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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. Tories deny NRA gun registry ties

    The comments come a day after CBC News reported that the NRA, a powerful U.S. lobbying group that advocates fewer gun controls, has been involved for more than a decade in efforts to get Canada's long-gun registry abolished.

    and the Tories demonize american environmental groups for getting involved with canada yet have been under the influence of american gun groups this whole time

  2. :lol: I never addressed “thugs with knives” in that sentence, since I did it prior via the link to the clip from the Untouchables, demonstrating the disadvantage one would be at, armed with a knife opposing someone with a shotgun……or one armed with a shotgun versus one with a Thompson…….The point, if one intends violence against another, it be well advised not to be under armed.

    You know what they say about a man who can't admit he's wrong, they say his ego is bigger than his balls

  3. “Shown up” where? Care to demonstrate in which posts I attempted to refute your “claim”?

    I said

    "We have a lot more knife crimes than we do gun crimes

    all you wanna do is shoot somebody"

    Then you said

    "That’s a rather strong charge, and no, I don’t want to “shoot someone”

    Now stay with me here Derek

    My first comment was

    "We have a lot more knife crimes than we do gun crimes"

    My second comment was

    All you wanna do is shoot somebody

    Your first comment was

    "That's a rather strong charge"

    Your second comment was

    "and no, I don't want to "shoot someone"

    Your first comment was directed at my first comment, your second comment was

    directed at my second comment

    Unless you're replied to my comments in the wrong order Derek but are you really

    that disorganized? no, you're not

    You can't save face by claiming " That's a strong charge" was meant for my comment

    " You just wanna shoot somebody"

    you can't bulls*** a bullshi**er Derek

  4. Care to explain about the finer points of it?

    I forgot……by your own admission, you’ve never handled a.......gun ;)

    You posted 3 stories about gun violence in the past month in the west coast area of BC, I provided 4 stories of knife violence on the west coast area of BC in March ... I provided stats by StatsCanada showing knife violence in Canada is the highest form of violence in Canada (yes, way more than gun violence) .. proving my point before that point where I said knives are used more frequently in assaults than guns (which you claimed to be a strong statement)

    this was all because you assumed the people whom would rob you by using a gun .. which I then made the correct claim by claiming they would more likely have a knife than a gun.. which you disagreed with

    all caught up now?

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