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Everything posted by jdobbin

  1. I am starting to wonder if that is what the conclusion of the court might be. In other words, a solid legal case that the government can't ignore. If that is the case, I wonder if a cash settlement is a better outcome. While there are some areas of the province that have identifiable Metis communities, that can't be said of Winnipeg. There is no "neighbourhod" that is so-called dominantly Metis. And if there was land within Winnipeg that came as part of a settlement, it is hard to say that Metis would be drawn to it as an area to live. Afterall, it wouldn't be a tax exempt area like a reserve. Or at least that is my understanding of it. It is complicated to say the least.
  2. Ottawa has a huge tech sector. There are no jobs there? And which precious government jobs are you talking about? Federal jobs, provincial jobs or municipal jobs?
  3. The Lebanese aren't at war. I was joking around with that response.
  4. He won't stop Pocket. Make him stop, please.
  5. <heh> I was pulling your leg. That's why I put the... I agree we should hear the evidence.
  6. And now California is constantly in deficit. Propositions have limited their abilility to raise revenue and have limited the areas that they can cut.
  7. Then that person or persons should be fired. UNIFIL has a very clear description of who is in their command. It states quite clearly that Canadians among the observers.
  8. What's with this waiting bit? http://www1.cbs.gov.il/shnaton56/st04_04.pdf Israel lists thousands of Canadian born Israelis, many of whom have dual citizenship. Summer is also brings thousands of high school and university students from Canada to the country where they live in homestays and college dorms. Numerous Canadians work as journalists, professors or businessmen in Israel. Israeli Canadians return to Israel from Canada each summer to stay with family. In the last three weeks, two Israeli Canadian soldiers have been killed in the fighting. One Israeli Canadian has been arrested for spying. You can't walk two steps in Israel without bumping into a Canadian. http://www1.cbs.gov.il/shnaton56/st23_06.pdf
  9. Canadian wife of soldiers killed by Israelis says bombing was intentional. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories
  10. The Feds asked for the ban. You lefties will have to complain to them.
  11. Why didn't Harper's government request that UNIFIL role should end this July? His government was about to endorse another year
  12. Part of that responsibility is to condemn the attack on unarmed observers. If Harper didn't believe in UNIFIL, his government certainly didn't say a thing. The UNIFIL mandate was to end on July 31st of this year and the U.N. intended to renew that committment. So Harper can't say he didn't know what the U.N. Forces were doing there. http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N06...pdf?OpenElement Canada was the only country that lost a soldier that wasn't critical of what happened. The Chinese, Finns and Irish were mad as hell, especially when it was learned that the Irish soldier repeatedly called Israeli Forces.
  13. The court will no doubt take into consideration if this is a binding contract or a treaty. And there will also be consideration given to possible unfair expropriation. It is a complicated case and all the moreso because it involves so much land and so many people.
  14. That would certainly leave a lot of the present Metis population out. Not all can Metis can trace that reliably back. I have no idea how they will determine who is actually Metis covered within the claim. It won't be an easy court case at all. And even if the Metis win the case, I'm sure there will be a lot of haggling about who is included and who is left out.
  15. Newsweek has some interesting things to say about Iraq. They blame U.S. military tactics for helping to foster the insurgency. They also say Bush doesn't understand his enemies. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14046789/site/newsweek/
  16. What if the treaty was not based on race but by nation? This is what the court will have to decide.
  17. And the terrorists will continue to hide amongst civilians. Always. Is the solution always "Shoot the hostage?" Israel could have used a friend that understood but also tried to restrain Israel from getting mired down in Lebanon once again. Many Israelis were initially sympathetic to the government but are now questioning the wisdom of the government's strategy. Some American journalists are now suggesting that Bush should have moved to restrain the Israelis from repeating 1982. http://www.mediainfo.com/eandp/news/articl...t_id=1002877968
  18. It seems Israel cares what other nations think. Their offensive has stalled and they are now more accepting of an international force. But who wants to go when they cannot guarantee that Israel will target them?
  19. The Lebanese should surrender.
  20. Another hilarious MSNBC put down of FOX's right wingnut O'Reilly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTM7oJXr2NM...rch=FOX%20MSNBC
  21. Canadians raises $6 million for Israel. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/200...lly-israel.html
  22. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ The latest news...
  23. It was pretty much on every news broadcast. The Irish soldier is the one that called Israel directly to warn them. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/sto...sp?story=700220 It should me mentioned that the Chinese and Finns were pissed too. Only Canada responded mildly. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?ed...rticle_id=74285
  24. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14059185/ Doping stunner catches Landis.
  25. <heh> Chanhed it to pored. Don't you hate it when you find your errors only after someone has replied?
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