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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. Sorry, but Jews don't get a pass for saying id iotic things. Nor do you.
  2. IF you had proof, you would NOT have to resort to a pic of an id iot.
  3. THAT is up to the JUDGE to adjudicate, NOT me NOR YOU.
  4. No, I did NOT. I asked YOU a question about further migration North to CANADA. Sorry, but NO. I asked about YOUR RACISM. I'm not the one objecting to Mexicans applying for asylum, that IS YOU.
  5. Requesting asylum is completely legal, as per the JUDGE whom releases them pending their hearing.
  6. Mexicans are usually referred to as having brown skin, which you would know IF you kept up with the news. You're welcome.
  7. Where did YOU read a LIE in my post? I asked YOU TWO QUESTIONS which were NOT false assertions. Of course you FAILED to answer, as usual.
  8. Yeah, I see that it makes YOU deny that Putin runs the indicted Russian government's Internet Research Agency. Maybe if you weren't so uneducated, you'd KNOW that Putin runs the Russian government.
  9. So you're scared that they will continue North into Canada and make it too brown? ? Racist much?
  10. We don't even know those messages were NOT doctored by the Russian THIEVES.
  11. On the plus side, Putin has done a brilliant job of destroying the credibility of relying on his energy supply businesses. He may wind up owning the gas reserves off the shore of Southern Ukraine, but have NO customers for that product.
  12. No one is buying food FOR YOU TO STEAL IT. You've only revealed the DEPTH of YOUR DEPRAVITY. ?
  13. The answer to your question is in your cite: And it TAKES TIME to build more wind farms.
  14. Powering England with the world's largest offshore wind farm Oct 16, 2022 — Off the coast of Grimsby, England, more than 300 wind turbines produce electricity to help power over 2 million homes a day.
  15. He PRECISELY stated HIS quid pro quo. AKA his THREAT IF he didn't GET WHAT HE WANTED. Too bad you missed THAT.
  16. Impeachments are like an INDICTMENT. Due process WAS DONE in the TRIAL. Of course YOU don't even cite what YOU CLAIM was perjury, let alone PROVE IT. So you HAVE NO EVIDENCE that the impeachment was ILLGAL, just like I though. AKA, YOU'RE STUPID.
  17. Your "unimpeachable sources" SAY ONLY there was an INVESTIGATION. Apparently you DON'T UNDERSTAND that is WAS RUSSIA'S INDICTED Internet Research Agency which STOLE those emails and DUMPED them ON WIKILEAKS. Of course you TRUST PUTIN, but ONLY because YOU'RE STUPID.
  18. Apparently you DON'T UNDERSTAND that is WAS RUSSIA'S INDICTED Internet Research Agency which STOLE those emails and DUMPED them ON WIKILEAKS. Of course you TRUST PUTIN, but ONLY because YOU'RE STUPID.
  19. Your "homeland" was NOT white until Europeans invaded it and stole it from the indigenous residents.
  20. It is interesting that you believe ^these OPINIONS mean something to anyone else.
  21. It is FAR BETTER than YOUR NOTHING. All YOU DO is scream about your OPINIONS.
  22. Only a CIVIL VIOLATION which is WHY they are allowed to MAKE THEIR CASE for ASYLUM. Of course the JUDGE hearing the case knows far more about the law than you.
  23. You know IF you actually had a legitimate argument, you wouldn't have to hide behind your childish name calling. But YOU DON'T.
  24. Cite the LAW which was broken by impeaching Trump (FIRST TIME) or STFU. IF you CAN'T, you are MORE stupid than you accuse others here of being.
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