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  1. “We should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here until it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded. Wehat's wrong with that? Jimmy did it. But the establishment and the MSM has the stupid people in a tizzy.

  2. “We should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here until it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded. Wehat's wrong with that? Jimmy did it. But the establishment and the MSM has the stupid people in a tizzy.

  3. Didn't Jimmy Carter ban Iranians from coming into the country for a period of time? Not all Iranians were revolution seeking madmen.
  4. A German lady beaten by a group of men. Did you see this on the MSM? Me neither.

  5. Let's fix overcrowding and make the hippy alarmists happy. How? Let's regress back to the days when the average life span was 35.

    1. -1=e^ipi


      Well one way to deal with overpopulation is to encourage the use of birth control. But the pope, who the alarmists love for some reason, is against that.

    2. socialist


      Life expectancy 1800-1850 was 37 yrs. But they didn't have globloney warming.

  6. I agree. The climate has always changed. Much of North America was under a sheet of ice approximately 2 miles thick. It melted before you, I or Mike Hardner started smoking cigars. Maybe the atmosphere was overwhelmed by dinosaur flatulence that had been trapped for millions of years.
  7. Global warming is not a reality. It's a money moving scheme. What kind of renewable energy do you feel could replace oil and natural gas?
  8. IS this Twitter? LOL More hashtags please. MORE!!!!

  9. It IS the poverty ... just not in the way those school boards mean it. The affluent parents simply send their kids to Kumon, Sylvan, or Kaplan, to overcome school foolishness. The poor parents are stuck trusting schools. The obvious irony is that schools do it because they think this is the way for greater equity -- not to demand much from anyone. They don't realize they actually contribute to making the gaps bigger, as the poor have few alternatives to public schooling.
  10. Does math instruction need a revolution? http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/10/its-not-just-writing-math-needs-a-revolution-too/263545/#article-comments
  11. Follow the money, Mikle, follow the money. It takes some effort though. Then and only then will you begin to understand the magnitude of the deception. Ic used to believe humans were causing climate change when I was a closed minded socialist. Follow the money, Mike.
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