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Infidel Dog

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Status Replies posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Outlawing supplying food and water to people standing in election lines you created is wingnut politics that will backfire horribly. 

  2. Prosecutors abandon all sedition claims in U.S. Capitol riot cases. (Reuters)

  3. Humiliated Fox tries to cling to dementia narrative by headlining how Biden had...OMG...NOTES for his press conference! 

  4. Brian Kemp signs sweeping elections bill into law


    Nice try Kemp, you Chi-Com plant. They at least allowed you to shut the barn door after the horses had run off did they? You're still not allowed to put controls on "mail-out" voting though. Or maybe you figure you'll  be needing those to fix the midterms for yourself. Won't be enough. Nice try though.

  5. Humiliated Fox tries to cling to dementia narrative by headlining how Biden had...OMG...NOTES for his press conference! 

  6. Humiliated Fox tries to cling to dementia narrative by headlining how Biden had...OMG...NOTES for his press conference! 

  7. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  8. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  9. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  10. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  11. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  12. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  13. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  14. Muslim shoots up Colorado.  Has to be racism or terrorism right?  Going by the new standard set recently.  #MuslimSupremacy

  15. I remember telling somebody here you wouldn't see RINO stooge of Democrat election magicians, Bradley 'Ratburger' again after the mid-tems.

    Now there's this:

    Trump Endorses Rep. Jody Hice Against Georgia's Raffensperger

    I have to qualify that prediction though. It has to depend on how deep Abrams and her minions (including Ratburger) were able to embed the corruption of the election process in Georgia.


  16. Democrats block media access to border facilities. Nothing to see here...all is well.

  17. Hearing good reviews of the Bigfoot Family movie on Netflix

  18. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  19. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  20. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  21. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  22. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  23. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  24. Marvel's new Captain America is an LGBT activist. His queerness is no longer canceled.

  25. As I turns out, the 6 feet distancing was German germ research from the 1890s.  We’re all idiot puppets.

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