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Posts posted by stopstaaron

  1. Riding it out would mean they do nothing to address the concerns raised by the AG. That's hardly the case.

    oh right, like the in & out case.. we don't believe we did anything wrong here however we will take the recommendations given to us and move forward!

    That apparently will only work if you are the government .. try that anywhere else and you're finished

  2. When running a company with 400,000 employees, you can't know everything and you need to trust your managers, but in this case the mangers lied. I could see mckay being the point man biting the bullet, for he should have been more forcefull in finding things out. But harper will not do it now when the opp is calling for it, he will wait a little while and it should happen.

    Except that the problems and price variations have been in the news for years..

  3. We've had similar arguments in the past about words like 'racist' and so forth...

    My take on it is that if people are (if infrequently) willing to refer to themselves that way, then it's a point of view and not an insult. That said, the person may need to provide evidence that this is the person's point of view.

    It may be better to refer to the point of view as racist or bigoted, in the spirit of peace.

    I leave it to the moderators though.

    No, you need to make the judgement Michael, the moderators don't post on the forums, they hardly even drop by

    People here respect your judgement enough

  4. Get a clue yourself. You think that erases what you've said before? You're not important enough for me o take note of when/if you stopped referring to her that way. I recall all of the posts where you did, and that speaks for itself.

    BTW, I found this defense of referring to her as "it" ironic:

    Evidently you do care, since you are objecting to being called a bigot.

    You said I kept referring to him as an IT, the key word here is "keep" and I have not!

    I stopped on page 3, maybe you can't count but this is page 21! therefore I haven't "kept" calling him an IT

    I think you're bored and just want to fight though

  5. You are doing more than disagreeing; you keep referring to a human being as "it." If you think she's still a male, if you cannot see her as a female, that's one thing - but to refer to her as "it" does speak for itself - and what it says goes beyond "a difference of opinion."

    Haven't referred to him as an it for like a week now, really get a clue AW

    since page 3


    This is now on page 20

  6. If you believe the Auditor General's findings and conclusions, yes.

    Okay. I will go with the AG on this. But what will your opinion be if only a few civil servants get axed and nobody at the top whom were primarily responsible? I think if that occurs then Harper could not fire them because he was threatened they would take him down too.. that would be the most logical conclusion to that right?

  7. This line wasn't funny the first time you posted it.

    2/3rds of the posters on the CBC article were not agreeing with you

    and they are left wingers too

    just sayin'

    but hey, apparently they are bigots too

    You just can't help but use the word "bigot", I think "bigot" should not be used on MLW

    Maybe we should see what Michael says about it

  8. If I walk into a bank and stick a gun in the teller's face, but change my mind and walk out does that make it ok?

    There is a bank teller I would love to do that to right now.. just to watch him soil his pants

    unfortunately just doing it then walking out would put me into the big house for 10-20 years

  9. Your way, the kid dies! And please, DON'T try to tell us he could go to his teachers for protection! We have lost too many kids to bullying lately for anyone to believe that pile of fuzzy wuzzy crap!

    Don't tell me the gang would back down..you know that no gang would back down from 1 kid with a gun!!!!!

    And with your way their is either prison or death

    I don't think either of our ways is going to save this kid.. I think if he doesn't move to another city he is doomed.. or maybe he moves to another city and makes the same mistakes and gets involved with the wrong people again..I think the kid is doomed anyway

  10. Sorry did you write this or not:

    If you didn't mean transgenderism, what did you mean?

    When I said politically correct insanity I was referring to you, you would argue that a donkey should be in a pageant meant for bears just because you want to be on the opposite side of the argument.

    I'm saying your categorical dismissal as transgendered peeps as disordered and "wrong" is just the same old bullshit we've heard for ages as justification for depriving other groups (gays, blacks) of equal treatment and basic respect 9for example, your smug insistence on referring to the person in this case as "he"). You claim not to be a bigot yet here you are, treading a path blazed for you by bigots.

    So you are saying they were born this way on purpose and that biological differences did not cause this... that is what it looks like... as for depriving other groups.. I think there is a difference between denying people the right to marry and denying the rights for black people that white people have ... and denying the right to take part in a beauty pageant that they lied to get into in the first place... get a clue please before you start calling people bigots, there is something clearly wrong with your brain that you must call people a bigot all the time, grow up dude

    The very fact that you compared this to people discriminating against gay people & black people is utterly ridiculous, not every friggin discrimination is on the same level of that and this clearly IS NOT

    I don't take issue with the idea that this stuff may have biological causes so much as I do the implication that there is a "correct" way to be.

    Apparently you did

  11. So why use the word "insanity?"

    So what's the "right" way? Dad at work, Mom in the kitchen, 2.5 kids, the whole heteronormative bit?

    The "wrong way" :rolleyes: GTFO.

    Excuse me but you're being ridiculous here. All I said was sometimes people aren't born the way they should have been but that I don't consider them to be mentally ill.

    I think everyone is born with the intention that someday they will be given the chance to pro create... now, somehow during the process something can go wrong and make that not a reality. Some straight women and men can't make babies. Gay people who are capable of pro creating be aren't attracted to the opposite sex. The brain and the human body is a very complicated thing. It's a well known fact that people do not choose who they are attracted to so why are you still telling me to GTFO? do you disagree?

    Are you claiming that sometimes people are born with the sole intent on molesting children? People aren't who they are because that is the way they are supposed to be, they are that way because something in the brain misfired

  12. So transgenderism is mental illness now?

    No, I think maybe something isn't really right with their brains, same as homosexuals... that's the way they were born to think and feel this way, but I don't consider that mental illness

    I also think adults who are attracted to kids have some wiring wrong in the brain...some fight their whole lives to not be attracted but they just can't help it and eventually they act on it

    we don;t choose who we are or who we are attracted to, but if it harms anyone that person must be punished

    its sad that sometimes the brain is wired the wrong way

    as for this dude, he lied on his application, that is enough for me to consider him disqualified

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