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Everything posted by America1

  1. What a joke, you know less than nothing. AAR was very well publicized and had plenty of sponsors in the beginning. After people started listening to the shrill, America hating fools they put on the radio, people ran away in droves.
  2. hahahaha - this post is complete joke. Canada as well as every other nation on earth would kill to be in our current position in every area you mentioned. Your obvious bias to see only the negative and disregrding ALL positives of the US’s current position makes your assesment a load of complete crap.
  3. I read on msnbc several weeks ago that Rove was promising congressional campaign workers an October surprise. It quickly got pushed into the back of the news when "PageGate" bubbled up out of nowhere. The guy who wrote the article I referred to (I wish I could find that link), seemed pretty certain about where this particular collection of ships would be going based on the type of work they were designed for and approximately when they'd get there. About North Korea, I wouldn't be surprised if the NSA recognized the steps NK was taking to detonate a bomb (spy satellites seeing equipment moved, etc.) and held it to give Bush a chance to appear presidential in a crisis. Who knows? ""PageGate" bubbled up out of nowhere" - hahahahaha - if your looking for an octobner surprise, then look no further. The Foley story is THE October surpise.
  4. Not that it matters to you but, Foley never had sex with a minor and no one is saying he did. Now this doesn't make his behavior anything but terrible because was. But, that's why they made him resign instead of many democrats who have faced similar issues (Barney Franks, Bill Clinton to name just 2) and have remained active and influential members of the party.
  5. Canada has been shut out of the negotiating process on North Korea. It involves only North Korea, Japan, China and the United States as far as talks go. Canada's protest carries as little weight as Greenpeace's protest. Shut out by who? Surely the S. Koreans and Russians are apart of the talks.
  6. Being a Canadian should your question have been "How should WE (Canada) respond?" This is not a US issue alone. If Canadians (and every other nation for that matter) want to be equals to the US on the global scene, then they need to share the responsibilities and burdens that come with it.
  7. Irony Central HAHAHAHA - Nice try BUT,,,, having your 'cover' of a Donna Summer’s (it being an instrumental of her song being the reason it was picked anyway, not the popularity of the BMG group) song played in the background of a 30 second commercial for monster.com is no where close to being THE half-time act at the Super bowl. BTW Amazon.com Sales Rank for the BMG hit 'I Feel love' was #277,493 (what a smash hit!!!)
  8. Certainly not in a spelling competition with you ........so if you think the Blue Man Group is "obscure crap" (you're half right)....exactly how deep down is your bunker buried? I'm sure there is lots of thing you wouldn?t want to compete against me in but that?s a different topic completely. Bunker buried??? Anyone want to explain that one? Love to. Blue Man Group is an American Pop Culture hit. They've gone from free performance art to starring in IBM commercials to becoming the McDonald's of live theatre, performing in 6 cities simultaneously. Yet you describe it as "obscure crap". So, how deep is your bunker buried to miss the last 10 years of american pop culture? "Pop culture hit"? Are you kidding? Jessica Simpson is a pop culture "hit", the BMG is a barely a blip on the American cultural screen. They are just 1 of a thousand different live acts playing in any number of cities at a given time. You act like they were the half time act at the super bowl (there is another, the Super bowl is a "cultural hit").
  9. Certainly not in a spelling competition with you ........so if you think the Blue Man Group is "obscure crap" (you're half right)....exactly how deep down is your bunker buried? I'm sure there is lots of thing you wouldn’t want to compete against me in but that’s a different topic completely. Bunker buried??? Anyone want to explain that one?
  10. See what I mean by inferiority complex. Did you ever, even for a second, think that maybe it's b/c we might just enjoy different things and that we don't care if you like what we like or vise versa?
  11. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto.../Entertainment/ Apparently, in some parts of the world (south of here) the Blue Man Group is considered high avant garde art. In Toronto, they were considered boring and idiotic..... Feeling kinda high on yourself today M. Dancer? I think it’s amusing that some Canadians (M.Dancer for example) really feel like they are superiour to Americans b/c of the most obscure crap. Honestly, the infroirty complex some of you have with the US/Americans is mind blowing. You really need to relax, most Americans don't even think of Canadaians as being in competeiton with us, So,,, please let it go...
  12. Lesser propaganda tools for the right. hahaha - good one! BUT seriously,,, if you think for 1 second that the NYT or MSNBC (the most bias) are even in the slightest way "right-wing" you are 1 of 2 options 1.) Truly ignorant about politics and news coverage in the US. 2.) Completely partisan to the point of being blind to reality.
  13. Don’t be so naive, this was a complete act put on by Clinton. The question was by no means "out of bounds" and Clinton used it to "stage" a show. This was a calculated explosion to rally the Dems base leading into an election season as well as trying to get the rabid left-wingers behind Hillary (08 set up for Hillary, something that has been happening for 2 yrs now). He had all of the democratic talking heads out the very next day saying how this would “show Dems how to fight back against the republicans” (as if the Dems not being combative enough was the reason the Dems having lost elections for the 15 yrs). BTW, if Fox news is a propaganda tool for the right then what do you call, MSNBC and CNN, all of the networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) as well the major newspapers, lead by the NYT. If Fox news is bias, it is no more then the fore mentioned orgs are to the left. Let’s call a spade a spade.
  14. Non-lethal? Ok ever cook something in a microwave? I hope these are volunteers. I would have to have it tested on non suspecting people. That could be um, bad. So is this how they test the new weapons? Actually you know what, this may be the right course. See how the American population feels about it before they use it in the battlefeild. Use your own people as guinnea pigs. But I guess that would be a problem in itself. So if the test subjects say no, does it get tested on someone else? How often has the US Military tested it's new weapons on unsuspecting Americans? Something to look into and consider. I understand that new weapons systems need testing but how far does that go? Accidents are going to happen as well, without a doubt. Here is the quotes.... "If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne. "(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press." He goes out of his way to explain his reasoning and yet you still try to make a BS partisan thread out of it. It would be laughable if it wasn't so typical of the way liberal and anti-American hysteria has consumed so many American democrats, Europeans and Canadians.
  15. yeah, I guess he was just being lazy, there really wasn't much for a President to do after 9-11. Except read about goats Bush that's what he was reading to children when the towers were hit, it has nothing to do with how busy our president was after 9-11. But, nice attempt at humor.
  16. Welp. I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but you can stuff it. We're currently taking the most casualties per capita in Afghanistan. We're probably the only ones left who haven't completely turned our backs on you. You DARE be offended by a simple poll while our blood flows over Afghan soil? Go see what kind of insulting things your "best friend" the UK has to say about you then come back here and whine about us. The poll only mirrors what your own citizens say so why not just do yourself a favor, sit back down on your sitting-at-home-not-dodging-bullets fat yank behind and STFU? Or at least get some bloody perspective. One more reason we have to view yanks as the “Homer Simpson” of the global neighborhood. Yes, I am (as well as many Americans) are offended that Canadians think we caused the sneak attack that killed ~ 3000 people (mainly civilians). The rest of your post was a fucking joke and your attempt to talk tough doesn’t impress me… at all.
  17. yeah, I guess he was just being lazy, there really wasn't much for a President to do after 9-11.
  18. Technically, both are draft-dodging. in thet they are actions taken to avoid compulsary service. As for college deferments not being draft dodging, that hasn't stopped conservatives from hanging the label on Clinton. So: either neither Bush not Clinton are draft dodgers, or both are. It means you don't know nuthin' about the court case Bush v. Gore. Ah but I never said he wasn't qualified. I said he got in because of his family connections and socio economic status. If you think his family conections and wealth didn't matter, son, I've got a nice piece of land in Florida to sell.... Lets get something straight, I'm not your Fucking "son"; don't talk down to me.
  19. Assuming he did fulfill all his ANG service, how is joining the NG to avoid going to Vietnam any different from getting a college deferment? Another person who knows bugger all about Bush v. Gore. Because that's how these things work. Ever heard of "legacy admissions"? -The NG and/or a college deferment are not considered a "draft dodger", if you think they are, you have proven yourself to be ignorant on the way our system works. -"Another person who knows bugger all about Bush v. Gore." - I have NO idea what this means (bugger???). -Again, just b/c "legacies" exist does not in any way make GWB a legacy. You have absolutely no proof that he was unqualified but, b/c of your arrogance and blind hatred of GWB you still say he wasn't qualified. Basically, you just proved you are talking out your *ss.
  20. I guess when Pres Bush went to Canada and thanked the Canadian gvt and its people in 2004 that was nothing? "Bush thanks Canadians for post-9/11 help" http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/12/01/bush.canada/
  21. Stronger? More colourful for sure. I can't think of many others who can put "draft dodger", "Failed businessman" and "appointed President" on the same page. I never said one had to be super wealthy to go to the Ivy League. I'm saying Bush got in because he was wealthy: white affirmative action. -"draft dodger" – he was proven to have fulfill his national guard duty. Do you not consider that service? I think it was a touch better than say,,, Clinton. -"appointed President"- hahahahaha only you and the Looney left still believe this crap. The election was "rigged". If the Dems could have argued even the slightest point they would still be in court today but,,,, they couldn't that's why Gore and Kerry both conceded the election victory to GWB. How do you know "Bush got in Yale and Harvard b/c he was wealthy"? Do you have any idea what his SAT’s or GPA was in High school? If so please provide a link. If not, admit you are full of Sh*t.
  22. Exactly what "scarce resource" did Afghanistan have that we need to "maintain our lifestyle"?
  23. I don't know what his grades were. But hey, maybe Bush was a fine student, which make sme wonder what happened to him since. Maybe the booze pickled his brain? Probably not, but then I'm not the scion of a prominent and wealthy family of East Coast elites. if I was, I'd probably have the best education money could buy as well. So you admit, you're trying to pass judgement on a person who clearly has a stronger "resume" then you do. BTW, Yale and Harvard have many schoolorships and finacial aid is given to the finacially less fortunate (but qualified) to attend. So, it’s not only the super-wealthy that attend these universities as you are trying to make it out to be.
  24. C is not "fairly well". It's pretty much the definition of average. I guess the MBA from Harvard means he's “average” as well? BTW, what is your educational pedigree? I wonder if it can even come close to comparing with Pres Bushes.
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