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Everything posted by KrustyKidd

  1. Means less effective weapons and tactics kill less people. Does not mean that the desire to kill more is not there hence, Hamas, while unable to kill more Israelis would certainly like to. I think you guessed wrong. What I said was that numbers do not reflect guilt or innocence as Israel can better attack and defend so naturally there will be more Palestinian deaths in any conflict. If the Nazi Party made the eradication of Gays a party and public platform as they did anti Jewry then certainly. Still not official policy. It is a movement that can be changed should another party get ini power. No. It proves that Hamas stages attacks purposefully to win a propaganda victory as they utilize and manipulate the hand wringing media and your pencil pushing human rights orgs. Yep and they easily justify it when Hamas fires rockets or conducts suicide bombings and such. It's easy to get the consensus when there is no inclination to believe Palestinians will ever move towards a peaceful solution.
  2. Better weapons and tacticts used to prevent the other side from killing more. Still does not take away from the fact that the side with more casualties should not be using terrorism as a policy. No. There was no political movement or logistical infrastructure set up and maintained to destroy very last one of them. It's greed on the part of individuals who in turn pressure elements within the government for concessions. Not state policy. Well he is an advocate for media imbedded with the troops. He is also an intelligence, terrorism and military expert and you, nor AI, Red Cross are not. I don't think for a second that it is for self defense. It is people getting rich off the Palestinian inability to form a peace desiring stable government. Pure and simple.
  3. Who would you like to compare it to Dub? Just give us a few countries to show us all what you have in mind.
  4. It explains a lot. Hamas cannot hope to make any headway using force however, they can move mountains with public opinion thus, every move they make is designed to illicit a reaction from Israel which they are prepared to distort for the media to gain propaganda. Everything from starving their own to purposly using homes and public buildings as military fortifications.
  5. They get shitty health care, same as everybody else. Why? Because it's manged by the government rather than private companies competing against each other. Sort of like the Post Office competing against Purolater for quality ontime deliveries except Purolater doesn't have five tiers of administration to go through along with pension, dental, five weeks paid vacation to pay for theirs. You want good health care, get the government out of it, get people on welfare out of it, get private hospitals in on it, get private insurance companies in on it and then, let the government provide each and every Canadian with an amount to apply to a private insurance comapny to pick their own coverage along with the ability to add to the that coverage. Those on welfare get a base package as do MPs and all. Private industry can add to it as part of a benifit package. It's not free. In fact, it's worse than free as the amount of bean counters added just to keep track of the money wasted on $5 cotton balls doubles the money that could be better spent on njurses, facilities, dental, and taxis to and from as well as retaining doctors to avoid the five hour waits that burn off a productive day for me and mine. Free. Ya, just like roads just magically appear at no cost to anybody. Well, except the people who pay $1 per liter instead of 35 cents anyhow.
  6. Holy! No Dub, I'm saying that Palestinians die and Israelis die. Not Chinese, Russians, Scientists in Antarctica but Palestinians and Israelis. Whatever the numbers are make them both equally victimized or guilty. Oh, no Martians or Jovians either. He's a dead guy who was PM fifty years ago and ultimately signed and agreed to partition and a Palestinian state along the 48 borders. Try something more recent unless of course, you wish me to quote the Mufti continually in the face of any and all critisism of Israel from you and your koolective news snippets? Then you must embrace Col Kemp's speech as he also believes that to show everybody the bullshit that Hamas pulls to spoon feed left wing Jew haters. I did and they all said that you always play with yourself when you try to engage them in a hate Israel talk. Eeeeeew! I agree. And I'm sure they will also agree when there is a dependable entity in Palestine who guarantees the same.
  7. That's fine as I certainly don't attempt to change people like you whatsoever. I just make impartial arguments against your puppy mill standard bullshit left wing Jew hatred. My nationalism? My wish is to have me or my Grandchildren ultimately see see the Green and White along with the Star of David on the Flag of Israel/Palestine. Some nationalism that is huh? Certainly not Israel's fault either. Remem,ber the expert, Col Kemp? The guy I compared top the lady who does tea meetings with people? The guy who runs his own intelligence service and has thirty years experience dealing with vermin like Hamas? He says Dam them for falling prey to a milent group that uses propaganda as their biggest weapon. A few rockets will do squat but, if they can provoke reaction and have morons standing at the ready with video cams and wronging hands with fingers on a hair trigger to point at Israel, then certainly, a few women and children sacrificed like Gandhian fodder will do nicely. And, that's why you have the casualties all ready for your gleeful use.
  8. Holy! No Dub, I'm saying that Palestinians die and Israelis die. Not Chinese, Russians, Scientists in Antarctica but Palestinians and Israelis. Whatever the numbers are make them both equally victimized or guilty. Oh, no Martians or Jovians either.
  9. If one were looking at this from a purely objective standpoint the numbers would mean nothing. Is a person any more innocent because they only stole a hundred dollars vs a million? `There you go with your idiotic conspiracy theories Dub. Israel has engineered every war in order to expel Palestinians to have a large chunk of land but screwed up royally by giving Jordan and Egypt back some of it as well as sending in ten thousand soldiers to gaza but only managing to kill 900 women and children. I'd like to see a bit more free news coming out of Gaza pertaining to Hamas and militent Palestinians before I'd say the fat lady has sung Dub. Wouldn't you? Explain this economic theory of yours please. How is this end supposed to happen?
  10. If one were looking at this from a purely objective standpoint the numbers would mean nothing. Is a person any more innocent because they only stole a hundred dollars vs a million?
  11. Simply put, once you destroy the initiative to enter or maintain business, nobody makes enough money to support your free health care. At that point, those with assets and abilities hoard their wealth or, leave the country entirely thus compounding the problem. What's left is a whole bunch of people looking for free stuff, sort of like going to a teenage house party without beer the week before payday. At that point, everybody would trade their left nut to have the some corporate lobbyist ply them with free beer even if he were Bush. Of course, in a socialist world, you won't have lobbyists as there is no economy to support it. You will however, have lots of government and, lots of government Mafia, and lots of real Mafia. All feeding off people who work like mating sloths and only want free stuff. Anybody that had half a shmick moved their money out years earlier and pay a nickle to see the free seekers dance, mow lawns, have sex with them and so on as their minimum wage jobs just don't buy enough firewood and spam. They will get free health care though, be it a bandaid or a two year wait for an Xray.
  12. To be fair and unbiased I have to inform you Bonam that the murderous Israelis needlessly conducted Operation Spring of Youth and Operation Wrath of God against certain Palestinian gentlemen. This proves that the violence was only against Palestinians. Right Dub?
  13. Any criticism of israel? Holy f*ck Dub, that's all you do is that and, start five threads a week all doing the same. We'd love to have a rational discussion with you on this matter however, due to the sheer volume of anti Israel posts we find that is out of the question. If you tone it down a bit you might find a more receptive audience. If all you did was harp on about Hamas and how they did this, did that, were guilty of this and that and could have done this but did that and tortured this guy and broke this guy's leg, used this ambulance etc most of us would probably defend some of their rational and actions just because it is so one sided. In short, we are here to hopefully have a rational discussion and instead, find ourselves with propaganda in our face 24/7. Of course we are going to fight that propaganda.
  14. Cause they, and only they and those are shoved down our throats ad nausea by certain people on a continual basis making any serious discussion of the problem impossible.
  15. The guy who does nothing but post thread after thread after thread complaining about Israel is saying the guy who met more Arabs he liked than Jews and believes settlements should not be made and instead, taken down or the Palestinians paid for that land is not honest simply because I don't have a rabid hatred of Israel like you and your sock puppet do?
  16. Geography Dub. Countries near and around it sort of thing. I suppose you figure it should be compared to Mexico?
  17. Golly you have one hell of a reading problem going there Dub. Gandhi was the leader of the passive resistance movement so, if you are going o give him credit for that then you have to understand that he knew protests would result in violence towards those people he told to go and protest, including the police incident. I said he was responsible for thousands, not just one incident in which twenty some odd cops were killed. I never compared him to Bush. I siad that if you believe that deaths that Gandhi caused were fine with you as it led to independence then the end to you in this case justifies the means. Just like the invasion of Iraq led to independence and to some, that end justifies the means. Now do your homework, read up on Gandhi and why he was never given the Nobel Peace Prize, reread my posts so you actually know what I said and then, get back to me with an argument of some kind instead of asking me questions to things you should already know if you are discussing this.
  18. Are you so stupid as to think he had no idea of what he was doing? Are you that stupid that he was living in la la land and didn't know violence would occur when he staged protests? Dub, sorry to burst your bubble but he was counting on it.
  19. Point is, he knew that sending those people to protest would result in violence. KNEW. yet he did it anyhow. Thousands died Dub. His people killed over a thousand as well. If he didn't send people on peaceful protests, knowing that there would be violence, there would be no violence would there? The end, in this case, justifies the means to some. Just as Bush invading iraq.
  20. But no concentration on the deaths that prompted the IDF to take action. Strange these deaths are of no consequence to some. That's why I said it was a numbers game to some. They are still at war and have been since 1948. Only two countries have made peace with them and they are still being attacked. Terrorism is not a viable complaint system. If you had actually done some research you would find he deliberately placed his followers in harms way knowing they would be hurt and killed. In the end, he was sucessful in his persuit of freeing India however, it cost the lives of tens of thousands and displaced millons. Hence, to you, since you view him as a righteous man, the end justifies the means. Just as a free Iraq, being a good thing, to you, Bush's actions were wrong however, the disposal of Saddam being a good thing would also be a case where the end justifies the means.
  21. If there were grounds then they would be permitted to speak just like the wistleblower programs they have here I imagine. As for the investigations I know they are not finished as they are still going on.
  22. Wait for them to finish their investigations before they give ace reporter Dub the inside skinny. So tell me about the history of this Verteran Idf Unit and, explain to me how this NGO organization predisposed to favor the underdog in any conflict, headed by a lady who holds meetings but has no knowledge of military operations, terrorism and warfare and accepts all testimony by Palestinians as gospel but none of the israeli military is to be considered expert. Veteran IDF unit. Sure. Like a veteran Special Forces unit where they turn each other in after every operation. This one does it anonymously though to peacenik web sites.
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