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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. Sort of like if an open homosexual would try and receive Catholic communion. It may not be something they want, but the are just trying to expose some perceived bigotry.

    The Catholic Church sees homosexuals as an abomination .. I don't think they'd have to try and receive a Catholic communion to expose the "bigotry"

    I really do not like that word, people toss it around so freely

  2. Irrelevant. You said the rules allow any "natural born" female to compete in the pageant, ergo a F to M trans person should be able to compete if they so desired.

    Actually, no, see, you have to qualify.. like you have to be a finalist to be entered into this Miss Universe Canada pageant.. "he" would not make it to the finals

  3. I don't think it's that unlikely. For example, someone could do it just to make a point about the "female born" policy.

    But the probability of such a event transpiring or not has no bearing on the fundamental flaw in your logic the scenario exposes.

    I see no flaw in my logic. If a female went through all the trouble and surgery to become a male why would she enter a "miss" universe Canada beauty pageant? She rejected the gender she was born as. She's not going to think, oh, I'm a female now

  4. Oh I think I see your problem: Mis Universe Canada should be sexually attractive to you, but you but she's not f***able enough for you. :lol:

    The pageant is ostensibly about physical beauty, not sexual gratification. If you're not attracted to her, use the picture of another contestant for your 'gratification'. :D

    I expect my Miss Universe Canada to be a woman, not a manwoman, this is not Maury & jerry springer here

  5. We all have the parts to be either male or female. Whether we develop into one or the other is hormonal and can be changed. Sometimes nature gets it wrong, and it can be corrected.

    That doesn't give that person the right to enter any pageant they want. Rules are there for a reason.

    That person LIED on their application knowing full well they did not meet the requirements to enter this privately funded competition.

    That is the bottom line. This is not a government funded event, They make their own rules

    The charter does not apply here

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