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Everything posted by NativeCharm

  1. Okay, just cause Im a curious critter by nature I’m gonna take a poke at this mind boggler. The real mathematicians, please step in any time and correct me accordingly. 8 BILLION dollars a year? ( is this right? Per year) Okay 8 billion a year divided amongst 1.4 million people (according to the 2001 census, I personally bet that our pop. is grossly higher, which we will find out soon) Now don’t forget the bands and council need their administration fee just like mayors and their councils, I’m assuming both of the mentioned people have nice homes and cars, cause surely they must do a good job cause we elect them there right? So after 15% of the admin is gone, that leaves us with...6.8 billion divided amongst (lets just say our population) 1.4 million which would be approximately 4857 per Indian per year (tax free for those living on the reserve) which equals to just more than 13 dollars a day which is an amount that hardly covers anyone’s daily gas or water consumption…am I getting anywhere here folks? AM I really that far off? So now that we’ve been broken it down just a little, what exactly are the annual costs of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS in THIS country? How much is it to have fresh water, roads, infrastructure on an annual basis? REALLY WHERE DOES THIS MONEY GO? Aren’t these “equal Canadians” that live in “ REMOTE/RURAL” areas entitled to the same “kind” of dollars that the government hands out to townships? Keep in mind that a large portion of Native Canadians WORK in the cities and pay taxes to the almighty just as other “civilians”. As well, each and every Native Canadian citizen is also a consumer in this country, contributing to our own economy. So the average “non-Native” taxpayers do not ALL absorb that entire 8 billion dollar bill. (for those of you that don’t notice the increase of our standard of living, its because many of us don’t live in teepee’s, nor run around waving our tomahawks in the air. We are everywhere now, not like before. I do not think you or anyone is in any position to start demeaning our leaders, when yours are raping the entire country's civilization of their future and resources. Sustainability should be all of our concern, not just the Natives. The only problem is those that wont contribute to a solution for everyone’s benefit. I’m just curious…how much government money do the townships/ municipalities of Canada receive on annual basis? I’m guessing the figure is just as scary as the sound of 8 billion? And why do their mayors get nice lawns and pretty fences? Anyone know? I think this is just another stereotypical attack on our people’s.
  2. Actually, I think you are quite right here. The money goes to the chiefs, which may give it to the entire band, but sometimes a lot of it is kept. This is a serious problem, but nobody seems to have a solution. Any thoughts as to prevent this from happening? As far as I know the money is related to the treaties so they have to pay the chiefs, and since natives want self-government they don't want the government to tell them how they spend their money. It is unfortunate and I wish there was a solution where all members of a band can benefit from the money and not just the chiefs. I agree that we MUST have accountability, but it's also a fact that cheques are not made payable to "Chief So & SO", it's made payble to that band, town etc etc. Spending money is usually voted by a council and cheques require more than one signator. So it's not fair to say that the chiefs are the root of all Native financial evils.
  3. 80% of$10,000,000,000.00 =$8,000,000,000.00 Question.......Where did it all go? Answer????????????? It is a difficult question to answer indeed, just as difficult as it is start looking at our national government for accountability. Furthermore, a large percentage of these alleged amounts have yet to be received by communities. In fact, our ENTIRE COUNTRY is under financial scrutiny and only small minds are able to look no further than their own nose. If the Canadian government takes responsibility for their financial actions, it may clarify their "spending" and "hand outs" ~whether it be for the Natives, the "caucasians" or the "immigrants". As well it should be known that many bands, nations, townships and municipalities do not receive their following fiscal funds, until proper reports are filed and audits are done. By the time funds get from government down to the people, it passes through a dozen government offices, that all get their "administration" fee's and the sums end up being significantly smaller than the "average" citizen assumes. SO, it is with confidence that I say I'm sure there is documentation somewhere in the governments tickle trunk of "financial affairs", WHERE exactly the money goes. If you think that the $10 bill question is up to the Natives to answer, then you're barking up the wrong tree...again. Heck... we can't even find out how much they paid off Henco for! Comparing apples to oranges is doing nothing for either side of the fence.
  4. LMFAO BUDDY! Sober up and straighten out. The Caledonian residents have been paying taxes to the wrong people, thats all. If you want accountability, take a number and get to the back of the line! After you're done standing in line for a couple hundred years, write the government and see if you can get your money back, before you get evicted...LMAO.
  5. Any examples? I think it's humorous for anyone to claim that the government owes Indian groups for mismanagment of funds. The Indian chiefs still are opposed to having their books open to the Auditor General. Not suprising when we fund $10k per Indian and have no results, that money is going somewhere. Our money is going somewhere, and I figure it's those chiefs we have driving the nice pickups and living in amazing ranch homes... sad situation. The common status Indian should be very upset with the way their governments manage their moola. Wow! What's more humorous is that Caledonia residents are now on Gov't welfare. I'd sure like to know how "OUR" tax dollars are gonna go to good use on that one. So, if the gov't is giving Caldeonia 1 cool mill, what does that equate to per head? hmmm. We better have some results on that one!
  6. Karl Walsh, president of the Ontario Provincial Police Association, says OPP Commissioner Gwen Boniface should be "forced to answer" for her management of the OPP response to the reclamation -- a situation he characterized as "anarchy". In the ongoing distortion of the peaceful nature of the reclamation, press and non-indigenous Caledonia residents continue to whip up fear about violence, saying that there are rumours that "Six Nations members are prepared to use aggressive tactics to claim more land along the Grand River" and that non-indigenous people cannot rely on police for "protection".
  7. IS THAT the best you got Riv? HAHAHA. Keep stretching that rubber arm ol' boy! Your extended families condition does not set precedence for the health of our future. Heck, a majority of the "caucasian" people I know are chronic drunks and closet cokeheads, I can only imagine what the mental state of these children will be, given they lack authentic identity and have a DNA history of white collar crime and racist righteousness. Saying a majority of our children are FAS is like saying a majority of all white people are all inbred.
  8. Government money does not fall like mana from the sky - it has to come from the taxpayers. Every penny that is paid out in native land claims must be taken from non-native taxpayers. NATIVES PAY TAXES! Many of our Nations do not have treaty benefits and contribute just as other citizens of this country! Who your ancestors are means nothing. A Canadian who arrived yesterday from China is equal in every way to a Canadian whose family has lived here for 100s or even 1000s of years. This is a very important priniciple that you want to conveniently forget. A good start to equalization then would be to take back all the land that was given to (non-natives) that fought for the country. If we don't get what we were promised, then why should they?
  9. If you want the laws to be changed in favour of the governments mismanaged funds and inability to honour respectable business agreements, then you are simply asking for riots and quite possibly Civil War. You may as well run around and burn all the money you can get your hands on. Something like this will impact our economy with merciless force. You conveniently keep forgetting our population stats. WE ARE THE FASTEST GROWING POPULATION in the country and your ignorance is breeding generations of racism. Kindly refrain from implying that we are not strong components and contributors to this rich country. If you were to cancel all the treaties and say " SORRY, wasn't us" you can bet your pink bottom that the entire country will create Mayhem, unless you have failed to learn anything of our people in the last 30 years or so. We are getting stronger, bigger and MUCH faster than anyone else. Your " majority" is dying off. In fact, it will be OUR people that will be your health attendants pushing your wheelchairs and counting your money. Pretty picture aint it?
  10. This is why the specifics of signed aboriginal treaties are irrelevant and why the only path forward is a political solution that is fair to both the natives _and_ the majority in the country that had nothing to do with the injustices in the past.This is why I made the the point that the legalities are irrelevant because the gov't can change the law if necessary. This is why it is a mistake for natives to presume they can demand anything they want simply because the 'law is (currently) on their side'. What exactly is the MAJORITY in this country? the caucasians? the immigrants? The bottom line is there are outstanding balances owed by the government...NOT the taxpayers. Don't carry all the burden on your shoulders Riv. You keep mentioning "FAIR" for both sides then present some ideal suggestions then! Cause Frankly, I don't think sticking our heads in the sands is gonna make us forget that the government ROYALLY F***ED US OVER..all Native Nations...and is CONTINUING to do so, even with current Land titles....They want the resources from within our lands but will not profit share, but I'm sure you and your enlightened self knew this. The classic case of the greedy white man is a legal issue because they are breaking their own laws and we are merely indentifying it and making a stand. Don't be jealous because you don't have a claim, perhaps if your ancestors ALL went to war for OUR country (repeatedly) sacrificed a few customs, and a few generations then MAYBE, just MAYBE you'd have a legitimate ground for denouncing the accountability that is due to the Native people's of this country. We have an investment to protect.
  11. http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/govt02a.htmMost of the economic activity in Canada is based on services provided in the big cities. Riv, Buddy ol' Pal...if you are using the statcan site as a source of "reliable" data, than you're really stretching your rubber arm and the one leg your standing on is looking kinda wobbly. I know you can do better than that. Have you tried looking for info in the Department of Caucasian Affairs?
  12. Thousands of dirt poor immigrants come to Canada every year. Within a generation they are able to catch up with the average Canadian without any special rights confered by the gov't. Why should natives require anything more to succeed? Landed immigrants access the same social benefits, health, education, housing etc, and are able to do so because we contributed to the wealth of the country. Canada is a multicultural farmlans because we sacrificed for the harvesting. Many of our Native people's do not live the same way as the currency chasers, so they do not have anything to "catch up" to. Their way of life is completely different than other citizens. A way of life that all Canadians should protect, as it is a part of our Nation's heritage. Who determines the success of a society?
  13. THIS I LOVE: "The Canadian federal government gets more money from their royalties on resources than they do on income tax, so to say that the First Nations live off the good grace of the Canadian taxpayer is absolutely false. We want a share of our own land and resources _ we want a share of our own wealth.'' Chief Nelson
  14. Hey Tem, thank for the welcome:) Yeah Riv's cool, he amuses me and makes me laugh!
  15. Well, with all the rocks in the fire, its gonna get hot. Keeping in mind that Canada's fastest growing population is Aboriginal youth, it is fair to say that the laws will be changing. The rampant increase with education and business success amongst the Native people's will dominate the future of our country. Even the recent genocidal tactics can not prevent the evolution of Native society. So it's only common sense to approach the Native issues with sound mind and calculative judgement. Only a fool would deny the increasing presence of Native powers.
  16. Oh please tell me what your version of " the curent state" of Native Society is. I'm sure this will amuse me
  17. A spade is a spade and a deal is a deal. Simple. Our country is thriving and many of its residents are still living in less than "third world" condition. The "Nobody look at the "Indian" game is becoming stale for everyone and "taxes" are paving the way to everyones futures. Our government is trying to wear a halo to the rest of the planet ~while we're all getting screwed. Either way, the condition of Canada and it's (obvious) unpaid debt to the Native Treaties is a sensitive and REAL issue. It's a historical business matter that requires the necessary education to understand or in the very least...interpret. All the residents that become affected due to living on traditional Native Land (according to the Treaties) SHOULD BE an expense absorbed by the government because it was their wrong doing. The government will have to pay for the relocation of all the non-Native residents to move~ to other municipalities/townships. Heck they paid for our moves way back when!. Residents of Caledonia are now on the government welfare list, are they not?
  18. 2. Blockade every illegal Native land claim in Canada and see how fast the government responds and reacts. Imagine: Thousands of blockades of pillowfights with signs that say "Closed for Business, thank you, come again" The REALity? Perhaps our National Anthem says it the best.
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