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Everything posted by BeaverFever

  1. Neither Biden nor Hillary are “the left”. Both would have to run as conservatives if they wanted to get elected in Canada with their platforms and members of the Conservative Party of Canada would have to run as Democrats if they ran south of the border Centrists like the Clintons, Biden, Chretien and Martin.....arguably Obama....are just capitalists who think capitalism works better if you throw the working class a crumb or two once in a while to keep them from rioting. Biden out fund-rose Trump at every income demographic including people sending very small donations of less than $200. Because Trump is a lunatic and the country is a shitshow and millions more people support Biden. It’s that simple
  2. No the smear is your false claim that Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy of systematically separating kids from parents started with Obama. The Obama administration did not have a policy to deliberately separate children from their parents. While in custody, men and teenage boys were separated from women and children for obvious safety reasons. But Trump’s policy which is well documented as the brain child of Stephen Miller was to snatch kids including infants and toddlers from the arms of their parents and keep them separated and incommunicado for months at a time as a deterrent. And they even tried defending that on TV as a justified deterrent but it didn’t work with the public so they tried a few different versions of their story of which “Obama did it” is only one lie.
  3. And they’re all already laughed out of court and/or debunked
  4. Nope look at what they do, not what they say. Trump had more multimillionaires and billionaires in his cabinet than any other administration in history, including some of the financial predators from the Great Recession like Mnuchin. When Trump killed that law preventing financial advisors from misleading clients for their own interests who was he helping? Is that a problem conservatives were worried about , your financial advisor being too honest with you? When Trump killed limits on a toxic chemical in drinking water that causes brain damage in children, who was he helping? Is that a problem conservatives have, not enough brain damaged babies? I guess you gotta grow the future conservative base somehow eh? When Trump basically legalized all pollution as part of the “pandemic relief plan” while Republicans barely handed out any pandemic relief finds to families did conservatives feel supported? For the first time in American history, the 400 wealthiest people in the US paid a lower tax rate than any other group under Trump. Is that a working class problem? You conservatives still believe in the fallacy of trickle-down economics, are still anti-labour, anti- environment, anti-minimum wage, anti-regulation, etc..... nothing has changed except you wrap it all in this thin half-baked veneer of “something something globalism” to try and capture the working class vote and get them to vote against their own economic interests
  5. Oh FFS if some anonymous stranger from god knows what country posted it on internet it must be true! That’s not evidence, thats unproven and/or disproven claims posted on the internet. PS You missed the one about Biden having a lizard head and eating babies. That’s “evidence” right?
  6. And it seems they’re selling pardons to their criminal buddies too Thats in addition to the pre-emptive “blanket” pardons he’s lining up for himself, his family, Giuliani, and a host of other crooks
  7. That hilarious. The Republican Party is the official party of corporate elites. And the whole idea that ultra-capitalist, anti-government, anti-environment,anti-regulation, anti-tax, anti-labour “corporate elites” want anti-capitalist, pro-government, pro-environment, pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-labour “socialists” in charge makes no fucking sense whatsoever To borrow a phrase from one of the Republican judges who laughed one of Trump’s frivolous lawsuits out of court: your whole ideology and worldview is a “Frankenstein’s monster” of conflicting and contradictory half-baked ideas and conspiracy theories desperately stitched together into one big incoherent mass of nonsense. Barr and the Trump campaign are clearly NOT in agreement and that is why right wing media today is now going after Barr. Barr said all complaints that were forwarded to him were followed up on and there is nothing more to investigate. You are getting increasingly desperate by the day. Funny how Trump’s “winning” looks exactly like someone who is losing terribly and how his “overwhelming evidence” looks exactly like someone with zero evidence. Could it be because he actually is losing and has no evidence ? Your denial of reality is amusing but also pathetic
  8. You are a bit short on reading comprehension (again) .... I never said it was exclusive to “Republicanism”.
  9. You haven’t really rebutted anything from my original argument. You choose to believe whatever is convenient for your ideology and choose to disbelieve anything that isn’t, crying “conspiracy!l”, that magic word that lets you pick whatever reality floats your boat at the moment. Earlier you mentioned Trudeau groped a women although he’s never been accused of that. Plenty of Trump accusers gave specific dates and times not that that alone makes a difference. You pick and choose. Whole your peddles baseless conspiracy theories and smears the reputation of everyone who isn’t signing on to the election fraud fraud, conservative heroes like Ezra levant spend millions of their supporters dollars settling defamation/libel suits and getting fined for smears. From the infamous Willie Horton smear against Dukakis to Hunter Biden and now apparently even Bill Bart and hundreds of people in between, smearing anyone and everyone is a cornerstone of Republicanism
  10. Boy you are slow. Let’s recap: you’re convinced there’s systemic fraud that altered the results of the election. Barr, a Trump stooge, officially opened a witch hun....sorry “investigation” to find such fraud and found nothing noteworthy. Why would he not be doing his job to protect and serve his master? The Trump campaign STILL has produced ZERO evidence and been laughed out of court tIme and again but you’re convinced that the secret evidence is out there. The stories you Trumpsters invent for yourselves to demy a clearly obvious reality are truly amusing.
  11. You can’t read very well can you? To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP. Barr didn’t name Powell specifically but said: “There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that,” Barr said. How can it be spelled out any simpler for your tiny closed mind?
  12. Update: The imaginary web of conspirators has expanded to include Bill Barr
  13. All this comes down to what you choose to believe. If you believe the allegations are true, it’s not a “smear”. Otherwise it is. You haven’t no first hand knowledge of which allegations are true or not so just believe whichever ones are convenient for you....fine we all do that to varying degrees I suppose. But what is funny about you and your ilk is the disconnect between the crybaby pearl-clutching whenever someone hurts your feelings or says something you don’t like and the vile character assassination and smears you hurl at people. You’re not the victim here, you just play one on TV when it’s convenient. The right wing wanted to legitimize vulgarity and make taking the low road standard political practice so the libs who stay on the high ground appear like aloof elitists who are afraid to get in the trenches with you big strong “real men”. But like all chickenhawk fake tough guys you cry like little bitches whenever someone gets sick of your constant shit and gives you even teeny tiny dose of your own medicine and sends you home with a bloody nose. Sorry, not sorry.
  14. 1 and 5: You’ve gone from “we never smeared anyone” to “those people deserved to be smeared” 2: Your ignorance is not an excuse or a rebuttal 3: Yea Republicans’ constant anti-gay rhetoric is a smear of every gay person 4: Two points here first your disgusting and false claim that groping women is no big deal is shameful. Second you’re wrong - one of Trumps accusers said he forcefully penetrated her
  15. So you’re saying as long as they recover don’t die there’s no problem?? Doesn’t matter how many other people they infect or if any oany of those people doe? Doesn’t matter that if one person in a household is infected the whole household has to isolate for 2 weeks?
  16. Wait wait.... all of these stories about Trudeaus mishandling are from the mainstream media. How is this possible? I thought MSM is liberal propaganda????
  17. That is one of the stupidest things you’ve said which is saying quite a lot! Do you also believe that if a bank robber shoots at police he can’t be charged for it because at the time the police were investigating the bank robbery and not being shot at? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s not at all like Giuliani changing the subject from his bogus election fraud claims to his bogus hunter Biden claims. The Russia investigation and the obstruction of the Russia investigation are related. Also he didn’t say he has no evidence of obstruction. In fact I believe he said there is significant evidence of obstruction. Once Trump is out of office he’s no longer immune from being charged for such things and we’ll see if the Dems have the gonads to look into it further or are too worried about being “divisive”.
  18. That’s a lie. He said the exact opposite in fact he said “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so” And then he gave 11 specific examples of how Trump committed obstruction of justice And finished with "Under long-standing department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office.” Trump worshippers can keep deluding themselves that he was exonerated or that Mueller “found nothing” or that the resulting indictments against 34 American and Russian citizens including 8 convicted Trump associates and 3 Russian businesses don’t matter. But tou guys are only fooling yourselves bot the rest of the world
  19. Even without the poor spelling it should be ignored.
  20. Those are not evidence of fraud. Even if the allegations in that infographic are true (which they’re most probably not) none of those prove fraud occurred. Proving that your front door doesn’t lock properly isn’t the same as proving that you’ve been burglarized. And if you weren’t so blinded by your religious devotion you would understand that. The Trump campaign’s frequent meetings with Russian intelligence assets is what sparked the investigation and he only escaped justice by obstructing it and withholding/ destroying evidence, ordering witnesses not to testify, etc that’s just a fact you can suck on.
  21. Just because you’re being a hypocrite doesn’t make it false equivalence But you’re right to a point though, they’re not exactly the same.... Mueller’s shortage of evidence was due to obstruction by Trump whereas Trumps lack of evidence is due to the accusations being a totally made up scam
  22. What eyes? You weren’t there you didn’t see anything. You’re just choosing who you want to believe. By the way, the unsubstantiated claims that somebody was being blocked have been largely dismissed and/or discredited AFAIK. Besides claiming “I couldn’t see what was happening” doesn’t prove that something bad happened: ”Your honour by drawing his blinds, I wasn’t able to properly observe from outside if Fiddle was in there molesting a chicken. Which proves he was molesting a chicken, and that conservatives are conducting widespread nation-wide chicken abuse!!!!”” I can’t wait to take that affidavit to court in Fiddle-land.
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