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Right To Left

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Everything posted by Right To Left

  1. Where?? I wish we were betting on China! We would get better treatment than your US of A, which up till a couple of weeks about, had only allowed 3 million doses to be exported, of the 238 million produced as of April 15, while China kept 196 million and exported 166 million of theirs. So, who's the better global citizen: China or the US? This would be a good place to drop a little truth on you! We don’t do vaccines. But we have a great portfolio from places that do You were saying? I'd like to see those numbers! Are you getting us confused with Mexico again? I'm glad I came back. You can have your rat race, and I hope one of the changes that will come with an endless series of communicable diseases is an end to all of this free trade bullshit and supply lines that are thousands of miles long.
  2. Christ! We can't get vaccines in Ontario/ just more promises from Doug Ford's emissaries that they'll arrive soon!
  3. I haven't seen the documentary for some reason...even though it's still available for free on Youtube! But the title "Michael Moore Presents" is a clue that very little of the actual work is from the mind of Michael Moore .... which may be a good thing. The actual producer, director and writer - Jeff Gibbs, making Moore the backseat driver - executive producer. I'm sure they thought that would help promote the film, but Michael Moore doesn't have firsthand knowledge of climate issues, so when he was later confronted by media attacks and bought and paid for environment experts like Mr. 350 - Bill McKibben, he ran, and didn't want to do many public appearances...likely for the first time in his life! Maybe the reason why I haven't been in too big of a hurry to watch the whole movie is because, from what I've seen of it in clips and the first 10 or 15 minutes, I was already familiar with the main theme that pours cold water on notions that global warming can be fixed by techno-solutions: windmills, solar panels and especially building millions of electric cars, since one of the main experts is Australian environmentalist - Ozzie Zehner, a long time critic of big green capitalists like McKibben who took off when Al Gore recreated himself as an environment hero 20 years ago. Zehner's book Green Illusions gave me answers I wanted and apparently a lot of other people needed 8 or 9 years ago, when we first started topping the dreaded 400 ppm carbon threshold, and Mr. 350 and friends were still spinning their wheels about the need to act quickly. When green tech partnered with bankers and created green investments and green industries, then it became obvious they were pedaling bullshit for money. When Bill McKibben buys a big, multimillion dollar mansion in upstate Vermont. Simple, unavoidable truth is ensuring a livable climate for future generations is going to require a whole range of changes in the way we do business today.
  4. The generally advised rule is Go By The Consensus Of "Expert" Opinion, meaning that the scientists should be specialists in the field they are studying and interpreting results for the public. The problem today is that most science that used to be done in university dept. labs and field work was mostly funded by the institution where the scientists worked at and taught students. Over time, more and more science research has become dependent on special grants from billionaire donors. So, no, one scientist is never enough. And if I side with a minority of experts on any subject...which certainly can happen in this era of bought and paid for news media and universities that are more and more dependent on billionaires and rich alumni to keep going, it's not hard to see how research can easily be contaminated. Nevertheless, the minority opinion have a heavier burden to carry when it comes to making their case. They have to do a hell of a lot more than raise one or two objections to conventional opinion! They have to explain the how the whole range of results line up the way they do. For example, when I was spending a lot more time on global warming and climate issues, I noticed that these fake experts would not even talk about the exponential rise in CO2 levels of recent decades. They would just yammer on with claims that Arctic ice wasn't melting or temperatures weren't increasing because of a cold winter somewhere and that was taken as proof of no global warming. ..... I wish I could remember the name of the fool, but there used to be a longtime US senator, who stepped outside during a session and came back in with a snowball, which he threw across the floor, towards his Democrat opposition.....and snow falling in Washington D.C. was supposed to be proof of no climate change ?
  5. Which one? I mentioned several questions about arctic methane. How much did you read about the article you linked? Most of the major ice ages occurred long before there was 'man' and even animals...if we consider the ice ages when the earth's surface was almost frozen solid, 4 of the 6 occurred when Earth was still a microbial world, so studying different kinds of life and what they were doing would be very difficult with nothing besides microtubule (bacteria fossils) left behind in the rock record. As for the quote...which doesn't show up with that exact link: For the record, the "Quarternary period just includes our warm, glacier-free interlude known as the Holocene Epoch, and the much, much longer, colder and more volatile Pleistocene, which was a 2.5 million year epoch of one glacial advance after another. So, I'm not even sure why they use the term Quarternary for that last ice age, since it all occurs during the previous Pleistocene. And the other missing quote: So, does either quote have anything to do with the link at NSIDC? Likely not, because I'm sure even climatology students know that there were no major evolutionary changes to plant sizes....we already had all of the major orders of trees...deciduous and firs by the end of the Cretaceous. As for plant volume and photosynthesis, that certainly plays a part in the rising and falling levels of CO2 in the atmosphere over time. During the glacial advances and retreats of the Pleistocene, the measurements of chemical changes in sedimentary rocks show and more accurate trapped air pockets from Antarctic ice core samples tell us that CO2 levels dropped as low as about 180 ppm during the peak of ice accumulation and would rebound to about 300 ppm during the brief interglacial periods when ice was in retreat. All that changed during the past approx. 12,000 years, when someone kept the foot on the accelerator and instead of falling back into another ice age period after a few thousand years, CO2 levels went shooting up higher in the early 1800's, never to come back down again. Just to prevent further ice loss, CO2 levels have to be no higher than about 350 ppm. Instead, we've topped 418 and still have time to reach 420 ppm in the next few weeks, since May is usually the time of peak carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere each year before they fall back to the annual minimum in early October. https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/
  6. You know why, and are just trying to change the subject! You were told many, many times before that Canada bought in to all of the Reaganomics Supply Side bullshit and went on a spree privatizing public institutions of all kinds, and since one of them was Connaught Labs, Canada lost its last facility to produce the serums needed for vaccine-making. But as US patent and copyright law was applied against the rest of the world to create big pharma monopolies among others, most Canadians thought that we were immune from the worst of US policymaking.....but we've discovered we, like other allies and adversaries alike are all disposable when Washington decides to use another tool...even vaccines to carve out and control international markets. Now, weren't you in the middle of bragging about 'low US unemployment' rates, which don't account for how many hours a week or how much money those new jobs pay! But, it's likely not a lot, since, as one economist- Jack Rasmus noted from new data released, it would be the first time a rise in employment didn't raise GDP or improve productivity numbers.
  7. I would put it in the opinion or Talking Out of His Ass column! Because he's going to oil-funded sites like "Wattsupwiththat".... seriously! That's the link he's using for atmospheric methane research for this post: The Arctic Methane Scare: Oversold In reality, the 'alarmists' on this subject are mostly alarmed because governments and climate research units of top universities have put almost no resources towards measuring and trying to calculate the amount of methane releases into the atmosphere, because it's a more difficult and costly process than measuring CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is a stable gas that unfortunately, most of it will hang in the atmosphere for at least another thousand years before it is washed out into the world's oceans (lowering water ph levels....nother crisis) or picked off by "rock weathering," - removed from the atmosphere by exposed rocks, or absorbed by soils. Someone who's spent years studying the changes in the Arctic, like Sam Carana, may be classified as an alarmist, since he believes positive feedbacks from carbon release from arctic tundra and ocean clathrates (methane ice crystals) are already rising exponentially, and will continue powering rising CO2 levels regardless of how many electric cars take the roads or solar panels and windmills are built: Overshoot or Omnicide? Questions and Answers with Sam Carana https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2021/ As far as the much less stable methane molecule, nobody knows how much recombines with oxygen and ends up as CO2 in the atmosphere, or ends up as carbonic acid in the oceans, because one high altitude station, like Mauna Kea in Hawaii cannot get a read on what methane levels are all over the world, like it does for CO2, oxygen and nitrogen. Hundreds, maybe thousands of methane monitoring stations would have to be set up to get a read on what's going on, and no one has been doing it in more than a handful of places for the past 30 years or so!
  8. I'm more inclined to believe that the pandemic has become endemic and will never end also, as a matter of fact. But not because of the stupid conspiracy-driven reasons you and so many other rightwingers have latched on to! We're more likely to have a permanent pandemic, that requires annual or semi-annual vaccine booster shots because that will be the only way to remain disease-free in the future! Sure, Pfizer, Moderna and other multibillion dollar drug companies were looking at the chance to use this pandemic as a cash cow....since they already do it every flu season! I'm sure the rich bastards who gather at Davos and other meetups of the rich and powerful were looking forward to easy money. And, since vaccines and treatments go first to those who can afford to pay, no doubt many of them think that causing or allowing millions of deaths around the world will not hurt their business ventures. The only problem with that is that this one looks like it got too big/too fast! And now that the ridiculously generous patent protection laws that have provided guaranteed monopolies are coming under scrutiny, and a growing chorus is demanding that the profiteering stop at least as long as the pandemic goes on, it looks like they got too greedy and killed the goose that lays the golden eggs! In the coming years, the wealthier classes will be getting their regular (and expensive) booster shots to fight off future Covid variants that will keep mutating and metastasizing wherever there are large enough breeding populations. The last report I posted about yesterday, noted that getting Covid-19 vaccines to the whole world....including those who can't pay, will take 3 or 4 years! By that time, the morphing and metastasizing coronaviruses will be almost impervious to the original vaccines, and if the disease doesn't become less lethal (no guarantees it will), it will continue ravaging the global south nations already hard-hit by rising temperatures and US foreign policy goals! The only thing that makes me panic, is being too close to morons like you! India thought they were past Covid-19 also....until this past month. If you can't read this article, take a look at the two charts: new reported cases and deaths (which are severely undercounted to start with) and you might have a clue about why India is 'panicking' now! With both new infections and deaths rising like they're going up the side of a cliff, the people who saw India as being past all worries are looking on as their hospitals fail and patients who can't get inside are left to die out in the streets! Even the morgues and crematoriums are backed up and unable to handle all the dead even if they are open and burning bodies all day and night long! SOS messages, panic as virus breaks India’s health system Experts tie the sudden surge in Covid-19 with the rise of a new double-mutant variant virus in March, that just happened to coincide with India's annual major Hindu festivals, where hundreds of thousands gather along the Ganges River and holy sites, but the Prime Minister would hear nothing about calls for locking down or postponing these festivals. Everything went ahead as normal, and likely functioned as the primary super spreaders for the pandemic that started making people sick a few weeks later. Up till three weeks ago, PM Modi thought he was on easy street heading to an easy re-election later this year; but it looks like the real world is going to crash his party! Is there a lesson there for all of you morons here who are demanding everything be open, and no restrictions like social distancing and mask wearing! You have the gall to throw a tantrum because you and other rightwing hacks don't want to follow any rules, because you would rather endanger public welfare than not be allowed to do everything you want! If anything, three and six feet spacing may not be enough indoors, as evidence suggests that some people (especially big mouths who try to talk over everyone else) project viral aerosol particles further than others. So, for the foreseeable future, avoid the amount of time you have to spend in indoor public spaces and Wear A Mask! If it's properly fitted and kept over the nose and mouth while indoors, it will at least reduce the amount of potential Covid-19 particles you are exposed to.
  9. Brace yourself! A recent Bloomberg opinion piece by Andreas Kluth throws shade on the notions that are continually recirculated that yes, Covid-19 is bad, but don't worry, it will be over soon and then we can go back to normal. BECAUSE: With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal. Conservatives and rightwingers of all stripes hate change, but no matter how much conservatives cry and throw tantrums, along with throwing their toys at us for being in the way or perceived to be in the way of what they want, the world isn't going back to the way it was in 2019! Anyway, back to Bloomberg:
  10. Funny that China could end extreme poverty, but India cannot! Must have something to do with the economic models they're following. And of course China got it's Covid-19 outbreak under control before the first vaccines were created and ready for distribution. The official response here is Do nothing and wait for the vaccine rollouts and herd immunity to be developed and take care of the crisis. Problem is that if any large population pockets are left to become breeding grounds for contagious, debilitating and deadly viral diseases, new mutations arise that spread faster, and unlock the immune systems of younger and younger people, and become more vaccine and drug resistant also! It's happening in India right now; do we need anymore laboratories to create a pandemic and keep this one going longer?
  11. And what about the science which tells us that an Arctic rapidly losing ice is freeing up more and more methane....which up till now, has been trapped in layers of permafrost and clathrates -- frozen methane crystals trapped in sea ice. Melt the glaciers and the Arctic ocean over the next few decades, and where does all the methane go and how does that impact atmospheric CO2 levels? Or, are these questions that you don't want to know about or hear about, because you've assumed you'll already be dead before the worst aspects of a hotter climate affect you?
  12. Yep! The unaccounted for deaths that are evidenced by the nonstop cremations...some crematoriums in New Delhi and Mumbai have families lined up outside, waiting to perform last rites and cremate relatives who have died recently. Health and medical experts in India believe the real Covid-19 death rates are between two and ten times the official government number of 1.7% because of the enormous unaccounted for deaths and cremations in recent weeks in the major cities. And since India has become an even more capitalist and therefore unequal nation under the genocidal Modi regime, odds are that farmers and rural peasants who are not easily tracked by government, are dying off in even greater numbers! But, like capitalists over here, capitalists in impoverished third world nations like India, depend on the poverty and misery of the working majority to maintain their earnings and wealth! We keep hearing that we are heading into summer...the weather is warming up, and people will spend more time outside and the rate of infections will fall, like they did last year. BUT do we need a reminder that all we did over the summer months was "flatten the curve" and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. NOTHING was done to increase testing, restrict travel in and out of the country, even to places like India, where JT didn't start talking about a ban on international flights until more than two weeks after the pandemic really started blowing up there with this new hybrid variant, that is attacking younger and younger people, and if it's not killing them, the lack of access to hospitals and oxygen supplies does that before the disease can finish them off.
  13. Because the US is a Dickensian hellhole, where workers made unemployed by lockdowns have been stuck with no legal sources of income. However you want to slice it, socialist nations...even the poorest and most sanctioned, including vaccines (should be illegal) like Venezuela, have done better at handling the Covid-19 pandemic than the uber-capitalist nations like the US, India and Brazil, which value economic earnings more than people's health!
  14. I don't expect social programs and especially healthcare to be run perfectly! Certainly if I was running healthcare, I would want a lot more money and focus put on HEALTH, and NOT probing and testing to find undiscovered or previously unnoticed maladies (called preventative medicine....kind of glad the emergency situation now has pushed so much of that crap aside). But, the biggest nightmare situation would be to leave it all up to everyone's ability to buy or access privately managed health insurance providers! This is why so many Americans...who thought they were preparing for retirement, have had their plans and hopes dashed as one bad prognosis can leave them or a family member with thousands of $Dollars of debt to be paid...so they end up having to keep on working even if they are sick and barely coping! If you're making over 150K per year, what are you bitching about? I know those that cheat the system, can be held liable. There are at least a few people in the news who are being charged with bilking or taking illegal CERB and other payments this past year. Besides, most of the cheating is done by those at the top...who are making over 150,000 per year and up. The difference is, they are not looking over their shoulders afraid of getting caught. Instead, they feel entitled to steal whatever they want from whomever....government, employees, clients, customers, you name it! Most people that are in the streets are there because our economy has become more and more unequal and stratified like so many other capitalist nations, that make a turn from liberal or social democrat capitalism to unadulterated neoliberal capitalism that demands constant cuts to all public services and education. Only waste the neoliberal right will allow and support is the goddammed military spending! Haven't heard much news lately on those flying bricks otherwise known as F-35's for one, but with word that Congress is considering pulling the plug on this 1.7 Trillion welfare check for Lockheed-Martin, that would be one less expensive toy for the Feds to spend money on! But, even if it did work exactly as the designers and Pentagon hype machine planned, that would even be worse! Because it would mean the US and every other NATO member nation would be expected to fork over billions in tax dollars for more exotic and expensive weapons.....that America has to start more proxy wars and engage in more and more saber-rattling with non-compliant nations to justify making more shifts towards the dangerous game of militarization!
  15. I am not a liberal, nor do I support the Liberal Party and/or its leader, who seems to have the CBC and most corporate media in this country kissing his ass. Politics in Canada has become just as much about spectacle as in the US, and just as devoid of substance! - most Canadians are wasteful because that's what they learn from all of the advertising, marketing and social media messaging they're deluged with 24/7. - I was working until I retired a week ago, and our two boys are both working full time, and most everyone else I know personally is either working or retired now. SO, I don't know anybody collecting from CERB, and with everything else going on, I've skipped right by every story I've seen on it, since it doesn't apply to me. - all I can say is that at least we have somewhat of a better situation than the capitalist paradise south of the border, which is getting pretty close to meltdown now! Every day, the big story is either cops killing people or someone going postal and killing a bunch of people somewhere! - there are no straight line cause and effects from millions of Americans going through sudden economic collapse now...into bankruptcy, job loss, homelessness etc. and the surge in shootings, mass murders, suicides, and cops playing judge, jury and executioner now, but I think we're doing a little better because even though a lot of the supposed covid relief benefits have been skimmed off by the rich and business owners, unlike the US, some of the money has at least tricked down to prevent more people from falling through the cracks! - on that, we do need to note that even where I am, I can see a big increase in our homeless populations this year from a year or two years ago. Those who are already on the bottom rungs of the ladder because they are mentally ill, disabled or unable to earn enough to keep their apartments in an insane real estate situation, have been in a precarious situation this winter. I don't know how many died over the last six months or so, cause they were living outside and not allowed into shelters for various reasons, but I'm sure the number is way higher than normal cause there seems to be so many out there now...in back alleys, parks etc.
  16. Can't say NEVER! 100 years ago, there was a global flu outbreak thanks to the death, disease and chaos caused by the first world war in Europe, that ended in 1918 -- the year the war ended. Even though many medical records were lost and even discarded in the years after that pandemic, massive disease outbreaks have happened continually throughout recorded history, and the similar conditions in the world today with that one 100 years ago, are likely the reasons why we have a coronavirus wreacking havoc today! We don't hear about the wars so far in the 21st century in our carefully sanitized western MSM news, but by best estimates, the wars in the Middle East have caused millions of deaths and at least 37 million refugees that left Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan looking for better places to live. We probably would have gone through some sort of a pandemic some time after the 2nd world war, but during the 50's and 60's spending on public health and medicine was at a relative worldwide peak. We were trying to stamp out contagious diseases....even sending UN medical teams into sub-Sahel Africa and the ME to try to eradicate the last remaining cases of small pox and other lethal diseases. Today's return to extreme capitalism, has defunded global health programs along with healthcare in western nations! Once infectious diseases were considered on the way out and about to vanish, the attention on degenerative diseases (cancer, heart disease etc.) that accompany ageing were considered too costly to deal with as global health problems. So, it became a matter of treating those who can afford to pay! Now, since we are back in this hellhole of dealing with a viral disease that is mutating fast and developing more and more varieties to unlock our immune systems to attack our bodies, we are already finding that the predilection of capitalist motivators is leaving most of the world without vaccines of any kind...while some western nations like the US and England have more than they can use. Our vaccines will soon be good for nothing other than placebo effects as variants evolve too much to get stopped by a vaccine-boosted immune system. Covid-19 Is Still Raging in Much of the World as Global Cases Hit Record Highs New variants, pandemic fatigue and easing of lockdowns have virus surging in many countries Interesting that one of the large nations where Covid-19 is raging out of control is India....which also happens to be one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers. Also of interest: White House refuses to comment on lifting ban on COVID-19 vaccine raw materials export to India Apparently, that stupid, senile old bastard Americans wanted as president declares that vaccine-making ingredients shouldn't be exported to India until after all Americans are treated first! Stupid Fuck! Now that's capitalism in a nutshell! By the time every American gets their one or two needed vaccines, there will be hundreds of new Covid-19 variants brewing in large, sick populations in India, Africa or Brazil, that will be unleashed on America and just slip right past those vaccine defenses as they make more people sick and die from the next waves of the global pandemic! I'm reminded that the last great wave of the Bubonic Plague that swept across Asia and through Europe in the 13th century lasted at least 10 years and likely killed a third of the known population on the planet at the time.
  17. The bolded part is because I see a distinction between wants and needs! And up till post-war hedonistic times, so did most North Americans! IF we have a society that ensures everyone's needs, that can be accomplished very easily today! Too be clear, we don't NEED houses that are (as of 20 years ago) 60% larger than homes built during the start of the baby boom in the 1950's! Nor do most of us NEED cars either! I got rid of my last car 3 years ago, since my wife was no longer able to drive and I didn't need or want it to go to work or go shopping. Since I'm retired now, there is even less reason to have a car. Local transit is good enough, and on rare occasions when I feel the need to have a car or a truck, I rent one for the day or weekend. And, then there's all the clothes, TV's, electronics, cellphones, new furniture etc. etc.. I know a lot of people are going to have greater needs than we do, but how much of what people are buying today could be classified as "essential?" I would say the same thing goes with buying expensive processed foods, instead of getting acquainted with the produce aisles. This was the typical mindset of most people who went through 30's Depression and austerity years. My father wouldn't buy a new pair of shoes until the last 'cobbler' or shoe repair shop disappeared. The idea of throwing anything away that could be fixed, was just an abomination to his generation. Same with my mother, who was about 6 years younger but still was young in the depression, and so she always had her sewing machine in good working order, whenever we needed buttons to be sewn back on or any of us needed stitching repairs. Their way of frugal living was lost on us boomers and younger generations, but now, I wonder if it's coming back again! Because necessity will bring an end to throwaway culture that has made it so cheap that many fashion-conscious women decided it was better to throw away a dress after wearing it once, than to risk being seen in the same dress a second time out! Certainly the poorly paid women working in the sweatshops making all the cheap synthetic clothes and running shoes, could never afford the sticker price of the clothes they make! As our earning levels drop to third world standards, the majority of people will have to be more frugal also. Maybe it's time to wake up! Some of our 'blessed' resources are running out now also! You may not have received the message, but this is why Canadian mining companies have gone more and more international....in the search for worthwhile gold, silver, copper, even nickel deposits...that we used to believe were endless! They are "endless" only in the sense that since the first humans started panning for gold and then digging in the earth for other valuable minerals thousands of years ago, miners have functioned under the principle of Pick The Low-Hanging Fruit First" ..... in other words, take the richest surface deposits of any ore before moving on to deeper and less pure deposits. When we're talking gold, that means each oz. of refined, pure gold has come up with 100,000 times or more of rock, other less desired metals and debris. And this makes mining more expensive and energy-intensive as ores are gradually mined out! The ore veins never technically end....there's always trace amounts left behind, but they are deemed not worth pulling up because at some point the costs outweigh the advantages of going after them. And simple fact is, the wanton, uncontrolled exploitation of our planet will come to an end one way or another, and capitalist forces will only serve as a further hindrance/not a solution!
  18. You and I have different definitions of capitalism apparently! You seem to believe there is some built-in moral framework of capitalism, and that is not part of any definition of capitalism I've ever seen, or that the 'market' is supposed to function by moral force instead of the morally blind forces of supply and demand. Outside rules may be imposed on this system, but that is not capitalism! Exactly opposite about Consumerism, which is supposed to be a working principle that encourages buying of goods and services to be a public good in and of itself. If government or society at large, wants to encourage consumer spending, that means loosening credit as much as possible. And that's how we end up with high school grads getting unsolicited credit card offers that have no credit check to pass before getting the card in the mail! When "lending" is loose and unconstrained by credit qualifications, the bank doesn't even need a local loan officer anymore, who will just get in the way, and reduce profit margins....so, they get rid of him and cut the middleman. This is capitalism pure and simple! Load consumers with high interest debt, remove options to discharge debt through bankruptcy, as has already happened in the US for everyone (except for the goddammed banks and the largest too-big-to-fail accounts), and bleed those consumers for everything they have and earn, and discard them when they are used up! Your version of capitalism is about trying to concoct a magical time when capitalism was perfect. But that magical time came about because of laws and constraints put on banking and lending after the bank failures of the 30's Depression destroyed the system and cleaned out the deposits of millions of bank customers. I would agree that the credit ratings are just games used...likely to try to encourage more borrowing and line bank profits, since they have an incentive to play games with credit ratings...leaving the loan and cardholders with the mistaken impression that they are part of a logical fair system, rather than the phony shakedown being run in actual fact. If it increases profits for the institution issuing cards or writing up new loans, that certainly is following capitalist principles, however you want to define it!
  19. The same Amazon that ran a deceitful and apparently illegal campaign against union organizers in Alabama a week ago? And I never said I'm against controlling immigration! Just against setting two or three or more groups of working class people against each other. That was the strategy applied by the coal industry across the US, but they got fooled at the turn of the century and later, at the end of WWI when miners walked off the job a number of times in several states, demanding better wages for all miners. And trying to use minimum wage workers against immigrants (with or without papers) should be refused by all workers. This is also where different issues intersect together, as all working people have to consider more than their own narrow interests and ask questions about what their leaders are doing in their name as they use the CIA and other sanctioned crime syndicates to overthrow Latin American governments and install puppets who work in the interests of foreign capital/and against the interests of their own people.....leading to the desires to leave and find somewhere better to live and raise children! So, the way to fight high immigration is to get control of your own government and force your leaders to respect the best interests of people living in smaller, less powerful nations of the global south, who don't want to leave their homes and pack up and move to a new country far away! Sure, Amazon and other big capitalists want to reduce the living standards of working classes of America down to below third world standards similar to the countries where they've outsourced so much of their production. And they'll do exactly that if they're allowed to get away with it! Power to the people.
  20. Except I am part of a minority who realizes that economic theories don't work if the real world cannot support them! So, capitalism...based on the assumptions of continued long-term infinite growth, cannot function in a finite world! Unless of course, you decide to kill off large portions of the population every so often and rebuild. Otherwise, depleted levels of almost all of the non-renewable resources needed by industry and atmospheric CO2 levels closing in on 420 ppm (expected to top 500 ppm by 2050's) poisoned oceans etc. etc. etc.....so where is capitalism going to get future generations here?
  21. Now that this topic has been beaten to death.....literally, maybe it's time to move on to satire: Depressed Police Officer Reminds Self That Chauvin Verdict Not Representative Of System At Large MINNEAPOLIS—Shaken by the guilty verdict delivered in the trial of Derek Chauvin, local police officer Edward Margolin took comfort Tuesday by remembering that this outcome wasn’t representative of the system at large. “Moments like this can be tough, but it helps to take a step back and remember that this is the exception that proves the rule,” said Margolin, confirming that despite the conviction he still believed in the justice system’s fundamental purpose of exonerating police officers. “In these trying times, I remember everything I have to be grateful for—qualified immunity, powerful police associations, massive budgets, and all the officers I know who have done similar stuff to Chauvin and gotten away scot-free, and it starts to make me calm down. It’s important not to let a little hiccup like this make you lose sight of the big picture.” At press time, a cheerful Margolin had fully regained his faith in the system after taking out a baton and breaking a demonstrator’s arm.
  22. Over recent decades, the Dems have tended to be more in favor of applying war as part of diplomacy than Republicans have. But then there's George W Bush! If he was trying to end the wars he started in Afghanistan and Iraq, he failed. Good thing Barack came along to expand Bush's wars from two to seven! But Obama knew how to do fist bumps and mic drops at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner: So, all CNN and MSNBC could do was gush and swoon about how wonderful he was.......drone killer or not! It sure proved we live in an age of style over substance! Anyway, Donald was supposed to end Barack's 7 wars, and he did seem to make a little bit of effort at it, BUT he hired murderous assholes like John Bolton, a first year cabinet stocked with ex-generals, and even the evil, despicable Elliot Abrams...whose apparent job was try to force through a bloody regime change in Venezuela....another place America has no business being in! And even the places Trump wanted to get US troops out of, like Afghanistan and Syria, Trump was so disconnected from what was going on that he wasn't even made aware of exactly how many US troops were in these and other nations. For example, the retiring US diplomat - James Jeffrey thought it was a big joke when he said openly during an interview that he and others lied to the president and laughed about how they kept moving troops around in Syria and no actual reductions in numbers were being done at all! It was just a game to fool the president! Deep State Diplomat Lied To Trump About Syria On Behalf Of Military-Industrial Complex NOVEMBER 13, 2020 By Jordan Davidson “We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” Jeffrey said in an interview. While President Donald Trump announced late in 2018 that he would be withdrawing troops from Syria following the defeat of the Islamic State, Jeffrey, whose term ended on Sunday, and his team continually found reasons to prevent total removal from the region. “What Syria withdrawal? There was never a Syria withdrawal,” Jeffrey said. “When the situation in northeast Syria had been fairly stable after we defeated ISIS, [Trump] was inclined to pull out. In each case, we then decided to come up with five better arguments for why we needed to stay, and we succeeded both times. That’s the story.”
  23. Ah yes, I almost forgot about Nortel...they became such a big player, they almost took the TSE down with them! And that other get rich quick scam Bre-X Gold...that was finally undone when they finally got caught "salting" their core samples from a dig in Indonesia with gold dust. Gold is such a lucrative and profitable mineral that even the smallest deposits are profitable, and sprinkling on a little gold dust makes all the difference between a profitable discovery and a costly loss for investors. For years afterwards, nobody would trust gold mining stocks of any company. And being in such minute quantities in the earth, continued mining means horrendous environmental costs. Which is why natives in any area near gold mines hate them and want them shut down! For these reasons the gold and copper mining operations of giant Canadian-based operations like Barrick Gold are giving Canada a bad name also all across the global south where our name is tied to a company responsible for all of the toxic runoffs that poison their land and water supplies. All this crap is why we are tied at the hip to the American Empire...our most profitable Canadian based companies need American military force to continue operations in Honduras, New Guinea, Chile, Argentina, the Congo etc.. And no doubt these services are not provided by USA free of charge!
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