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LonJowett last won the day on March 6 2018

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  1. Trump's own DOJ admits he lied about Obama tapping Trump Tower. His remaining supporters concede they have no shame.

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    2. betsy



      And when you know you have no evidence to support it, it's a lie. Otherwise I can tell everyone you're loyal to Satan and that's not a lie, I guess. I would say it is, but you may differ.

      Yes you can say I'm loyal to Satan....but that would be a lie because you have no basis whatsoever why you'd think that.  Trump, on the other hand,  picked up what he thought about the wire-tap from some conservative media.

    3. LonJowett


      So dubious evidence is fine? You show evidence of subverting God's law against lying by making excuses for those who do it. Therefore I see evidence you are working for Satan. I proclaim you Lucifer's servant.

    4. betsy



      Here comes the God-card! :lol:

      Read my posts again.  I've already explained the differences. 

      Furthermore, you posted an untruth!  Toy say the DOJ "had admitted that Trump lied!"  NO, THEY DID NOT!   You are subverting the news report and trying to spread dis-information!  Even after I pointed that newsreport - you still want to keep the same narrative.

      Where is your evidence that DOJ had admitted Trump lied?

      That's the point, isn't it:  you're the one lying!

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