to determine the method of punishment. I hope not. Government authorities collecting crime stats by race is in fact a racist policy by its very nature... perhaps you dont believe that but its a fact.
  12. Good question. However, if the RCMP and the Ethics Commissioner is involved, I suspect its a lot more than guilt by association. Aiding and abeting might be more the case. Of what?...who knows fer sure.
  13. Thanks. I dont read all the posts in here so I often rely (to often perhaps) on the Coles Notes version.. So yer not a Harper fan. That makes two of us. I dont blame Harper for Guergis' actions either. I simply am calling him on his crappy judgement or seriously misplaced loyalty on the matter. I have other serious beefs with Harper & Co. but thats for another occasion. Cheers,
  14. Well there you go......I'm shocked, shocked to find that seal heart eating is going on in the PM's office! ...
  15. ...and I'm convinced if Harper was caught on tape robbing a 7-11 store, you'd deny it...
  16. And you knew all this without benefit of crime stats by race....
  17. If you cant answer the question (ie. what would you do with the crime stats on race?) you are yapping in the wind. Now fess up and tell the world what you would do with them...or more specifically...how you would use them.....come on....show some courage ...
  18. Chidish and stupid behaviour are grounds for dismissal for a cabinet minister. Its not good to have people in senior public office to act stupid in public.... She wasnt removed for that. Lastly...I knew precisley what your fuddle fuddle meant. Trudeaus long dead and cant be removed from office with out signed exhumation papers.
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