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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. God, British people I think might be the dumbest on this planet. First off, some idiotic cabinet office minister told people to stock up on fuel with cans and to keep them in their garage ... and then the British take that as a crisis, they go out in droves, clean out alot of the oil to put in their cans .. the police had to even shut down gas stations because of this! anarchy and chaos .. all cause of the possibility their oil tankers might go on strike in 10 days and even then they will give a 7 days notice

    It reminds me of the OH NOES jpg

    And now some lady burned herself.. don't these people know keeping this stuff in your house can like blow you up?

    /facepalm .. I realize the dailymail is just a rag but I like how they panic over this LOL, its funny too

    The Cabinet Office Minister who urged drivers to stock up on fuel with jerry cans faced calls to quit today after a middle aged woman set herself alight as she decanted petrol in her kitchen.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2122500/Fuel-crisis-Francis-Maude-urged-quit-Diane-Hill-suffers-40-burns-decanting-petrol.html#ixzz1qcpG0ENM

  2. as for the idea that a massacre could be stopped if everyone was armed ... there are no statistics to back that claim up. who knows what could happen. Someone might panic and shoot the wrong person. Someone might panic and since the situation is intense they might miss and hit someone else. they might shoot, miss, and then get shot by the gunman.. if everyone has a gun..how will you be able to know who the gun man is if that person is wearing a mask like some shooters do? all they'd have to do is wear a mask, shoot and kill as many people as they want in like 5 minutes and then run away, take the mask off, and act scared

  3. This sidebar is pretty stupid anyway. If you arm teenagers in high schools, you will see an increase in gun violence and successful suicides. Youth already get into fights at a much higher rate than adults. If they were to carry guns, that's certainly not going to make things better. It's going to make things more deadly.

    Yep, all you need to see is the 130 school shootings in the U.S, guns are so easily attainable down there because its accepted as part of their culture

  4. Does the media not have an obligation to report facts, or at least objectively look at all sides of the accusation before making a headline out of it?

    Since you're a cheerleader for the Conservatives, does the Conservatives, the government of Canada not have an obligation to base their policy decisions on facts? or at least objectively look at all sides of the issues before deciding?

    Yes I am derailing the thread

    They are the ones who claimed we need mandatory sentences because of unreported crime

  5. And (so far) he & his family haven't been assaulted or killed and, as far as we know, none of them have assaulted or killed anyone.

    By the way--- his own experience is the only thing he can vouch for and he has a valid argument whereas you have cited some unknown incident in Florida.

    I lived in Vernon BC when a disgruntled ex husband shot & killed 11 people preparing for a wedding with, incidentally, 3 registered weapons . If there had been a gun available & someone who knew how to use it there would have been far fewer victims that day.

    I havent been assaulted or killed either and ive never touched a gun

  6. Arming young people? I advocated gun safety courses and shooting/hunting clubs for teenagers, nowhere did I say any of these programs would be mandatory……We have youth sports like hockey or football…….Hunting and target shooting are both sports.

    Again, have you ever handled a firearm?

    wtf are you talking about hunting and target shooting? this is about an MP telling high schoolers they should be armed and you agreed with his views

    a hunting rifle is different than a glock

    and no, I haven't, I don't ever want to

  7. Have you ever handled a firearm?

    And prior to calling names, perhaps you should understand that many youngsters learn to shoot and hunt prior to even becoming teenagers…My father taught my to shoot when I was 6, By 12, I had several .22‘s, shotguns and a Remington 760 hunting rifle....

    And nowhere did I say participation in the shooting sports should be mandatory.

    Do guns scare you?

    You're using your own experiences to vouch for the arming of young people .. and people in general

    that is why I called you a wacko

    Maybe you don't understand what just happened in Florida.. incidents like that happen a lot in the U.S

  8. I agree with Mr Breitkreuz.........Both my children know how to safely handle firearms (as does my wife) and they’re better for it. Gun safety and clubs etc should be encouraged amongst teenagers (wasn‘t anyone ever in the Boy Scouts?)………It demystifies an inanimate piece of metal, wood and polymer and teaches responsibility……..I’m much rather my teenage son (and nephew and their friends) spend a Saturday with me out at the gun range or a gravel pit putting holes in tin cans and paper then playing a Nintendo shooter game or being “educated” about firearms through movies, TV and rap artists……..

    As for the suggestion by the MP for concealed carry, it certainly has merit but would require a drastic change to Canadian self defence laws prior to being brought forward. The legal groundwork has long been established via the Authorization to Carry permit, we just need said prerequisites to be met, then pressure on the CFO in each province to issue them.

    Whacko, those are your kids, you can't make the case for everybody elses kids


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