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Right To Left

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Everything posted by Right To Left

  1. I haven't looked up anything on this subject, but last I saw and heard, the old nature vs nurture arguments on any subject are bogus and relics of the past as scientists understand now that both nature and nurture are required to determine how genes will code and determine protein formation. And if it is nature, nobody is going to find a "gay gene" or some specific genetic trigger that would determine sexual orientation later in life. It's just going to turn out to be too complicated.
  2. Like Mexico, we unfortunately live next to a country that has gone gun crazy and makes it easy and highly lucrative now (since marijuana legalization) for criminals to smuggle large amounts of guns and ammo into Canada.
  3. Don't forget to add that the 2nd Amendment was intended to go with that "well regulated militia," and every man of sound mind was supposed to have his gun ready to go off with his fellow militia members when they had to run out and kill some more Indians, or put down a slave revolt. And fwiw, New York City shouldn't have any crime at all now cause the place is crawling with cops- uniformed and plain clothes who are watching everybody on security cameras in the City. But rich New Yorkers' security needs outweigh freedoms that average New Yorkers might expect. So that's why a multi-billion dollar police force is needed to run the city! Toronto could have lower murder and crime rates if they are willing to invest in more policing and surveillance. That's the only way to accommodate high and growing gaps in income and wealth, where extremely rich live close to people struggling to get by and often ending up on the street.......which I sure am seeing a lot of now in Toronto!
  4. They're concerned with "unborn babies,".....but once they come out into the world at birth, the hell with them! Then they're at the mercy of the poor or often unwed mother who brought them into this world!
  5. When there's native street gangs in cities, that should tell you this is not an immigrant thing! In Hamilton, there are still gangs that are Italian and Portuguese. You could say their immigrants....if you go back a few generations. The gangs hanging around in the north end are a mix of whoever they went to school with. It should be noted that there are two different types of gangs: street kids with little money who are just hanging out and looking for kicks...and often getting in trouble, but the gangs that are a real problem are ones who are part of organized crime and running drugs and illegal handguns. Those are the gangsters who the public rarely sees or notices, unless there's a shootout in a restaurant, mall or other public place. I know there was a lot of variation in the crime stats depending on which province you're looking at. But, overall, crime rates drop and so does unemployment, the longer they are living here.
  6. I think both right and left...or what passes for left in America have a similar problem of looking for messiahs or perfect candidates to provide the things they want. The right built grassroots movements out of local fundamentalist churches and local business associations, the "left" used to have unions...but when the Democratic Leadership Conference (DLC) started in the 80's, they had a plan: push aside the big union leaders for more lucrative large donors who were a little queezy about the new loud and aggressive Republicans and wanted an alternative to carry out their interests. The DLC made sure Bill Clinton beat back the sex scandals (including rape allegations) that followed him out of Arkansas and made him the standard bearer for the new corporate sponsored Democratic Party. Problem is, they are certainly successful at raising cash ( the Clinton Campaign had twice as much money as Trump in 2016), but they did nothing for union members during Clinton and two term flim flam man - Obama. Obama was only successful at keeping himself in office! But since his ACL healthcare plan was little more than a joke, and he failed to do anything for working people, the Democratic brand suffered losses at every level of government! But the road to 2020, still finds the centrists in control of the party, and that's why the DNC and their friendly media are doing the equivalent of Weekend At Bernie's trying to make Joe Biden look like a real living, breathing presidential candidate! But, the last thing the party leaders are going to allow is any real progressive radicals like Bernie Sanders or especially one who speaks out against costly and ludicrous wars- Tulsi Gabbard, to have a chance of winning the nomination. In 2017, a group of Sanders delegates who were at the Convention, filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic Party for fraud - rigging primaries, striking Democratic Party members off voter lists in states like New York, because they were from districts where Sanders' support was high, and other methods of fraud. But when it came to court, the judge in Florida dismissed the case and threw it out of court, ruling that the Democratic Party was in essence a private organization.....a private club, and therefore was under no obligations to provide fair elections. Political parties can do pretty much whatever the hell they like! So why didn't Sanders speak up afterwards when Team Hillary did the pivot to Russiagate and told their media to stop talking about the content of the emails and focus instead on a hacking conspiracy theory of how they were leaked? I don't know, but Bernie lost a lot of credibility afterwards, and I don't see how he gets it back by just retreading the same campaign plan!
  7. As I see it, supporting the troops doesn't mean trying to create more dead soldiers in pointless wars, where there's nothing to gain except destroying poor countries and turning them into anarchy. Face it, generals and chicken hawk political leaders (Harper) who want to look like warriors....standing with the troops, are quick to throw soldiers in without thinking through whether we should be following the US into quagmires like Afghanistan, or wars for profit, like Syria and Iraq were intended to be. But these are not thoughts that will cross the mind of someone like Don Cherry, who I doubt ever put on a uniform and fought in a war zone....which was common for a long stretch in the Canadian Armed Forces, when all we got was stationed at NATO bases, radar installations and a few were sent to do UN peacekeeping duties, though that could turn out to be a lot more dangerous than advertised! As much as I disliked Jean Chretien, I give him credit for keeping the Canadian presence in Afghanistan to just doing the basics....trying to win the trust of local tribal leaders and engaging the Taliban when they were on the attack, but NOT sending in tanks and going on the offense, like Harper started as soon as he took office! But it seems time and time again, the most gung ho military and war promoters are the chicken hawks who only know war movies and video games in more recent times. And that's likely a big part of the reason why Afghanistan gets worse every year now, even though the US has made it the most bombed country in history
  8. Do you say: "you people" never wear a poppy? I'm not that big of a hockey fan anymore....maybe too many teams, too much money and bs. But I remember back when Ron McLean and Don Cherry first started doing this Coach's Corner segment, it was all about hockey! Not Conservative party propaganda, which is what Cherry tried to turn it into especially when Harper was Prime Minister, and trying to create more Canadian Fallen Heroes in Afghanistan! After that, if I'm watching a game, I never watched Coach's Corner! Drifting a little off topic, even though I found Don entertaining......in a pro wrestler heel sort of way, it's been lost on me why so many younger hockey fans and viewers think he's the ultimate expert on the game. I've always felt that the greatest coaches were the ones who turned losing teams around and even won Stanley Cups....like one of Don's contemporaries - Scotty Bowman. He was likely the greatest coach of the 60's thru 80's era, but if you were ever around him, it was obvious that he wasn't the kind of guy who would light up a crowd or pull in the TV audience!
  9. So I was told, Warren is not calling for an end of private medical insurance.
  10. Don't want it OR can't afford it? Only good thing Trump did was remove the penalties on the uninsured!
  11. # of Christian countries who prop up Saudi and UAE regimes that support reactionary Muslim extremists...then complain about Muslims afterwards....anyone!

  12. One third of GoFundMe campaigns in the US are medical. Medical bills are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy.
  13. OHIP is better than being among the 17% of Americans with no medical insurance! According to a CDC report: 45,000 Americans die each year cause of lack of medical care....everything from untreated tumors, heart attacks, untreated diabetes to septic infections from abscessed teeth. This is 3rd world level statistics!
  14. A little disingenuous to post this! Over 17% of the US adult population has no medical insurance, while the Canadians who have no doctor can still go to medical clinics and be covered by OHIP!
  15. I know all this, as do most Canadians who have plans similar to OHIP. My mother couldn't get an operation for macullar degeneration to stop her from going blind in her last 2 years of living. Then again, she was 101 when she died! And that gets to the larger point of whether costly medical services should go to those who need it most and will benefit most......certainly younger people, OR should it go to whoever can pay the most money and buy the care they want? Personally, I agree with a widely renowned US surgeon (I forget the name) who shocked readers and audiences when he stated as he was nearing 75 that he felt 75 should be a cutoff age for major medical interventions like cancer and artery bypass operations, because odds of survival decline at advanced age. When my father collapsed from what was diagnosed as a stroke and turned out to be an aneurysm at age 83, he was operated on, but refused operations to fix other 'leaks' like one in the gut, because it came with high odds of paralysis from the waist down. The specialists insisted he only had 3to 4 months to live, so he walked out and died four years later one day when he was out walking the dog!
  16. I have rarely been in need of medical services in my life: 3rd degree burns from a serious work accident almost 40 years ago...a few minor things over the years, and recently a cut above my right eye from a fall while I was out for a run. So, I can't speak personally with any expertise on this subject, but I keep seeing the 2 to 1 cost ratio between Americans and Canadians from Bernie Sanders and every other member of the growing list of candidates over there who want a "medicare for all" system for basic medical needs, and then you rich sick people with money to burn can pay the private practitioners for whatever luxuries you need to keep yourselves living a little while longer.
  17. Yes, there should be some strings attached with immigration...like sending new immigrants to less populated regions of the country would be a good idea. When it comes to adjusting, one good Tory idea I was glad it got killed, was a notion to extend school funding dollars to religious and private schools a few years back. Everyone bitches and complains about public schools, BUT one thing they do that is really important is putting children from all different backgrounds together in their early, formative years. The worst mistake is the route England and the US are travelling: giving public school funding to charter schools, and entrench those divisions.
  18. I have dual citizenship through my mother, who grew up in Michigan and moved to Canada after the end of WWII, and I've been over many times and talked to enough of my relations to know that the US has the worst of all possible worlds when it comes to healthcare! It's twice the cost of what we pay for, and it provides less coverage, and you're still likely to lose your insurance coverage if they find out you have developed a major medical condition. So, hospitals and doctors are lousy enough here without imitating another one of America's bad examples! So, on election day, I always make sure that the Conservative candidate has no realistic chance of winning before I cast a vote for a 3rd or 4th party!
  19. I forget the name now, but one psychologist interviewed after viewing Trump's many public appearances over the years and some of the bizarre factoids in his bio, concluded that he would profile him as a narcissistic sociopath. But we know who Trump is compromised by: anyone with money...real money..since he was likely so far in debt that he wasn't a real billionaire when he ran for president four years ago. So, the Saudis certainly have him compromised! The side story about Putin and claimed/but never proven Russian hacking andd interference in the general election was just a scam by the Clintons and the DNC they had taken control of, to deflect attention from their colossal failure to win an election against a candidate they helped frame for the job: a reality TV star they thought would come unglued and be easy to beat! But, why not blame it on the Russians and who knows: maybe Hillary's slanderous accusations of treason against Tulsi Gabbard are an indication that she's going to be the next one out of the box to run for the Democrat nomination again!
  20. Biden is a senile old man now, who has completely lost the ability to keep his mouth shut about stuff he kept secret for decades until recently. And his stumbling and bumbling around sure doesn't sound like sane! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHrGZgkpEi8 Not that Trump is of sound mind and body, but the DNC and centrist financiers wouldn't be scrambling for a replacement (Bloomberg, Deval Patrick) if they were reallly confident in his abilities! They know that....as it stands now, he'll get eaten alive by Trump when they step on a debate stage!
  21. I can guarantee you one thing after reading the first part of your rant: get rid of all the immigrants and good luck trying to find a doctor if and when you need one! No, the reason for the decline and rising costs of health care is excessive treatment, drugs and testing. I told my doctor, the last time I was in, if I'm feeling good and still able to work out and do all the things I like to do, I'll wait until I start feeling sick before I check in for a whole battery of tests, age or not! My rant is: if people ate right, got proper exercise (stretching, weight resistance and aerobic) and got plenty of sleep, and no screwing around with drugs, smoking and drinking, they'd live healthier longer. BUT you have to want to do it, and incorporate it into your routine. Remember, doctors are there to treat your illnesses, not make you healthy! You have to do that. But your body is a self-healing organism, NOT a machine, so staying healthy is not as hard as it seems to a lot of people who've taken on too much and are stressed out buring the candle at both ends these days!
  22. 1. Authoritarian Marxist is a contradiction in terms; since the goal of Marxism is collective rule by workers and farmers...who made up a large percentage of the general population in 20th century Russia and China. Regardless, since communist governments had to establish ruling hierarchies similar to capitalist nations, they became hybrids, somewhere between communism and capitalism. But, white supremacist is not a "racial insult!" It's a statement of fact if someone believes their tribal origins from Europe make them superior and deserving to rule over people from other parts of the world. 2. ALLLL the street gangs are immigrants! Except in my city (Hamilton) apparently. Cities that have high levels of gang activity also have huge gaps in income and wealth.....wonder if that's any part of the equation. I hear this all the time from stories about immigrant youth gangs in European cities. But on the flipside, England, France, Sweden and Germany are also nations where pluralism and multiculturalism are just empty slogans! Since immigrants from Asia, let alone Africa, are never considered REAL British, French or Swedish by the general population. 3. https://canadaimmigrants.com/immigrants-and-employment-january-2018/ The charts on this page that have near complete information from all provinces shows that immigrants who have been in Canada over 5 years, mostly have lower unemployment rates than native Canadians.
  23. Whenever I hear people my age and older carping about immigrants, I have to ask them if they've ever been in a nursing home. Before my mother died just shy of her 101st birthday in April, her physical health had declined to a level where my eldest brother and sister-in-law could no longer look after her. The nursing home staff was majority minority! And that is typical today. With the declining standards of health and fitness for middle age and older people, a lot of aging racists need to set aside their white nationalist influencers and get used to the fact that if there were no immigrants, they would be stuck with burdening their children who likely would not have the time or ability to provide care.
  24. Either it's sickening or it's racist bullshit! There are plenty of isolated stories you and other white supremacists can focus on, but does the exception prove the rule? And whenever someone who's white does something stupid or ends up in prison, do you identify them as an example of whites' being morally deficient? Also, I've lived in Southern Ontario most of my life and I can plainly see that there are a lot more non-white immigrants now than there were years ago. I think that if you live among immigrants and you notice more non-whites in your workplace....which I will be retiring from in about a year, you don't see the stark differences between races that so many on this and other forums talk about. I'll look up the numbers later if I have to, but last I heard, crime rates among non-white immigrants in both Canada and the US are lower than for the white general population, and unemployment rates are lower also....but that said, now the charge will go back to immigrants are "taking our" jobs.
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