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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

    I prefer quantitative measures over qualitative (opinions). Quantitative do not rely on interpretation.

    There's nothing qualitative about things like inflation. It's quite real.

    And regardless of what you prefer people who can't afford as much food as they used to or are having trouble making rent payments aren't going to be interested in your opinion. They know they're suffering, they know that things aren't as good as they used to be, and they're going to hold the government to account for that.

  2. 1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

    Even if there are graves that's a meaningless accusation. They're in the middle of nowhere. Of course, they had a graveyard. Lots of people died of various communicable diseases back then. What else were they supposed to do other than bury them? And they tended to use wooden crosses as there were no stonemasons around to cut headstones.

    It's even more challenging considering the vast majority of them died from tuberculosis. Bodies from victims of tuberculosis remain contagious for quite a long time after their death. It's very difficult to move them safely for any distance. And it's not like they had Refrigeration the way we do now for much of that time

  3. Just now, Goddess said:


    Or the belief that Canada's soil is "magic", so somehow centuries of anti-Semitic indoctrination disappears upon airplane touchdown.



    That's the one that gets me. "these people have been fighting for generations in the Middle East but I'm sure they'll totally be well behaved here as soon as they arrive"

  4. 7 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

    all you have to do is look here (https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gross-domestic-product). If the gdp on a year over basis declines for 3 consecutive quarters.. then you have a recession (as defined by most). 

    Two consecutive quarters, but yes that is the most accepted definition. However it is widely accepted that it is not the only applicable definition and that you can have a practical recession without actually having those specific conditions met. For example if inflation is higher than wage growth or GDP growth. If your GDP per capita is going down then it is also by many economic standards considered to be a recession even though actual GDP has increased.

    There's a lot of ways to measure an economic downturn. Whether you want to call it a recession or something else it means the same thing: There is less buying power per person than there was before. Either due to unemployment or inflation or wages being cut or whatever

    People are feeling the effects of what feels like a recession to them and they are reacting appropriately.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    Men can take get away with taking no responsibility. So there are laws, how do does someone on welfare afford lawyers to get them enforced 

    there are entire government agencies designed to do this for women for free.

    Just one lie after another from you

  6. 28 minutes ago, taxme said:

    I agree with you on that one. I disagree on this one. Cutting funding from the CBC was not good enough. Harper should have abolished the CBC outright, but sadly, he did not.

    How tho?  With a minority gov't there was just no way to make that happen. 


    29 minutes ago, taxme said:

    One has to be a real and true conservative who will do what needs to be done and not be frightened off by the leftist liberal media.

    No, this is a democracy. You're thinking of a dictatorship. 

    In a democracy you might get a minority gov't, and then the others can vote you down.  

    Even if you get a majority you have to do what you promised to do and he didn't promise to axe the cbc, and you also have to follow the will of the people. 

    That's democracy. Rule by the people. The prime minister is beholden to them. If you want a dictator who just does whatever he feels like move to russia or venezuela.  I think our way is better :) 

    Now you can do whatever you like anyway and just ignore the people but that's horrible, that's what the liberals do. 

    And there's only so many bits of legislation you can pass in a single sitting so you have to pick and choose what you're going to push through any given term. 

    I suspect the CBC would have suffered much worse if harper had gotten majorities for those 10 years. But he didn't.  And he didn't have a mandate to kill the CBC. He did have other mandates that he had to spend his time delivering on.  That's just the reality of things. 

  7. This is because their lives are worse. They can't afford the things they used to be able to afford and they know it.

    Biden keeps thinking that if the artificially props up the numbers with government spending but people will be convinced he's doing great. But people aren't stupid and they know if they don't have as much money or spending power as they used to. And every time he says "We're doing great"they look at him like he's out of touch and nuts.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    You would force a woman to have a child, no one can force you to have one.

     And if you do choose to have a kid then they force you to take care of it! The nerve!! You hear not even allowed to let it starve even if it's inconvenient to take the time to feed it! They can't force you to take care of your own children!!!


    Listen to yourself. If the thing inside the woman is a human being then they absolutely can force you to give birth unless you can demonstrate that your own life will be at significant risk in doing so. Parents always have a duty of care to their children. And we don't murder children because murdering children is bad. I am stunned that this needs to be explained to you.

    Assuming that a fetus is a human being what is the difference between killing it 10 minutes before birth or 10 minutes after birth? Or 10 days after birth? Or 10 months? It is an absolutely insane argument that has absolutely no validity

    We can discuss when a fetus becomes a human being, But once that happens then killing it is wrong and if that inconvenience is the mother that's just too damn bad.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    They occasionally attend "peace talks" but it's all just lipstick on a pig.

    Achieving their goal of "from the river to the sea" is all they're really after, and they only attend peace talks so that they can pretend that they're trying.

    It sucks in people like MH, herbie, eyeball, etc. Ironically the biggest 'liberals' on the planet are all unwittingly supporting a genocide. 

    I'm not sure how unwitting it is. They often speak as tho the jews had it coming. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, herbie said:

    Yes a couple native activists used the term 'mass graves;, after it had been incorrectly used and spread about, just like how people use the term :union bosses" all the time.

    And? Whether you say mass graves or  a grave site or whatever the implication is there's bodies there. 


    But if you want to ignore 215 anomalies, an oral history of burials in the school yard and missing or incomplete records of why, who and where deaths and burials happened, feel free to feel good about yourself.

    But they didn't. They gave them millions to find the bodies and get to the bottom of it. 

    Three years ago. 

    Where's the bodies?

    Nobody disputes that kids died living at school. The records are not inomplete at all, they died mostly of tuberculosis and they died whether they were at school or at home.  First nations are more susceptible to TB than most. 

    so that's about 85 plus percent of the deaths. of the remainder Spanish influenza killed the vast majority. Then you get a tiny amount that's left that was from other illness, accident, etc. There's no mystery here and nobody who has looked at this in the past would have been surprised. And of course we know there are some schools that have bodies built buried there because they were also churches and there are other people's bodies buried there as well.

    So what's the issue in the first place? People died during the TB epidemic?  That's not news, they say they found all these mass bodies and that that was a terrible thing because it meant that they weren't returned to their homes. But when they were given money to find the bodies and return them home..... Nothing

    The whole thing is a PR hoax. The suggestion from the beginning is that something terrible happened to these children that was abnormal which is a lie. The other suggestion was that they were dumped haphazardly engraves and just left wherever and that was a lie.

    They did not die from maltreatment or foul play. And their bodies weren't just buried any old place without regard and forgotten.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, taxme said:

    When Steven Harper was the PM of Canada, a so-called conservative, he could have abolished the CBC(communist broadcasting corporation)altogether but he did not. That is why he was given the job as PM to get rid of as much government as he could, especially the CBC

    The vast majority of his time in office was spent with a minority government. The simple fact of the matter is he couldn't have done it. The liberals and the NDP would never have voted yes.



    . I guess that Harper was taking his orders from higher up as all politicians seem to be doing. None of these politicians really do work for we the people. They lie. They appear to want to always phk we the people. Sadly, the people allow themselves to get constantly phkd by these liars. 

    That is a silly thing to think. Harper actually did talk a fair bit about cutting funding to the CBC I had begun to set a schedule for doing that. That was only in his last years when he had a majority and they're simply wasn't enough time to do that along with his other priorities like getting rid of the gun registry



    I am afraid that Canada will never see the day when we finally can get a real and true conservative become the PM of Canada and finally get government off we the people's backs. Communism is not working all that great for Canada or Canadians these days. Aw well, the struggle continues to try and survive here in Canada. ☹️

    Democracy is often called a system which is designed to make everybody equally unhappy :) It is always a compromise situation. It is almost impossible to be elected as a strict conservative, a strict socialist, or anything like that. You have to have appeal for the majority of people or you simply will never be in power.Harper did a lot of very conservative things, and actually amazing amount considering he was mostly in a minority situation. I suspect poilievre will also do a lot of amazing things and we'll probably have at least one majority to play with at the beginning, possibly two. But nobody is going to stay in power for any length of time unless they appeal to a wide range of voters. That's how democracy works.

  12. 41 minutes ago, Aristides said:


    Abortion cannot affect you because you are a guy and that makes it really easy for you to be righteous. IMO, men should butt out of the abortion debate and let women decide. 

    One of the most sexist comments i think i've seen on this board. 

    You're literally saying males are not affected by the death of one of their children. I would invite you to threaten to kill any guy's child and see if it affects him or not. Or go talk to any guy who's lost his child in an accident or to foul play. 

    What a disgusting thing to say.

    • Like 1
  13. 40 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

    De-fund the CBC . . . ?

    No more fascinating programs like 'Writers & Company'  with Eleanor Wachtel . . . . etc., etc., etc.

    De-funding can't happen quick enough !

    I'm reminded of that line from aliens:

    "Let's take off and nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

    • Haha 2
  14. 19 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    It needed rationalization and even more, personalization, for you.


    OMG this just keeps getting better :)  LOL

    You felt you couldn't reply to me personally so you asked ai to respond but then over wrote what they said so that it would be more personalized from you ;)   Oh my god -  i just don't know what to say :)  

    Dude   you are so basic  you could neutralize industrial grade acid :) 

  15. 1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

    AI is the only way to answer you

    Then WHY would you edit what it said and add your own stuff :)  LOLOLOL

    I've seen Passive. I've seen Aggressive. I"ve even seen passive aggressive.  But this is the first time i've seen passive aggressive passive :)  

    "I'll just ask ai to respond because i can't.... hmmm i don't like that reply...  here, i'll just rewrite it...  THERE! Here's the AI response I wrote to prove to you i won't write a reply!!!!  HA!"   

    LOL You are beyond weird :) 

    1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

    Duhh, he was talking about you..

    Quiet! You'll wake your 'mother'! 


  16. Emigration from Canada to the U.S. hits a 10-year high as tens of thousands head south | CBC News

    The ACS, which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, says the number of people moving from Canada to the U.S. hit 126,340 in 2022. That's an increase of nearly 70 per cent over the 75,752 people who made the move in 2012.

    Of the 126,340 who emigrated from Canada to the U.S. that year, 53,311 were born in Canada, 42,595 were Americans who left here for their native land, and 30,434 were foreign-born immigrants to Canada who decided to move to the U.S. instead.

    That Canadian-born figure is notably higher now than it has been in the past. It's up roughly 50 per cent over the average number of Canadians born in Canada who left for the U.S. in the pre-COVID period.


    Welp - there goes our most skilled and our most wealthy.  

    "There's no way rich people will leave canada just because of tax rates".  And there they go. Unless you think they're leaving because they really want fresh orange juice. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, herbie said:

    Don't worry. One day his Mom will kick him out of the basement because her pension doesn't go far enough and rent the place out.

    I always assumed his mom was long dead and her lifeless body had been stuffed and put in a rocking chair by the window and occasionally he talks to it a la Psycho. But maybe you're right. 


    AI can come up with far better replies

    Than him? Sure - it's smarter. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, herbie said:

    I call people bigots who's entire posting history consists of disparaging people because of their race or religion.
    Hidden behind deceitful terms such as 'don't conform to our culture' while deluding themselves that we're some universal homogeneous mass of drones.

    And, AS USUAL the standard response of such people is:
    I'm not the bigot, you're the bigot for calling me one. They're discriminating against me!

    Time to think harder and realize we're not 9 yr olds and I know you are but what am I is not reasoned adult response.

    Herbie - you're a 9 year old. 

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