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Everything posted by kraychik

  1. Yes. Also, this cultural relativism and railing against phantoms of "Islamophobia" resonates with the urban leftists that form the backbone of support for the LPC.
  2. There is no question that Mulcair is moderating the NDP's appearance (most recently, purging some anti-Israel freak candidates), somewhat, in order to transition it to a national party. He's making it much more urban and less rural. He's taking on faux causes that animate disconnected urban leftists such as "racism", "War on Women", "environmentalism", etc. Still, he is very far to the left in terms of his broader proposals to insert the federal government into all aspects of civil society.
  3. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/20/alberta-oil-companies-hemorrhage-cash-after-ndp-tax-hike/ So the "environmentalist" (i.e. "pro-science" Luddites) NDP seizes control in Alberta due to faux conservative prior leadership, and now massive profits have turned into massive losses. Well, at least now Alberta's NDP has an extra billion dollars laying around with which to purchase votes - which is what it's all about.
  4. The objectives are: 1. Falsely conflate radical Islam/Islamism with Islam-at-large in order to frame critics of the former as "Islamophobes" and bigots (leftists in this thread have already done this). 2. To push cultural relativism; that no one culture or society has superior values to another - "How dare you criticize honor killings when the evil capitalist West is expanding its empire through mass violence onto innocent brown people in the Middle East?!" (leftists in this thread have already done this, as well). Cheers.
  5. It shouldn't. It's a testament to how radical the contemporary left-wing base has become. Mulcair is a full-blown socialist. There is not one aspect of civil society he doesn't want the government to manage or control. Yet somehow he's still not left-wing enough. Reading rabble.ca let's one get a taste of the contemporary left, and the unhinged views of thought-leaders that populate places like the CBC, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and government bureaucracies.
  6. If I recall correctly, violent crime and homicide are are 40-year-lows as of 2013 (the most recent year of available data). Pretty pathetic that we're ending 2015 and SC still can't get its act together. I'm not sure how much credit the CPC can take for it, but hey... it's moving in the right direction. Meanwhile, the hysterical left is shrieking about "violence against women", with Niki Ashton claiming that such violence is reaching "crisis levels". The Canadian left literally parrots the rhetoric of the American left and Democrats. "War on Women"!
  7. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/19/canadas-liberal-leader-backs-muslim-face-coverings-opposes-calling-honor-killings-barbaric/ Quick review: 1. He was uncomfortable describing (Islamic/ist) practices such as child marriage, child rape, polygamy, honor killings, and stonings as "barbaric". 2. His first instinct, within hours of the Boston Marathon bombing by the Islamic/ist terrorist Tsarnaev Brothers, was to make sure to walk on eggshells around Islam/Muslims and seek the "roots causes" (presumably economic isolation, social marginalization, and insufficient funding for "safe injection sites"). 3. He regularly describes Harper and Conservatives as bigoted and "Islamophobic". 4. He pushes the neo-Marxist narrative of Muslims-As-Victims, which works out well for his electoral fortunes with Muslim voters because so many Muslims perceive politics through a similar lens of grievance. 5. He joked about attending a Wahhabi mosque. 6. He actually attended a Wahhabi mosque to pander. 7. That mosque was associated with Saudi-funded radicalism, and belonged to an Islamic umbrella group which subsequently lost its charitable status due questionable ties with extremism/terrorism. 8. He draws weird parallels between the Jewish experience in the 30s and 40s and the Muslim experience today (grievance narrative). 9. He fits in perfectly after Dion and Ignatieff.
  8. He's probably got a TV show or clothing line to promote. You know how it is. Gloria Allred's on deck with some dumpster-diving...
  9. The funny thing is you wouldn't say that if Gallup had Obama up by seven points. You're so consistently dishonest. The aggregate of the polls, as far as RCP is concerned, is Romney up by just under a point - this bodes badly for Obama considering the Democrats typically dominate the two most populous states. More importantly, Romney's leading in key swing states, and RCP's electoral college has it with Romney at 206 and Obama as 201. Either way, we'll find out on November 6. The funny thing is how drastically the narrative has changed from one of an inevitable Obama reelection, parroted by non-thinking drones like yourself, to one of panic.
  10. Did your self-loathing increase once you realised that you had passed the point in life to get married and raise a family? All you do is project venom onto others, and it's clearly rooted in self-hatred. It's not my fault that you didn't accomplish what you wanted in life and ended up eternally lonely and bitter. The good news is perhaps you can serve as a cautionary tale to others about what it's like to never grow up; you and BlackDog can do a tour of university campuses entitled, "Don't End Up Like Us - Eternal Manboys".
  11. Yeah, Navi Pillay, Richard Falk,and Louise Arbour are TOTALLY reliable "experts".
  12. You think? Of course, we're supposed to look the other way when Obama supports legislation that virtually legalises infanticide. Nevermind the fact that Obama is actually the president and nobody has ever heard of Mourdock until today. Most folks fall somewhere in the middle of the abortion question, wanting certain limits on access to it without removing it completely.
  13. We don't even need to go to TPM, ThinkProgress, or Moveon.org, we can just follow punked's posts right here on MLW. Fantastic. Meanwhile, we're supposed to pretend there's no scandal over the terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi.
  14. Goof for Donald Trump, he blends patriotism and self-promotion in refreshing ways. Obama won't reveal his university transcripts because a) he wasn't a good student, and he got in based on a combination of lies and racist/bigoted admission policies that benefited him at the expense of more qualified applicants.
  15. The truth is it's completely irrelevant what the President says, what the State Department says, what the CIA says or what the Washinton Post says. It was clearly a coordinated attack carried out on a symbolic date with RPGs, AK-47s, and mortars. I don't need this information to be interpreted for me. I knew on day one, as many sensible people did, that this was a terrorist attack (which is by definition premeditated, unless you agree with the UN that terrorism has yet to be defined).
  16. Yeah, a spontaneous attack on September 11 with RPGs, AK-47s, and mortars. Gotta love the LA Times and its fanbase.
  17. Forget it, betsy. It's over. "The Week" just said Romney told a "big whopper". I don't even think there's any point in voting, anymore. Thanks for information, punked.
  18. CBS and Fox News polls (with samples as absurdly small as CNN's) have Romney as the winner. More importantly, Romney's polling numbers continue to trend upwards. MOST importantly, for honest and sensible people who actually watched the debate, Romney made more sense (although he still left some things to be desired, going for "moderation"/leftism). Punked is just parroting this narrative of an inevitable Obama reelection because that's what socialists do. No honesty, no humility, just fantasy narratives and propaganda. He's still waiting for class war, I bet.
  19. Yeah, it's not like you're using official propaganda and fake statistics from leftist hate sites manufacturing data about malnourished "Palestinians", right? If the organisation is named "Save The Children", then it must be honest and accurate! More wisdom from an NDP drone, it seems....
  20. Yeah.. like why are those weapons crates labelled in ENGLISH?! Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura will get to the bottom of this. Probably has something to do with the Bilderbergs, NWO, and Rothschild family.
  21. Try reading the article, rather than responding to irrelevant replies from others in this thread who are more concerned with playing the role of palace guard for the UN and the sacred cow of AGW, which turn this into a thread resembling the game of broken telephone. Thanks for the post, betsy. I will be sure to read Laframboise's book.
  22. The intellectual heavyweights of MLW are all aligned: bud, dre, cybercoma, and now GostHacked. Shocking.
  23. The UN doesn't determine legality of Israel's blockade. So it is irrelevant what positions they've taken on this via statements, resolutions, press releases, or anything else. They are not an arbiter of legality in any sense, whatsoever.
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