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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. Harperrrrrrr, get your loons in control here, geez man, what the hell? I suspect we'll hear more about this from the schools point of view

    of course he will deny making such claims!


    OTTAWA — Saskatchewan Tory MP Garry Breitkreuz found himself in hot water Thursday after an Ottawa mother complained he told a Grade 10 class that everyone in Canada should be armed — especially girls.

    Dianna Sakisheway wrote a scathing letter to Public Safety Minister Vic Toews this week. Her complaint stems from a speech Breitkreuz — known as the father of the legislation to repeal the long-gun registry — gave during a career day at Canterbury High School on March 7.

    “I am outraged at the irresponsible conduct of the federal government in promoting gun violence to schoolchildren,” she wrote. “You have gone much too far.”

    “Mr. Breitkreuz spent most of his allotted time discussing firearms and cited a Texas study that showed women who carry guns are less likely to get raped, including a specific number of women who avoided rape as they were armed,” Sakisheway wrote in another letter obtained by Postmedia News. “Stop assaulting the sensibilities of our children.”

  2. My point still stands though…….contrast this will our involvement in Libya last year…….All three major political parties were on side, we toppled the Government and it hasn’t become a lasting domestic Canadian issue, all for a fraction of the cost of Afghanistan and no Canadian lives lost……….Mission Accomplished!

    True, but we probably just screwed Libya up even more even though our intentions were good. However, this Iran business will be different. If we get militarily involved with Iran there is no coming back from this. Which is why it's very important that the majority of Canadian citizens support it. If they don't then we should not be involved militarily.

  3. http://tehrantimes.com/politics/96481-azerbaijan-denies-report-it-will-grant-israel-access-to-air-bases-near-iran

    TEHRAN - Azerbaijan on Thursday dismissed a report in a U.S. magazine that claimed Baku will grant Israel access to air bases on the border it shares with Iran in the event of an attack on Iran

    Azerbaijan’s defense ministry denied the claims, according to AFP.

    “This information is absurd and groundless,” Defense Ministry spokesman Teymur Abdullayev said.

    A senior official at Azerbaijan’s presidential administration also said on Thursday the allegations were “aimed at damaging relations between Azerbaijan and Iran.”

    “We have stated on numerous occasions and we reiterate that there will be no actions against Iran… from the territory of Azerbaijan,” Ali Hasanov, a presidential official, told reporters in Baku.

  4. Just one poll of course. I'm not sure exactly what she has planned but I believe she has talked about free votes on social issues, and she has mentioned referendums but I don't know if it applies to these issues.

    There should be referendums for a lot of things that politicians are usually afraid of

    I would be okay for referendums on abortion, gay marriage, prostitution, whether to stay in the monarchy, assisted suicide, legalization of marijuana

    That is how a democracy should work.. I know they cost money but its fair

  5. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/03/obama-administration-media-campaign-to-stop-israeli-strike-on-iran/

    JERUSALEM – Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.

    The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.

    The second report from Bloomberg, based on a leaked congressional report, said that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so dispersed that it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be…” A strike could delay Iran as little as six months, a former official told the researchers.

    “It seems like a big campaign to prevent Israel from attacking,” analyst Yoel Guzansky at the Institute for National Security Studies told ABC News. “I think the [Obama] administration is really worried Jerusalem will attack and attack soon. They’re trying hard to prevent it in so many ways.”

  6. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2012/03/israel-eyeing-azerbaijan-as-launchpad-for-iran-strike-says-foreign-policy.html

    A feature titled "Israel's Secret Staging Ground" reported Israel has gained access to airbases in Azerbaijan, which shares a border with Iran. The information, and concerned conclusion that Israel is eyeing Azerbaijan as an access point to Iran, came from U.S. officials.

  7. Probably doing this in preparations in case Israel goes crazy and mounts an attack .. this is all confusing because the rhetoric lately from the US & Israel is they do not believe Iran wants to make nuclear missiles

    maybe that is just to make Iran feel that they are safe and then BAM, blindsided


    Four Navy minesweepers will be on their way to the Persian Gulf within weeks as part of an effort to boost American military capability in the region amid rising tensions with Iran, a Navy official says.

    The minesweepers will be loaded onto cargo ships leaving the United States in late April, according to the Navy official.

    The deployments were publicly confirmed by Adm. Jonathan Greenert, chief of naval operations, earlier this month in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    "We are moving four more mine sweeps to the theater," he said. "That'll make eight. We are moving airborne mine countermeasure helicopters. That'll take us to eight in theater. And ... those, working with the British mine sweeps there, which we exercise with frequently, sets us up a little bit there."

    Each of the ships - the USS Sentry (MCM 3), USS Devastator (MCM 6), USS Pioneer (MCM 9) and USS Warrior (MCM 10) - carries a crew of about 60. All are equipped to detect and neutralize mines.

  8. Actually, the pageant most definitely does "discriminate" by virtue that it's not open to any woman. The contestants must be single, never married, childless, never given birth, not pregnant, never been pregnant, not to become pregnant, and within a very specific age group.

    I don't think BlackDog realizes that discrimination is everywhere and is sometimes fair. That even he discriminates daily without even knowing it

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